Friday, August 26, 1955 THE SOUTHERN JEWISH WEEKLY Page Five Enjoy Jacksonville's Beaches * Israel and Atomic Energy "Mushroom 'Synagogues' Parker's Auto Body NEON REPAIRS Called a "Blot" on & Paint Shop Neon and Painted Signs expert Metal work Neon - Signs - Lite Continued from Page 1) —due to power politics—act as if Reputation of Jews Painting and Welding 313 BEACH BOULEVARD In its half-dozen scientific ; they remember. But they do. 11514 3rd Avenue, North PHONE 5-5525 Phone papers, They will not forget that Israel’s LOS ANGELES, (JTA) A 112-5-9388 Jacksonville Beach, Florida Israel showed that it is i JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLA. now extracting uranium from , stock rose very high indeed at blast against “mushroom syna- phosphate rocks in the Negev; it ; Geneva. gogues” synagogues which is one of the world leaders in the spring up just before the High H. A. DURDEN field of heavy water; it is ex- Holy Days for services during CARPET SURVEYOR* perimenting with the use of solar Germon Catholics Intend these holidays was levelled GOLF COURSE here by Herman A. Backrack, 50 S. 3rd STREET energy and wind energy; it is em- W. S. BOTSFORD ploying atomic derivatives and To Buy Buildings chairman of a subcommittee P. O. Box 1006 Ph. 5-2812 BEACH, isotopes now in the fields of Os Foehrenwald Camp on “mushroom synagogues” of Jacksonville Beach JACKSONVILLE FLA. medicine and .engineering and the Community Relations agriculture. not only Council. Israel is MUNICH, (JTA) A Catholic- COMPLETE talking atom Mr. Backrack referred to CAMERA about the it is group intends to purchase the BEACH SUPPLIES working such synagogues as “a blot on with the atom, for peace. at Foehrenwald, 300 buildings last the reputation of the Jewish Printing Company The noisy Arab bloc will be DP camp Germany, Jewish in it community.” urged back here in force in another few He all 230 Pablo Avenue PARKISON'S was learned here. The camp has members of the Jewish com- 122 North First St. Ph. 5-3726 weeks, when the tenth session of long closing PHONE 5-5977 been slated for but munity to worship during the JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLA. the General Assembly cbnvenes. it still has about 1,500 Jewish High Holidays and Jacksonville Beach, Fla. will again make his big, regularly at Jamali residents. established synagogues blustery speeches; Malik will that See Us for Paints and Floor The small Jewish communities Coverings —> Floor Sanding once great serve the needs of the commu- more pose as the scattered throughout West Ger- Egypt’s nity at all times. Beach Plumbing Murphy Paint and Arabic philosopher; many have begun preparations will shamefaced Omar Loufti for the forthcoming High Holi- and Heating Co. Floor Covering Co. again drag his feet and squirm 510 N. First St. 223 days. At the same time, a perma- Phone 5-9631 Sixth Avenue, North every to Presence of Water HERBERT E. PATTEN, JR. Phone 5-4464 Jax time he has defend his nent Jewish chapel seating 25 Beach country’s against Is- JACKSONVILLE BEACH aggressions worshippers was opened in Mun- In Sodom Detected; rael. But the world —at least that ich by Major Oscar M. Lifshutz,. > Drilling of Wells Planned here — part of it represented Jewish chaplain for J. S. (Beach) BUCK the relative values inher- American REALTOR knows troops in the Munich arba, in the JERUSALEM,— (JTA) Geo- Sea Shell ent in Israel as against the tintina- Let Us Handle Your Real Estate presence of Major General Numa logical research recently carried Restaurant bulations of the Arab bloc. And Problems at the Beaches A. Watson, commanding general out in Sodom points to the pres- On the Ocean/ront N. of Israel’s scientific posi- 228 3rd Street Phone 5-4049 the fact of the area. The small synagogue, ence there of considerable quan- 11 NORTH 15th AVENUE Jacksonville Beach, Florida against the Arab bloc’s arid- JAX. BEACH tion ! second of its kind in Germany, is of deep — tities subterranean waters, ity—as at Geneva PHONE 5-9250 demonstrated i located in the American com- it was reported here. The report has not been lost. The world rep- pound, formerly the seat of the said that the drilling of artesian resentatives here may not always JAX BEACH Military Government for Bavaria wells will soon be started in the EVERYBODY'S WELCOME , and before that headquarters of Sodom area. Smith's New Gulf TRUCK LINE, Inc. Dresses - Beach Wear ! the Nazi Party Quartermaster. The report revealed that inten- Service 487 ATLANTIC BLVD. Jewelry - Handbags ' Station PHONE 112-5-3646 Certain* In Dortmund, a cornerstone sive search operations for oil 3rd Street & Atlantic Jacksonville Beach, Florida NEAL'S was laid for a small new syna- continue in Israel. Four com- gogue in the presence of Siegfried panies in four different areas are Boulevard STYLE SHOPPE Heimberg, chairman of the Asso- making deep drillings. Their (Neptune Beach)—P.O. Box 681 121 NORTH FIRST STREET PHONE 5-9368 JAX BEACH ciation of Jewish Communities in equipment is valued at about five Townsend Hawkes Westphalia. There were 5,000 million Israel pounds. Beside this REALTORS Jews in Dortmund before the another three million pounds and Beach Real Estate A Rentals New came in power. Today there about two million dollars has ANCHORAGE Beach Blvd. at 3rd St. Nazis DINING E. G. ROCHE for ROOM A PHONE 5-2222 are only 300 Jews residing there. been invested in the search COCKTAIL LOUNGE Jacksonville Beach, Florida oil. Plumbing LEGAL NOTICE At Canal Drawbridge INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS Notice is hereby given that the The Israel Government hopes to Palm Valley , (On 5-2096 undersigned intends to register with export about 50,000 tons of potash Road 210—-Pont* j DIAL the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Du- Cut Off) 1125 North First Street val County, Florida, in accordance with this year. New pumping stations McClure Electric Co. JAX BEACH the Fictitious Name Statute of Florida, FAMOUS FOR BETTER FOOD the following fictitious name under are now in use in the extracting Phono Ponto Vedra 6-4191 Phone 5-5360 which his business is carried on, to-wit: minerals from the Dead Sea, For Reservation* DENMARK FURNITURE COMPANY, of Free Estimates not inc. and the workers camp at Sodom Charles J. Denmark Ideal Restaurant Sole Owner has been rebuilt completely. The JACKSONVILLE BEACH Goldstein & Goldstein now concentrating & • government is Home Madd Chili Barbecue Ribs Attorneys at Law J. W. Motor Co. Chicken Dinners Florida Title Building on three major branches in the Gas - Accessories - Repairs Jacksonville, Florida Parts - Fuel Oil Mrs. Florence T. Riddle August 12-19-26 Sept. 2-1955. development of Israel’s mineral THE HOMESTEAD Wrecker Service Finest 109 N. First St. Phone 5-9331 resources, it was indicated: Dead Day 5-6974 The Food at Jax Beach Phones: Ph. Reservations JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLA. Sea resources, potash and brom- Night S-3240 for 5-3828 Alpha Paynter, Owner-Mgr. Go, Say So" and - "Everything to If You ides; copper, and phosphates 304 3rd STREET, NORTH OPEN P. Janes YEAR 'ROUND The Charcoal Pit the production of phosphoric salt T. Jacksonville Beach Located on the New Beach Blvd. New Beach Blvd. and Eighth St. and acids. at the City Limits FLOYD JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLA. Specializing In —— Richman, become Harry who’s - OIL COMPANY & Beach Bike Shop Lubrication Washing A Waxing BAR-B-Q PORK BEEF student, was asked by P. O. BOX 801 CUBED STEAK SANDWICHES a real art Schwin Bicycles 24-HOUR WRBCKER SERVICE evening - on Duty PHONE 5-6881 Open Daily 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. Sophie Tucker the other Headmaster Bicycles Saw Filing Mechanic BEACH, FLA. Week Ends II a.m. to 3 o.m. why he confines himself to draw- Keys and Locks - Welding JACKSONVILLE Lawn Sharpened SMITH'S ing and painting people in the Mowers COMPLETE REPAIRS PARTS replied: “Oh, I Pure Oil Station nude. Richman SERVICE Blvd. I was born Atlantic A Third Street suppose it’s because Ph. 3963 212 S. Third Neptune Beach Phone 5-5461 Eddie's Tackle Shop BOLTE that way.” GLASS COMPANY DELrod Industries & CUSTOM MADE FISHING RODS 510- 15th Avenue, N. Monarch Radio TV When You Hear . SALES & SERVICE COMPANY Strickland's - 940 N. 3rd STREET - Phone 112-5-4935 Radio - Auto Radios Television "Drip Drop" JAX BEACH, FLORIDA 9O-Day Warranty , Beach Ilfs Time To D. E. LUNSFORD President Jacksonville DIAL FL 9-7472 FINE FOODS Call 5625 ARLINGTON ROAD LOCATIONS: ARLINGTON, FLORIDA 3 • Mayport Restaurant TIP-TOP BEACH GARAGE • STEWART BROS. Phone 5-5601 1412 North First St. Roofing Company PHARMACY INC. (Jacksonville Beach) M. W. Plummer, Mgr. ' PABLO AVENUE L. E. (Red) NELSON • 101 PABLO AVE. 221 for ELECTRICAL Strickland's Take-Out PHONE 5-2195 PHONE 5-5989 CONTRACTORS AND REPAIRS 2282 Atlantic Boulevard, 20 18th Ave. N. Jax Beach Beach, Florida JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLA. Jacksonville 404-3rd AVENUE, N. South Jacksonville PHONE 5-9112 Jax Beach, Florida Beach Bird. Pet Shop WE SELL Dot's Pet Shop MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT PARAKEETS DURALITE PAINT Dot Lorigan Written Guarantee To Talk REGISTERED PARAKEETS THE MERMAID TAVERN - - • Monkeys Chao Hardware Mynas Parrots Dogs Complete line of Pet Accessories Third Street and Third Avenue, North And Many Other Pets TWO SiORES TO SERVE YOU Pet Shop the Beaches Only at JAX BEACH, FLORIDA CANARlES—Guaranteed Singers 121 Pablo Ave. 1728 N. 3rd St. 315 2nd St. Phone 5-5568 JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLA. No..
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