Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 5-7-1965 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1965). Winona Daily News. 616. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/616 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Thunderstorms RIVER Tonight, Saturday; Stage Today 11.79 Cooler Sunday 24-Hour Change —.48 More Tornadoes in State, 12 Killed Urgency and Confusion Two Dozen Legislators Bat f ledby Minneapolis Suburbs Hit Daylight MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Th« S^ death? toll rose to at least 12 to- day from a string of tornadoes ST. PAUL. (AP) . — A state- ginia said "we ijeed a scientific law to provide for DST from the wide April to October daylight poll" of areas interested in day- last Sunday in April to the last that spewed death and destruc- saving hill got over its first light time. Sunday in October. tion over this heavily populated ? St. Paul joined the ranks of legislative hurdle today. He said there is urgency in area , injuring more than 300 communities that defied state the situation because Minnesota and causing millions of dollars Such a bill by Sen. Raphael law and voted to go on fast time is now in a state of confusion. Salmore of Stillwater was rec- in advance of the legal May 23 in damage. Police said two more bodies ommended to pass by the Sen- change. Some two dozen other Even while the bickering was ate General Legislation Com- communities now are under fast going on, two more communities were found in the suburb of mittee by a voice vote; time or plan lo go on DST this -^Stillwater and St. Croix Beach Mounds View as coroner's aides The House General Legislation weekend. Minnesota ends DST —announ-ed Thursday they will began the grim ta^k of search- Committee, which also got views the day after Labor Day. adopt the fast time at 2 a.m. ing the rubble where dozens of Thursday of a group of Minne- Sunday, the same time St . Paid homes stood before Thursday apolis civic leaders and busi- the Minneapolis delegation, night' headed by Mayor Arthur Nafta- and many of its suburbs will ad- s twisters hit. Several ol nessmen pleading for concerted vance their clocks. the dead remained unidentified. action , set no schedule for con- lin , went before the general leg- sideration of any DST changes. islation committees of the House Chairman Dwight Swanstrom More than two dozen suburb. and .'Senate*?' but none in the de- of Duluth said the House Gen- lay in the path of satanic winds Rep. L. J. Lee of Bagley. a legation was given a chance to eral Legislation Committee that skipped to \he ground and longtime foe? of fast time, called speak, - would hold a special meeting to lifted, only to come down again the* daylight saving time vs Sen. Raphael Salmore of Still- take up the DST bills once more. over southwestern, western and standard time issue "planned water made an abortive attempt In the bach of bills is one to northern suburbs during the confusion." to receive committee approval give extended DST to metropoli- STEPS TO NOWHERE 7. .. These steps lead to a house debris is piled against the utility pole in right rear, In back- supper hour. But Rep. Peter Fugina of Vir- of his bill amending the present tan areas only. that was swept away and demolished by a tornado that hit ground are apartment units that were ripped. (AP Photofax) Heavy rain and two-inch hail- Fridley, in suburban Minneapolis, Thursday night. Much of /; : ; ' " stones preceded the twisters. " ¦ ' ' » . XrXy ': ?7 >*. y ' - . " - ' . ;- ' ' . ' y 7 Utility lines were downed, many crossing highways lined Identified Dead with homeward - bound work- MINNEAPOLIS W-Here ? ers; Northwestern Bell Tele- Is a list of identified dead phone Co., which sent six mo- in Thursday's suburban bile units out for emergency Minneapolis storms: use by residents today, esti- 1. Raymond 7 Perbix, 56, mated 27,000 telephones were Norwood cattle breeder. out of service. ? ¦ ,. 2. Mrs. Johh Iverson, Hundreds of homes were dam- Domini can Pull but about 80, Mound, of a heart aged and many were destroyed. attack. WASHINGTON (AP) - Offi- erable degree by the speed and Security Ministry said later Gov. Karl Rolvaag appealed cials said today the United size of forces contributed by 3. Clarence Paulson, ?65, Thursday that country would ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ to President Johnson to expand States hopes to begin with- other countries to the peace- send 10 to 20 men from its police Mound. :- . ' ...' " ¦:- ' ' ' flood disaster designations al- drawing. , " some ' .of its 20,000 keeping operations of the Or- organization, since it has no 4. Mrs. Clarence Paulson, ¦58'; '¦ ' ready in effect for the area to troops from the Dominican Re- ganization of American States. regular army. Brazil and Ar- . include wind damage. The gov- public within a few days as con- gentina were reported consid- 5. Mrs. Alma Grinde, 79, The OAS voted early Thurs- Duluth, who had been visit- ernor, who made an inspection tingents from other American ering contributing¦ military day to set up an inter-American ¦? ' ing a son at Spring Lake tour after the storm, called the nations move in. ? units. .;- . ¦ ' ¦ Final decisions on the timing military force in the Dominican - . .' • Park. ' . ¦ ? situation "Utter, sheer, total There was a report in diplo- disaster." and number of Withdrawals are Republic: Two countries, ?Para- matic quarters here that three 6. Robert E. Clark, 28, yet to be made by President guay and Venezuela, annnounced prominent political figures of Anoka. " He called out National Guard Johnson. Officials indicated they were ready to contribute the Caribbean area might be 7. Lavila G. Abraham, 32, units to help police and Civil they would be shaped in consid- military units. The Costa Rican asked by the New Brighton. Defense volunteers to maintain OAS to play an ' important role in helping solve 8. Helene Haw 1 e y,'7 3 order. the political problems involved months, Fridley. Tornado sightings were re- in creating a democratic regime 9. Walter Achterkirch, 67, ported over at least 25 small in the Dominican Republic. Mounds View. towns. 4 Jury Deadlocked They are former Gov. Luis 10. Gregory Magsam, , View, The heaviest damage was re- Munoz Marin of Puerto Rico, Mounds li.' Mrs; Annie Demery, 64 ported to communities around former President Romulo Be- , Fridley. Lake Minnetonka, some 15 tancourt of Venezuela and form- miles west of Minneapolis and In Liuzzo Trial er President Jose Figueres of Spring Lake Park and Mounds Costa Rica. The three have long HAYNEVILLE, Ala. CAP) - hadn 't agreed on the fate of the View, 15 miles north of the city- been identified with what is A deadlocked jury was called accused — to wait and "get a Four persons died at Mound, known in Latin-American ¦ back into court today to try steak when you get to Montgom- politi- Ship Reported ,' HUDDLE DURING TORNADO ALERT at center has an injured leg. Woman at right a residential community on cal circles as the democratic again for a verdict in the civil ery." ... These victims of Thursdaiy night's devas- holds her pet dog. After these people's homes Lake Minnetonka's west shore, left. All are strongly anti-Com- rights murder trial of a Ku Klux Each night since the trial be* where dozens of homes were munist and antidictatorship. tating tornado sit huddled in a corner and were hit, they moved into this undamaged gan , the jury has been taken 25 Klansman. The three have been in wait out another alert in Fridley. The woman building. (AP Photofax) hard hit , and many destroyed. miles to Montgomery where Wash- Sunk in Straits Island Park and Navarre also The 12 jurors deliberated four ington quarters were made available for several days and ' hours and 20 minutes Thursday have been in touch with Johnson on the lake s west side, received in the modern air conditioned heavy property damage and evening before Circuit Judge T. as well as the Organization of Congress Resents Whi lash Werth Thagard ordered them court house. p reported many injured. The jury in a murder trial American States. Of Mackinac locked up for the night. The rebel movement In (he Four persons died at Spring must be kept together day and He told the jurors all white Dominican Republic MACKINAW CITY, Mich. Lake Park, one at Mounds View , night and neither the 133-year- —a move- to resume their delibera- (AP)—Two ships collided in the and one at Norwood. men, old Lowndes County Courthouse ment which the United States tions at 9 a.m. (Central Stand- asserts was captured fog-shrouded straits of Mackin- nor the small town of Hayneville by Com- The Injured In twisters that munist' ac today and one reportedly ard Time) in hope of reaching has thc facilities to house the nnd Castroite leaders — hit Fridley, Spring Lake Park the unanimous agreement nec- has produced a regime under sank. 12 men. $700 Million Funds and Mounds View were brought essary to convict or acquit Col- At 8 p.m., Ihe judge sum- the leadershi p of Col. Francisco The limestone carrier Cedar- , Ciiamano Deno to Mercy Hospital at Coon Rap- lie Leroy Wilkins Jr., 21 of moned the jurors again and in- , but it has not ville and the Norwegian freight- won U.S.
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