Sikh Periadiaza ATTEND CONVO CLASS NOMINATIONS re THURSDAY 1 THE BALL STATE NE WEDNESDAY . 34, No. 2 BALL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, MUNCIE, INDIANA, SEFTEMBEBAI7, 1954 Price Five Cents :kalph Marterie To Play For Greek Night Dance omecoming Program Music Season Traditional Dance ommittees Revealed Opened With By MARILYN JONES Pops Concert To Be Sponsored Managing Editor Ball State's Concert Band, con- Plans are underway for the 1954 Homecoming to be held Friday ducted by Dr. Merton Utgaard, By TONI REA Saturday, Oct. 8 and 9 on the Ball State campus. According to assistant professor of music, opened Society Editor Wright, SEC Public Accasions Commissioner, committees are the 1954-55 music program at Ball Ralph Marterie and his orchestra will provide music for the ctioning and alumni have been notified of the activities for the State with the "All Student Pops fourth annual "Greek Night" dance from 9 to 12 p.m. Saturday, k-end. Concert" at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Sep- Sept. 25, in the Ball State Gymnasium. • Highlighting the program for the alumni will be the alumni tember 12, on the south terrace Sponsorship of the dance is being handled by all campus social cheon at 11:30 a.m. in the Student Center Ballroom. The classes of the Arts building. sororities and fraternities. Tickets for the dance will be $1.80 per 24, '34, '44, and '54 will be honored at the luncheon. Attired in new navy blue uni- person and can be purchased from any member of social Greek en To Be Crowned forms, the band presented "Van- organiations. Tickets will also be on sale at the Student Center. The ening the 1954 Homecoming Ruth Horstman and Dot Marchal. guard of Victory" by Darcy; "Pan- "Greek Night" dance is open to all students at the college, regardless vities will be the registration Floats are in charge of Dave of whether or, not they are affiliated with Greek organiations. at 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8, Hinckley, chairman; Dot Parr, Peg American Promenade" by Ben- lumni nett; "Deep River Suite" by Erick- Marterie's Downbeat Orchestra, he Student Center. Also on the Pollock, Jerry Kolter and Bob son; "Deep Purple" by DeRose; who will play instead of the Night" dance. The outstanding nda for Friday are the tradi- Owen. previously announced Claude Parade activities are being hand- "The Girl in Satin" by Anderson; success of this first attempt by al freshmen-sophomore games, "A Tribute to Sousa" by Whitney Thornhill, also appeared at the all Ball State Greek organizations lig place on West Campus. At „,lede, by Dave Park and Lou Gilles- 1952 "Greek Night." to bring "big name" bands to our co-chairmen; Luella Barr, and "Skip to My Lou" arranged p.m., students will gather on P' by Herfurth. Highlighting the "All Voted as one of the most campus promoted the idea of -se st Campus for the bonfire and Brooks Lingo, Anna Correll and making it an annual affair. Con- Dick Campbell. On the committee Student Pops Concert" were Janie promising bands of the year in :ins session, where Dr. John R. Beckner, soloist, who presented the annual Billboard Magazine sequently, in 1952 Ralph Marterie ens, president of the college, for the judges are Jane Crampton, ial "One Kiss" by Romberg, and poll of America's disc jockeys, the performed for the dance. Last introduce the Homecoming chairman; and Dale Bennett. Serv- year's "Greek Night" dance fea- Lally ing on the committee for the Thea- Norma Chattin, twirler„ who fea- Marterie band features 17 instru- en court. Following the pep tured a twirling review, "Trom- ments. His vocal group includes tured the music of Tony Pastor I th ion, students will form a snake ter Rush are Charlotte Owen, bones Triumphant" by Keller. trumpeter Corny Panico, clari- and his orchestra. ce to the Rivoli Theater, where chairman; Marianne Hagena u, Marilyn Manning, Ann Birk, John A football show on Saturday, netist Charlie Spero, guitarist Co-Chairman Named ma Emens will announce the queen October 2, will be the next ap- Johnny Bibb and singer Lavon her court. Crowning the queen Brunso and Kent Gordon. Carol. Co-chairmen for the affair are ,rs a pearance of the Ball State Band. Janie Harrell, Panhellenic Coun- 1 be the captain of the football Other Committees Listed This date has also been selected ad. George Serdula, head foot- Activities at half-time are in Forms Own Music Group cil, and Bill Stalnaker, inter- for Ball State's "Band Day," which fraternity council. Sorority and per I coach, will also introduce charge of Bill Stalnaker, chair- will feature the performance of A recording star from Mercury fraternity members of each or- ad bers of the 1954 football squad man; Bill Lantz, Carol Ashcraft, several Indiana high school bands. records since 1949, Marterie ganization comprise the various 11 t the Theater Rush. Concluding Sue Winn and Ned Sutherland. Any student interested in be- played with Paul Whitman, Percy committees planning the dance. Theater. Rush will be a free Publicity is being handled by Mari- ate coming a member of the Ball Faith, Frank Black, John Scott These committees are: Publicity, e at the Rivoli Theater. lyn Jones, chairman; Shirley Lef- State Band is urged to contact Trotter, Nat Skilkert and Roy Walt Garret, Gerald Beard, Rod Par n Saturday morning, Oct. 9, ler, Steve Bennett, Jim Rohra- Shields before organizing his own Dr. Utgaard, and attend the re- BCeordnn,ettChEaralrile KDraovtiiedksonearDoalynve A. artmental open house will be baugh, Gay Smith and Sylvia hearsals at 3 p.m. on Tuesday and musical group in 1951. d in the various buildings on Lipanoga. Friday, and at 4 p.m. on Thursday The son of a musician, Marterie Fife, Jerry Jennings, Alice Ray, pus. An added attraction this In charge of decorations for the in room 110 of the Arts building. played professionally at the age ✓ will be the new wing of the dance are Bill Farrington, chair- Judy Wann, Donna Wilber and of 14 and at 17 was working with Ann Miller, chairman. Decora- rary, which is expected to be man; Sarah Stahlhuth, Chris Neff, Chicago radio networks. Among tions, for inspection by Homecom- Carol Ashcraft, chairman; n Mary Sue Robertson, Marilyn Zur- his numerous records are "Once Jerry Uptagrafh, Ray muehlen, Liz Swank and Sandra IFC To Release Brown, in a While," "Persian Market," Phil Linville, Shirley Lefler, t 9:30 a.m., floats will form on Scott. Serving on the band com- "Street Scene" and "Dark Eyes." er Road for the Homecoming mittee am Dick Bowen, chairman; Carol Janney, Jayne Beckner, New Publication In 1951 Woody Herman and his Keith Bennett, Mary Jo Bergen, eet ade, which will procede from Olin Mooy and Dee Shonk. Campus RALPH MARTERIE Interfraternity Council will re- band played for the first "Greek Mary Pozdol, Donna Venis, Berta er Road through downtown decorations are being handled by lease its first publication of its ncie and back to the college. Irwin, Annette Petro, Peg Pol- Ed Ring, chairman; Frances Yea- booklet, "To Be Or Not To Be a SEC Report lock, Sandy Scott, oats will be competing for ger, Nelda Tuxfgrd, Lucy Wolfe, Phillis Gru- Fraternity Man," Tuesday, Sep- Faculty, Students szka, Mona Daugherty, Martha rds in three divisions. Jerry Uptegraft, Marty Schielling, tember 21. Although this is the B-Book Sale Daugherty, Pat Summers, Mary Carol Ferraris and Betty Mitchell. first time Interfraternity Council eet ds To Meet Butler Hoemig Elected Receive Awards Sue Stephan, 0 11 i e Stanton, Handling the downtown decora- has distributed the new publica- Audrey Myers, Bill Stricker, ollow,ing the alumni luncheon, tions are Janet Graves, chairman; be held at 11:30 a.m. in the tion, it will become an annual Will Begin LaOlirrymoSehyp. i py, Don Owens and Janice Beckner, Barb Gardner, publication. In Art Exhibition n dent Center Ballroom, Ball Travis Miller, Danny Laycock, Bill New President The 1954-55 copy of the Ball te's Cardinals will meet the The book will be distributed to Other committees include Schneider and Kay Davis. Serving the freshman men through the Student Executive Council met Again this year students and State B-BOOK will be on sale ler Bulldogs at 2 p.m. on the members of the Ball State faculty tickets; Mary Kingsberry, chair- on the bonfire committee are Igna- Orientation classes. Any sopho- Monday, Sept. 13, in Conference beginning the first week of Oc- man, Pat Clyde, Hal Vaughn, letic field for the annual Home- cio Alfaro, chairman; Grace Mirza, exhibited and won awards for ing clash. more or junior who is unorgan- Room B of the Student Center. tober. Brooks Lingo, Audrey Modlin, Marvin Boles, Rich Dellinger, ized may pick up a copy of the their art at the Indiana State ampus organizations and alum- Jerry Hoemig was elected presi- Fair. Containing names, addresses, Bill Glendening, Thelma Mum- Larry Campbell, Dottie Gray and book in the Office of the Director by, Larry Conrad, Ruthie Horsh- barties are on the schedule from Connie Standish. dent of SEC by the other mem- Winning a first prize this year phone numbers, home towns and b 8 p.m. From 8 to 12 p.m., the of Men's Activities. for his oil painting was Victor man, Ellen Hoham, Lee Kness, The committee in charge of "The purpose of the book," ac- bers of the Council because Don class standings of all Ball State Chris Neff. Programs; Patra ual Homecoming dance will be dance tickets consists of Sue Craw- Blackwell, director of the Art d at two sites, the Student Cen- cording to Bill Wile, "is to acquaint Clark resigned this office.
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