Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA Pt. 318 Food and Drug Administration is re- 318.13–12 Posting of warning notice and dis- sponsible for ensuring that irradiated tribution of baggage declarations. foods are safe and wholesome for 318.13–13 Movements by the Department of Agriculture. human consumption. 318.13–14 Parcel post inspection. (Approved by the Office of Management and 318.13–15 Costs and charges. Budget under control number 0579–0155) 318.13–16 Withdrawal of certificates, transit permits, limited permits, or compliance agreements. PART 318—HAWAIIAN AND 318.13–17 Transit of fruits and vegetables TERRITORIAL QUARANTINE NOTICES from Hawaii into or through the conti- nental United States. Subpart—Hawaiian Fruits, Vegetables, and Flowers Subpart—Sweetpotatoes QUARANTINE 318.30 Notice of quarantine. 318.30a Administrative instructions author- Sec. izing movement from Puerto Rico of cer- 318.13 Notice of quarantine. tain sweetpotatoes grown under specified 318.13a Administrative instructions pro- conditions. viding exemptions from specified require- ments. Subpart—Territorial Cotton, Cottonseed, and Cottonseed Products RULES AND REGULATIONS 318.13–1 Definitions. QUARANTINE 318.13–2 Regulated articles. 318.47 Notice of quarantine. 318.13–3 Conditions of movement. 318.47a Administrative instructions relating 318.13–4 Conditions governing the issuance to Guam. of certificates or limited permits. 318.13–4a Administrative instructions au- RULES AND REGULATIONS thorizing the movement from Hawaii of 318.47–1 Definitions. frozen fruits and vegetables. 318.47–2 Articles the movement of which is 318.13–4b Administrative instructions; prohibited or regulated. conditions governing the interstate 318.47–3 Conditions governing the issuance movement from Hawaii of certain fruits of certificates and permits. for which treatment is required. 318.47–4 Shipments by the Department of 318.13–4c Administrative instructions ap- Agriculture. proving methyl bromide fumigation as a condition for certification of tomatoes Subpart—Fruits and Vegetables From for movement from Hawaii. 318.13–4d [Reserved] Puerto Rico or Virgin Islands 318.13–4e [Reserved] QUARANTINE 318.13–4f Administrative instructions pre- scribing methods for irradiation treat- 318.58 Notice of quarantine. ment of certain fruits and vegetables RULES AND REGULATIONS from Hawaii. 318.13–4g Administrative instructions gov- 318.58–1 Definitions. erning movement of avocados from Ha- 318.58–2 Regulated articles. waii to Alaska. 318.58–3 Conditions of movement. 318.13–4h [Reserved] 318.58–4 Issuance of certificates or limited 318.13–4i Administrative instructions; con- permits. ditions governing the movement of green 318.58–4a Administrative instructions au- bananas from Hawaii. thorizing the movement from Puerto 318.13–4j Administrative instructions gov- Rico of frozen fruits and vegetables. erning the interstate movement of cut 318.58–5 Application for inspection. blooms of gardenia from Hawaii. 318.58–6 Marking of containers. 318.13–5 Application for inspection. 318.58–7 Products as ships’ stores or in the 318.13–6 Container marking and identity. possession of passengers and crew. 318.13–7 Products as ships’ stores or in the 318.58–8 Articles and persons subject to in- possession of passengers or crew. spection. 318.13–8 Articles and persons subject to in- 318.58–9 Inspection of means of conveyance. spection. 318.58–10 Inspection of baggage, other per- 318.13–9 Inspection of means of conveyance. sonal effects, and cargo. 318.13–10 Inspection of baggage, other per- 318.58–11 Disinfection of means of convey- sonal effects, and cargo. ance. 318.13–11 Disinfection of means of convey- 318.58–12 Transit of fruits and vegetables ance. from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands 181 VerDate jul<14>2003 09:51 Jan 16, 2004 Jkt 203015 PO 00000 Frm 00181 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\203015T.XXX 203015T § 318.13 7 CFR Ch. III (1–1–04 Edition) of the United States into or through the ceived for transportation or trans- continental United States. ported by a common carrier, or carried, 318.58–13 Movements by the Department of transported, moved, or allowed to be Agriculture. 318.58–14 Parcel post inspection. moved by any person from Hawaii into 318.58–15 Costs and charges. or through the continental United 318.58–16 Cancellation of certificates, tran- States, Guam, Puerto Rico, or the Vir- sit permits, or limited permits. gin Islands of the United States, in manner or method or under conditions Subpart—Sand, Soil, or Earth, with Plants other than those prescribed in the reg- From Territories and Districts ulations hereinafter made or amend- 318.60 Notice of quarantine. ments thereto: Provided, That when- ever the Administrator of the Animal Subpart—Guam and Plant Health Inspection Service shall find that existing conditions as to QUARANTINE the pest risk involved in the movement 318.82 Notice of quarantine. of any of the articles to which the reg- ulations supplemental hereto apply, REGULATIONS make it safe to modify, by making less 318.82–1 Definitions. stringent, the restrictions contained in 318.82–2 Movement of regulated articles. any of such regulations, he shall pub- 318.82–3 Costs. lish such finding in administrative in- AUTHORITY: 7 U.S.C. 7701–7772; 7 CFR 2.22, structions specifying the manner in 2.80, and 371.3. which the restrictions shall be made SOURCE: 24 FR 10777, Dec. 29, 1959, unless less stringent, whereupon such modi- otherwise noted. fication shall become effective; or he may, when the public interest will per- Subpart—Hawaiian Fruits, mit, with respect to the movement of Vegetables, and Flowers any of such articles to Guam, upon re- quest in specific cases and notification QUARANTINE to the person making the request, au- thorize their certification under condi- § 318.13 Notice of quarantine. tions, specified in the certificate to (a) Under the authority of sections carry out the purposes of this subpart, 411, 412, 414, and 434 of the Plant Pro- that are less stringent than those con- tection Act (7 U.S.C. 7711, 7712, 7714, tained in the regulations: And provided, and 7754), the State of Hawaii is quar- further, That no restrictions are placed antined to prevent the spread of dan- hereby on the movement of cactus gerous plant diseases and pests, includ- plants from Hawaii to St. Croix, Virgin ing the Mediterranean fruit fly Islands of the United States, or on the (Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)), the melon movement of coconuts from Hawaii fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae Coq.), the ori- into or through the continental United ental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis States, Guam, Puerto Rico, or the Vir- Hendl.), green coffee scale (Coccus gin Islands of the United States. viridis (Green)), the bean pod borer (c) This subpart leaves in full force (Maruca testulalis (Geyer)), the bean and effect § 318.30 which restricts the butterfly (Lampides boeticus (L.)), the movement from Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Asiatic rice borer (Chilo suppressalis), or the Virgin Islands of the United the mango weevil (Sternochetus States into or through any other State mangiferae (F.)), the Chinese rose beetle or certain Territories or Districts of (Adoretus sinicus Burm.), and a cactus the United States of all varieties of borer (Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg.)), sweetpotatoes (Ipomoea batatas Poir.). which are new to or not known to be It also leaves in full force and effect widely prevalent or distributed within § 318.60 which restricts the movement and throughout other States. from Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the Vir- (b) No fruits or vegetables, in the raw gin Islands of the United States into or or unprocessed state; cut flowers; rice through any other State or certain straw; mango seeds; or cactus plants or Territories or Districts of the United parts thereof shall be shipped, offered States of sand, soil, or earth about the for shipment to a common carrier, re- roots of plants. 182 VerDate jul<14>2003 09:51 Jan 16, 2004 Jkt 203015 PO 00000 Frm 00182 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\203015T.XXX 203015T Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 318.13–1 (d) Regulations governing the move- movement of which is prohibited by ment of live plant pests designated in the quarantine and regulations in this this section are contained in part 330 of subpart, and from the plant pests re- this chapter. ferred to in said quarantine; or that [28 FR 13280, Dec. 7, 1963, as amended at 33 the lot or shipment is of such a nature FR 14621, Oct. 1, 1968; 36 FR 24917, Dec. 24, that no danger of infestation or infec- 1971; 55 FR 38979, Sept. 24, 1990; 66 FR 21054, tion is involved; or that it has been Apr. 27, 2001] treated in a manner to eliminate infes- tation. A certificate covering treated § 318.13a Administrative instructions providing exemptions from speci- products must state the treatment ap- fied requirements. plied. (a) The following fruits, vegetables, Commercial shipment. Shipment con- and other products may be moved from taining fruits and vegetables that an Hawaii into or through Guam without inspector identifies as having been pro- certification or other restriction under duced for sale or distribution in mass this subpart: markets. Such identification will be (1) [Reserved] based on a variety of indicators, in- (2) Cut flowers, as defined in § 318.13– cluding, but not limited to: Quantity of 1. produce, type of packaging, identifica- (3) All fruits and vegetables des- tion of grower and packing house on ignated in § 318.13–2(b). the packaging, and documents con- (4) Beets, rutabagas, and turnips; signing the shipment to a wholesaler or when without tops. retailer. (b) [Reserved] Compliance agreement. Any agreement [33 FR 14621, Oct. 1, 1968, as amended at 54 FR to comply with stipulated conditions 3578, Jan.
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