(5) S.Table 9.8-1-e Area-01 S.Table 9.8-1-e Summary of Transmission Capacity (Area-01) Link 2005 2010 2015 2020 <South & East> Addis Ababa 63 16 18 22 Mt.Furi 63 16 18 22 Akaki Beseka 33 8 9 12 (Mt.Furi) Dukem 3111 Adama West 27 7 8 9 (Adama West) Bijo 27 7 8 9 Debre Zeit 25 6 7 8 Dukem 0000 (Bijo) Gafat 0000 (Bijo) Mojo 2111 Ejerer (Ajere) 2111 (Bijo) Alem Tena 0000 Addis Ababa Entoto Akaki Beseka 0000 (Entoto) Debre Zeit 0000 <North & NEast> Addis Ababa 11 6 7 20 Sendafa(P1) 0000 Mt.Furi 11 6 7 20 Sendafa 2111 Sheno South 17 11 12 25 Sheno Town 1112 (Sheno S) Aleltu 1111 (Sheno S) Chacha 1111 (Sheno S) Mendida 1111 Ankober North 17 11 12 21 Ankober (Gorebela) 1111 (Ankober North) Debre Birhan 33 25 26 29 Alem Amba 7667 Kuyesa 7667 Deneba (Shewa) 1111 (Kuyesa) Inewari 1112 (Kuyesa) Jubur 1111 (Kuyesa) Mehal Meda 4333 (Ankober North) Debre Sina 6559 Debre Sina 2111 (Debre Sina) Armania 1111 (Debre Sina) Mezezo 1111 (Debre Sina) Molale 1111 (Debre Sina) Sala Dingay 1111 (Ankober North) Aliyu Amba 1111 Ambalay South 0000 <South> <South West> Addis Ababa 23 8 9 15 Mt.Furi 23 8 9 15 Alem Gena 3111 (Mt.Furi) Tulu Bolo 2112 (Mt.Furi) Galessa 0000 (Mt.Furi) Tefki 1111 (Mt.Furi) Teji 2111 Welisso North 31 12 13 18 Weliso Town 34 20 21 23 (Welisso North) Welkite 0000 Tolay 0000 (Welisso North) Dillela 1111 Welikite MW 14 7 7 8 1/19 (5) S.Table 9.8-1-e Area-01 Welkite 8223 (Welikite MW) Endibir 2111 (Welikite MW) Gubro 1111 (Welikite MW) Gunchire 1111 <West> Addis Ababa 23 18 19 23 Gara Menagesha 23 18 19 23 Menagesha 1111 (G Menagesha) Sebeta 7222 (G Menagesha) Holeta Genet 5222 (G Menagesha) Addis Alem 3111 (G Menagesha) Ghinchi 3444 Ghinchi 2111 (Ghinchi) Asgori 1111 (Ghinchi) Welenkomi 1111 Galessa 17 15 16 20 Wenchi 17 15 16 20 Ambo 29 15 16 16 Ambo 30161717 (Ambo) Ambo Miess Rep. 0000 Hormat 0000 (Wenchi) Kemet Gebrel 5999 Inchini 2111 (Kemet Gebrel) Shino 0000 (Kemet Gebrel) Jeldu 2777 Gendeberet 1555 (Wenchi) Guder 2111 (Wenchi) Meti 1111 Tibebilo 4559 Ghedo 2111 (Tibebilo) Ijaji 0222 (Tibebilo) Bako 0001 (Tibebilo) Fincha 0000 (Tibebilo) Shambu 0000 (Tibebilo) Arjo MW 0000 (Tibebilo) Kara Legashi 0000 (Tibebilo) Shenen 1111 (Tibebilo) Babichu 1111 Gara Gordomo 0000 <North West> Addis Ababa 8 8 8 18 Fitche(P1) 2114 Kuyu 2111 Entoto 88815 Sululta 1333 (Entoto) Chancho 4222 Chancho 3111 (Chancho) Mukaturi 1111 Gara Guda 13 9 9 16 Debre Tsige 5444 Debre Tsige 1111 (Debre Tsige) Fetra 1111 (Debre Tsige) Gunde Meskel (Dera) 2111 (Debre Tsige) Lemi 1111 (Gara Guda) Fitche 20 13 13 17 Fitche 25 16 16 16 (Fitche) Alem Ketema 4333 (Fitche) Abmiso (Degem) 1111 (Fitche) Debre Libanos 1111 (Gara Guda) Gebre Guracha 2447 Gebre Guracha 0000 (G. Guracha) Gohatsion 1111 (G. Guracha) Tulmelki 1111 Tik Giorgis 0000 2/19 (5) S.Table 9.8-1-e Area-01 (Ambo) Toke 1111 (Debre Birhan) Beke Mariam 1111 (Debre Birhan) Ginager 1111 (Debre Birhan) Shola Gebeya 1111 (Fitche) Alidoro 1111 (Fitche) Meragna 2111 (Weliso Town) Agena 1111 (Weliso Town) Amaya 1111 (Weliso Town) Arbu Chululae 1111 (Weliso Town) Arekit 1111 (Weliso Town) Bussa 1111 (Weliso Town) Cheza Sefer 1111 (Weliso Town) Chitu 1111 (Weliso Town) Mehal Amba 1111 3/19 (5) S.Table 9.8-1-e Area-02 S.Table 9.8-1-e Summary of Transmission Capacity (Area-02) Link 2005 2010 2015 2020 Mt.Furi 73 89 95 112 Adama West 73 89 95 112 Nazreth 101 95 99 127 Nazreth 101 94 101 128 (Adama West) Wonji 6223 Wonji 3112 Wonji Shewa 3111 (Adama West) Melkassa 1111 (Adama West) Bijo 8234 (Bijo) Gafat 0000 (Bijo) Mojo 8234 (Adama West) Melela 1117 Abomsa 1115 Dera(P1) 0000 (Adama West) Koka Negewo 1111 Mt.Kubi 48 54 57 71 Arerti 1111 (Mt.Kubi) Balchi 1111 (Mt.Kubi) Metehara 2111 (Mt.Kubi) Wolenchiti 2111 Awash Rep. 42 50 53 64 Awash Town 4345 (Awash Rep.) Awash North 2222 Kerensa 2222 Melka Sedi 1111 Melka Werer 1111 Dalecha 0000 Adama West(P1) 17 9 7 10 Iteya North 22 14 12 16 Huruta 0000 (Iteya North) Diskis West 0000 Diskis 0000 Robe 0000 Robe 0000 (Robe) Ticho 0000 (Iteya North) Iteya 2111 Nazreth 0000 (Iteya North) Sire 0000 (Iteya North) Dera 0000 Asela 38 21 20 26 Asela 40 21 20 23 (Asela) Gondie 1111 Chebi 14 8 9 12 Kersa 2111 Meraro North 12 7 8 11 Sagure 2111 (Meraro N) Bekoj 4122 Meraro South 6558 Meraro 2111 Sebshibe Washa 4447 0000 Mt.Furi(P1) 1222 Addis Ababa 1222 Mt.Furi 1222 Sheno South 1222 Ankober 1222 Gewane 1222 Mt.Furi(P2) 5344 Meki 5344 Meki 4122 (Meki) Alem Tena 1111 Ziway West 0111 4/19 (5) S.Table 9.8-1-e Area-02 Arsi Negela 0111 Shashemene (P1) 1447 Shashemene 0000 (Shashemene) Kersa 1336 Kofele 0000 Sebshibe Wash(P1) 5558 Dodola 0000 Ardaita 0000 (Sebshibe Wash) Gobessa 2111 (Sebshibe Wash) Adaba 1111 (Sebshibe Wash) Asassa 2111 Gasera 0000 Adama West (P2) 12 6 6 8 (Adama West) Sire 2111 (Adama West) Dera 3113 (Adama West) Huruta 2111 (Adama West) Bolo Mihale 5333 Choyo Abo 5333 Diskis 2111 Arsi Robe 3222 Robe 2111 Ticho 1111 Ticho 1111 Gobesa (Nazreth) Boffa 1111 (Nazreth) Bole 1111 (Nazreth) Bulala 1111 (Nazreth) Doni 1010 (Asela) Ogolcho 1010 5/19 (5) S.Table 9.8-1-e Area-03 S.Table 9.8-1-e Summary of Transmission Capacity (Area-03) Link 2005 2010 2015 2020 Ankober North 81 101 104 117 Ambalay South 81 101 104 117 Shoa Robit 2111 (Ambalay South) Ataye (Effeson) 2111 (Ambalay South) Jewha 1111 (Ambalay South) Senbete 1111 Karakore MW 87 105 108 135 Kara Kore 1111 (Karakore MW) Kemisse 0000 (Karakore MW) Tossa 0000 (Karakore MW) Weldia 0000 (Karakore MW) Kelela 1111 Irgofet 89 107 110 137 Tita South 56 72 66 93 Tita 1111 Dessie 78 87 80 111 Dessie 119 124 123 160 (Dessie) Adjibar (Saint) 1111 (Dessie) Akesta 1111 (Dessie) Amba Mariam 1111 (Dessie) Feres Bet 1111 (Dessie) Kabe 1111 (Dessie) Mekdela (Mash) 1111 (Dessie) Tenta 1111 (Dessie) Bistima 1111 (Dessie) Kutaber 1111 (Dessie) Sulula 1111 (Dessie) Wegel Tena 1111 Tossa 35 35 33 44 Kombolcha 7234 (Tossa) Korke (P1) 23 30 27 33 Gara Yewel 5337 Mekane Selam (Wello) 1111 Wele Ilu 4225 Wele Ilu 2111 (Wele Ilu) Jamma (Degolo) 2111 (Irgofet) Chefa Robit 1111 (Irgofet) Harbu 1333 (Irgofet) Mekoy South 10 7 7 7 Mekoy (Antsokia) 1111 Kemisse 11 7 7 7 (Irgofet) Kemisse 2222 Kemisse 0000 (Kemisse) Wegede 1111 Chile 1111 Majete 1111 Korke 56 72 76 88 Kombolcha 0000 (Korke) Hayk 2111 (Korke) Degan 1111 (Korke) Tita South 21 14 13 15 Woldia West (Weldia, Gebriel) 79 87 90 102 Weldia Ex 16 8 8 10 (Weldia, Gebriel) Sirinka 1111 (Weldia, Gebriel) Idari Mersa 5557 Mertsa (Merssa) 2111 (Idari Mersa) Wurgesa 1111 (Idari Mersa) Wuchale 2111 (Weldia, Gebriel) Flakit (Mekit) 2111 (Weldia, Gebriel) Kon (Kon Abo) 1111 (Weldia, Gebriel) Lalibela 3112 6/19 (5) S.Table 9.8-1-e Area-03 Kobo East 65 77 80 89 Kobo Town 2333 (Kobo East) Kobo Robit 1111 (Kobo East) Sendedo Ber 2111 Korem 0000 Sekota Rep. 2111 Sekota 2111 (Kobo East) Alamata 0000 Maichew North 37 46 52 59 Dessie (P1) 29 28 28 28 Hara 29 28 28 28 Bati 29 28 28 28 Bati Town 3111 (Bati) Eliwoha 1111 Mille 25 26 26 26 Mille Town 0111 Adaltu (Aditu) 1111 Tendaho 24 24 24 24 Tendaho (TV) 17 17 17 17 (Tendaho) Tendaho Town 1111 (Tendaho) Dupti 7666 Logia 1111 (Tendaho) Semera 3112 (Tendaho) Assaita(P1) 0000 Serdo 1 2 0 19 Serdo Town 0000 (Serdo) Detbahri 0000 (Serdo) Assaita 1101 (Serdo) Deceotto (Dicha Otto) 0000 Paradizo 0101 Paradizo Town 0000 (Paradizo) Elidar 0101 Lofele 0000 Musari 0000 Manda 0000 Bure 0000 Serdo 10 8 8 9 (Serdo) Detbahri 1111 Detbahri 1111 Assaita 4223 (Serdo) Deceotto (Dicha Otto) 1111 Deceotto West 4444 Paradizo Town 4444 Paradizo Town 1111 (Paradizo T) Galafi 0000 Musari 3333 Manda 0000 (Musari) Elidar 2222 Bure 1111 (Dessie) Arbaya 1111 (Dessie) Betabahari 1111 (Dessie) Weinamba 1111 (Dessie) Chifra 1111 (Dessie) Chefa Woledi 1111 (Dessie) Geshen Mariam 1111 (Dessie) Muja 1111 (Kemisse) Rassa 2111 (Weldia Ex) Waja 2111 (Weldia Ex) Gobye 1111 7/19 (5) S.Table 9.8-1-e Area-04 S.Table 9.8-1-e Summary of Transmission Capacity (Area-04) Link 2005 2010 2015 2020 Kobo East 60 72 75 84 Kobo Town 0000 (Kobo East) Kobo Robit 0000 (Kobo East) Sendedo Ber 2111 Korem 2111 Korem 2111 Sekota Rep. 0000 Sekota 0000 (Kobo East) Alamata 5556 Maichew North 67 78 81 95 Bolenta Giorgis 19 9 10 11 Maichew Town 24 12 13 14 (Maichew N.) Meswaet 2111 Adi Shehu 76 83 87 100 Adi Shehu 2111 Ambalagie 74 82 86 99 Dela 1111 Mossobo 73 81 85 98 Mekele 111 113 120 149 Mekele 114 117 124 153 (Mekele) Imbaradom 0000 Hagere Selam 1111 (Mossobo) Imbaradom 10 12 12 12 Adigudom 1111 (Imbaradom) Samre 1111 (Imbaradom) Hintaro 1000 (Imbaradom) Yechilla (Tigray) 1111 Adi Shehu Pass Rep. 8777 May Nebri 8777 May Nebri 1111 Hiwane Town 7666 Hiwane Town 2111 (Hiwane T.) Betmariam 2111 (Hiwane T.) Debub 1111 (Mossobo) Quiha 2111 (Mossobo) Adidewhy 3334 Temben Rep. 3334 Temben 3111 (Temben Rep.) Agbie 0000 (Mossobo) Atebes 0 0 12 0 Inkotamba 37 26 17 44 Wukro 5445 (Inkotamba) Sinkata 2111 (Inkotamba) Negash 2111 (Inkotamba) Tsigereda 2111 (Inkotamba) Battiero 2111 Atsbi 2111 (Inkotamba) Selat 2222 Haik Mesahil 1111 Agulae 1111 (Inkotamba) Debre Birhan 0000 Hawzen Rep.
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