Page E SYRACUSE HERALD {Wednesday, June 5,' 1035. Choice of Entertaining Current Features of Interest to the Home Circle Men Make Mistake When They N\i II FURRY FAMILY'S CIRCUS -By Many W. Frew 1 1C i II O i C40 Refuse to Discuss Business - By Edgar Rice Burroughs - With Wives, Dorothy Dix Avers do'.vn. I ran m that direction. A CHAPTER XXIV rold-.er leaped !n front of n*.f. I hcsrd On this day tlie S?!d:crs of Lib- th? hi'-" o! the de.ith rays thst must Husbands Who Protect Mates in Life Often Leave have p.xsse\i c!o><* to my body, as h? lest period, -\r.d, my inln't bcir-.^ tlef- iried to .-:op ir.e. He must have beer, cither r.tTious or a very poor fehot, Them to Ruthless Sharpers in Their lor tie mlwed me. I turned my own tion. I piwcd tr:.e word around that wvapon upon him and pro.swd the Widowhood H'e would strike dur'.v.g thi- afternoon lever The man flumped to the deck «t the- moment the trr.r.-.neter s r.:::ded with ft hole In his chest, and I ran BY DOROTHY Dix the eleventh hour. As nui:y c* u* rpHE bitter complain or many wires Is that their husbands never tell them £5 were \vorici::c nl: near t'.ic a::nory The f.;ht at the door of the armory ~ anything about their buster* affairs. They do not knov how much wore to make a dt:h for it -*lth was har.d to har.d with swords and Kiron, who wju'.d ur.'-.xV: It in the fisu. lor by now the members of the money their husbands make, nor new much they are worth. Their husbands event that '.'. \vcre leese-i. Trie re- two factions were so Intermingled never speak to them of their hopes and p:.Jis and ambitions. They are shut mainder were to attack the so'.dUrrs that none dared use a firearm (or fear completely out of what Is really the very core of their husband's lives. nearest tneni with anything that c! injuring a comrade. Into this they could r.w us -.reapo::?. or v>;;:i rr.elce I leaped. Tucking the pistol Naturally, wives resent this. No*— • their bare hsr.ds if they had r.o Into the band of iny G string. I ran woman wants to feel that her hus- tell business secrets, or that when wcunor-s, ar.d taie the *o'.cllers' pLs- my sword through a great brute who tho day's work Is over they want to tols ar.d swords from :'r.e::i. Five o! band thinks her such a fool that she : was about to knife Hcnan; then I forget it. Both of which are good in Vivrc to aceoun: fcr the o:T\Ci;r. dragged him from the door, shouting can't understand a few simple de- alibis, but Just the same a man Half o.' our number was to cor^tir.tly dragged hlrn fro nithe door, shouting tails of the grocery trade, or so ig- makes a mistake who abuts his wife shout our tattle cry. "For Liberty!" to Honan to finish htm—It took too norant that she doesn't know the out of his confidence. The othor half was Instructed to ur.ro lonp to run a sword Into a nun difference between a bull ana a bear DOROTHY DIX. the rcm.Hr.lr..: pr-ront-rs and the sol- nnd then pu'l It out ngaln. What t bj Public Uiitr, Inc.) diers to Join us. I wanted was to get Into the armory In the Wall Street zoo. It w.'kS a i:nd frr.eme and or.e to Kiron's side and help him. Still less docs she desire htm to In which or.'y desperate mcr. could All the time I could hear my men consider her so untrustworthy that Weddings The seventh hour was chccsa tc- By EMILY POST the soldiers to Join us—as far as I csuse at that thne the officers vert: to her. Besides, she rightfully holds International Authority on Etiquet nearly a'l congregated In tho w-ird- had been able to Judge, all the pris- oners had already done so. Now an- that a w^e Is Just as vitally inter- and Social Usage loom, where a light meal n:;d wine ested In her husband's affairs as he were served them daily. Wo should other soldier barred my way. His T\EAR MRS. POST; One of our have preferred launching our p!a:j at back was towaid me. and I was about Is. Her prosperity, her safety and that friends a?Xed me. "Are you In- night, but we feared a continuation to s'.eze him and hurl him back to ol her children are involved in his Honan and the others who were fight- Tlted to the wedding reception?" and of the practice o! locking us below ing at his side, when I saw him slip every act and she has a right to know I answered that I was not but to deck ivould prover.t. ar.d our experi- what he Is doing and thinking of ence with Ar.oss had taught, us :ha: his dagger Into the heart o: a sol-j the wedding breakfast. This friend •we mljht expect the whole conspiracy dlsr in Iron*, of him and, as h* did doing. claimed that one a the same cs the so, cry, "Tor Liberty!" Here vras or.e She feels that his silence Is a bar to bo divulged by another spy a* any convert at least. I did not know It other, and then the dispute started tlrr.e; therefore **e dared EO: wait. then, but at that time there were between them, that hfl regards her as as to what the breakfast meant ar.d I must confess to a Ic^llns of in- already many such. a stranger and an alien, and that If creasing excitement as the hour ap- why It Is that a wedding Invitation proached. As. from time to time. I When I anally got Into the armory. ho really loved her and they were never reads afternoon tea or dinner, glanced at the other members or our j * four.d Kiron issuing arms us fas'. truly one, as husband and wife but It does invite to breakfast at & little band. I thought that I could as he could pass them out. Many o.' should be, he would want to talk morning hour? It Is all so confus- note signs of nervousness in some o' the mutineers were crawling throu?h the windows of the room to get things over with her. ing. them, while others worked oa as 1935, Star Newspaper Service) placidly as though nothing unusual weapons, ar.d to each of these Kiron Speaking by and large, the women Answer: Your friend was right. was about to occur. Zc-g TVRS one oT passed several swords and pistols, Off for a Drive? are right in this matter and a man There Is seldom a breakfast and a directing the men to distribute them these. Ke was working near me. He _ docs work a grievous wrong on his reception. If there is, the reception never glanced toward the tower dec's "Gee-up! the little Puppies cry to Elder Brother'Jolin,, •wife who never tells her anything which the trumpeter would j Seeing that all was rlgM here, I would be general and the breakfast pre*eatlv sound the fateful r.o gathered a handful of men and "Please, Dobbin, don't sit down.likc that! Get up and canter on. about his business. For one thing, he small so that those asked to break- though it was with difficulty that I started up the companlonway to ths \Ve want to drive you round the house and through the kitchen door, keeps her from being a real helpmeet fast would certainly be at the recep- •kept my eyes from it nil. No or.o upper decks, from which the officers to him, because If she does not know tion. In the fashionable world In- And in and out the furniture upon the parlor floor." vitations to the reception at the •would havo thought that Zo£ \vas - firing upon tho mutineer* ar.d, his income, she necessarily cannot planning to attack the soldier lollin; j I :na; say. upon their own men as "Well, wait a bit," laughs Brother John, "and then I'll do my best, house are always called breakfast if "near him. nor have Imagined Thai •well. In fact. It waj this heirtless gauge her expenditures. Many women not later than 1 o'clock. After I . the night before he had murdered and stupid procedure that swung But now I am a wear;/ horse that lias to have a rest." are extravagant and live beyond their o'clock the gathering at the house la man. He was humming a tune, as many of the soldiers to our side. (Watch for another Furry Family's Circus scene Monday) means merely because they do not called a reception. Whether in com- munities where evening wedd Ings he polished the barrel of the blj Almost the first man I saw as I leaped know what their means are. They gun on which he WAS workins- to the level o: the second deck v;as are fashionable the reception Is called Gamfor and.
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