Pages 2735-2774 os::___ * FEDERAL« REGISTER «934 VOLUME 29 NUMBER 40 ^ O N nto ^ Washington, Thursday, February 27, 1964 Contents THE PRESIDENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rules and Regulations Notices PROCLAMATION Excepted service: Hearings, etc.: National Farm Safety Week, 1964. 2737 Labor Department___ _______ 2739 Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co___ 2768 Post Office Department___ ___ 2739 Coastal States Gas Producing Co____ ___________________ 2768 EXECUTIVE A6ENCIES Fitzpatrick Drilling Co. et al_ 2769 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Iowa Power and Light Co____ 2769 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING Notices Morgan, R., estate.-__ _______ 2767 SERVICE Statements of changes in financial Skelly Oil Co. et al___ ________ 2770 interests: St. Michaels Utilities Commis­ Rules and Regulations Anderson, Wallace H_________ 2764 sion et al_______ ;________ 2770 Grapefruit grown in Florida; limi­ Williams, Robert Joseph______ 2764 tation of shipments___ 2739 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DEFENSE DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Rules and Regulations See Navy Department. SERVICE Prohibited trade practices: Rules and Regulations National Alliance of Television Brucellosis; modified certified FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION and Electronic Service Asso­ areas_________;________ ___ „ 2752 Rules and Regulations ciations et al.; correction___ 2754 Niresk Industries, Inc., et al.; Scabies in sheep; interstate move­ Federal land banks; miscellaneous ments____ _________________ 2751 correction_____ _________ 2754 amendments_____ _____ ____— 2739 Retailers Marketing Guild, Inc., Notices ^ et al__ ;____________ ______ 2753 Identification of carcasses of cer­ FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY State Paint Manufacturing Co., tain humanely slaughtered live­ et al_____________________ 2754 Rules and Regulations stock; change in list of estab­ Proposed Rule Making lishments______________ 2765 Airworthiness directives: Pratt & Whitney_________ ____ 2750 Rules and regulations under AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Universal. ___________________ 2750 Flammable Fabrics Act; deter­ mination not to promulgate pro­ See also Agricultural Marketing Federal airways; revocation_____ 2740 posed rule___________________ 2763 Service; Agricultural Research Restricted area; alteration_____ 2740 Service; Rural Electrification Standard instrument approach Administration. procedures; m i s c e l l a n e o u s amendments___ ___ 2741 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Notices Proposed Rule Making Rules and Regulations Missouri; designation of area for Sport fishing: emergency loans________;____ 2766 Lockheed; airworthiness direc­ tives_________________ ______ 2762 California (2 documents) __ 2759, 2760 Idaho (2 documents)_________ 2760 ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Montana (2 documents)__ 2760,2761 Notices FEDERAL MARITIME Washington (2 documents)___ 2761 Martin-Marietta Corp.; issuance COMMISSION of facility license amendment— 2764 Notices IMMIGRATION AND Civil AERONAUTICS BOARD Expansion of proceeding______ 2767 NATURALIZATION SERVICE Notices . • Hong Kong-United States Atlantic and Gulf Trade et al. : Rules and Regulations '*'rans World Airlines, Inc.; order Notice of hearing__ _____ 2766 Revocation of naturalization; re­ granting extension of temporary Ruling on motion to consoli­ ports— — ____ ______ ______ 2740 suspension of service____ .____. 2770 date—___________________ 2766 (Continued, on next page) 2735 2736 CONTENTS INDIAN AFFAIRS BUREAU LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Proposed Rule Making Notices Rules and Regulations Tribal and trust patent Indian Alaska; termination of proposed Miscellaneous amendments to Lands of San Carlos Indian Ir­ withdrawal and reservation of chapter (2 documents)___ 2757,2758 rigation ProJect, Ariz.; opera­ lands________ 2764 tion and maintenance charges. 2762 California; small tract classifica­ RURAL ELECTRIFICATION tion ________________________ 2764 ADMINISTRATION INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Idaho; correction of proposed See Pish and Wildlife Service; In­ withdrawal and reservation of Notices dian Affairs Bureau; Land Man­ lands and termination.______ 2764 Power supply surveys; approval of agement Bureau. loans for generation or trans­ NAVY DEPARTMENT mission facilities .__________ 2765 INTERSTATE COMMERCE Rules and Regulations. Distinctive lights authorized for SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION submarines and navigational COMMISSION Notices light waivers_________________ 2755 Notices Fourth section application for Hearings, etc.: relief__ —___________________ 2772 Continental Vending Machine Corp_____________________ 2771 JUSTICE DEPARTMENT Medical Science Fund Interna­ See Immigration and Naturaliza­ tional, Inc________________ 2771 tion Service. Tastee Freez Industries, Inc___ 2771 Codification Guide The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1964, and specifies how they are affected. 3 CFR P roposed R ules : ____ 50 CFR P roclamation: gg (8 documents)__________ 2759-2761 3575................ 2737 16 CFR 5 CFR 13 (4 documents)__________ 2753,2754 97oQ P roposed R ules: Announcing: Volume 76A 213 (2 documents) 302___ »................. 2763 6 CFR UNITED STATES STATUTES AT LARGE 10____ _______ 2739 2 5 CFR P roposed R ules: 7 CFR 221__________ 2762 Containing 905___________ — 2739 _ _ ___ THE CANAL ZONE CODE 32 CFR 8 CFR Enacted as Public Law 87—845 during 706.......... 2755 the Second Session of the Eighty-seventh 340_____________ 2740 707—_____ 2755 Congress (1962) 9 CFR 39 CFR Price: $5.75 74______________ 2751 5i _____________ 2757 Published by Office of the Federal Register, 78............................ 2752 55______________ 2757 National Archives and Records Service, 58......... _•_____________ 2757 General Services Administration 14 CFR 61____________________________ — 2757 71 [New!_______ 2740 111___________________________ 2758 Order from Superintendent of Documents, 73 [New]_______ 2740 112_______ 2758 Government Printing Office, 97 [New]_____ _ 2740 136-__________ 2758 Washington, D.C., 20402 507 (2 documents) 2750 137_________________ 2758 E X T I E D \ V D E P I C T E D Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, and days following official Federal holiday®’ 1 ■.Bli.Dr^P n I E D by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General ae - ices Administration, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register a - Telephone WOrth 3-3261 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B), under regulation» prescribed, by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President. Distribution is made only by Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. ln The F ederal R egister wiU be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, fear $1.50 per month or $15.00 per year, payaci advance. The charge for individual copies (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to the size of the issue. Remit check or m > order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. __ The regulatory material appearing herein Is keyed'to the Code op F ederal R egulations, which is published, under 50 titles, suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended August 5, 1953. The Code o p F ederal R egulations is sold by the Sup tendent of Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements vary. *tions. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister, or the Code op F ederal R egulat Presidential Documents Title 3— THE PRESIDENT Proclamation 3575 NATIONAL FARM SAFETY WEEK, 1964 By the President of the United States of America A 'Proclamation Notwithstanding the fact that hundreds of thousands of volunteer leaders and members of rural organizations actively participate in Community,- State, and national safety programs which have proved effective in reducing the number and rate of accidents among farm residents, accidents still cause thousands of deaths and nearly a million disabling injuries to farm people each year. This Joss of human and economic resources Causes a significant adverse impact upon the economy of the entire Nation and must be viewed as a matter of national concern. I feel that the many public-spirited persons responsible for past and present farm safety efforts .should be commended for their notable achievements and that these efforts should be given renewed public recognition and support. In addition, I urge that vigorous new efforts be made to eradicate, insofar as feasible, all of the reasonably foreseeable causes of farm and rural accidents. Accomplishment of that objective should be the goal of National Farm Safety Week, 1964. NOW, THEREFORE, I, LYNDON B. JOHNSON, President of the United States of America, do hereby call on the people of the Nation to observe the week beginning July 19, 1964, as National Farm Safety Week; and I urge all persons and organizations, par­ ticularly those working in agriculture, to unite in a strong and pur­ poseful effort to reduce farm, home, and rural highway accidents to an irreducible minimum. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to
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