Thursday, March 16, 2000 ! Volume 6, Number 26 Page 1 of 8 McIntosh, Reed in The GOP realignment Howey !"#$%&''()*$&%#"+,$-.(,*$/(%*01$2'&+ By BRIAN A. HOWEY in Indianapolis HPR Forecast: Supt. of Public Instruction Suellen Reed will easily win renomination at the Republican conven- Political tion in June. !"!"!" This was the week when there was a realignment of the stars in the Indiana education political picture. Report On Monday, U.S. Rep. David McIntosh - borrowing The Howey Political Report is published by NewsLink the name of a BMV license plate program, Kids First - Inc. Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is announced his first major campaign initiative. In a program an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the that appears to be strongly influenced by former Hudson political process in Indiana. Institute analyst Carol D’Amico, McIntosh called for a Brian A. Howey, publisher replacement of ISTEP, vowed to clear cut non-teaching Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington writer “overhead,” sought pay increases for teachers as well as accountability, and renewed the call for full-day kindergarten Jack E. Howey, editor (the Morris Mills cafeteria plan), earlier K enrollment, char- The Howey Political Report Office: 317-254-1533 ter schools, and state-paid textbooks. PO Box 40265 Fax: 317-254-2405 The McIntosh initiative brought an anticipated Indianapolis, IN 46240-0265 Mobile: 317-506-0883 scornful response from Hoosier Democrats. "It's really ironic [email protected] that when it came to voting in Washington, kids often came www.howeypolitics.com last with David McIntosh,” said Chairman Robin Winston. Washington office: 202-775-3242 “Then, when it comes to campaigning for governor, sudden- Business Office: 317-254-0535. Pager: 317-320-2722 ly he says kids will come first. Gov. Frank O'Bannon has a stellar record of forging bipartisan support to improve educa- Daytime number: 317-254-2400, Ext. 273 tional opportunities for Indiana's children, our college stu- Subscriptions: $250 annually via e-mail or dents and even our adults." fax. Call 317-254-1533. The Democrats released a statement noting the "10 © 2000, The Howey Political Report. All rights points in McIntosh's Non-Education Record." It noted that reserved. Photocopying, Internet forwarding, faxing or he received a 15 percent rating from the National Education reproducing in any form, in whole or in part, is a viola- tion of federal law and is strictly prohibited without Continued on page 2 consent of the publisher. “That absolutely, positively and totaly never Ticker Tape: O’Bannon’s good week p. 3 happened. How strong is the validity of Congress Watch: Early CD TV ads p. 5 everything else?” - IU Coach Bob Knight, to Don Columnists: Kondracke, Kirts p. 6 Horse Race: Hill, Loomis blast high Hein of WTHR-TV, on whether he threw President gas prices; Pence gets PAC nod; Myles Brand out of a basketball practice. Perry endorsements p. 7-8 Thursday, March 16, 2000 Page 2 of 8 O’BANNON SIGNS MEDIC- AID, WORKERS COMP: With a revised figure of $180 mil- lion less in the budget cof- fers than the $200 million reported last month (Times of Northwest Indiana), Gov. Frank O’Bannon signed into law bills that would expand Medicaid eligibility and increase workers compen- legislators who have endorsed her, like sation. Signing those two Education, from page 1 bills into law on Wednesday Dennis Kruse.” gave Hoosier Democrats a Association and 0 percent from the major sigh of relief. O’Ban- American Federation of Teachers. Derailing Zendejas non also signed the Ten Then on Wednesday, Republican These developments appear to have Commandments and tobac- Supt. of Public Instruction Suellen Reed co settlement laws and said all but taken the wind out of the sails of all but took the wind out of any notion that a new biblical monu- former Indianapolis Public School Supt. ment will be constructed on that she might be upset for a nomination Esperanza Zendejas, who had publicly the Statehouse lawn. for a third term. She released the names of flirted with challenging Reed. Republicans endorsing her re-election that Zendejas showed up at a recent INDIANA ECONOMIC PIC- included 30 legislators (Bob Garton, Larry Johnson County Lincoln Day dinner, but TURE CLOUDS: Prospects Borst, Paul Mannweiler, Morris Mills, Jeff sat at the back of the room and didn’t of a severe drought and $2- Espich, Sue Scholer); five GOP CD chairs mingle with the party faithful. Another a-gallon gas prices have the (including Roger Chaibai, John Earnest, potential challenger - D’Amico - is now potential of clouding the Max Middendorf, Don Clark, Briane rosy Hoosier economic pic- playing a key role in developing the ture. The National Weather House, Roy Rogers and Virgil Scheidt); McIntosh education program. Service has issued an about 30 county chairs, including Allen Even if Zendejas attempted to make unprecedented spring County’s Steve Shine; and other promi- a challenge of Reed, it would be an uphill drought warning for the nent members of the party’s hierarchy - battle. Her legacy at IPS was pockmarked northern two-thirds of the former Gov. Robert Orr, Jean Ann with controversy - such as advocating an state that could have a dev- Harcourt, H. Dean Evans, Marian Miller, end of arts and physical education, to astating impact on the Pat Kiely, Beurt SerVaas, and Jack Cottey. closing naturally integrated IPS School 86 state's agriculture economy “This is what it takes to win a con- in the Butler-Tarkington neighborhood, to already buffeted by low live- her premature exit after bitter disputes stock prices. The New York vention,” said Terry Spradlin Tuesday Times reported on Sunday night. “We believe the county and district with the school board. Reed could easily that Republicans are gear- chairs are very influential in winning the frame that political equation into an ing up to make the skyrock- nomination.” Reed warded off a 1996 “Indianapolis vs. Out-State” battle and eting gasoline prices a convention floor fight from Rep. David win a convention floor fight. major issue in the fall presi- Lohr by a 62-38 percent margin and went dential and congressional on to lead the GOP ticket, as she did in Reed and McIntosh campaigns (see Horse Race, 1992. “There was a very conservative ele- pages 7-8). Even more significant is Reed’s ment in 1996,” said Spradlin. “It may be realignment with David McIntosh. Since there, but it’s not as strong as it was in 1996, there was some grumbling in GOP Continued on page 3 1996. We have some very conservative circles about the warm relationship Reed Page 3 of 8 Thursday, March 16, 2000 enjoyed with Gov. Frank O’Bannon. tion adviser. But Thad Nation of the As late as early February, Reed was O’Bannon campaign said, “We want to publicly defending ISTEP, while keep him right where he is.” There has McIntosh and John R. Price were publicly been no other credible name surfacing to calling for its demise. “Dr. Reed is hold- date. ing the line and staying the course,” “We could have an unopposed con- ARIZONA INTERNET VOTE: Spradlin said in the Feb. 10 edition of vention and general election,” Spradlin The first Internet election HPR. “She doesn’t want to do anything said. has taken place in the drastic - that would be foolhardy. To Arizona Democratic presi- repeal the program would be poor public McIntosh record dential primary. Internet vot- ing took place from last policy.” Other than the criticism from Robin When McIntosh campaign manager Tuesday through last Winston, the only major players to take on Jim Huston was asked if Reed was having Friday. Voters were issued a the McIntosh plan were David Young of personal identification num- input in the candidate’s new plan, he curt- the ISTA and Republican rival John R. ber and then could log on at ly responded, “David will be getting input Price. Young told the Associated Press, “I any computer or Democratic from a lot of different sectors.” think he kind of misses the boat.” Party HQ to cast their bal- Since then, McIntosh and Reed Specifically, Young said that the merit pay lots (Associated Press). The have met face to face three times in meet- 13,000 votes cast on proposal would create a “disruptive ings both camps describe as “cordial.” Tuesday surpassed the total atmosphere” between teachers. Price When McIntosh announced his Democratic primary ballots agreed, telling AP, “It can lead to severe Kids First plan on Monday, Reed released cast in 1996 problems in morale because it can pit one this statement: “The Kids First Plan holds staff member against another.” Young said promise for Hoosier students. Its focus on BUSH LEADS GORE: A the McIntosh plan didn’t even cover class CNN-Gallup Poll released on promoting the teaching profession and im- size, technology and reading. Monday has Texas Gov. proving discpline in Indiana classrooms George W. Bush leading will enable our students to have the best McIntosh noted in his initiative, “No one answer in and of itself solves the Vice President Al Gore 49- opportunity for a learning-rich environ- 43 percent. However, an ment.” problem, but I firmly believe that with ABC News Poll had Gore As for McIntosh calling for annual leadership from the governor’s office and leading Bush 48-45 percent. testing in place of ISTEP, Reed said, “Our bold dramatic reforms, Indiana can begin testing program should not, and will not, to turn the corner.” ASSASSIN COMMITTED: A be a static program that ignores logical The rest of the discourse surround- judge has committed Julie Van Orden, killer of former improvements and we must not pass stu- ing the McIntosh plan centered on the Evansville Mayor Russell dents along without the skills they need to congressman’s record since 1994.
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