CENSUS OF INDIA 1951 LA~~GuAGE llAND BOOK CERTAIN TEHSILS OF DISTR:ICTS lALORE.UDAlPUR,DUNGARPUR BANSWARA AND SIROHI By Pt. YAl\iUNA LAL DASHORA, B.A., LL.B" Supenntendent of Census Operations~ Rajasthan and Ajmer. JODHPUR, 1916 CONTENTS -- TABLE PAGE I Explanatory Not.e i-u ,) District J alore (i) Jaswantpura Tehsil 1- 8 (ii) Sanch ore Tehsil 9-16 3 District Udaipur (i) Kherwara Tehsil .. 17-23 (ii) Phalasia Tehsil .. 24-33 (iii) Kotra Tehsil 34-42 ! District Dungarpur (i) Dungarpur Tehsil 43-5fJ (ii) Sagwar& Tehsil 57-65 5 District BaD,Swara (i) Bagidora Tehsil 66-74 (ii) Kushalgarh Tehsil 75-87 6 District Sirohi . (i) Bhawari Tehsil 88-89 (ii) Reodhar Tehsil .. 90-93 Linguistic Composition of villages in Tehsils of Raj asthan on the boundary of Bombay State EXPLANATORY NOTE The statements appended give figures in respect of the principal mother-tongue­ languages for each Census-unit (village and town) in 11 Tehsils situated on the border of Bombay State. The figures have been gathered by me at the instance of the Government of India who, in consultation with the State Governments concerned, instructed me to gather the figures from the Census enumeration slips of 1951 Census (Ten per cent. sample slips) which had been deposited for safe custody in the Census Office, Udaipur. The 1951 Census-tables relating to mother-tongue languages give only figures for the District as a whole. The figures for the Districts were compiled from those gathered for Sub-Divisions of Districts called 'Census Tracts'. These Census Tracts are convenient divisions of the District adopted for facilitating the work of sorting the 1951 enumeration slips and compilation of the required statistics. In forming the Census Tracts the rural areas of each District were kept distinct from urban areas. The rural areas of each District were divided into a number of units called Rural Tracts and the urban areas were divided into a numoer of units called Urban Tracts. The rural areas of ea~h Sub-Division were constituted into a single Rural Tract. The Urban Tracts were formed out of the areas declared as cities and towns in each District. Every city was treated as a separate tract and was called a City Tract. All towns other than cities in one District formed one Urban Non-city Tract. Under the Tabulation Plan of 1951 Census, the enumeration slips of all Census­ units in each District were received in the Regional Tabulation Office concerned for being sorted there for arriving at the figures for the prescribed tables. The Census-unit was either a village or a local body. The slips relating to each rural Census-unit were in separate bundles. In the case of tow'n or city the slips relating to each ward were kept distinct. 'In the Tabulation Office the slips relating to each village and urban ward were examined and the slips relating to displaced persons were separated. A ten per cenf. sample was extracted from the rest of the slips. The remaining slips which are called General slips were kept distinct. These three categories of slips, viz., (3eneral, Sample and Displaced persons, were then operated upon indep~ndently. I After obtaining the population figures for each village and ward the enumeration slips relating to the unit in each Census rl'ract were thrown together for sorting for tractwise details required for the several prescribed Census '] abIes. The identity of the bundles of slips relating to each village and municipality was lost and the groups of bundles were merged into Census Tracts. The distinction between General, Sample and Displaced persons slips was, how­ ever maintained through out. At the close of the sorting operations the Census slips relating to each tract were preserved in-tact under each of three categories. The General slips were subsequently destroyed but the 10 per cent. sample slips were retained. The present sorting has been done from these sample slips. ii It was decided· to collect these~'dMa fotH 'fehsils namely, Jaswantpura, Sanchore, Kherwara~ Kotra, Phalasia, Dungarpur, Sagwara, Bagidora, Kushalgarh, Bhawari and Reodhar. First of all the slips of the concerned tracts were taken and counted and veri­ fied from the record found with the slips. They were sorted according to various Tehsils in case of Rural Tracts, and towns in case of Urban Tracts. The slips of the Tehsils concerned were then separated for further operations. The first operation consisted in sorting the slips villagewise from the location Code Number mentioned at the top of the slip. Then the slips of each village were sorted according to various mother-tongues leading to the appended statements. The figures were tabulated for the following lan­ guages only, viz., Rajasthani, Bhili (including its dialect Vagdi), Hindi and Gujrati. Other languages found were clubbed together under "Others". At every stage a cent. percent. check was done by Compiler-Checkers and a good percentage was checked by the Officer-in-C harge. When the Code Number of the village was missing or indistinct, the correct number was found out by comparing the hand-writing of the enumerator on the slip of the pro­ bable village, and the National Register of Citizens was also referred to, where necessary. Slips which could not be classified, inspite of all efforts, are shown separately as 'un- specified'. There were some villages for which the slips were found but those villages were not shown against the corresponding Code Number in the village list supplied by Tehsildars, while there were some villages shown in the village lists but no slips were found. This discrepancy was corrected by sending an officer of the Tabulation Office to the Tehsil Headquarters with the map of the Tehsil showing the location of all the villages. He removed all these discrepancies by spot inquiries. I DISTBIC'f IALOBE TE~SIL JASWANTPURA I:l Distribution of Sample Population..A _____________ by J4othertongue -.. -2 r:- N$me of Village or Town 10 10 Absolute figures Percentage to Sample Population -C!> '3 r-------..A.-----, r-------.A----__:""'\ A-.- , 1:1. -s:I 0 0 p.. -a ci j Z Englisll Hindi j ~ .... ....... ~ 1:1. a3 l!l -10 e ;a Q> ;a 0 ::I '"os ... ... ~ .. 0 "CI Q. 8 .~ ..c: ';;j" .S .s" 0 Gil -:a ~ -:5 8 Po! III l III ~ c!) 25 Il:: III II: 0 0 1 2 J 4. (j 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Villagea. 349 100'0 1 BijIiya lihrfalJl 35 35 324 32 100'0 2 Chha.jola glfT~t 32 447 45 95'6 4.'4 3 Sowarawas Um.IClIlt 43 2 712 71 70 1 98'.6 1'4 4. Rangala ~m\"S' 1,300 130 130 100'0 5 Kori Dhabaichan lfi)it ~inf'lri 589 58 58 100'0 6 JaisBw!!.s iiflTcrT~ 7 Kura.Dhabai· 433 43 43 100'0 chan ~ \ltitTio;ri 1,452 1-4 .8 Bagora .mi., 145 143 2 98'0 1,124 112 112 100'0 9 Nandiya ;riqrlfT 10 Nawapura. 344 34 34 100'0 Dhawechan i{iIl~ \l~;rt 363 100'0 11 ·Batera .Ji~r 36 36 2,890 289 289 100'0 12 l\{orsim q)uiht 1,557 155 155 100'0 13 Bali .,~) 1,105 110 100') 14 Bhalni 'tl~ 110 100'0 15 Lakhani ~T'Iffl 671 67 67 16 Rautan ~mrt 881 88 88 100'0 , 771 77 77 100'0 17 Chainpura ;{~ 66 7 7 100'0 18 Gujarwara ~~, 19 Bichhawari fiT:JT~F ::10 31 31 100'0 20 Dhumdia \lqf. .. ttl 1,878 188 188 100'0 21 Gaonri qiq1 623 62 62 100'0 1'0 22 Meda Brahman q-gr '"ttfG' 489 49 48 1 98'0 23 Khera Puria •• WiT~~ Unpopulated t·g 24 l{uka !W, 109 71 68 3 97'1 680 68 68 100'0 25 Thobau '1'~ 3'S 26 Bhanrwi mro 1,056 105 101 4 96'2 ..,_, mn') 27 Bara Bhanrwi .. 679 68 68 100'0 {, 625 62 60 2 9~ t .. .. ,*, 28 Dungarwa tn'" " 100'0 20 Narlla.Il. 'Im;n 1.123 112 112 2 'fEHSIL lASWAMTPURA DlSmtc'r ;rALORE nstriEitiioli' or 'Sample PopulationJ..._ _________ by Mothertongue ~ Nil-me of Village or Town Absolute figures Percentage to Sample Population ____ A _______ -,., ,--------"--__--"\ r--------.A.. -. - ,- <5 1 i Z English Hindi ~ ~ CQ ~ ., = .~ ;a f :g c .~ ~ .9 oS ~ .~ 8 p::j ~ ~ C 0 p::j 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 V,llage,.-(Contd.) 100-(1 30 Daman 70S 70 70 31 Kaleti 497 50 50 100-0 32 Raha WU-(j 33 Sawari \) tH' \)\) 9\) 100'0 l,n;-;fl 166 166 100-0 34 Punasn Ifo'~l 67t) 6i 67 100'0 a5 Fagotm q:)fTfml 36 Jogau ;;iTtrT3i :?6!J 27 27 100-0 :m; 37 37 100'0 37 i'lHriyana ~Tf~",T .')S4 58 58 100-U 38 Korka mlliT 39 Bhatip mz)q 6S7 nn ()!) lUO-U 40 Digaon ..mr. 526 52 52 100-0 41 Ramrani ~nn:~T 100·0 186 17 Ii 42 'Kirwala ..0 <:'U(iJT 100'0 43 Nora ...m :1!)~ 39 39 100'0 44 Ximbawaa ;ft~~l~ 1,033 lU3 103 100'0 45 JE'ran ~ 715 71 71 100'0 46 }f"dawas QTIfr« 450 45 45 100'0 47 Lunawa \'fo'''''T' 441 44 44 100'0 4R Jaitu ;if~ 736 i4 74 lOO-u 49 Bagawas GfIlrTCmf 173 17 17 100'0 50 Arnn 291 29 29 100'0 af~- . III Jujani ""~. 1,531 153 153 100'0 52 Bhagal Bhim 553 55 55 100-0 53 Ximbora 492 49 47 1 95'9 54 Dha,nwara 294 29 29 100-0 55 Sawalawas 372 37 37 100'0 56 Chatwara 961 96 96 100'0 57 Kardan IfilUt 1,892 189 ISH 100'0 58 ,Kakrali @ Kotra ~T~ ;a-qi 708 7I 71 100:0 !If"T 59 Mok1tatra" , rmt 62 62 100'0 (10 Karwar& ,"~i' 1,00ll 100 Ill() 101)-0 TEHSIL JASWANTPURA DIi'l'RIOr' JALoall DiRtribution of Sample Population by Mothertongue 0 ...
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