April 14 – April 20, 2019 WILLOW (PALM) SUNDAY - The Journey of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem - The Feast of the Annuciation FIRST ANTIPHON: I love the Lord, because He hears the voice of my supplication. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us. Because He has inclined His ear to me, I will call upon Him all my days. Through the prayers ... The pangs of death encircled me; the dangers of Hades caught me. Through the prayers ... I met with anguish and pain, I called upon the name of the Lord. Through the prayers ... Glory be to the Father, ... Only Begotten Son ... (P. 23) THIRD ANTIPHON: Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever. TROPAR (Tone 1): Before Your passion, Christ our God, You gave proof of the resurrection of all by raising Lazarus from the dead. Like the children we too, bear banners of victory and cry out to You, the conqueror of death: “Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.” Let the house of Israel say that He is good, and His mercy endures forever. Before Your passion ... Let the house of Aaron say that He is good, and His mercy endures forever. Before Your passion ... Let all those who fear the Lord say that He is good, and His mercy endures forever. Before Your passion ... WISDOM: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; We blessed You from the house of the Lord. The Lord is God and He has appeared to us. Before Your passion.... TROPAR (Tone 4): Buried with you in baptism, Christ our God, we have been made worthy of immortal life by Your resurrection. In praise we cry out: “Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and for ever and ever. Amen! KONDAK (Tone 6): Seated on Your Throne in heaven, Christ our God, You received the praise of the angels, and riding the colt on earth, the shouts of the children. They cried out: “Blessed are You who came to restore Adam!” PROKIMEN (Tone 4): Blessed is He who comes in the name of the lord, the Lord is God and has appeared to us. Verse: Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for his mercy endures forever. EPISTLE: A reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians (4:4-9) ALLELUIA VERSES: Sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done wondrous deeds. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God. GOSPEL: St.John 12:1-18 INSTEAD OF “It is truly right...”: O my soul, extol the Lord, who sat on a donkey. God the Lord has appeared to us; let us celebrate the feast, and let us rejoice and extol Christ. With palms and branches in hand, let us raise our voices to him in praise, saying: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord our Saviour. COMMUNION HYMN: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, the Lord is God and appeared to us. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! PROSTRATION REFRAIN (during the week only): You have suffered the passion for us, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us! READERS: Today – Christine Hladky April 19 – Good Friday - Maggie Derow, Abbey Derow April 21 – Easter Sunday - Peter Federko MINISTERS OF COMMUNION: Today – John Makuch, Len Markewich April 21 – Easter Sunday – Mark Woitas, Robert Wuschenny USHERS: Today - Pat Romanow, Joe Lawryk April 19 – Good Friday~Ernie Paluck, Ted Dusyk April 21 – Easter Sunday – Art Wytrykush, Walter Brigidear GREETERS: Today – Joe & Christine Hladky April 19 – Good Friday – Ernie & Jayne Paluck April 21 – Easter Sunday – Mark & Karen Woitas ALTAR SERVERS: Every Sunday – All volunteers welcomed DIVINE LITURGIES… Holy Monday, April 15 – The Holy Apostles Aristarchus, Pudens and Trophimus (54-68) No Services Scheduled Holy Tuesday, April 16 – The Holy Virgins and Martyrs Agapia, Irene and Chionia (284-305): [Pres. Exodus 2:5- 10; Job 1:13-22; Matthew 24:36-26:2] 6:30 p.m. – Confessions at St. Basil’s Parish by Fr. Vasyl 7:00 p.m. – Liturgy Of Presanctified Gifts at St. Basil’s Parish Holy Wednesday, April 17 – Venerable Father Simeon of Persia (341); the Venerable Acacius, Bishop of Melitene (431-50) [Presanctified Gifts Liturgy readings: Exodus 2:11-22; Job 2:1-10; Matthew 26:6-16] 6:30 p.m.- Confessions at St. Athanasius Parish by Fr. Vlad 7:00 p.m. – Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts with anointing of the sick Holy Thursday, April 18 – Venerable Father John, Disciple of Gregory the Decapolitan (c.842) [Vespers with Liturgy – Exodus 19:10-19; Job 38:1-23; 42:1-5; Isaiah 50:4-11; 1 Corinthians 11:23-32; Matthew 26:2-20; John 13:3-17; Matthew 26:21-39; Luke 22:43-45; Matthew 26:49-27:2] 4:00 p.m. – Liturgy of St. Basil The Great with Vespers 7:00 p.m. – Service of The Holy Passion with 12 Gospels – (Preparing the church for Holy Week Services) Good Friday, April 19 – Great and Holy Friday [Vespers readings – Exodus 33:11-23; Job 42:12-16; Isaiah 52:13- 54:1; 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:2; Matthew 27:1-38; Luke 23:39-43; Matthew 27:39-54; John 19:31-37; Matthew 27:55-61] Strict fast and abstinence from meat, dairy and eggs, foods that contain these ingredients 11:00 a.m. – Vespers with exposition of the Holy Shroud in Moose Jaw 3:00 p.m. - VESPERS WITH EXPOSITION OF THE HOLY SHROUD at St. Athanasius Parish (Special collection for Holy Land) 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. ~ Vigil: private prayer and quiet time for meditation and reflection; sign up sheet in front foyer 7:00 p.m. – JERUSALEM MATINS. Wake at the Tomb Holy Saturday, April 20 – Venerable Father Theodore Trichinas; Holy Anastasius of Mt. Sinai (686); (Abstinence from meat and foods that contain meat) [DL Acts 1:1-8; John 1:1-17] 9:00 a.m. – Paschal Service in Hodgeville: Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy followed by Blessing of Easter Baskets 10:00 a.m. – Paschal Service in Glentworth: Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy followed by Blessing of Easter Baskets 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. – Vigil at St. Athanasius ~ private prayer and quiet time for meditation; sign up sheet in front foyer 4:30 p.m. – NADHROBNE SERVICE FOLLOWED BY BLESSING OF EASTER BASKETS IN THE HALL OF ST. ATHANASIUS PARISH EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 21 – PASCHA: THE FEAST OF THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD GOD AND SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST [Acts 1:1-8; John 1:1-17] No fasting or abstinence from foods!!! 8:30 a.m. – RESURRECTION MATINS followed by Divine Liturgy and blessing of Easter Baskets at St. Athanasius 1:30 p.m. - Resurrection Matins followed by Divine Liturgy with blessing of Easter Baskets in Moose Jaw THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE… ❖ Monday, April 15 – Catechism ❖ Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday church services as per the schedule CONGRATULATIONS are extended to our First Holy Communicants, Dylan David Forseille and Riley Darrell Foulston. Mnohaya Lita! God Grant Them Many Years! The Blessing and distribution of Pussy Willows will follow today’s Liturgy. Please, limit one branch of willows per family. PRIEST’S EASTER GIFT is a gift of love and a tax receipt cannot be issued. If issuing a cheque, please make it payable to Fr. Vasyl Tymishak. SINCERE THANK YOU to the 12 parishioners who came out to clean the church last Saturday. Your help was greatly appreciated. May God bless you abundantly. Liturgical Committee THANK YOU to Svitlana Kenyuk and her family and to UCWLC for instructing the Pysanka workshop and to UCBC for assisting with the workshop at St. Athanasius Parish on Tuesday, April 9th. May God continue to bless and keep you in His care. ST. ATHANASIUS PRAZNYK/FEAST DAY will be held on Sunday, May 5, 2019, immediately following the Divine Liturgy that day. Tickets are on sale today. Please refer to the poster on front foyer table and in the auditorium for details. EASTER FLOWER DONATIONS are now being accepted. Please use the specifically marked envelopes provided at the back of the church and place in the Sunday collection basket. Thank you! CHOIR PRACTISE - Wed. April 24 @ 7 PM: Final preparation & arrangements for singing at the Knights of Columbus State Convention in Moose Jaw Apr. 26. To confirm your interest, please contact me if you have not already done so. Thanks… Phyllis 306-529-8152 UCBC BROTHERS will be selling sausage for Easter today after Divine Liturgy. REGINA UKRAINIAN SADOCHOK PROGRAM is looking for a preschool teacher. If interested in this position please send your resume to [email protected]. The deadline for applications is May 24, 2019. For more information refer to poster on the bulletin board in the auditorium. VESELKA UKRAINIAN FESTIVAL – FOAM LAKE, SK on Saturday, May 44, 2019. Refer to poster on the bulletin board in the auditorium. SPECIAL COLLECTION – HOLY LAND: as directed by the Chancery Office, the special collection for the month of April will be for the support of Christian communities, the needs of the church and upkeep of holy sites in the Holy Land. Please use the marked Holy Land envelopes provided in your donation box or the envelopes marked “Holy Land” at the back of the church.
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