r WOOTONEKAMU8KE. OHARLOTTE L. MITOHELL. 01)111 C JyGooglc TEWELEMA. IIKLINDA MITCHELL. DIJIIllC JyGoogIe • ROCHES'rER'S OFFICIAL BI-CENTENNIAL RECORD. TUESDAY, JULY 22,1879. CON'l'AINING THE HISTORICAL ADDRESS OF REV. N. W. EVERETT; THE RESPONSES BY LIEGT.-GOV. LONG, HON. W. W. CRAPO, M.C., JUDGE THOS. RUSSELL, AND OTHERS. ALSO, A FULL ACCOUNT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE DAY. NEW BEDFORD: MERCURY PUBLJSHING COMPANY, PRINTERs. 1879. HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY THE BEQUEST OF THEODORE JEWEIT fASTMAN 1931 • Prior to the Rochester Bi-Uentennial Celebration, July 22d, 18j9. it was suggested that the proceedings of the day be published. Acting upon that desire a committee, consisting of Capt. ehas. Bryant, A. W. Bisbee, Esq., anll Rev. N. W. Everett, have compiled the matter per­ taining to the Celebration, to the best of their ability. We trust our efforts have been successful and that the Record will be preserved for future generations. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY. • •• .•••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••• •• •• •• •• 3 THE CELEBRATION­ Procession•••••.. 8 The Decorations•••...•...•••••.••......••....•......... !l GU\Jsts •••.............................................. 9-10 Exercises at the Grove ••.•••.••••..•••.••..•••••.•••..•• 10 ORATION••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 DINNER . 71 MTER-DDlNER EXERCISES- Sentiments and Rel'pollses. ••• .• •• •• •••••• •• •• •••• •••• •• 72 CONCLUSION........ ...... •••••••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 117 ApPENDlX- Correspolldence...... .••.•. •.•. .....•••.. •••.•• .... •.•• 119 Daughters of the Forest.... ..•...••••.. •••••••••. •••••• 1111 A Scrap of History...... .•• •.. .• ••..•.••• ••. •••••• •• •• • 122 Minister Rock.................. •.•. •••• •.•• .... •••• .... 123 .... ROCHESTER'S BI-CE~TENl\JAL ~ECOI1P. INTRODUCTORY. The Town of Rochester, Plymonth County, Massachu­ setts, received its llame from the ancient city of Rochester, in Kent, England, whence many of the fiL'st settlers came. It is recorded in history that the oysters found on those shores were celebrated by the Romans for their excellence and OU1' ancestors finding all abundance of delicious shell­ fish herc, in memory of their former home veryappropriate­ ly gave to this tract the name of Rochester. A few years ago the voters of Rochester, in town meet­ ing 3ssembled,.directedJoseph S. Luce, Esq., (the present chairman of the selectmen of Marion) to copy the old pl'Oprietors' records. It may be proper here to state that the "Sepecan" grant embraced what is now Rochester, Mar­ ion, Mattapoisett, and the greater portion of 'Vareham. Mr. Luce still has the records in his possession, and last Winter called the attention of the authorities of the several towns to the ta'ct that on the 22d day of July, 1679, the first meeting of the proprietors was held at Plymouth, and steps taken towards forming a settlement at "Sepeean," the por­ tion then best known. He also suggested that the 22d of July, 1879, the two-hundr~dth anniversary of the first set- • 4 ROCHESTER'S BI-CENTENNIAL. tlement be commemorated by appropriate ceremonies. In ~lCcOl'dance• with his views all artie1e was inserted in the several warral1ts to see what actIOn the towns would take in regard to a celebrntion. Rochester chose a committee con­ sisting of H. H. Bennett, Alden Rounsville, Jr., Nahlllll F. Morse, (the board of selectmen), Thomas Ellio and A. W. Bisbee. The committee chosen by "\Vareham was Capt. Alden Besse, Capt. Benj. F. Gibbs, Geo. F. Wing, (select­ men), E. B. Powers, L. H. Bartlett and E. A. Gammons. Mllrion voted an appropriation of $100, and chose as her committee the three selectmen, Joseph S.'Luce, Capt. Obed Delano and Capt. 1. N. Hathaway, also Dr. H. C. Vose and 1. N. Lewis. Mattapoisett's committee consisted of Capt. Joseph R. Taber, Jarvis ~. Ellis, Capt.. Franklin Cross. The first meeting of the several committees was held at Town Hall, Marion, April 21st, 1879. Capt. Benj. F.· Gibbs, vVareham, was chosen chait'man; Augnstine VV. Bis­ bee, Rochester, secretat·y; Capt. 1. N. Hathaway, Mar­ ion, treasurer. It was unanimously voted to have a celebra­ tion on the 22d of Juiy. .Mr. Luce stated that in the ab­ sence of official records as to when the first house was built it would be well to commemorate the two-hundredth anni­ versary of the proprietors' meetin~ at the date of the first settlement. It was at first decided to have the celebration at Little Neck, the head of ::\1arion harbor, on account of the historical associations connected with the spot. Afterwards it was deemed expedient t~ change the location to Handy's Grove, about a mile from Marion station, on the Rochel;ter road. The committee held several meetings and chose sub-com­ mittees as follows: To Solicit Funds.-Capt. Judah Hathaway and George W. Humphrey, from Rochester; Capt. Alden Besse and ROCHESTER'S BI-CENTENNIAL. 5 Geo. F. Wing, from Wareham; Capt. 1. N. Hathaway and J. S. Luce, Esq., from Marion; Capt. Joseph R. Taber and Capt. Franklin Cross, from Mattapoisett. Dinner.- Geo. 'V. Humphrey and Thomas Ellis, of Rochester; Capt. Alden Besse and Geo. F. Wing, of ""Vare­ ham; Capt. Obed Delano and Joseph S. L\l(~e, of Marion; Dr. Thom~ls E. Sparrow and Thomas Nelson, of Mattapoi­ sett. Grounds.- Capt. Reuben F. Hart, Leander Cowing and Capt. 1. N. Hathaway, of Marion. Martial Music.- Capt. B. F. Gibbs, Wareham; Capt. Joseph R. Taber, Mattapoisett. Guests.- A. W. Bisbee, Rochester; Capt. B. F. Gibbs, Wareham; J. S. Luce, Marion; and Capt. Charles Bryant, Mattapoisett. • Reception, Procession and Transportation.-ClarK P. Howland, Marion; Edward A. Gammons, ""Vareham; Lem­ uel LeBaron Holmes, Mattapoisett; Augustine VV. Bisbee, Rochester. Vocal j}tusic.- Capt. Obed Delano, Geo. Mason Delano, Joseph S. Luce, Marion. Printing.- Capt. Charles Bryant, Mattapoisett. Decorations.- Capt. John G. Dexter, Rochester; Capt. Alden Besse, vVareham; Capt. Reuben F. Hart, Marion; Geo. Purrington, Jr., Mattapoisett. Police.- Selectmen of Marion, Joseph S. Luce, Capt. Obed Delano, Capt. LN. Hathaway. General Oommittee (in addition).-Geo. Purrington, Jr., Lemuel LeB. Holmes, Henry Barstow, Mattapoisett; Capt. Judah Hathaway, Rochester; Clark P. Howland, Marion; which filled the number to six from each town. Seats and Tables.- Geo. VV. Humphrey, Rochester; Geo. F. Wing, Wareham; J. S. Luce, Marion; Capt. Charle!! Bryant, Mattapoisett. ROCHESTER'S nr-CENl'ENNtA:L. The committe~also made the following appointments as OFFIOERS OF THE DAY. Gerard C. Tobey, Esq., of Wareham, P.resident. Wilson Barstow, Esq., of Mattapoisett, Vice President. Geo. Purrington, Jr., of Mattapoisett, Chief Marshal. Rev. H. C. Vose, of Marion, Toast Master. Rev. William Leonard, of North Rochester, Chaplain. At the first meeting of the committee it wa~ unanimously voted that Rev. Noble 'Warren Everett, of Wareham, a grandson of the Rev. Noble Everett, olle of the early minis­ ters of the old township, be requested to act as the orator of the day. Mr. Everett accepted the position. The Standish Guards of Plymouth, Co. H" 1st Regiment Infantry, M. V. M., Herbert Morissey, Capt., tendered their services as escort on the occasion and were accepted. The Middleboro Brass Band, 22 men, J. M. Carter. lel!-d.. er; were engaged for the day. The Chief Marshal Belected for his aids Joseph L. Cole and Henry A. Shurtleff, ~f Mattapoisett; Wm. H.C. Delano and Dr. Robert T. Delano, of Mal'ion. Invitationl!l were extended to State offi,ciala and prominent men to be present, also to former residents of the town, Rnd long before the day of the celebration it was evident scores would return to the place of their birth and partici.. pate in the enjoyment of the occasion. Arrangements were made with the Old Colony railroad for reduced fares 'lnd extra trains. The dinner committee contracted with Otis A. Sisson and L. W. Carl, of New Bedford, to furnish the dinner. Your committee held nine meetings and their proceedings were characterized by harmony and unanimity. We are pleased to add that we hall the hearty co-operation of the citizens of the old township and that they seconded our plans ROCIt1!1ST1!1R'S nt-C1!1NT1!1NNtAL. 7 and efforts to a degree which made the celebration a perfect success. The contributiolls were liberal and freely given. Old Rochester can justly be proud of her record for the last two hundred years, and from the lessons of the past be guided in the future to still nobler deeds of usefulness. This event has rescued from oblivion very much that would have been forgotten and generations to co~e will read with interest the proceedings of to-day. 8 ROCHESTER'S BI-CENTENNIAL. THE CELEBRATION. At un early hour in the morning the street louding to the Grove was thronged with residents and visitors. The arri­ val of teams brought numbers from adjoining towns. The weather was propitious and all that could be desired, al­ thou~h in the morning there were slight indications of rain. Four hunured ftnd ninety-one excursion tickets by railroad were Bold at Fairhaven and two hundred and fort)' at Matta­ poisett, in addition to which probably three times that num­ ber came by carriuge from New Bedforu and vicinity. The train from Boston brought the State officials, Middleboro Band, Standish Guards, and a host of visitors. At the least calculation some six thousand people were in atteudance to do honor to the occasion. PROCESSION. The opening feature of the proceedings was a procession which movp.d to the Grove in the following order from the Marion depot: New Bedford Police, 4 men, II. W. Bumpus in command. Geo. Purringtou, Jr.• Mattapoisett, Marshal. Aids :-Joseph L. Cole, Henry A. Shurtleft', Mattapoisett; W. H. C. Del­ ano and Dr. R. T. Delano. Marion. Middleboro Brass Band. J. M. Carter. leader. Standish Guards, of Plymouth, 38 men, Co. H., 1st Regt. Infantry: M. V. M., Herbert Moriss"y, Captain. Carriages containing Gerard C. 'fobey, of Wareham; Wilson 'f. Barstow, of l\fattapoisett; Presi~ent and Vice President of the day: Rev. Noble Warren Everett, Wareham, Orator; Dr.
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