Scholars Crossing 2006 -- 2007 Liberty University School Newspaper Spring 1-1-2007 01-30-07 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 24, Issue 12) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_06_07 Recommended Citation "01-30-07 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 24, Issue 12)" (2007). 2006 -- 2007. 10. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_06_07/10 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Liberty University School Newspaper at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 2006 -- 2007 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. f^T H E LIBERTY CHAMPIOSERVING LIBERTY UNIVERSITY' FOR 24 YEARS JANUARY 30, 2007 VOL. 24, NO. 12 VISIT WWW.LIBERTY.EDU/CHAMPION N Heroic Leadership What's there to do... Are our politicians willing to ...around LU? Life! gives you work with their opponents? A5 the places to be and see. B5 Remembering our fallen comrades Spring '07 PROUD TO BE A MARINE MOTHER — SEW kicks Vicki Strong, mother of Jesse Strong who was killed in battle on January 26.200S, attended her son's memorial service, held on the second anniver­ off with a sary of her son's death. Jesse graduat­ ed from Liberty in 2003 and was pur­ ,,. suing studies in seminary when he was called to Iraq. downpour By David Thompson Jesse and Company C, deployed out of gj 'f' NEWS REPORTER Lynchburg, were patrolling Hadithah, Iraq for suspected insurgent activity For Liberty students, both when a grenade struck the group's new and returning, the vehicles. upcoming spiritual emphasis week will provide an oppor­ Vicki and her husband, Nate, spoke to tunity to walk in the Word - students and Marines about Jesse and literally. their experiences during the past two James MacDonald, whose years. Liberty student Allyn Lyttle radio program, "Walk in the spoke about the impact that Jesse's Word," is broadcast weekly leadership as an SLD and as an RA had across the nation, arrived on his hall. Vicki was moved to tears last night to kick off spiritual when Jesse's commanding officer, emphasis week as the fea­ Gunnery Sgt. Butch Dreany, spoke at tured speaker. the podium. After speaking, he pre­ sented her with a bouquet of flowers. MacDonald's ministry began when, as a teenager, jr he entered and won a Those who would like to send letters preaching competition, at of encouragement to Vicki and Nate the advice of his youth pas­ can e-mail victoriastrong«iijuno.com. <V tor. Please see SEW, page A3 Lynchburg grows, full steam ahead By Erin Fitch dents are content to stay in Lynchburg But while many at Liberty are excited - *r ""• NEWS REPORTER for their shopping trips, rather than about the new stores, the proposed ..I-' f make the long commute to other cities. development of one in particular has "We used to build civilizations," Bill "The growth around the school is been a source of heated contention Bryce penned in his 1991 book, Neither good for LU," said Vice-Chancellor everywhere else. Here Nor There. "Now we build shop­ Jerry Falwell, Jr. The drawback to the location of the ping malls." "I think the development... is evi­ stores on Wards Road is the high And though that image may be a fore­ dence of a strong and vibrant local amount of traffic in the area, much of cast for Lynchburg, college students do economy and I think LU is a major con­ which is all headed towards - yes, you not seem to mind. tributor to the strength of the local guessed it — Wal-Mart. When Kohl's Department Store and economy." If you have been to Wal-Mart (what Old Navy opened their doors last year, "I have shopped at both the stores," LU student can say he or she hasn't?), the Wards Road district was saluted said senior Joellyn France. then you know how busy it is. once again as Lynchburg's "shopping "I used to drive to Roanoke before area." As a result, many Liberty stu­ they opened here." Please see GROWTH, page A3 CHARITY FORYSTKK WHAT'S IN STORE? — A new Old Navy moved to Lynchburg late last year. Ice and wind storms |f e la| No more late-night into town, more d r* l^so . ft. lattes: ILRC 'esso A ROUNDUP OACTSta'F THE WORLD'S EVENTS S anticipated in Feb. changes hours By Fernanda Rezende stepped in the airport, I By Matthew Hegarty Barnett recalled the days NEWS REPORTER began to sneeze," she said. By Joanne Tang her outspokenness about MANAGING EDITOR when the ILRC was a novel­ In preparation for the NEWS EDITOR breast cancer and dru ty. "We started back in The winter has finally hit cold weather, Almeida addiction. When the clock strikes 2002, when we opened this Lynchburg. The mix of brought many heavy coats After the Christmas gifts Dec. 28, 2006 midnight this semester, the facility, to extend our hours sleet and freezing rain on from Brazil. "I was even were opened and the holi­ Former North Carolina computer lab that was to Sunday night through the Sunday prior to the afraid that my luggage days had passed, several senator John Edwards bustling with student activ­ Thursday night," he said. first day of classes caused would exceed the weight headlines captured our announces his bid for the ity last semester will be The room that serves as many people to stay at limit," she said. attention. presidency. Making his silent, the only occupants the electronic hub of home. In addition, all There are also those stu­ Here are some of the announcement from New the staff that work there. Liberty's lab has been classes before last dents who had never seen events that kept the Orleans, Edwards is John Instead of remaining expanded and upgraded Monday's convocation snow until they got here. A American people glued to Kerry's former running open 24 hours a day for countless times. "What we were canceled. Kenyan freshman spoke the television and the mate. most of the week, the ILRC offer technologically for Within the varied stu­ excitedly about her first Internet. Dec. 29, 2006 now closes at 11:45 p.m. on students is pretty robust," dent body at Liberty, there experience with snow, Dec. 28, 2006 - Former dictator of Irac the nights it used to remain Barnett said. are many students who are telling how she and her Former president Gerald Saddam Hussein is hangec open. The 9 p.m. closing However, as the level of not used to the cold weath­ Kenyan friends played with Ford dies at age 93. He is for his orchestration of the times for Friday and technology available to stu­ er. and even ate it. best known as the Speaker 1982 massacre in Dujail. A Saturday nights are still in dents began to increase, so Tatiana Almeida, from Americans are also of the House who was town in the northen effect. did the sheer number of Sao Paulo, Brazil, said the affected by the harsh appointed vice president region of Iraq, Dujail was Despite some less-than- those students. winter in Sao Paulo is very weather. Kevin Klous, a after the resignation of the site of an assassinatio positive response from stu­ With nearly 9,000 stu­ short and not prolonged junior here at Liberty who Spiro T. Agnew, then took attempt on Hussein's life dents in the weeks leading dents on campus for the like the winter here in the enjoys riding his motorcy­ over the prsidency during In retaliation, Hussei up to the new semester, spring semester, facilities U.S. cle - a blue and white the Watergate scandal. ordered his' troops tq ILRC Dean David Barnett such as the computer lab Lourdes Colon, from Yamaha Ri - does not ride Often cited as a president attack the residents o said that students have can become quite crowded, Puerto Rico, said she felt a it very often in the cold who helped his country Dujail and 148 men wen seemed to accept the whether in between classes "temperature shock" in her weather. recover, Ford is survived killed. change. "So far, (the transi­ or not. body when she arrived in by his wife, Betty Ford, tion) has been very the U.S. "As soon as I Please see WINTER, page A3 who was also notable for Please see POLITICS, page A smooth," he said. Please see ILRC, page A6 Page A2, THE I.IBKRTY CHAMPION JANUARY 30, 2007 BEST Take precaution against the norovirus By Joanne Tang Symptoms generally start within 24 to 48 hours.of exposure, though the CDC SERVED NEWS EDITOR ...OR NOT AT ALL also reports that they can start as early as Take notice - that white glove check 12 hours after exposure. Once a person ********* Dave Thompson ********** resident students are required to do may begins feeling sick, they are immediately COLD just be what keeps you from getting sick. contagious to others. To begin, let me just say that I'm not indication, this should be a doozy of a There is a pesky monster hiding on food Treatment is extremely limited, as terribly adept at thinking up cheesy open­ semester. trays and backpacks and in bathrooms, antibiotics will only treat bacteria-based ing phrases along the lines of "Welcome Icy weather contributing to early confu­ and it is called the norovirus. infections, not viral ones. The course of back, Liberty," or "It's back to school sion, the Patriots losing their third One of the most recent outbreaks action is to simply wait it out, rest and time." straight game to the, Colts, and the fact involves a local college.
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