Galician Village Finding Aid using the village index from: Gemeindelexikon der im Reichsrate vertretenen Königreiche und Länder, Bd. 12 Galizien (Galicia) available at wiki-de.genealogy.net © 2012 David W. Gorz This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. We’ll be discussing the Gemeindelexikon in a moment. The first place to look for your village is in the index for the Galicia map found on the Galizien German Descendants Society (GGDS) web site. If you find your village, the map co-ordinates given in the index will allow you to locate your village on the Galicia map, also available on the GGDS web site. In many cases the index will have the name of the parish that the village belonged to, which is necessary to find church records. If you don’t find your village in the Galicia map index, there’s an excellent chance that you’ll find it in Brian Lenius’ Genealogical Gazetteer of Galicia, if you have access to a copy. The gazetteer will give you additional information as to the administrative district and sub-districts, where the parishes were for the various denominations, maps to locate the village, and much more. Links are provided on the GGDS web site to Brian’s web site where the gazetteer can be purchased. For those who do not have access to a copy of Brian’s gazetteer, or who do not wish to purchase a copy at this time, the Gemeindelexikon, viewable on-line at wiki-de.genealogy.net, offers a good alternative. Look in the index of the Gemeindelexikon for your village and note the page number. You can, at this point, go to the indicated page in the Gemeindelexikon and get the district and sub-district, or you can use the table at the end of this document to find which administrative district and sub-district corresponds to the page number you found in the index. The district number (arbitrarily assigned) shown in the table will allow you to locate the district on the administrative district map included in this document. The table also tells you whether the district is now in Poland, Ukraine, or split between them. Minor parts of southern Galicia are now in Slovakia. Note that there is page overlap between the start and end of some districts and sub-districts, so check your page number carefully. The Gemeindelexikon will have more information on your village (in German). A guide to using the data in the Gemeindelexikon is given on halgal.com and a link to that web site also is given on the GGDS web site. It appears that the index for the Gemeindelexikon treats umlaut vowels as though they use the common two letter combination form, e.g., Königsau and Königsberg are found indexed as though the names were spelled Koenigsau and Koenigsberg. The administrative district map, below, shows the seventy-eight administrative districts used in the Gemeindelexikon, which match those listed on the web site of the Polish Genealogy Society of America. Note that Brian Lenius’ Genealogical Gazetteer of Galicia uses eighty-two administrative districts, which resulted from the splitting of four of the seventy-eight districts, along with other changes made to the district borders. Sub-districts that later became separate districts are shown in bold Italics in the table. Jewishgen.org and other web sites devoted to Jewish genealogy often use the seventy-three districts from the 1877 census. Brian’s district breakdown can be seen on Veit Olschinski’s web site. Another map in this document is the derived from the administrative district map. The district numbers have been removed for clarity and some of the major towns in Galicia are noted on the map. This should help you relate the location of your village’s district to the Galicia map found on the GGDS web site. And following that is a map of the administrative districts with the Lutheran parish boundaries sketched in, which should serve as a guide to determining which parish the administrative district was in. Note that some districts are split between parishes. The map on the next page, cropped from a map of Austria-Hungary (copyright expired; available from the Library of Congress web site) shows Galicia and Bukovina along with the scale bars from the original map. The reddish-brown squares running down the middle of the map are an approximation of the current border between Poland and Ukraine. Consult a modern map to better determine the current location of a village near the border. The GGDS web site has links to many maps. For a Ukrainian perspective on eastern Galicia, see John-Paul Himka’s Galicia and Bukovina : a research handbook about Western Ukraine, late 19th and 20th centuries, which can be found on www.ourroots.ca Himka’s book looks at the history of eastern Galicia from a Ukrainian point of view and talks about the culture of the region and has information on the Greek Catholic parishes. Additional references and sources are given in the document. Administrative districts alphabetically Biala 2 Kamionka Strumilowa 53 Ropczyce 23 Bobrka 50 Kolbuszowa 22 Rudki 44 Bochnia 11 Kolomea 68 Rzeszow 27 Bohorodczany 62 Kosów 70 Sambor 39 Borszczow 75 Krakau 4 Sanok 29 Brody 57 Krosno 25 Saybusch 3 Brzesko 12 Lancut 30 Skalat 72 Brzezany 59 Lemberg 49 Sniatyn 78 Brzozow 28 Limanowa 10 Sokal 47 Buczacz 66 Lisko 35 Stanislau 61 Chrzanow 1 Mielec 18 Stary Sambor 40 Cieszanow 36 Mosciska 38 Stryj 46 Czortkow 74 Myslenice 7 Strzyzow 24 Dabrowa 14 Nadworna 63 Tarnobrzeg 21 Dobromil 34 Neumarkt 8 Tarnopol 64 Dolina 52 Neusandez 13 Tarnow 15 Drohobycz 45 Nisko 26 Tlumacz 67 Gorlice 17 Peczenizyn 69 Trembowla 65 Grodek 43 Pilzno 19 Turka 41 Grybow 16 Podgorze 6 Wadowice 5 Horodenka 77 Podhajce 60 Wieliczka 9 Husiatyn 73 Przemysl 33 Zaleszczyki 76 Jaroslau 32 Przemyslany 54 Zbaraz 71 Jaslo 20 Przeworsk 31 Zloczow 58 Jaworow 37 Rawa Ruska 42 Zolkiew 48 Kalusz 56 Rohatyn 55 Zydaczow 51 Administrative districts numerically Chrzanow 1 Rzeszow 27 Kamionka Strumilowa 53 Biala 2 Brzozow 28 Przemyslany 54 Saybusch 3 Sanok 29 Rohatyn 55 Krakau 4 Lancut 30 Kalusz 56 Wadowice 5 Przeworsk 31 Brody 57 Podgorze 6 Jaroslau 32 Zloczow 58 Myslenice 7 Przemysl 33 Brzezany 59 Neumarkt 8 Dobromil 34 Podhajce 60 Wieliczka 9 Lisko 35 Stanislau 61 Limanowa 10 Cieszanow 36 Bohorodczany 62 Bochnia 11 Jaworow 37 Nadworna 63 Brzesko 12 Mosciska 38 Tarnopol 64 Neusandez 13 Sambor 39 Trembowla 65 Dabrowa 14 Stary Sambor 40 Buczacz 66 Tarnow 15 Turka 41 Tlumacz 67 Grybow 16 Rawa Ruska 42 Kolomea 68 Gorlice 17 Grodek 43 Peczenizyn 69 Mielec 18 Rudki 44 Kosów 70 Pilzno 19 Drohobycz 45 Zbaraz 71 Jaslo 20 Stryj 46 Skalat 72 Tarnobrzeg 21 Sokal 47 Husiatyn 73 Kolbuszowa 22 Zolkiew 48 Czortkow 74 Ropczyce 23 Lemberg 49 Borszczow 75 Strzyzow 24 Bobrka 50 Zaleszczyki 76 Krosno 25 Zydaczow 51 Horodenka 77 Nisko 26 Dolina 52 Sniatyn 78 Administrative districts of Galicia Towns in Galicia Gemeindelexikon pages 6 – 133 District Dist. Sub-District Start End Country District Dist. Sub-District Start End Country No. page page No. page page Biala 2 Auschwitz 6 9 P Brzesko 12 Brzesko 68 75 P Biala 8 11 P Radlów 74 77 P Kety 10 13 P Wojnicz 76 79 P Zakliczyn 80 83 P Bobrka 50 Bobrka 14 19 U Chodorow 20 25 U Brzezany 59 Brzezany 82 89 U Kozowa 88 93 U Bochnia 11 Bochnia 24 31 P Niepolomice 30 35 P Brzozow 28 Brzozow 92 97 P Wisnicz 34 39 P Dynow 96 101 P Bohorodczany 62 Bohorodczany 40 43 U Buczacz 66 Buczacz 100 105 U Solotwina 42 45 U Monasterzyska 104 109 U Potok Zloty 108 113 U Borszczow 75 Borszczow 44 51 U Mielnica 51 55 U Chrzanow 1 Chrzanow 112 117 P Jaworzno 116 119 P Brody 57 Brody 54 61 U Krzeszowice 118 123 P Lopatyn 60 65 U Zalozce 64 69 U Cieszanow 36 Cieszanow 122 127 P Lubaczow 126 133 P Gemeindelexikon pages 132 – 261 District Dist. Sub-District Start End Country District Dist. Sub-District Start End Country No. page page No. page page Czortkow 74 Czortkow 132 137 U Grybow 16 Ciezkowice 200 205 P Grybow 204 211 P Dabrowa 14 Dabrowa 138 145 P Zabno 144 151 P Horodenka 77 Horodenka 210 213 U Obertyn 214 217 U Dobromil 34 Bircza 150 155 P/U Dobromil 156 161 P/U Husiatyn 73 Husiatyn 216 221 U Kopyczynce 220 223 U Dolina 52 Bolechow 162 165 U Dolina 164 169 U Jaroslau 32 Jaroslau 224 227 P Rozniatow 168 173 U Pruchnik 228 231 P Radymno 230 235 P Drohobycz 45 Drohobycz 172 177 U Sieniawa 234 239 P Medenice 176 179 U Podbuz 180 183 U Jaslo 20 Jaslo 238 247 P Zmigród 246 253 P Gorlice 17 Biecz 182 185 P Gorlice 184 193 P Jaworow 37 Jaworów 252 257 U/P Krakowiec 256 261 U/P Grodek 43 Grodek 192 197 U Janow 196 201 U Gemeindelexikon pages 260 - 411 District Dist. Sub-District Start End Country District Dist. Sub-District Start End Country No. page page No. page page Kalusz 56 Kalusz 260 267 U Lancut 30 Lancut 328 331 P Wojnilow 266 269 U Lezajsk 330 335 P Kamionka Strumilowa 53 Busk 268 273 U Lemberg 49 Lemberg 336 343 U Kamionka Strum. 272 277 U Szczerzec 342 347 U Radziechow 276 281 U Winniki 346 351 U Kolbuszowa 22 Kolbuszowa 282 287 P Limanowa 10 Limanowa 352 359 P Sokolów 286 289 P Mszana Dolna 358 361 P Kolomea 68 Gwozdziec 290 293 U Lisko 35 Baligrod 362 369 P Kolomea 292 297 U Lisko 368 373 P Lutowiska 374 377 P Kosów 70 Kosów 296 301 U Ustrzyki Dolne 376 381 P Kuty 300 303 U Zabie 302 305 U/S Mielec 18 Mielec 382 389 P Radomysl 388 393 P Krakau 4 Krakau 304 313 P Liszki 312 317 P Mosciska 38 Mosciska 394 399 U/P Sadowa Wisznia 398 403 U Krosno 25 Dukla 318 321 P Krosno 320 327 P Myslenice 7 Jordanow 402 405 P Makow 404 407 P Myslenice 406 411 P Gemeindelexikon pages 412 - 555 District Dist.
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