- .' ...., , ,, : . ". i ........ , .'i~ :,. ~ ii LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY i,,i. • :', : ""' '; '~'I~:: " ,,1,, !,, ~ ~ Wage and price Controls are reiected OTTAWA (CP) --Two major companies said telephones and 35 per cent for businesses, ~.ln the Commons committee studying the bill. Thursday they den't likerocking the boat over He added in a statement that Bell is prepared "~Carl- Betgte, president of the C, D. HOW proposed federal price controls but the to discuss altethaflves to the price guides ~fl~titute,'baid Ottll~a will have toqulckly take government gave them enough leeway to start the government and the CRTC. more drastic action -- probably mandatory the mutiny against the limits of six and five per Pierre Jeanniot, executive vice-president of •controls ~if wages in the private Jector do not ~,,#. cent in the next two years, Air Canada, said in a Men,eat statement the move down on a mon~-to-munth basis. Bell Canada and Air Canada said they don't Crown-olwned airline is in trouble because of He aim said major adjmtmeats a~needed want to defy Ottawa or thwart the restraint declining passenger volume and rapidly in- in bill. Acroes-the-haard limits are unfair to program, but beth said they operate in special creasing costs, and the Canadian Transport Jower-paid workers and sound .the death knell circumstances and will pursue above-the. Commlesian mnst take that into consideration . of colloctiVe barpining for a two-yea~,.perlod.,' ceiling price inereasea. when Air Canada applies for higher fares. Transpert Minister Jann-Lue Pepin avoided Meanwhile, opposition attacks in the Cam- Doris Anderson, president of the National fanning-~e flumes in ~rConlmoan by turning mmm were blunted by some good news. Action Committee for the Status of Women, attention~way from the imminent clash bet. The trand-sotting Bank of Conada rate fell by said the legislation will be "particularly hard wcen the government, Crown corl~rations and more than half a per eent to 15,6 per cent, on the people, who can least afford to take the. regulated agencies. • causing banks to' lower some lending rates. hardship, and that is woman." Pepin, subbing for Prime Minister Trudeau And Statistics Canada said industrial ~e said•most of the federal workers who are. and Finance Minister Allan MacEachen, production ~ in May for. the first time since women are clustered at the low ~d of. the pay preferred to emphasize two rare bits of good last summer. "- scale, about $10,000-a year. economic news -- interest rates are down and ~lowever, the two shota in the arm were industrial production is up. overshadowed by the continued failure of the Union representatives anid p~lie-santor But he left the door ajar for federal Crown federal government to p~cate the country's workers .competing with privlte4eetor corporaUons and regulated compan/es to go la~eat tuber ~onp. workers in certain industries will be anfairly ahead with their plans, saying oniythat it will. A thrse-hOur meeting between Trudeau, singled out by wage restraints.- ..... take "extraordinary, uncommon end ex. MacEachen and the Couadiah Labor Congress A civil liberties association spokesman said ceptioual circumstances" to Jnatily substantial ended in a standoff, with the gov~'nment the bill is unconstitutional because it removen price increases. , reJectiiig .the group's six-point economic the right to 'strike by public servants and thus Pepin added that the cabinet's new wa[chdeg recovery plan and the anion reje¢ilng the undermines their right to freedom 'of committee will make final decisions "on price federal wage-and-price control program. association, increases. The CLC's program included a call for lower 'And the head of the Investment Dealers Treasury Board President Donald Johnston interest rates, temporary eX~e controls, Association of Canada said ff Crown car. denied reports that Ottawa plans to pass a law use of pobfic-sector pension funds to provide perations are allowed above-ceiling incrcases to h01d down fedora] prices ff necessary. low-cost mortgages, more government epan- the government should have to fully explain the Bell' chairmanA, :J.~da Gmmdpce-uatd in dang to create jobs, a m..ora~r~um on mortgage exceptions.. Montreal the company won'tchange'its ap- foreclosures, and amendments to the Andrew Kniewasser said that without those - pllcatian to the Canadian-~dio-television and. Bankruptcy Act to protect workers' wages in actions, Ottawa's attempt for voluntary TelscommunLeati0m ~ Comn}isalun. for rate" receivership and bankruptcy situations. restraints will lose its erodibHlty~and that will ~increases,;."'i." incldding_.!~.~.'25pe~'.'i'.'.it~!01'residential .-~cef~.~.~ 'i i~'~I" , - Thethechin.... centrols program ulsetookit on ,lorce mandatory controls. - Fronob communists favor pipeline deal WASHINGTON (AP) -- would become too depen- pllcations of this for the from LR~ag[~'S instinctive , said the administration has unravelling, of U.S. dent onSovlet the EuroPeans.? He said the anti-Communist anti-Soviet ,largely eliminated" th-e reign, " :polic~ • that Soviets,- .......would . gasbeneflt~too and st~,ff ~of. the National bins and he wan't easily disarray that plagued U:S.. .Europlmaa 4"elatl4M~4111dW............ ./.: But some senlorl U;S. have told Reagan sliid in his 3uiie 25 President COi~ Md that secretary appears now to be • officials are convinced everything he needed to resignation atstement that the Europeans "have - haunting the Reagan ad- Reagan didn't know how know. the administration was confidence in us once ministration .in Europe, important the project is to Several officials" and wandering from the again•" The decision by the the depressed economles of experts think the ad-, "careful course" that was But there has been more French government. Western Europe -- as well ministration is frantically needed for a clear 'and dismay than confidence Thursday to ignore' asamurceoffutureenerl~, looking far an excuse to consistent U•S. foreign lately. President Reagan's attempt "The president is in sort reverse the dseisiun without policy. to '~ block Eu~ropean par- ofabox/'oneofficialkaldin acknowledging it made a Bea$~n disagreed at a Britain announced it ticipatl~ in.cutr~ctio, of, arec~t interview. "I don't mistake. But another said nevfs conference fivedays ;~sympathizes with the a nstural-gns p|pel~e:fromr thinlr' he realized the ira- he thinks the aetion reanlted later• Andin a statement, he French action." the~go~et Union toEurope Local tourists enjoy scenic fishing has cast a pall o~,,er U.S.- European relations•_, i | accept the unllat'eral • continues Beirut assault measures .taken by the l.s r a e I i p I a n e s privately owned radio complex of West Beirut nssaults after hitting West B;,3. tourism increased United States on June 18," divebombed guerrilla-held stations reported many wer6soantal~directhita. • BeirutandtheBekaaValley • - -said a brief ~tement from West Beirut for the second guerrilla targets were The same block was hit in on .Thm-sday with the VA.COOVER (cP)- The chaml~r of com- occupancy levels in hotels the 0fficeof Premier Pierre day today, concentrating On ablaze as jets made born- aimast every air raid Israel _ .... The Ministry of Tourism is meree in Kelowna, an and motels may be down, Mauroy. Palestine Liberation bangruns on the 25-squsre- has mountod in Beirut since laying od~. that 1962.wiII be Okanegan community that provincial campsites are French Foreign J~inister Organization positions on kilometre besieged enclave• Israeli forces invaded a windfall year for the See depends on tourism as its filled to capacity. Claude Cheysson said the the edge of the BoiJrj id- There was no Immediate Lebanon June 6 to crush the hospitality business in primary source of revenue: United States and Europe Barajneh refugee camp word on casualties, guerrillas. ID~[~y S' British Columbia, but in- said occui~ncy levels in He said there's a five-per, are undergoing a near the paralysed in" PLO military centres in Israel had threatened the dustry spekesmen aren't local hof~JS, motels and cent increase in campsite "progressive divorce." ternational airport, and around the sports PLO and Syria with new page 3 betting on it. re~ortsaredawnbetween15 .use thk year, but deesq't "There is a remarkable Associated Press Jobs PIuL the ministry's and 20 per. cent from last think thecurrent economic incemprehemiun; between _corresp6ndent Terry ' - assistant deputy of year: A motel opm'ator in..' slump is the ~.aoon forthat. , marketlng, says in spite of Port• Alberni says . the trend. the Unl,ed States and "Anderson ireporting from .... lobbies / De-am Europe." he said• "The Yanser Arafat's ad ..... ~e receMlan, people aren't hospitality industry :in that United States seems totally ministrative nerve centre in Kitimat hesitating to spend a few Vancouver Island com- : "I don't think the indifferent to our West Beirut's Fakhani doilarson.,._,,._ ..... travel, ,._...___ PIUl says manlty...... ~s~..:__ off...... 20 per cenL..,_...... eeouomy,, ..will :;,-.,~.! ft people's,....- . P roblems. •' ' . neighborhood" " said at least • Hereld Staff Writer~ " fertilizer" plants r'~4given " to: " d:'i'a ~ ' plet/en" " of" " "" a : methanol...... ' " ......plant " K,Hq33.1~ tiai~lllii~. lOO[~ Jl~ULL~Jrwo.r[a ainu uo[m tastes, ne'~I Id ; ~'.|wer Ha l g re m gne a partly thrl)e bombs were~dropped KITIMAT -- Kitlmat proposal submitted by in Kitimat and hesn~de a ~d~is.t~ye~ s~di~db ?t~ ~an~Ore~s ~ortd~n~o~ Ymlikesl~unLh,ebard because Reagan overruled near the area. • council has approached Ocelot Industries Ltd. ~ proposal for an Urea- J .... urn8 Y , i 8rounaory0u, ooat,::~ haman the pipeline issue ,,p_,,.,o,,,o¢,o,h ...... r Domenetrolellmtosetnna Col,nrv Aroma-so -~o-, ,~o, o,L . II a ier predlctions that and the northern region of - .
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