PAGE 6 Penny Saver Weekly News - Your “Good News” Paper AUGUST 25, 2016 Penny Saver Weekly News, Inc. Since 1947 10069 N. Florida Ave. Suite#A1 Tampa, FL 33612 Phone (813) 935-3115 Fax (813) 932-5261 Email:[email protected] OR [email protected] www.pennysaverweeklynews.com For Legal Ads contact Gail Hope DEADLINE TUESDAY AT NOON FOR THURSDAY’S PAPER Legal Ads - Display Ads - Classified Ads AD RATES NOTICE OF ACTION - Dissolution of Marriage - Name Change - Adoption $50 total cost Fictitious Trade Name $25 Notice to Creditors/Probate $70 Notice of Foreclosure Sale $70-$80 NOTICE OF ACTION - Foreclosure $75-$85 (price will be more if property description/plaintiff/defendant info is considerably longer) AUGUST 25, 2016 Penny Saver Weekly News - Your “Good News” Paper PAGE 7 Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL Case No. 10-368-CA Case No. 13CC019500 CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN AND FOR FLORIDA Case No.: 16-DR-010612 Case No.: 16-0012243 Under and by virtue of Execu- Under and by virtue of Execu- CASE NO. 29-2010-CA-023025 Division: A-P Division: A-P HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY tion issued out of and under the tion issued out of and under the THE BANK OF NEW YORK MEL- JOHN MICHAEL FOX, GENERAL CIVIL LAW Seal of the Circuit Court in and Seal of the County Court in and LY PHAM MY HONG BUI, Petitioner, LON F/K/A THE BANK OF NEW DIVISION for Suwannee County, Florida for Hillsborough County, Florida Petitioner, and Case No.: 16-CA-1605 YORK AS SUCCESSOR IN IN- and STEPHANIE LYNNE FOX f/k/a dated 8th March 2016 in a cer- dated January 29, 2015 in a TEREST TO JPMORGAN CHASE ANDY HAI NGUYEN, STEPHANIE LYNNE TIREY Division: B tain cause wherein Suncoast certain cause wherein CACH, BANK NA, AS TRUSTEE FOR Respondent. f/k/a STEPHANIE LYNNE PETERS, Schools Federal Credit Union, LLC, Plaintiff against Janice STRUCTURED ASSET MORT- Respondent. IN RE: THE FORFEITURE OF Plaintiff against Quinten Wat- Conigliaro, Defendant. I have GAGE INVESTMENTS II, INC, AMENDED ONE (1) 2004 ACURA TSX, son aka Quinten Leroy Watson, levied on and will on September BEAR STEARNS ALT-A TRUST NOTICE OF ACTION FOR NOTICE OF ACTION FOR VIN-JH4CL96974C030632 Defendant. I have levied on and 13, 2016 the same being a legal 2005-8, MORTGAGE PASS- DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE SEIZED BY DAVID GEE, will on 27th September 2016 the sales day, at 11:00 a.m. offer for THROUGH CERTIFICATES SE- (NO CHILDREN, FINANCIAL SHERIFF OF RIES 2005-8 SUPPORT, OR PROPERTY) same being a legal sales day, at sale at 700 E. Twiggs St., Sher- TO: ANDY HAI NGUYEN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Plaintiff Address Unknown 11:00 a.m. offer for sale at 700 iff’s Office, 3rd Floor, Civil Pro- v. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that TO: STEPHANIE LYNNE FOX f/k/a E. Twiggs St., Sheriff’s Office, cess Section, Tampa, Florida, CLAIMANTS: PAUL ACHILLEA; SHERRI R. an action has been filed against you STEPHANIE LYNNE TIREY 3rd Floor, Civil Process Sec- and sell to the highest and best and that you are required to serve a f/k/a STEPHANIE LYNNE PETERS JUSTO GONZALEZ GONZA- ACHILLEA; UNKNOWN TEN- tion, Tampa, Florida, and sell bidder, for cash, subject to all ANT 1; UNKNOWN TENANT 2; copy of your written defenses, if any, to 4105 Hamilton Square Blvd. LEZ to the highest and best bidder, prior liens or encumbrances the AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES it on LY PHAM MY HONG BUI, whose Groveport, OH 43125 LISANDRA Y. GONZALEZ address is 3301 58th Ave., Lot 470, St. for cash, subject to all prior liens following described Personal CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UN- KURTIS CUCORE Petersburg, FL 33714, on or before YOU ARE NOTIFIED that or encumbrances the following Property, in Hillsborough Coun- DER OR AGAINST THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT(S), WHO October 3, 2016 and file the original an action for dissolution of marriage described Personal Property, in ty, Florida, to wit: (IS/ARE) NOT KNOWN TO BE with the Clerk of this Court at 800 E has been filed against you and that NOTICE OF ACTION - Twiggs Street, Room 101, Tampa, FL you are required to serve a copy of Hillsborough County, Florida, to DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER FORFEITURE PROCEEDINGS 33602, before service on Petitioner your written defenses, if any, to it on: wit: All Rights, Interest & Title of SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES or immediately thereafter. If you fail ALEXIS M. CONNELL, ESQUIRE, Property Belonging to: Janice TO: LISANDRA Y. GONZALEZ CLAIM AS HEIRS, DEVISEES, to do so, a default may be entered Attorney for MICHAEL JOHN FOX, All Rights, Interest & Title of Conigliaro GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, 13922 Cherry Dale Lane against you for the relief demanded Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, Property Belonging to: Quint- LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUST- in the petition. P.A., 1410 N. Westshore Blvd. Suite Tampa, Florida 33618 EES, SPOUSES, OR OTHER Copies of all court docu- 200, Tampa, FL 33607, on or before en Watson aka Quinten Leroy Description of property: Watson BLACK 2007 CHRYSLER 300 CLAIMANTS; HERITAGE ISLES ments in this case, including orders, September 26, 2016 and file the and all persons who claim an GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB are available at the Clerk of the Circuit original with the Clerk of this Court SRT-8, ONE (1) 2004 ACURA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, Court’s office. You may review these at 800 E Twiggs Street, Room 101, interest in: TSX, Description of property: One VIN# 2C3LA73W87H820162 INC.; REGIONS BANK documents upon request. Tampa, FL 33602 or P.O. Box 3450, VIN-JH4CL96974C030632, Red 2013 Ford Taurus, Defendants. You must keep the Clerk Tampa, FL 33601-4358, before service of the Circuit Court’s office notified of on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. seized January 6, 2016 in Hillsbor- VIN #1FAHP2E83DG127885 Stored at: NOTICE OF SALE your current address. (You may file If you fail to do so, a default may be ough County, Florida. Larsen’s Notice is hereby given Notice of Current Address, Florida entered against you for the relief In compliance with Stored at: 4608 N Lois Ave that, pursuant to the Uniform Final Supreme Court Approved Family Law demanded in the petition. §§932.704 (6)(a)(b) and 49.10, Hoods Tampa, FL 33614 Judgment of Foreclosure entered Form 12.915.) Future papers in this Copies of all court docu- Fla. Stats., you are notified that 801 W MLK Blvd 813-876-4612 on December 23, 2013, and the lawsuit will be mailed to the address ments in this case, including orders, an action for forfeiture of the fol- on record at the clerk’s office. are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Plant City, FL 33563 Order Denying Defendant’s Mo- lowing property in Hillsborough 813-626-2461 to satisfy said execution and tion for Evidentiary Hearing of WARNING: Rule 12.285, Court’s office. You may review these FOUR THOU- Motion to Vacate; Denying De- Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, documents upon request. County, Florida: costs. SAND SEVENTY-SEVEN DOL- fendant’s Emergency Motion for requires certain automatic disclosure You must keep the Clerk to satisfy said execution and of documents and information. Failure of the Circuit Court’s office notified of LARS AND 00/100 ($4,077.00) Clarification; and Granting Plain- costs. Jeremy A Soffler, Esquire to comply can result in sanctions, your current address. (You may file U.S. CURRENCY, has been filed tiff’s Motion to Reset Sale entered Attorney for Plaintiff including dismissal or striking of plead- Notice of Current Address, Florida against you and you are required on July 19, 2016, in this cause, in ings. Supreme Court Approved Family Law to serve a copy of your written de- Jeffrey J Mouch, Esquire the Circuit Court of Hillsborough Dated: August 17, 2016. Form 12.915.) Future papers in this fenses, if any, to it on the plaintiff’s Attorney for Plaintiff DAVID GEE, SHERIFF County, Florida, the office of Pat PAT FRANK lawsuit will be mailed to the address attorney, whose name and ad- Hillsborough County, Florida Frank, Clerk of the Circuit Court, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT on record at the clerk’s office. dress is: DAVID GEE, SHERIFF Erin Lipton, D.S. shall sell the property situated in By: Lucielsa Diaz WARNING: Rule 12.285, L. TATUM BROWN, ESQ. Hillsborough County, Florida, de- Deputy Clerk Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, Hillsborough County, Florida 8/11/16 x 9/1/16 4x 2008 East 8th Avenue scribed as: 8/25/2016 x 9/15/2016 4x requires certain automatic disclosure Erin Lipton, D.S. ____ Post Office Box 3371 LOT 3, IN BLOCK 31, HERITAGE ____ of documents and information. Failure 8/25/16 x 9/15/16 4x IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Tampa, Florida 33601 ISLES PHASE 1B, ACCORD- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE to comply can result in sanctions, ____ THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, including dismissal or striking of plead- on or before the 19th day of ING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, Notice is hereby given that the HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, ings. September, 2016, and file the NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE FLORIDA RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 86, following described vehicles will PAGE 98, OF THE PUBLIC RE- Dated: August 12, 2016.
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