20 Pages Thursday, April 9, 2020 ◆ Pacific Palisades, California $1.50 COVID-19: Palisadians Encouraged Pali High Board of Trustees to Wear Face Coverings Assesses Grading System Concerns By SARAH SHMERLING to 3D print PPE in bulk response ously crowded,” Garcetti reported During Safer at Home Order Editor-in-Chief to the COVID-19 crisis.” that physical distancing plans to Public Health is also recom- keep communities safe have been By JENNIKA INGRAM s safer at home orders in place mending residents skip grocery reviewed. Though the Pacific Pal- Reporter across the city of Los Ange- shopping and other tasks that are isades Farmers Market remains Ales extend into the fourth week, technically allowed but put them closed due to LAUSD orders, 31 he Palisades Charter High residents are now encouraged by in a space with other people this farmers markets have submitted School Board of Trustees the Centers for Disease Control week whenever possible. plans for approval of safe opera- Tmet virtually on March 31—the and Prevention and County of Los “As we expect to see a signifi- tions—with 16 able to reopen as first-ever meeting of the board Angeles Public Health to wear cant increase in cases over the next of Monday. through Zoom. non-medical face coverings to help few weeks, we are asking that ev- The county continues to pro- With 48 participants, the meet- reduce the spread of COVID-19. eryone avoid leaving their homes vide free testing to residents with ing included more participants The coverings can be bandan- for anything except the most urgent COVID-19 symptoms. Priority than what is typical, Community Magee and Woolley during the board’s first meeting over Zoom. nas, scarves, and other cloth or matters,” Director of Public Health is given to those with underlying Chair Leslie Woolley shared. Photos courtesy of Pali High fabric—but Mayor Eric Garcetti Barbara Ferrer said in a statement. health challenges and those over During public comment, sev- asked that medical-grade masks “And when you do leave, please the age of 65. eral Pali High students indicated sion because clearly we want to students will not be penalized for are saved for health care workers make sure to cover your mouth and As of Monday, April 6, more concerns about the current grad- be supportive of anybody that has something that has come out of the on the front lines. nose with a cloth face covering if than 21,000 tests had been admin- ing system, as the campus has other challenges and things,” Sara blue that they have absolutely no “These are hard days—there’s you will be around others, main- istered at 12 testing locations. switched to eLearning in response Margiotta, a parent board member control over.” no question about it,” Garcet- tain a distance of at least six feet There are 6,910 confirmed to COVID-19. Students suggest- said. She added that the school is ti wrote in a tweet. “But I know from everyone else and frequently cases across the county with 169 ed the administration use a pass/ Margiotta also pointed out going to closely monitor what the that someday we’ll look back on wash your hands.” deaths, Public Health reported as fail system for the semester, as some students are very academic department of education says, what how we came together during this After temporarily suspend- the Palisadian-Post went to print opposed to canceling grades alto- and grades are a clear motivator for the universities are saying and look crisis, showed courage in the face ing farmers markets on Monday, Tuesday. There are 30 confirmed gether, as the governor of Florida them: “I think that tends to support at all of the options. of an invisible enemy, helped our March 30, due to being “danger- cases in the Palisades. did when ordering schools to re- more groups within the school, “And we’re going to come up neighbors and heeded the call to main closed through the end of the more different learning styles.” with something that is going to be stay safer at home.” semester. Students also expressed con- right for all Pali students,” Magee Garcetti also reported USC Io- “In order to be aligned with cerns about how this event will continued. “And it may be a va- vine and Young Academy is using the rest of the country and not to shape the college admission pro- riety of options. It might not be a 3D printing technology to make put our students at a disadvantage, cess. one-size-fits-all solution to this.” prototypes for face shields and oth- since online schooling may not “I know that among my peers, Magee followed up with an er protective equipment for health reflect the true nature of people’s a huge issue many see with the email sent on Monday, April 6, care workers. grades, we should consider replac- pass or fail system is that they will reemphasizing that the school’s “We’ll soon be matching hos- ing the GPA system with pass/fail,” not receive credit for hardworking administrators are working with pitals in need of supplies with Pali High student Zennon Uly- classes that they took this year,” students and faculty to make deci- architecture and design firms and Mayor Garcetti tweeted this image with a message of encouragement. ate-Crow wrote into the meeting. Ulyate-Crow said, “as they will sions about grades and important other companies with the capacity Photo courtesy of Twitter Ulyate-Crow added that can- lose the GPA boost that would typ- events such as graduation, and that celing grades altogether would ically accompany an AP or honors students will not be penalized be- remove the motivation for many class.” cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. students to continue learning this He added that although the Pali High and LAUSD cam- Community Continues to Question semester and that a pass/fail sys- classes may not count toward their puses are slated to remain closed tem could solve this. GPA, colleges will likely factor through May 1 and will “very like- “With a pass or fail system, in the demanding nature of the ly remain closed” past that date, Temporary Homeless Shelter students will still have a motiva- coursework. Magee wrote, as Governor Gavin tion to keep learning, as they must “We are very carefully going Newsom and Superintendent of By LILY TINOCO print Tuesday evening. complete coursework in order to to figure out what this GPA sys- Public Instruction Tony Thurmond Reporter The Pacific Palisades Com- pass their classes,” Ulyate-Crow tem will be,” Principal Dr. Pamela announced recommendations that munity Council sent a third let- said. Magee explained. “I don’t know all schools remain closed for the hile community members ter to Mayor Garcetti, Supervisor “I like the idea of a hybrid ver- exactly what the answer is … duration of the school year. wait for the Palisades Rec- Sheila Kuehl and Councilmember Wreation Center to be activated as a Mike Bonin regarding the issue on temporary homeless shelter by the Saturday, April 4. city, residents and local leaders Palisades Recreation Center The Executive Committee ex- Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer PPTFH Reports Efforts Amid continue to pose questions regard- pressed frustration over not receiv- ing safety issues. ing detailed or complete responses On Monday, March 30, Pali- the Palisadian-Post. “I started the regarding the possible shelter, the sadian Rebecca Malamed created petition because I was very con- uncertainty of receiving advance COVID-19 Outbreak an online petition addressed to cerned that the city’s homeless notice or the opportunity to offer Mayor Eric Garcetti against the response to SARS-CoV-2 is com- their input. By LILY TINOCO plan to house homeless individ- pletely inappropriate and even “During this unprecedented Reporter uals at the center, as well as all counterproductive.” public health crisis, the Palisades other recreation centers in Los Malamed offered research community needs and deserves he Pacific Palisades Task Force Angeles. to support her argument: She re- assurances that there is a detailed on Homelessness continues to The petition had garnered ferred to a Japanese study that has plan, that it’s shared with the com- Tlend a helping hand and pursue its more than 9,000 signatures as demonstrated that the virus is far munity, that it’s safe for residents mission amidst Safer at Home or- the Palisadian-Post went to print more transmissible indoors than of the shelter and residents of the ders and the COVID-19 pandemic. Tuesday evening. outdoors, and a study published community, and that the shelter “Our mission is to protect the “I want to emphasize that the by Lydia Bourouiba, a researcher really is temporary,” the letter community from the destructive homeless are an at-risk population from MIT, that demonstrates drop- states. consequences of homelessness,” and deserve to be protected during lets spreading beyond six feet. The committee also declared said Sharon Browning, co-chair this pandemic,” Malamed said to “An indoor communal living their planned opposition without of PPTFH. “And also to provide situation might simply guarantee clear responses: “Without com- respectful, compassionate services that everyone in these recreation plete and satisfactory answers by for our homeless people. centers will become infected by our public officials convincing us “If we’re really out there the virus, including any staff and that the use will be safe and suit- working with the people that are LAPD officers, if even one person able, the PPCC Executive Com- homeless in our community, and enters the facility with the infec- mittee would oppose the use of we manage those issues and we Portable toilets stationed near Porto Marina Way tion,” Malamed said.
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