Weekly List of Registered Applications Application Location Proposed Development Link To Application Reference Development land adjacent to Discharge of condition 6 (Covered and http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run Bannold Roa, Land north of S/0511/18/DC secure cycle parking) pursuant to planning /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Bannold Road, Waterbeach, permission S/2588/15/RM S/0511/18/DC Cambridgeshire One replacement non illuminated fascia 47-49, London Road, Stapleford, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run sign, one replacement illuminated totem S/2049/18/AD Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB22 /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= sign and one replacement illuminated 5DG S/2049/18/AD reception sign 29, Church Street, Willingham, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run Discharge of Condition 4 (Materials) of S/2280/18/DC Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Planning Permission S/0944/16/FL 5HS S/2280/18/DC Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run 24, North End, Meldreth, Royston, planning permission S/1423/17/FL for S/2319/18/VC /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Cambridgeshire, SG8 6NR single storey rear extension and brick S/2319/18/VC cladding to original building Discharge of condition 6 (Contamination) http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run St John's Innovation Park, Cowley S/2382/18/DC pursuant to planning permission /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Road, Cambridge, Cambs S/0343/16/FL S/2382/18/DC 24 Woodlands Park, Girton, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run Erection of one and a half storey annex S/2397/18/FL Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB3 /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= following demolition of existing garage 0QB S/2397/18/FL 50, Whitecroft Road, Meldreth, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run To drop the kerb in front of house and S/2446/18/FL Royston, Cambridgeshire, SG8 /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= create an off-street parking area. 6LR S/2446/18/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run LAND PARCEL - HIGHGATE Erect triple garage building associated use S/2519/18/FL /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= FARM, WILLINGHAM with approved dwelling S/3238/18/OL S/2519/18/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run 275 Hinton Way, Great Shelford, S/2529/18/FL Replacement dwelling /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Cambridge, CB22 5AN S/2529/18/FL Land to the north of 24 and 25 http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run Erection of two self-build detached S/2547/18/FL Parsonage Close, Duxford, /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= dwellings. Cambs, CB22 4SJ S/2547/18/FL Kirklee House, 1, Manor Walk, Proposed replacement staircase from the http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run S/2570/18/LB Fulbourn, Cambridge, ground floor to the first floor and a new /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Cambridgeshire, CB21 5BN staircase from the ground floor to the cellar. S/2570/18/LB Discharge of conditions 3 (Traffic 699, Newmarket Road, Fen Ditton, management plan) and 4 (Arboricultural http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run S/2600/18/DC Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB5 method statement and Tree protection /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= 8SQ strategy) pursuant to planning permission S/2600/18/DC S/4317/17/FL 23, Brockholt Road, Caxton, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run Proposed detached house, pair of garages S/2602/18/FL Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= & alterations to existing driveway 3PR S/2602/18/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run 2 Stevensons Road, Longstanton, S/2619/18/FL Proposed conservatory /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Cambridgeshire, CB24 3GY S/2619/18/FL Demolition of Existing Barn and Outbuilding to Create No.1 New Dwelling & Double http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run 130, Hay Street, Steeple Morden, Garage + Workshop. New Access S/2643/18/FL /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Royston, SG8 0PE (Crossover) off Bogs Gaps Lane to serve S/2643/18/FL No.130 Increase Existing Access (Crossover) off Hay Street . Proposed change of use (A1 - 'Pharmacy' 6 Chapel Street, Waterbeach, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run to A3 - 'Coffee shop') to include minor S/2653/18/VC Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB25 /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= modification of existing front window to 9HR S/2653/18/VC provide bi-fold doors. Discharge of Conditions 3 (Hard & Soft Landscaping), 5 (Tree Protection), 7 (Local Area of Play (LAP)), 9 (Boundary Treatment), 10 (Materials), 11 (Foul Water Drainage), 12 (Surface Water Drainage), 13 (Surface Water Drainage System), 14 http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run Land off Gibson Close, Gibson S/2660/18/DC (Pollution Control), 18 (Ecological /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Close, Waterbeach, CB25 9HY Enhancement), 19 (Construction S/2660/18/DC Management Plan), 21 (Driven Pile Foundations), 27 (Traffic Management Plan), 28 (Public Footpath), 29 (Fire Hydrants) & 30 (Number of Bollards) of Planning Permission S/2177/16/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run 1A, High Street, Whittlesford, Single storey rear extension and increase S/2665/18/FL /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Cambridge, CB22 4LT is shop area S/2665/18/FL 41 Main Street, Stow Cum Quy, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run S/2669/18/FL Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB25 Proposed single storey rear extension /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= 9AB S/2669/18/FL 41 Main Street, Stow Cum Quy, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run S/2670/18/LB Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB25 Proposed single storey rear extension /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= 9AB S/2670/18/LB http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run 67 Renard Way, Trumpington, S/2673/18/FL Erection of rear extension /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Cambridge, CB2 9EW S/2673/18/FL 11, Station Road (west), http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run Extension to garage to match existing S/2683/18/FL Whittlesford, Cambridge, CB22 /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= building on the plot 4NL S/2683/18/FL Demoliton of garage and outbuilding. Worsted Lodge, London Road Old Erection of car port and storage. External http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run S/2713/18/FL A11, Balsham, Cambridge, alterations to fenestration. /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Cambridgeshire, CB22 3AX ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, S/2713/18/FL ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Demolition of garage and outbuilding. Worsted Lodge, London Road Old http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run Erection of car port and storage. Internal S/2714/18/LB A11, Balsham, Cambridge, /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= alterations. External alterations to Cambridgeshire, CB22 3AX S/2714/18/LB fenestration and alterations to wall. http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run 32, Lonsdale, Linton, Cambridge, The proposal is to add a single storey side S/2749/18/FL /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Cambridgeshire, CB21 4LT and front extension. S/2749/18/FL Conversion of existing double garage into 39, West Street, Comberton, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run living space. Refurbishment of kitchen S/2761/18/FL Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= including new bi-folding patio doors. 7DS S/2761/18/FL Extension of rear lobby. Conversion of existing double garage into 39, West Street, Comberton, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run living space. Refurbishment of kitchen S/2762/18/LB Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= including new bi-folding patio doors. 7DS S/2762/18/LB Extension of rear lobby. 50, Orchard Road, Melbourn, Ground floor rear extension and rear first http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run S/2767/18/FL Royston, Cambridgeshire, SG8 floor extension, new roof dormer window /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= 6BP and roof pitch change S/2767/18/FL 18, Cantelupe Road, Haslingfield, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run S/2771/18/FL Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 Conversion of carport /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= 1LU S/2771/18/FL Boundary House, St Catherines http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run Court, Church Street, Litlington, S/2784/18/FL Ground floor extension /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Royston, Cambridgeshire, SG8 S/2784/18/FL 0QL Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of The Cedars, 26, South End, planning consent S/0331/15/FL for the http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run Bassingbourn Cum Kneesworth, erection of ten dwellings and garages S/2785/18/VC /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Royston, Cambridgeshire, SG8 following demolition of existing dwelling. S/2785/18/VC 5NJ Associated renovation of barn, and removal of redundant and dilapidated outbuildings Church View, Newmarket Road, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run S/2787/18/FL Stow Cum Quy, Cambridge, Construction of double garage and store /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Cambridgeshire, CB25 9AQ S/2787/18/FL 18, Royston Road, Whittlesford, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run Erection of a pair of semi-detached new S/2788/18/FL Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB22 /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= dwellings 4NW S/2788/18/FL Northstowe Proposed http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run Non Material Amendment of Planning S/2792/18/NM Development Site, Rampton Road, /WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID= Permission S/2011/14/OL Longstanton S/2792/18/NM 2, Chequers Close, Orwell, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run New single storey garden room with flat
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