HORTSCIENCE 53(3):380–383. 2018. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI12691-17 bit asymmetrical with uneven surface) fruit that ripen late. ‘Vintage’ is a smaller, less vigorous plant than ORUS 1173-2 with out- ‘Kokanee’ Primocane-fruiting Red standing flavored, bright-colored, and firm fruit (Finn et al., 2013). ‘Kokanee’ is being Raspberry released primarily because of its outstanding 1 fresh fruit quality (large, attractive, good Chad E. Finn flavor, and bright color), its adaption to U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Horticultural handling in the wholesale fresh market, and Crops Research Unit, Corvallis, OR 97330 its adaptation to production in regions as diverse as the Pacific Northwest and the Bernadine C. Strik central highlands of Mexico. Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331 Description and Performance Mary E. Peterson U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Horticultural ‘Kokanee’ has been evaluated most ex- Crops Research Unit, Corvallis, OR 97330 tensively in trials at Oregon State Univer- sity’s North Willamette Research and Brian M. Yorgey Extension Center (OSU-NWREC, Aurora, Department of Food Science and Technology, Oregon State University, OR) as well as observation plots with the Corvallis, OR 97331 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture-Agricultural Re- search Service (USDA-ARS) in Corvallis, Patrick P. Moore OR, and in commercial trials in northern Department of Horticulture, Washington State University (WSU) , Puyallup, (Watsonville) and southern (Oxnard) Cali- fornia, central Mexico (Zamora), and south- WA 98371 western Spain (Huelva). At OSU-NWREC ° # $ ° # $ Patrick A. Jones (lat. 45 16 48 N, long. 122 45 3 W; USDA-ARS Hardiness Zone 8b), trials were North Willamette Research and Extension Center, Oregon State University, established in 2010 and 2015 and arranged in Aurora, OR 97002 a randomized complete block design, with three 3-plant replications (0.9 m between Jungmin Lee plants) used for measuring fresh fruit char- U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Horticultural acteristics, harvest season, yield, and fruit Crops Research Unit (Corvallis, OR) Worksite, Parma, ID 83660 weight. ‘Heritage’ and/or ‘Vintage’ were included as comparison cultivars. The plants Robert R. Martin were allowed to fill in the row but the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Horticultural hedgerow was narrowed to 0.6 m wide during Crops Research Unit, Corvallis, OR 97330 the growing season and cut to ground level during the dormant season. A trellis with Additional index words. fruit breeding, Rubus idaeus, primocane-fruiting, annual bearing wires at 1.0 and 1.5 m height was used to support the canes. Fruit were hand harvested weekly, and ‘Kokanee’ (Fig. 1) is a new primocane- data collected on harvest season, yield, and Received for publication 7 Nov. 2017. Accepted fruiting red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) from average fruit weight (randomly selected 25- for publication 11 Dec. 2017. the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture–Agricultural berry subsample per harvest) (Finn et al., This research was partially funded by the Ore- Research Service (USDA–ARS) breeding 2004). The fruit-ripening season in Oregon gon Raspberry and Blackberry Commission, the program in Corvallis, OR released in co- was characterized by the dates on which 5%, Washington Red Raspberry Commission, a grant operation with the Oregon State Agricultural 50%, and 95% of the total fruit were har- through the USDA-ARS Northwest Center for Experiment Station. ʻKokaneeʼ is a high- vested. Subjective evaluations for fresh fruit Small Fruits Research, and USDA-ARS re- yielding cultivar that produces large, firm search project numbers 5358-21220-002-00D and characteristics were made at least three times 5358-21000-047-00D. fruit that are bright-red-colored and have each year using a 1 to 9 scale (9 = the best We gratefully acknowledge Gil Buller (OSU) for very good, sweet flavor. The cultivar should expression of each trait except color where his assistance in the evaluation of ‘Kokanee’; Nola be widely adapted to wherever primocane- 9 = dark red color, which is undesirable, as it Mosier and Amanda Lake (USDA) for efforts to fruiting raspberries are grown and has looked appears overripe). The fruit ratings included produce the G1 material that is free of known promising in trials as a wholesale, fresh firmness (as measured subjectively by hand viruses; Ellen Thompson (Pacific Berry Breeding, market berry produced in tunnels in northern in the field on six to eight fruit), color (ideal Watsonville, CA), Miguel Ahumada (Sun Belle, hemisphere, off season market regions (e.g., color is bright red and would be score 7 or 8), Inc., Oxnard, CA), Oscar Vargas (Dole Fresh Mexico, Spain). An application for a U.S. shape (with uniform, conic berry being Vegetables, Salinas, CA), Sue Williams (Har- plant patent (Appl. No. 14/999,027) has been greaves Plants, Kings Lynn, UK), and Mark Hurst ideal), coherence (the ability of the fruit to (HBF International, Sheridan, OR) for their com- submitted. hold together when handled while being rated mercial evaluation; and Charlie Whiting (Lassen by hand in the field on six to eight fruit), Canyon Nursery, Redding, CA) and Yongjian Origin texture (rated when chewed while tasting Chang (North American Plants, Inc. McMinnville, fruit in the field), separation (rating of how OR) for their coordination of propagation and ‘Kokanee’, tested as ORUS 4090-1, was easily the ripe fruit were separated from the distribution of plants for trial. Mention of trade selected from a seedling field in Corvallis, plant), and flavor (rated by tasting fruit in names or commercial products in this manuscript OR, in 2009 from a cross made in 2007 of the field). Fruit were also evaluated infor- is solely for the purpose of providing specific · information and does not imply recommenda- ORUS 1173-2 ‘Vintage’ (USPP24,198) mally as a thawed, individually quick-frozen tion or endorsement by the U.S. Department of (Finn, 2014; Finn et al., 2013) (Fig. 1). ORUS (IQF) product by growers, processors, and Agriculture. 1173-2 is a vigorous advanced selection that researchers. Basic fruit chemistry traits, in- 1Corresponding author. E-mail: chad.finn@ars. is productive and well adapted to the Pacific cluding soluble solids, pH, and titratable usda.gov. Northwest with large, somewhat ‘‘rough’’ (a acidity, were evaluated in 2011–13 and 2016 380 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 53(3) MARCH 2018 CULTIVAR AND GERMPLASM RELEASES on fruit frozen from two to three harvests. analysis (PROC GLM; SAS Institute, Cary, than those of ‘Heritage’ (Table 2). The canes Duplicate subsamples of 200 g each were NC) included ʻKokaneeʼ and ʻHeritageʼ, showed no symptoms of disease and were not taken randomly from frozen and thawed which is among the most widely grown, sprayed with any fungicides. ‘Kokanee’ was harvested fruit and were evaluated for per- nonproprietary, primocane-fruiting cultivar susceptible to phytophthora root rot [Phytoph- cent soluble solids, pH, and titratable acidity (Daubeny et al., 1992). thora rubi (W.F. Wilcox and J.M. Duncan) in the laboratory as described for strawberry There was no genotype · year interaction W.A. Man in’t Veld] in screening trials at by Mathey et al. (2013) ‘Kokanee’, ‘Heri- for fruit weight but this interaction was WSU-Puyallup. Multiple plots that were tage’, and ‘Meeker’ fruits were analyzed for significant for yield; therefore mean yields scored 18 months after planting (Nov. 2015) anthocyanin concentrations using previously are presented for each year of each trial had very little noted root rot and scored well; described separation and identification pro- (Table 1). In all years and trials, ‘Kokanee’s 4.25/5.00 scale, with 5 = no symptoms. cedures (Lee and Finn, 2007) with the fol- yields were numerically higher than those for However, by 30 months after planting (Nov. lowing change: longer high-performance ‘Heritage’ and this was significant in the 2016), the scores had dropped to 2.33/5.00 liquid chromatography analytical column 3 year mean yield in the 2010 planting and with one of three plots completely dead. (Synergi Hydro-RP 80 A˚ , 250 mm · 2 mm, for the 2016 yield in the 2015-planted trial 4 mm; Phenomenex, Inc., Torrance, CA). (Table 1). ‘Heritage’ is considered high Plant ratings were conducted one time each yielding in Oregon. ‘Kokanee’ had signifi- year during the fruiting season for primocane cantly higher yield than ‘Vintage’ in the vigor and prickles (1 = numerous and large 2015-planted trial (Table 1). prickles; 9 = smooth, no prickles). ‘Kokanee’ plants were scored as more Yield and average fruit weight from 2011 vigorous than ‘Heritage’ (Table 2; Fig. 2). to 2013 and 2016 were analyzed as a split- ‘Kokanee’s vigor and habit were more com- plot in time with cultivar as the main plot and parable to its ORUS 1173-2 parent and year as the subplot (for the multiple year ‘Heritage’ than the stockier ‘Vintage’ harvested trial) with mean separation by least (Table 2; Finn et al., 2013). ‘Kokanee’ canes significant difference. The planting and the were rated as being smoother and less prickly Fig. 2. Entire fruiting plant of ‘Kokanee’. Fig. 1. Pedigree of ‘Kokanee’ red raspberry. Fig. 3. Fruiting truss of ‘Kokanee’. Table 1. Fruit yield, mean fruit weight, and harvest season (2011–13) for primocane-fruiting red raspberry cultivars planted in replicated trial (three reps) in 2010 and 2015 at the Oregon State University’s North Willamette Research and Extension Center. Fruit wt (g) Yield (kg/plant) 2010-planted 2011–13z 2011 2012 2013 2011–13 Kokanee 3.5 a 1.74 a 2.86 a 1.83 a 2.30 a Heritage 2.9 b 0.58 b 2.59 a 1.19 a 1.58 b 2015-planted 2016 2016 Kokanee 3.0 a 3.16 a Heritage 2.1 b 1.96 b Vintage 3.3 a 1.77 b zMeans within a column, and within the same planting, followed by the same letter are not significantly different, P > 0.05, by least significant difference test.
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