Backyard Poultry Breeders Directory Have birds for sale? Advertise in the Backyard Poultry Breeders Directory for less than $4.50 a month. Your ad will be seen by more than 100,000 poultry enthusiasts. Call 715-748-1389 to get your advertisement in! Legbar, Welsummers, Blue Ameraucana, Black Am- Associations Large Fowl eraucana, Rumpless Araucana, Olive Egger, Ayam Cemani, Maline, Silkies. AMERAUCANA ALLIANCE: Membership includes Tennessee Iowa Ameraucana Newsletters, registration on the Amer- CHICK-N-STUFF FARM - Crump, TN. (mail: POB 87, aucana Forum, a listing in the Ameraucana Directory Adamsville, TN 38310). 901-490-0022 or 7331-607- COUNTY LINE HATCHERY, 2977 Linn Buch- and eligibility for club awards & exhibitor points. First 7324. LARGE FOWL ONLY: Blue/Black/Splash/White anan Rd., Coggon, IA 52218. 319-350-9130. time members receive an Ameraucana Handbook. Jersey Giants, Buff/Light/Dark Brahma, White & Ex- <www.countylinehatchery.com> Rare and fancy Dues are $10/year, $25 for 3 years (Newsletters chequer Leghorn, EE & Pak Lay Hmong. Also heritage peafowl, guineas, chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, Emailed) or $15 (Newsletters mailed). Ameraucana. Narragansett turkey. NPIP/APA/ALFA. Experienced bantams and more. Featuring Showgirls & Silkies. org Steve Neumann, 3000 Wedgewood Dr #2351, egg/chick/bird shipper. See us on Facebook. Most economical and diverse poultry assortment Pueblo, CO 81004. available. WISCONSIN BIRD AND GAME BREEDERS, Jim Swans WELP HATCHERY, Box 77, Bancroft, IA 50517. 800- Bleuer, President, 1756 E. Scott St., Omro, WI 54963. 458-4473. <www.welphatchery.com> Specializing in 920-379-6188. <wbagba.org> Annual Fall Show & Indiana Cornish Rock broilers. Also offering baby chicks, duck- Swap and Spring Swap at Fond du lac County Fair- lings, goslings, bantams, exotics, turkeys, guineas, RANDORIACRES, Randy Groen, 12705 White grounds Expo Center. Spring Sale: March 20, 2020 pheasants. Free catalog. MC/Visa/Discover. Oak Ave, Cedar Lake, IN 46303. 219-677-7803. Fall=Sat., October 31, 2020. <[email protected]> Swans - Mutes, Maryland Blacks, Whoopers, Trumpeters. Various Ameraucana Alabama Michigan VALLEY FARMS HATCHERY, Ryan Kelsey, FOWL STUFF, John W Blehm, 4599 Lange Rd, Birch PO Box 2201, Muscle Shoals, AL, 35662. 256- Run, Michigan. Bantam Ameraucana chickens: buff, 314-2282. <www.valleyfarmshatchery.com> lavender, black & wheaten. Large fowl Ameraucana <[email protected]> Chickens, Ban- chickens black. FowlStuff.com. tams, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Guineas, and More!. Hatching all breeds weekly. NPIP Certified. Hatching/ Cream Legbars Shipping weekly. Colorado Wisconsin Waltz’s Ark Ranch http://www.naturalark.com/poultry. WICK PLACE FARM, 1907 43rd ST., Calendonia, html. Rare and heritage poultry, NPIP & AI clean. Sev- WI 53108. 414-708-4057. <gumbyhorn@gmail. eral Sussex varieties, Black & Blue Copper Marans, com><http://Wickplacefarm.com> Cream Legbars, Swedish Flower Hen, Svart Hona, Sultan, Buttercup, Black Copper Marans, Olive Eggers, Orpingtons. Augsberger, Isbar, Breda Fowl, Ixworth, & more for NPIP certified. 2020. All raised non-GMO/Organic. Florida Game Birds GREENFIRE FARMS, www.greenfirefarms.com. Ultra-rare imported breeds: Ayam Cemani, Cream Arkansas Legbar, Swedish Flower Hens, Bielefelder, Marans, LINEBARGER FARMS, Eddie Linebarger, PO Isbar, Barbezieux, Bresse, Sulmtaler, Spitzhauben, Box 35, Scotland, AR 72141. 501-592-3317. Olandsk Dwarf, Orust, Barnevelder, Merlerault, <[email protected]> Quail: Tennessee Niederrheiner, Marsh Daisy, Altsteirer, East Frisian Missouri Red, Valley, Mountain, Gambel, and Blue Scale. Gull, Lyonaisse, Malines, Pavlovskaya, Queen Silvia, CACKLE HATCHERY®, PO Box 529, Lebanon, Swedish Black Hen, Sussex, Twentse, Lavender Indiana MO 65536. 417-532-4591. <cacklehatchery@ Wyandotte, Yamato Gunkei. cacklehatchery.com><www.cacklehatchery.com> 78 WOODSIDE AVIARY, James Kotterman, Peru, In- years of hatching and shipping baby chicks. FREE diana. 765-985-2805. PHEASANT ENTHUSIASTS Georgia COLOR CATALOG, 193 varieties. check this out! Displaying full color the Golden BOB'S BIDDIES HATCHERY, LLC, Bob & Diane Berry, Pheasant, Ghigi Golden, Peach Golden, Lady Am- 2155 Weaver Dr., Ray City, GA 31645. 229-455-6437 CHICKENS FOR BACKYARDS, PO Box 635, Phil- herst, Silvers, Swinhoe, Elliots and Blue Eared. NO or 229-375-1991. <[email protected]> <www. lipsburg, MO 65722. 888-412-6715. Order As Low As CATALOG AVAILABLE. Give me a call and we'll talk bobsbiddies.com> Family Owned hatchery special- 3 Chicks, Heritage chicken breeds, Ducks, Guinea and about the birds! izing in early layers: Amberlink, Bovans brown or black, Turkey. <www.chickensforbackyards.com> mature in 4-4 1/2 months, 300+ dark brown eggs per Minnesota year, climate adaptable and does great on pasture. Our Wisconsin OAKWOOD GAME FARM, INC., PO Box 274, pasture broiler is available all year. It's a fast grower SUNNYSIDE HATCHERY, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. Princeton, MN 55371. 800-328-6647. <www.oak- 6-8 weeks with minimum feed requirements. NPIP 920-887-2122. Shipping to North Central U.S. only. woodgamefarm.com> Pheasant & Chuckar Patridge. certified day old chicks hatched per order. Shipping Jumbo broilers, Leghorns, Blacks, Browns, Reds, Chicks & eggs available. Now smaller quantities of or pick-up is available. Rangers, Rainbow Eggers, Turkeys & Ducklings. pheasant chicks & eggs available for shipping. <www.sunnysidehatchery.com> Illinois CHICKEN SCRATCH POULTRY, Larry & Angela Jersey Giants McEwen, 14025 Cty Rd 975 E, McLeansboro, IL Waterfowl 62859. 618-643-5602. <larry_angie@chickens- Indiana cratchpoultry.com> <www.chickenscratchpoultry. California MARIA'S JERSEY GIANTS, Since 1977. "Quality" com> Coronation Sussex, Light Sussex, Lavender METZER FARMS, 26000K Old Stage Rd., Gonza- Blue, Black, Splash Jersey Giant eggs, chicks, started Orpington, Chocolate Orpington, Jubilee Orpington, les, CA 93926. Year-round hatching. Nationwide birds, & adults www.mariasjerseygiants.com Cell: Black Orpington, Black Copper Marans, Blue Copper shipping. Free catalog now, 800-424-7755. <www. (502) 548-1075 (texting). Marans, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Crested Cream metzerfarms.com> Ducklings: Pekin, Rouen, Khaki Backyard Poultry Breeders Directory Campbell, Golden 300 Egg Layer, White Layer, Blue Swedish, Buff, Cayuga, Mallard, Welsh Harlequin, White Crested & Runners (Black, Chocolate, Blue, How to Construct 8- & 10-Frame Hives; Top Bar, Fawn & White) Saxony: Silver, Appleyard, Goslings: Embden, White Chinese, Brown Chinese, Toulouse, Nuc & Demo Hives; Feeders, Swarm Catchers, & More! Dewlap Toulouse, African, Buff Toulouse, Buff, Tufted Buff, Sebastopol, Pilgrim, Roman Tufted. Ringneck pheasants, French Pearl guineas. Minnesota Build Your Own JOHNSON’S WATERFOWL, 36882 160th Ave. NE, Middle River, MN 56737. 218-222-3556. <www. johnsonswaterfowl.com> Buff or White African geese. Beekeeping Equipment Rouen, Silver Appleyard, Pekin, White or Black Crest- ed, Saxony, Black or Blue Magpies, Penciled, White, Blue, Black, Grey (Mallard), and Emory Penciled Runners, White, Grey, Snowy, Black, Penciled, Blue Bibbed & Pastel Call ducklings. Free brochure. Save time and money Wisconsin BASIL'S DUCKS, Todd Prutz, 4751 Coolidge Ave., by building your own Plover, WI 54467. 715-295-4048. <todd@basducks. com> <www.basducks.com> Wood Duck, Mandarin, beekeeping equipment Green Wing Teal, Blue Wing Teal, Falcated Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Baikal Teal, Garganey Teal, Pintail, RedHead, White Redhead, Silver Redhead, Gold- eneyes, Hooded Merganser, Ring Teal, Mallards, Smews, Tufted, Greater Scaup, Ring Neck, Ruddy, iamcountryside.com/shop • 970-392-4419 Canvasback, Common Merganser, Red Breasted Geese, Emperor Geese. THE EGG COLLECTING APRON® Makes a great gift! iamcountryside.com/shop 970-392-4419 Backyard Poultry Classifieds (Approval of an ad does not constitute an endorsement.) Beekeeping Poultry Feed YOUR BEEKEEPING EXPERTS SINCE 1976! Check us out for all your beekeeping needs. Whether you are just starting out or already have bees we are here to assist your needs. Call us Toll Free: 1-888- 848-5184. 496 Yellow Banks Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Email:[email protected] Webiste: www.millerbeesupply.com. Egg Cartons THE EGG CARTON STORE Modern service and speed, old world quality and value Over 40 years of egg packaging and marketing expertise! Egg Cartons | Filler Flats | Beautiful Colored Cartons | Poultry Sup- plies Call for GREAT wholesale / pallet quantity pricing! 866-333-1132 FREE SHIPPING on all cartons and filler flats WWW.EGGCARTONSTORE.COM. Preserving All American Pressure Canner, the only pressure Free canner that forms a metal to metal seal eliminating the need for lid gasket replacement. Offers large SOON Church/Government Uniting, Supressing capacity canning to make pressure canning your "Religious Liberty," Enforcing "National Sunday meats, vegetables and fruits easy. Easy Cleanup. Law". Be Informed! Need mailing address only. TBSM, 800-251-8824. www.allamerican1930.com. Box 99, Lenoir City, TN 37771. thebiblesaystruth@ yahoo.com, 1-888-211-1715. Water Systems Health Poultry Supplies Worlds Purest CBD oil! Full spectrum or THC free. Benefits are endless. Get yours today with a 60 day money back guarantee! More Information or order at: www.cbdgoldendrop.com. Mealworms Breeders & Classifieds Advertising Info.: Feb./March 2020 Deadline: Dec. 13, 2019 BYP Breeders/Classifieds, P.O. Box 566, Medford, WI 54451 E-mail: [email protected] Call: 715-748-1389.
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