LANCASTER LAW REVIEW ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Brubaker, Ida S., dec’d. Notice is hereby given that, in the Late of the Township of Man­ estates of the decedents set forth heim. below, the Register of Wills has Personal Representative: Mary granted letters testamentary or of Grace Shenk c/o John R. Gib­ administration to the persons named. bel, Attorney, P.O. Box 5349, Notice is also hereby given of the Lancaster, PA 17606. existence of the trusts of the deceased Attorneys: Gibbel Kraybill & settlors set forth below for whom no Hess LLP. personal representatives have been Charles, Shirley Irene, dec’d. appointed within 90 days of death. Late of the Township of War­ All persons having claims or de­ wick. mands against said estates or trusts Executor: John Charles c/o are requested to make known the John R. Gibbel, Attorney, P.O. same, and all persons indebted to Box 5349, Lancaster, PA said estates or trusts are requested 17606. to make payment, without delay, to Attorneys: Gibbel Kraybill & the executors or administrators or Hess LLP. trustees or to their attorneys named below. Cohen, Alice Muth, dec’d. Late of West Lampeter Town­ FIRST PUBLICATION ship. Arnau, Carola E. a/k/a Carola Executor: Eric A. Muth, 40 Edith Arnau, dec’d. Buttonwood Ln., Doylestown, Late of Strasburg Township. PA 18901. Executor: Miguel Angel Arnau Attorneys: Jeffrey K. Landis, c/o Neal A. Rice, Esquire, Esquire; Landis, Hunsberger, 3314 Lincoln Hwy. E., Ste. 2, Gingrich & Weik, LLP. Paradise, PA 17562. Doyle, Clarence R., dec’d. Attorney: Neal A. Rice, Es­ Late of Rapho Twp. quire. Executrices: Diane Hossler Barry, Barbara A., dec’d. and Debora Nunemaker c/o Late of Akron Borough. Young and Young, 44 S. Main Executor: John E. Barry c/o Street, P.O. Box 126, Man­ Appel & Yost, LLP, 33 North heim, PA 17545. Duke Street, Lancaster, PA Attorneys: Young and Young. 17602. Geisenberger, Jacques H., Jr., Attorney: James W. Appel. dec’d. Bortzfield, Martha F., dec’d. Late of West Lampeter Town­ Late of the Township of War­ ship. wick. Executor: Steven J. Geisen­ Administratrix: Candace Ryan berger, 238 Heatherstone Rakers c/o Marci S. Miller, Way, Lancaster, PA 17601. Attorney, P.O. Box 5349, Lan­ Attorney: None. caster, PA 17606. Grube, Verna M., dec’d. Attorneys: Gibbel Kraybill & Late of E. Hempfield Town­ Hess LLP. ship. 13 LANCASTER LAW REVIEW Executrix: Melinda Zellers c/o Attorneys: Timothy T. Engler, Young and Young, 44 S. Main Esquire; Steiner & Sandoe. Street, P.O. Box 126, Man­ Myers, Cecelia F., dec’d. heim, PA 17545. Late of E. Hempfield Twp. Attorneys: Young and Young. Executrix: Cristine M. Stewart Koelsch, G. Richard, dec’d. c/o Young and Young, 44 S. Late of Manor Township. Main Street, P.O. Box 126, Administratrix c.t.a.: Deborah Manheim, PA 17545. L. Koelsch c/o Blakinger Attorneys: Young and Young. Thomas, PC, 28 Penn Square, Phipps, Ruthanna C., dec’d. Lancaster, PA 17603. Late of Manheim Township. Attorneys: Blakinger Thomas, Executors: Grayson C. Phipps PC. and Jesslyn N. Esbenshade Longenecker, Carol Ann, dec’d. c/o James N. Clymer, 408 Late of the Borough of Eliza­ West Chestnut Street, Lan­ bethtown. caster, PA 17603. Executor: James S. Tierney Attorneys: Clymer Conrad PC. c/o Gingrich, Smith, Klingen­ Richards, Ada C., dec’d. smith & Dolan, 222 S. Market Late of Manheim Township. Street, Suite 201, Elizabeth­ Executor: Frank J. Richards town, PA 17022. c/o Randy R. Moyer, Esquire, Attorney: Kevin D. Dolan, Es­ Barley Snyder LLP, 126 East quire. King Street, Lancaster, PA Martin, Thelma K., dec’d. 17602. Late of West Earl Township. Attorneys: Barley Snyder LLP. Executor: Edward K. Martin Risser, Cloy M., dec’d. c/o J. Elvin Kraybill, Attorney, Late of East Donegal Town­ P.O. Box 5349, Lancaster, PA ship. 17606. Executors: Steven C. Risser Attorneys: Gibbel Kraybill & and Debra L. Ebersole c/o Hess LLP. Barbara Reist Dillon, Esquire, 212 North Queen Street, Lan­ Mayer, Raymond Edward, Jr., caster, PA 17603. dec’d. Attorneys: Nikolaus & Hohe­ Late of Pottstown Borough. nadel, LLP. Executrix: Michele L. Conrad c/o Young and Young, 44 S. Schnader, Joseph L., dec’d. Main Street, P.O. Box 126, Late of West Earl Township. Manheim, PA 17545. Executor: Jack E. Schnader, Attorneys: Young and Young. 197 Hillcrest Road, New Hol­ land, PA 17557. dec’d. Moyer, Elmer L., Attorneys: Good & Harris, Late of the Borough of Eph­ LLP. rata. Executor: Scott J. Moyer, 289 Scruggs, Edith M., dec’d. S. Mountain Road, Robesonia, Late of West Lampeter Town­ PA 19551. ship. 14 LANCASTER LAW REVIEW Trustee: Fulton Bank, N.A. 277 Millwood Road, Lancas­ c/o Herr & Low, P.C., 234 ter, PA 17603. North Duke Street, P.O. Box Attorney: James R. Clark. 1533, Lancaster, PA 17608. Sodrosky, Leonard J., dec’d. Attorney: Matthew A. Grosh. Late of Conoy Township. Seaman, William C., dec’d. Executor: Leonard M. Sodro­ Late of the Township of Breck­ sky c/o David C. Miller, Jr., nock. Esquire, 1846 Bonnie Blue Executor: Steven S. Seaman Lane, Middletown, PA 17057. c/o D. Scott Eaby, 29 South Attorney: David C. Miller, Jr., State Street, Ephrata, PA Esquire. 17522. Sweigart, Helen I., dec’d. Attorney: D. Scott Eaby. Late of Ephrata Borough. Sensenich, Curtis L. a/k/a Curtis Executor: Daniel S. Sweigart c/o George J. Morgan, Es­ Lee Sensenich, dec’d. quire, 700 North Duke Street, Late of the Borough of Lititz. P.O. Box 4686, Lancaster, PA Administrator: Todd C. Sen­ 17604­4686. senich c/o John R. Gibbel, Attorneys: Morgan, Hallgren, Attorney, P.O. Box 5349, Lan­ Crosswell & Kane, P.C. caster, PA 17606. Attorneys: Gibbel Kraybill & Trago, Cora E. a/k/a Cora Edna Hess LLP. Trago, dec’d. Late of the Township of New Shreiner, John Lester a/k/a John Holland. L. Shreiner a/k/a John Shrein­ Co­Executrices: Gladys M. er, dec’d. Thompson, Alice M. Miller and Late of Ephrata Township. Janet E. Myer c/o Justin B. Administrator: James Shrein­ Bollinger, Attorney, P.O. Box er c/o Pyfer, Reese, Straub, 5349, Lancaster, PA 17606. Gray & Farhat, P.C., 128 N. Attorneys: Gibbel Kraybill & Lime Street, Lancaster, PA Hess LLP. 17602. Walker, William W., dec’d. Attorneys: Pyfer, Reese, Late of Lancaster Township. Straub, Gray & Farhat, P.C. Executor: William J. Walker, Slifer, Mabel L., dec’d. 6481 Lyters Lane, Harrisburg, Late of Lititz. PA 17111. Executor: Jeffrey C. Goss, 480 Attorneys: Jacqueline A. Kelly, New Holland Avenue, Suite Esquire; James, Smith, Diet­ 6205, Lancaster, PA 17602. terick & Connelly, LLP. Attorneys: Brubaker Con­ Zeiset, Emma B., dec’d. naughton Goss & Lucarelli Late of Denver Borough. LLC. Executors: Samuel W. Zeiset Smith, Robert C., dec’d. and Raymond W. Zeiset c/o Late of the Township of Man­ James N. Clymer, 408 West heim. Chestnut Street, Lancaster, Executrix: Jennifer L. Smith PA 17603. c/o James R. Clark, Esquire, Attorneys: Clymer Conrad PC. 15 LANCASTER LAW REVIEW SECOND PUBLICATION Graby, Elmer W., dec’d. Blankenhorn, Kenneth C. a/k/a Late of N. Londonderry Town­ Kenneth Carl Blankenhorn, ship. dec’d. Executrices: Loraine L. George Late of Elizabethtown. and Joan M. Werner c/o Executor: Kenneth J. Blan­ Young and Young, 44 S. Main kenhorn, 326 Mountain Road, Street, P.O. Box 126, Man­ Lebanon, NJ 08833. heim, PA 17545. Attorney: None. Attorneys: Young and Young. Chryst, J. Freeland, dec’d. Halden, Allen, dec’d. Late of East Lampeter Town­ Late of Elizabeth Township. ship. Executrix: Dona L. Halden c/o Executrix: Dana A. Chryst c/o Gardner and Stevens, P.C., Kluxen, Newcomer & Dreis­ 109 West Main Street, Eph­ bach, Attorneys­at­Law, 339 rata, PA 17522. North Duke Street, P.O. Box Attorney: John C. Stevens. 539, Lancaster, PA 17608­ 0539. Hess, Helen M. a/k/a Helen May Attorney: Melvin E. Newcom­ Hess, dec’d. er, Esquire. Late of Lancaster City. Co­Executors: Raymond M. Constantine, Ann M. a/k/a Anne Hess and Dale R. Hess c/o M. Constantine a/k/a Anna M. William W. Campbell, Attor­ Constantine, dec’d. Late of Rapho Township. ney At Law, 303 West Fourth Executrices: Susan E. Wolge­ Street, Quarryville, PA 17566. muth and Linda M. Giovenco Attorney: William W. Camp­ c/o Blakinger Thomas, PC, 28 bell. Penn Square, Lancaster, PA Hickey, John E., Jr., dec’d. 17603. Late of Pequea Township. Attorneys: Blakinger Thomas, Administratrix: Jennifer L. PC. Hickey c/o Pyfer, Reese, Cunnane, Elisabeth L. a/k/a Straub, Gray & Farhat, P.C., Elisabeth Lucille Cunnane, 128 N. Lime Street, Lancaster, dec’d. PA 17602. Late of Quarryville Borough. Attorneys: Pyfer, Reese, Executor: Timothy P. Cun­ Straub, Gray & Farhat, P.C. nane c/o William W. Camp­ Johnson, Errel R. a/k/a Errel R. bell, Attorney At Law, 303 Johnson, Jr., dec’d. West Fourth Street, Quar­ Late of Lancaster City. ryville, PA 17566. Executrix: Kathy Johnson c/o Attorney: William W. Camp­ Jeanne M. Millhouse, Esquire, bell. 53 N. Duke Street, Ste. 204, Fonzi, Samuel, dec’d. Lancaster, PA 17602. Late of Millersville Borough. Attorney: Jeanne M. Mill­ Executrix: Mary L. Fonzi c/o house, Esquire. David P. Carson, 2205 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601. McDermott, John J., dec’d. Attorney: David P. Carson. Late of Lancaster Township. 16 LANCASTER LAW REVIEW Executors: Thomas M. McDer­ Esquire, Barley Snyder LLP, mott and John J. McDermott, 126 East King Street, Lan­ III c/o W. Bryan Byler, 363 caster, PA 17602. West Roseville Road, Lan­ Attorneys: Barley Snyder LLP. caster, PA 17603. Trostle, Dorothy S. a/k/a Doro­ Attorneys: W.
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