Index Abacus 47, 62 Aussiecon 2 (World Science Baxter, Stephen: Traces 47 Broderick, Damien: Reading by Ace 46, 73 Fiction Convention, Baxter, Stephen: Voyage 47 Starlight 49 Acker, Cathy 49 Melbourne, September 1985) BCSFAzine 45 Broderick, Damien: ‘Signposts Ackroyd, Justin 14 36 Bear, Greg: Foundation and back to the Future’ 32–3 Ackroyd, Peter: Chatterton 64 Aussiecon 3 (World Science Chaos 63 Broderick, Damien, and Barnes, Ackroyd, Peter: Dan Leno and the Fiction Convention, Bear, Greg: Moving Mars 72–3 Rory: Zones 47 Limehouse Golem 64 Melbourne, September 1999) Bear, Greg: Slant 76 Brookmyre, Christopher: Boiling Ackroyd, Peter: Hawksmoor 64 13–14, 24, 32, 36, 43 Benford, Gregory 29 a Frog 43 Ackroyd, Peter: House of Doctor Australian 14, 32 Benford, Gregory: Foundation’s Brooks, Ned 43 Dee, The 64–5 Australian and New Zealand Fear 63 Brosnan, John 30, 33 Acnestis 12–14 Journal of Serials Librarianship Benford, Gregory: Matter’s End Brosnan, John: Damned and Adams, Douglas 49 48 74 Fancy 69 Adams, Phillip 12 Australian Literary Studies 48 Benford, Gregory: Timescape 16 Brosnan, John: Future Tense 30 Adelaide University Science Australian National University Benford, Gregory: ‘We Could Brosnan, John: Opoponax Fiction Association 39 48 Do Worse’ 74 Invasion, The 53 Aikin, Jim: Wall at the End of the Australian Science Fiction Berry, John 12 Brosnan, John: Primal Screen 29 World, The 73 Foundation 19 Bertrand, Frank 31 Brunner, John 12, 48 Airlie Beach convention 44 Australian Science Fiction Review Bester, Alfred 39 Brunner, John: Stand on Aldiss, Brian 15, 32, 48–9, 57–8, (ASFR) (first series) 12, 33 Bester, Alfred: Demolished Man, Zanzibar 11 61, 64 Avon Books 46, 52 The 34–5 Brust, Steven: To Reign in Hell Aldiss, Brian: ‘Foam’ 56 AvoNova Morrow 47 Bibby, James: Ronan the 21 Aldiss, Brian: ‘God Who Slept Bailey, K. V. 35 Barbarian 69 Bryning, Frank 12 with Women, The’ 60 Bakis, Kirstin: Lives of the Monster Binns, Mervyn R. 51 BSFA Awards 49 Aldiss, Brian: Greybeard 73 Dogs 62 Bird, Carmel 56 Buckrich, Judith Raphael: Aldiss, Brian: Hand-Reared Boy, Ballantine 75 Bird, Carmel: ‘Telephone Call George Turner: A Life 19–20, The 32 Ballard, J. G. 49, 60 for Genevieve Snow, A’ 55 33, 43, 45 Aldiss, Brian: ‘Horse Meat’ 60 Ballard, J. G.: Cocaine Nights Blackford, Jenny 13 Budrys, Algis: Rogue Moon 36 Aldiss, Brian: Non-Stop 15, 34 60–1 Blackford, Russell 13, 43 Budrys, Algis: Who? 36 Aldiss, Brian: Remembrance Day Ballard, J. G.: Crash 60 Blake, William 41, 74 Bull, Emma: War for the Oaks 21 56 Ballard, J. G.: Empire of the Sun Blincoe, Nicholas 61 Bunyan, John: Pilgrim’s Progress Aldiss, Brian: Secret of this Book, 58 Blish, James: Case of Conscience, 7–8 The 47, 60 Ballard, J. G.: High Rise 59 A 17, 41 Burgess, Anthony 60 Aldiss, Brian: Somewhere East of Ballard, J. G.: ‘Message from Bloch, Robert 16 Burgess, Anthony: Clockwork Life Mars, The’ 61 Bloomsbury 65 Orange, A 59 Aldiss, Brian: Space, Time and Ballard, J. G.: Rushing to Paradise Bodleian Library 70 Burns, Jim 18 Nathaniel 56 58–9 Borges, Jorge Luis 51 Burroughs, William 50 Aldiss, Brian: ‘Supertoys Last All Ballard, J. G.: Terminal Beach, Boulle, Pierre: Monkey Planet 65 Butler, Andrew M. 31, 43–4 Summer Long’ 34 The 58–9 Bounds, Syd 32, 44 Butler, Andrew M.: Cyberpunk 44 Aldiss, Brian: Tupolev Too Far, A Ballard, J. G.: User’s Guide to the Boxtree Press 49 Butler, Andrew M.: Philip K. 47, 56 Millennium, A 50 Bradbury, Ray 77 Dick 17 Aldiss, Margaret 34, 43 Ballard, J. G.: Vermilion Sands 52 Bradbury, Ray: Martian Butler, Octavia 50 Allen, James 12 Bangsund, John 12, 14, 33, 44 Chronicles, The 4, 10 Byatt, A. S.: Possession 55 Allen, Roger McBride: Isaac Banks, Iain M.: Excession 61 Bradfield, Scott 67 Canberra Times 11 Asimov’s Caliban 72 Banks, Iain M.: Feersum Endjinn Brennert, Alan: Time and Chance Caesar 33 Ambrose, David: Man Who 59 46 Campbell, John W. 43 Turned Into Himself, The 59 Banks, Iain M.: Song of Stone, A Brialey, Claire 43 Campbell, Ramsey 67 Ambrose, David: Mother of God 62 Briggs, Stephen and Pratchett, Campbell, Ramsey: Alone with 59 Bantam Books 23–4, 47 Terry: Streets of Ankh-Morpork the Horrors 70 American Cinematographer 48 Bantam Spectra 47 66 Campbell, Ramsey: ‘Interloper, American Institute of Physics 57 Banville, John 61 Brin, David 49 The’ 70 Amis, Martin 60–1, 77 Barbour, Doug 11, 46 Brin, David: Earth 71 Campbell, Ramsey: ‘Mackintosh Anderson, Paul 39–40 Barker, Clive 67 Brin, David: Glory Season 71 Willy’ 70 Ansible 29 Barker, Clive: Crazyface 62 Brin, David: Third Foundation, Campbell, Scott 29, 33 Aphelion Books 11, 45–7, 52–3 Barker, Clive: Forms of Heaven 62 The 63 Canberra Times 48 Aronica, Lou, Stout, Amy and Barker, Clive: Paradise Street 62 Brite, Poppy Z.: ‘Calcutta Lord Cantor, Marty 44 Mitchell, Betsy (eds): Full Barker, Clive: Subtle Bodies 62 of Nerves’ 77 Capusso, Ruth Carver 50 Spectrum 3 46 Barker, Clive: Thief of Always, Brite, Poppy Z.: Drawing Blood Card, Orson Scott 49 Arrow Books 55 The 67 77 Carey, Peter 51–2 Arthur C. Clarke Award 11–12, Barker, Pat: Ghost Road, The 69 Brite, Poppy Z.: Exquisite Corpse Carmody, Isobelle 51, 54 29, 41, 49, 61–2 Barnard Eldershaw, M. 54 77 Carroll, Jonathan: After Silence Ashley, Mike 44, 50 Barnes, Rory and Broderick, Brite, Poppy Z.: ‘How to Get 20–1 Asimov, Isaac 49, 61, 64, 72–3 Damien: Book of Revelation, Ahead in New York’ 77 Carroll, Jonathan: ‘Flash in the Asimov, Isaac: ‘Bicentennial The 47 Brite, Poppy Z.: Lost Souls 77 Pants, A’ 77 Man, The’ 73 Barr, Marleen S.: Future Females: Brite, Poppy Z. (ed.): Love in Carroll, Jonathan: From the Teeth Asimov, Isaac: Complete Stories, The Next Generation 13 Vein 75 of Angels 47, 77 Vol. 2 73 Barrett Jr, Neil: Hereafter Gang, Brite, Poppy Z.: Swamp Foetus 77 Carroll, Jonathan: Kissing the Asimov, Isaac: ‘Foundation’ The 46 British Science Fiction Beehive 20 series 63 Batchelor, John Calvin 57 Association (BSFA) 12, 40 Carroll, Jonathan: Land of Atheneum 46 Baum, L. Frank 4 Broderick, Damien 43, 51, 53–4 Laughs, The 17, 20, 77 Atwood, Margaret: Handmaid’s Baynton, Barbara 55 Broderick, Damien: Dark Carroll, Jonathan: Marriage of Tale, The 71 Baxter, Stephen 15 Between the Stars, The 46 Sticks, The 20 Aurealis 11, 43 Baxter, Stephen: Anti-Ice 58 Broderick, Damien (ed.): Earth Carroll, Jonathan: Outside the Aurealis Award 29 Baxter, Stephen: Flux 58 Is But a Star 16 Dog Museum 46 Aurora Awards 49 Baxter, Stephen: Moonseed 47 Broderick, Damien: ‘Magi, The’ Carroll, Jonathan: Panic Hand, Aussiecon 1 (World Science Baxter, Stephen: Time Ships, The 53 The 47, 77 Fiction Convention, 47, 57 Broderick, Damien (ed.): Not Carroll, Jonathan: Wooden Sea, Melbourne, August 1975) 32 Baxter, Stephen: Titan 47, 61 the Only Planet 47 The 20–1 78 Carter, Angela 67 of the (cy)Borg: Authority Disch, Thomas M.: Echo Round Elphinstone, Margaret: Carter, Angela: ‘Courtship of and Gender in Sociocultural His Bones 6, 8 ‘Conditions of Employment’ Mr Lyon, The’ 66 Imaginary’ 13 Disch, Thomas M.: ‘Everyday 67 Century 62–3 Crew, Gary (ed.): Dark House 56 Life in the Later Roman Emerald City 40 Challenger 37 Crew, Gary: ‘Staircase, The’ 56 Empire’ 8 Engh, M. J.: Arslan 12, 21–2 Chandler, A. Bertram 51 Cronenberg, David (dir.): Crash Disch, Thomas M.: Genocides, Engh, M. J.: ‘Oracle, The’ 12 Chandler, A. Bertram (ed. 60 The 4–8 Engholm, Ahrvid 44 Curtis, Keith and Chandler, Crossley, Robert: Olaf Stapledon Disch, Thomas M.: ‘Joycelin Enright, D. J. (ed.): Oxford Book Susan): From Sea to Shining 57 Shrager Story, The’ 7 of the Supernatural, The 67 Star 46 Crowther, Peter (ed.): Narrow Disch, Thomas M.: ‘Let Us Erdrich, Louise: ‘Old Man Chandler, Raymond 72 Houses 47 Hasten Quickly to the Gate of Potchikoo’ 66 Charters, George 12 Dahl, Roald 56, 77 Ivory’ 8 Erg 43 Chatto & Windus 73, 75 Danielewski, Mark: House of Disch, Thomas M.: ‘Man Who Ethel the Aardvark 14 Chauvin, Cy 33 Leaves 45 Had No Idea, The’ 8 Evans, Christopher: Aztec Cherryh, C. J.: Cloud’s Rider Dann, Jack: Memory Cathedral, Disch, Thomas M.: ‘Now Is Century 47, 64 63–4 The 47 Forever’ 8 Ewins, Paul 11, 46 Cherryh, C. J.: Rider at the Gate Dann, Jack: Silent, The 47 Disch, Thomas M.: ‘1-A’ 6, 8 eZombie 45 63 Dann, Jack and Webb, Janeen Disch, Thomas M.: On Wings of Faber & Faber 34 Chesterton, G. K. 51 (eds.): Dreaming Down-Under Song 8 Fantastic 16 Chetwynd-Hayes, Ron 44 30, 42, 47 Disch, Thomas M.: ‘Pyramids Fantasy Commentator 44 Christie, Agatha 71 Datlow, Ellen (ed.): Little Deaths for Minnesota’ 5 Farber, Gary 40 Clarke, Arthur C. 15, 44, 49, 60, 47 Disch, Thomas M.: ‘Squirrel Filmer, Kath 48 73–4 Davidson, Avram: Adventures of Cage, The’ 7 Fincher, David: Fight Club 11 Clarke, Arthur C.: ‘Against the Doctor Eszterhazy, The 46 Disch, Thomas M.: ‘Thesis on Finney, Jack: From Time to Time Fall of Night’ 16 Davidson, Avram (ed. Davis, Social Forms and Social 47 Clarke, Arthur C.: By Space Grania and Lupoff, Richard Control in the USA’ 8 Fisk, Robert 12 Possessed 56, 58 A.): Investigations of Avram Disch, Thomas M.: 334 6–10 Flamingo 47, 60–1 Clarke, Arthur C.: Childhood’s Davidson, The 47 Disch, Thomas M.: White Fang Fogarty, Peter 45 End 36, 60 Davidson, Avram (ed. Goes Dingo 5–6 Fontana 67 Clarke, Arthur C.: City and the Silverberg, Robert and Davis, Disher, Garry 56 Ford, John M.: ‘Chain Home, Stars, The 16, 58, 60 Grania): Avram Davidson Disher, Garry: ‘Poor Reception’ Low’ 69 Clarke, Arthur C.: Fountains of Treasury, The 47 55 For Dickheads Only 30 Paradise, The 16 Davies, Steve 45 Ditmar Awards 49 Forge 47, 55 Clarke, Arthur C.: Rendezvous Dean, Pamela: Tam Lin 25 Donaldson, Stephen 67 Fortune 68 with Rama 56 Dedman, Stephen: Art of Arrow Donawerth, Jane L.
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