JULY 2,1942 THE SOUTHWEST STANDARD Siuiers Make 'Ians BRIEFETTE-S "This Dove 111"Slars 'ower". Deserter;\ -J, ',EOI SIC Graduation Miss Goldina Fisher, who is a lec- Maisie 'ursues 'Skelton ia Juy 4 •• v.ies , . (Ooutinned from Page One) , turer in business education, has been . Alexander, Lillian; Alexander, Na- here this week. She talked to the Iqmi; Armstrong, Dorothy; Baker, commercial department classes and Ruth Powell; Barkley, Gerald; Beas ... to the commercial faculty. ley, Ellen M.; Boren, Mary Nola; Bowler, Nellie Allen; Brockway, Clarence Clarke, who is now em-: Helen; Brown, Ada M.; Brown, Dor- ployed in California, is back in ! is; Brown, Mona; Brown, Shirl; Bru- Springfield, his home town, for a ton, Louis; Bumpus, Dwight; Bu- visit. chanon, Robert; Callaway, Coneita; Carter, Flora; Carter, Virginia; Cas- Doris Day, of Salina, Kansas, is sity, Lucille Caldwell; Chastain, Au- visiting at the home of Betty Orms- bry. bee. She formerly attended STC and Cherrington, Dorothy; Chil ton, was in several plays here. Mabel; Claiborne, Jane; Claxton, Carinna; Cleland, Howard; Coffman, Mr. Paul Burnette, former STC Mary Nell; Coleman, Irene; Cook, librarian, is back in town for a Ralph; Cotton, Loretta; Crawford, prolonged visit. He is head librarian Ruby; Crow, Earl; Curnutt, James at J. Sterling Morton school in Cic- T.; Curry, Lola; Darby, Lillian; ero, Illinois, Davis, Dorothy; Davis, Paul; De- Spain, Hope; Dickinson, Helen; Dob- Russelle Grant Dunlap has just bins, Dean; Doolin, Luvaine Scott; received her Master's degree from Doolin, Ruie; Edds, Lois Pickett. Columbia University. She is now Hampton Graduates visiting at her home in Cabool, Elliott Howard: Ellison Dorothy where she gave a concert Monday Wade. Elmore R~chel W~od' Far- night for the benefit of the USO. Fontaine and Power mer ' Pearl Cunningham' 'Flood She was noted at STC for her ability Ho~ard T.; Fort, Ruby; Freeman: as a vocalist. Celebrating American Independ- beautiful blonde is in search of a ence Day in a modern mode, the dream-lover. (How far is the Carib- Evelyn; Funkhouser, Estle; Gibson, I bean? Editor's note.) Janie; Grantham, Susie; Grisham, Maryetta Carter and Alma Ruth Gillioz theater brings to the screen, "Flying With Music" will provide Austin; Haden, Quentin; Haden, Ellis have returned from a visit in "This Above All," starting July 4. scores of beautiful senoritas, sing- Jean; Hall, Frances; Hall, James California. Maryetta has entered It is a love story of a deserter from ing and dancing. In the cast are Mar- Merwin; Hampton, Hester Mae; STC for the remainder of the sum- the British army, Clive Briggs, who jorie Woodworth, William Marshall Harriman, A. B.; Hankins, Marjorie; mer term. saw action in the battle of Dun- and Jerry Bergen, top notch enter- Haynes, Mabel Crownover; Hazel- kirk and Prudence Cathaway, a tainers. ton, Ruth Louise. Wayne Goodson, former student at . WAAF member. Harvey, Mildred Mae; Hedgepeth, this college, has been in a tank I Cast as the deserter is Tyrone "Maisie Gets Her Man"- Gerald; Helms, Helen; Henderson, school in Fort Knox, Kentucky. He Power; Joan Fontaine, the academy At the Electric for the Fourth of Mary M.; Hinrechsen, Rose Shirley; stopped in Springfield one day this award winner, plays Prudence. The July program is another Maisie pic- Homan, Verna; Holt, Hollis; Hunt, week on his way to Camp Chaffee, two take a brief holiday trip after ture, this time "Maisie Gets Her Roger; James, Sibyl; Johnson, Wil- Arkansas, where he has been trans- their meeting and discover their love Man." Ann Sothern again is the ad- ma; Jones, Bill; Jones, Gloria; Jones, ferred. for each other, Tyrone is bitter venturous Maisie and Maisie's man Stanley; Joslin, May; Keith, Mar- toward the war and Joan Fontaine is the carrot-topped Red (I dood it) garet; Kelsay, Celoa; Kerr, Eileen; Keith Baker, who received his M. tries to get him to give himself up Skelton. Killian, Kathleen; King, Ruby; Kirk- A. degree at Yale University this to the authorities and return to his Maisie is a jobless show girl and man, Edna; Kissee, Henry Teller; summer, was in town for several regiment. she wanders, in search of work, to Laver, Paul; Like, Ira; Lloyd, Betty days visiting his parents. He arrived Features Mitchell the "Larceny Building," a dingy of- Jane. home Saturday, and is under orders The picture preserves all the pow- fice for small time promoters and from the U. S. Navy to report for a er and emotional movement of Eric bookies. There she meets Skel ton, Monotonous. Isn·t It four months Naval training course Knight's best-selling novel. "This a corny comedian, and they form a Long, Sylvia Ramsey; Luther, at Columbia University. Above All" bids to take its place Gladys; Lyle, Dwight; Mains, Mary vaudeville team. among the screen epics of the dec- Skel ton has stage fright and there- Millea; March, Mary; McKinney, , . r after they become engaged -In a Opal Grisham; McKnight, Mary El- Army. ad;~atured in the cast are Thomas racket. Somehow they get out of it- len; Miller, Mary Lou; Miller, Rob- Give STC Navy Mitchell, who has played plenty of tha t' s the story of "Maisie Gets Her ert B.; Montgomery, Lena Mae; -I 'T .. Q I unforgettable roles on the screen, Moore, Lola Braswell; Morgan, P ot raining uotas Man." STC' t f th d I Nigel Bruce and Henry Stephenson. Packs Wallop Dorothy; Morris, Martha Lou; Mor- s, quo a ,~r e army, an Searches for Dream-Lover ton, Lora; Morton, Ramon; Myers, The picture, with such top comed- navy pilot training classes IS 16 Th e companion'f eatureure ISj one 0 f Dorothy; Nelson, Ruth; Neuhart, ians as Maisie and Red, packs awal- army ..and 10 navy men. Ha1 Roac h' s musica'I come diies, "FI y- Genevieve E.; Newton, Elizabeth; ThIS college WIll take charge of, W·th M . " Th dv i t lop in laughs and belly la ughs.Also ' . hil D ing I USIC. e come y IS se in the cast are capable ·Allen J en- Nichols, James; Owens, William H.; th e primary training, w 1 e rury, th ti C lbb h Parker, Madge Luna. WI'11 h andle th e secon dary wor.k In e roman IC arr ean were a kins, Donald Meek and Leo Gorcey, Patton, Mary Maxine; Pickett, Many army students will be given the ex-Dead End kid. Dorothy D,; Reynolds, W. J.; Rich- basic training at Drury and STC and METROPOLITANS TO PLAY Off the screen comment: Red Skel- ardson, Bobbie Zoe; Robinson, Jean; then transferred to glider schools. FOR NEXT STC ASSEMBLY ton won't talk on the telephone, Rollins, James Rice; Rowlette, Wil- Dr. L. V. Whitney will instruct (Continued £I'om Page One) claiming it's bad luck. The picture bur; Sargent, Fern; Scrutchfield, the STC classes which will be similar Like James de la Fuente he has had to be rewritten because it called Harold; Sewell, Nell Gale; Sharp, to the CPT training offered at both also won awards presented by the for Red to talk into one. Pauline; Shook, Retha; Slagle, Hel- colleges. The ground work will be State Federation of Music Clubs. Companion film is Edward G. Rob- en; Slate, Chester; Smith, Wison; heavier. Younger than his colleagues, Wal- inson in "Larceny, Inc. cc ~t .is:, the Stager, Carl; Swearengin, Faye; The mental examinations for the ter Piasecki has not had the same story of a gangster who keeps .him- Thomas, Elmer; Thomas, Eunice; army course were given last night at chance to gather prizes. To date self so busy in an honest .snterprlse Thomas, ean Bernard; Thomas, Rob- STC and actual training is to begin however, he has to his credit two that he doesn't have time .to rob a ert C. Monday or the last of the week. scholarships in 'cello, one for study- bank. Jane Wyman is cast asBobin- Tracy, Robert Avery; Tupper, ing at the Cummington School, un- son's adopted daughter, who .tries Gladys; Van Nostrand, Burr; Wade, White, Ellis; White, Kathleen; der Hugo Kortscak, and another, hard to see that her .father-. goes M. Augusta; Wagner, Ruth; Wat- White, Walter Gene: Whittinton, which he still holds, for studying at straight. ' " kins, Orval; Wellock, Richard; Opal; Wilkins, Thomas ,R.; Wise, the David Mannes Music School in Broderick Crawford and ;Jack Car- Wheeler, J. Marvin; White, Barbara; Maxine; Wynne, Virginia. New York. son are in the supporting .roles,.
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