February 1, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H421 for New Hampshire Recovery, are do- rorist attacks and the same Iran who ment benefits through an arbitrary for- nating their time and energy to supply awards medals for the capture of U.S. mula called the windfall elimination our State with more treatment options soldiers. Despicable. provision, which can reduce their So- as Federal, State, and local govern- It is abundantly clear that Iran is not cial Security checks by up to $413 a ments develop better solutions. to be trusted, and we must prevent month. In Congress we created the bipartisan rogue nations from becoming stronger. That is why I have cosponsored and task force to combat the heroin epi- The administration needs to imme- why I strongly support H.R. 711, the demic to help develop these types of so- diately reverse its course and hold Equal Treatment of Public Servants lutions, and I praise these individuals those supporting terrorist efforts ac- Act, to reduce and to eliminate the for their selflessness. countable. windfall elimination provision. f In the name of national security, I I urge my colleagues to take it up for urge my colleagues in the House to join a vote as soon as possible so that we HONORING MARGARET DUNLEAVY me in voting in favor of this crucial can ensure that our public servants re- (Mr. BISHOP of Michigan asked and and timely piece of legislation. ceive both the Social Security benefits was given permission to address the f and the pensions that they most cer- House for 1 minute and to revise and tainly have earned. HONORING JULIA AARON extend his remarks.) f Mr. BISHOP of Michigan. Mr. Speak- HUMBLES er, I rise today to reflect on the career (Mr. RICHMOND asked and was given CONGRATULATING DARYL VEATCH of an outstanding public servant in my permission to address the House for 1 (Mrs. HARTZLER asked and was district, Margaret Dunleavy. minute and to revise and extend his re- given permission to address the House Mrs. Dunleavy retired at the end of marks.) for 1 minute.) 2015 after serving Livingston County as Mr. RICHMOND. Mr. Speaker, I just Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise their clerk for 19 years. In her capacity want to take a second to recognize a today in admiration of a leader in Mis- as county clerk, Mrs. Dunleavy has civil rights hero and New Orleans na- souri’s Fourth District, Mr. Daryl been responsible for overseeing elec- tive who recently passed away: Julia Veatch. tions in the county as well as main- Aaron Humbles. Daryl has served tirelessly to provide taining vital records and all circuit An active participant in the civil reliable light and energy to Missouri court records. She was first elected in rights movement from an early age, members of the Osage Valley Electric 1996, and the voters of Livingston she was selected to be on the first Free- Cooperative, of which I am a lifelong County chose her as their clerk in four dom Ride bus at the age of 18, which member. After 43 years, Mr. Veatch has additional elections. was ultimately firebombed outside An- resigned his position as the general Her role as county clerk was not Mrs. niston, Alabama. manager of Osage Valley in Butler, Dunleavy’s first public service experi- She wasn’t on that bus. She was, in Missouri. ence. She previously served as the fact, in Orleans Parish prison because His passion for excellence was seen Hartland Township, Michigan, clerk she was arrested for picketing outside throughout all of his work: from the and deputy clerk. a segregated Woolworth’s department beginning at Grundy Electric Coopera- Mrs. Dunleavy will be remembered as store. tive, where he served as a clerk, to his a hardworking, professional, ethical, Julia was constantly testing the tenure as the president of the Missouri and highly qualified clerk. I am thank- rules of segregation in New Orleans. Electric Cooperative Human Resources ful to have had the opportunity to She is quoted as saying: I was the kind Association, the Accountants Associa- work with her, and I wish her all the of kid that would move up the colored tion, and a member of the Public Rela- best in her future retirement. sign on the buses. I would use the tions Committee. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to rep- White restroom or water fountain. If I This year Daryl was honored with the resent such a dedicated public servant got caught, I would say flippantly that esteemed A.C. Burrows Award given by in Michigan’s Eighth District. I just wanted to taste that White the Association of Missouri Electric Thank you, Mrs. Dunleavy, for your water, and then I would run. Cooperatives for his leadership above commitment to Livingston County. Julia passed away on January 26 in and beyond the call of duty to f Stone Mountain, Georgia, of cancer. strengthen and improve the economic She was 72 years old. Our country is a and social conditions of his commu- IRAN TERROR FINANCE much better place because of the sac- nity. TRANSPARENCY ACT rifices Julia made during her lifetime. Part of going above and beyond for (Mr. ALLEN asked and was given Our sympathies and prayers are with Daryl was being actively involved as a permission to address the House for 1 her family today. leader on the local Butler R-V School minute and to revise and extend his re- f Board, the area Chamber of Commerce, marks.) and his Rotary Club. Mr. ALLEN. Mr. Speaker, today I EQUAL TREATMENT OF PUBLIC Thank you for giving your life to the rise in support of the Iran Terror Fi- SERVANTS ACT, H.R. 711 service of the citizens of Missouri’s nance Transparency Act. This impor- (Mr. RATCLIFFE asked and was Fourth District. I congratulate you on tant legislation prevents sanctions given permission to address the House a job well done. I look forward to hear- from being lifted from banks and indi- for 1 minute and to revise and extend ing of the continued impact you will viduals who are connected to terrorism his remarks.) have in and for our community. or Iran’s weapons development pro- Mr. RATCLIFFE. Mr. Speaker, I am f gram. humbled to represent thousands of AN HOUR OF POWER We do not need to be rewarding bad teachers, firefighters, and law enforce- actors that are helping Iran become a ment officers across the Fourth Dis- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under nuclear state and continue to be the trict of Texas who have dedicated their the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- world’s leading state sponsor of ter- careers to public service. uary 6, 2015, the gentlewoman from rorism. As the son of two schoolteachers and Ohio (Mrs. BEATTY) is recognized for 60 Recently Iran made headlines by con- as a former law enforcement official minutes as the designee of the minor- ducting two ballistic missile tests, al- myself, I have a personal and deep-felt ity leader. ready violating the deal that the Presi- appreciation for those who shape fu- GENERAL LEAVE dent forced on the American people ture generations by educating our chil- Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, I ask earlier this year. Disappointingly, we dren and protecting the communities unanimous consent that all Members have heard nothing from the adminis- where we live. be given 5 legislative days to revise and tration. Right now there are nearly 900,000 of extend their remarks and add any ex- This is the same Iran who funnels these public servants who are being un- traneous materials relevant to the sub- money to Hezbollah to finance ter- justly denied their hard-earned retire- ject matter of this discussion. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:26 Feb 02, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01FE7.046 H01FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H422 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 1, 2016 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there President delivered a speech filled with Black Caucus continues to work on be- objection to the request of the gentle- hope and optimism, reminding us that cause if, in fact, we address those woman from Ohio? we, the people—emphasizing all peo- issues, as you know, that the most vul- There was no objection. ple—want opportunity and security for nerable are dealing with each and Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, it is an our families. It was a message of a bet- every day, we will strengthen America, honor and a privilege for me to rise ter future, fairness, and democracy for and so our country will be stronger. I this evening as co-chair, along with my all Americans because we rise or fall thank both of them for making sure distinguished colleague who represents together, Mr. Speaker. that we are doing that. the Eighth District of New York, Con- President Obama continues to re- We celebrate tonight the start of gressman HAKEEM JEFFRIES, for this mind us that ours is a nation bounded Black History Month, but I would like Congressional Black Caucus Special by a common creed and that our Amer- to reflect quickly again what we are Order hour, an hour of power, address- ican values of equality, fairness, and doing tonight on Dr. Martin Luther ing the state of our Union, Dr. King’s justice should be available to all, not King, Jr.’s dream of true democracy. dream, and today’s African American just a fortunate few. Far too long peo- In his famous speech, ‘‘I Have a message.
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