TV . .ji'u ’azir^3iv!.d<i.y •lion-':- qtreat.— r ■* ys ■ [ October 19; 1950 J IN TWO SECTIONS PART ON E BURN. N. J. TEN CENTS SEA Item Winner Community Chest Of NJPA Prizes Drive Nears Goal The Mlllburn-Short Hills Item was one of the 183 daily, Of $27,000 Sunday and weekly newspapers throughout the State to re­ With solicitors for the Millburn ceive awards from the New Fund (Community Chest) still re­ Jersey Press Association at porting contributions as a result the 29th annual Newspaper of the drive last Sunday, treasurer Institute In New Brunswick Ralph Sohneider reported that any­ last Friday. The Item received one who had not been contacted first place among suburban could send contribution direct to weeklies with between 2,500 the Fund at Neighborhood House, and 1,500 circulation for dis­ 12 Taylor street, Millburn. play advertising 1 and second It is estlmataed that at least 20 place in that group for classi­ per cent of local residents, were fied advertising. not at home when solicitors called, a/nd additional calls are being made to follow-up and gve them an opportunity to have their part Student Praises in making the drive a success. The drive assumed an interna­ Jr. Red Cross tional aspect on Sunday when both Australian and Canadian con­ tributions were made. The Aus­ Training Center tralian contribution o 10 shilling* , Th’ m —"255? SrS B S t SI m T m . Mm- * ■ * » c. t . , . Dunn of Short ill*. Mr. Grace had burn High School and one of the been a roommate of Mr. Dunn delegates sent last summer by the when both lived in New York some for display Junior Red Cross to their train- years ago. Mr. Grace called his uild, in co-'ing center at Welliriey College: donation a "monkey,” the local ts and Mrs. AN OPEN-LETTER TO THE name for the gold colored bank lcc A. Hill, AMERICAN RED CROSS OF note. The G&nodi&n contribution MILLBURN A SHORT HILLS was made by a friend of a local My trip to Wellesley College r“ »dent who waa vlrttlrtg for the Training Center proved to be one day' of the great experiences that I Jo™ Gbl“ ,rtin’ G®T,eral CSialr- have encountered throughout my “ *", 8a d J*** 'T*** doU*'r life time .0 far. Therefore I wish ,the drlv* rea^ , .. goal for which more than 600 to expres* my 1 local People have been working, thoae who made this « £ * » • ^ y#ar ,t ^ th# folhw ™ possible for me. The Red Cross is Operay on, that brought the total Indeed a fine organization and I donations to the full amount, and have realized this fact more often it )g expected that the work in the ing of the llftct my return from the training next few days wtll assure the sam e nfersnca of cgBter. T * , v result h>r the 1950 drive. fIclf on Oc- The Welk» ley DaniI>u< w a * However, in order to save un- j tion of beautiful a » d itM reeort atmos- necessary work by hundreds of Adminlstra- Phere of buildings, trees and people who have already spend the Student Welds, and Lake Waban mdde all many hours trying to meet their ed with re- the delegates feel at home. These neighbors and obtain their con- resolution delegates, whom I had never met tributions, the General Committee conference- previous to my visit to Wellesley, wouW appreciate it If local resi­ gn has aer- soon became some pf my closest denth who have not yet made their sateet effi- friends. Meeting boys a n d girls t*em * al dminis- from other parts of our country °f irn Student and learning how they partake in tfae next {<w ^ , nve W1 ln s beginning juniot Red Cross activities was *7 very interesting and highly amus- — , , period, of ing to me. The exchange of our KeODDOlnteO T O nanaged to ideas and plans for the coming / ises of the school year yvas helpful to all of Plnnninn Rnnrrl Typewriter, m After the dally classes were D O O r ° bonds and over> we all enjoyed our leisure Ira c . Moore, Jr., a former time together Play*nK games, Township Committeeman, was re- ot »492., and dimming, or just gathering for appointed a member of the Town- eriod he has a friendly chat. In this manner ship Planning Board by the Town- Jieration, of everyone felt that we had always ship Committee Monday night. His effort and known other and were juat present term of office which ex- n Township a ou o{ oW lg reminijcing pires on October 29, 1950, was ex- i3 holds **“the of the t tended to October 29, 1954. ; one of the Many persons unfamiliar with ______________* _____________ _ return Loan the Red Cross might question the ze in the the information I received at the purpose of this training center. I , , , , , training center that I may be of X Resolved now feel qu alified to give my per- , srvlce to the Junior Red sonal opinion on this subject The >ers of The Cross in my community. If more Conference Wellesley Training Center and all of 'Us realized the true meaning eachers re- of th e other centers conducted of the Red Cross motto, "We tion of the throughout the United States are " T ^ ^ be'a'greater . Mr. Fred designed to teach and g.ve us the rtlcjpatJon in aII fleld3 o{ Red Adminlstra- experience which will prepare us Crofj9 work n Township tor adult leadership in t h e Red Cross, Therefore, we as the lead The recreational picture at the era of the future, will be more training center is not to be over­ v'hg on the Executive Commit- v w « . n , / i t i w i i w Btatwr muflt -femnw? it m vui wvj-n, iweive imim/um *tuu#nu quaUfied to provide other Junior looked either The more talented Rrc; George A Roszncr material and money which is be- entered Seton Hall University in Wprld Wide Broadcast to Red Cross members with a clearer dele**tes entertained^ u» w.th talent 'shows, competitive sports "man; KuasellRussell V Benson’,Benson, -----Pau| Cherin,—-------------- Coordinator,---- ------- of Phy-/ In&ing expended (I want to empha- the past five „—-years —■and --11 -have % picture and wider scope of th e E. T. Burton Carlton L. Dud- sicai Education, is chairman of the size that our boys are not ex- entered Lehigh. Pennsylvania Uni- /% f# - * T . A e W m # events, skits, and choral groups. Dr. George Erdman Dayton clvillan Defense Council for the pen<ja,i>Ie), yet we must take the verslty, Princeton, Skidmore, each C / / / H O X r f 0 e O O f l ? (^rUSOOe I UeSQOy AThe°ftinsfrfctfon“ given at the P ™ . health and welfare *s, Rev Painh w c public schools recently appointed w t t th cx. have enrolled ten. Other colleges , , '1 Sha^le^n r t ’ R by the Boarod of Education In «c- ^ " h i p . We mwt ^ t the ex ^ proyed popular are New Jer« y will join in the world-world-er. er. It is expected that General uClay a y center included: the development a:so S a n i“ faciut:cs met a„ ■mas. T h i^ -C h ld rm ^ ffe the =ordance with le*al requirements. tor the ^ william and Mary, Cornell, S|. wide observance of “United Nations will call for a re-dedicat.on to the ot Red Cross, the history a n d hea,th r m nU. flnd th ^ , r n . r J i i School Defense Council wm We can and will *do this because Lawrence mstitute, Syra- Day” next Tuesday (October 24) to principles of the Crusade, asking phi]Mophy of the Junior Red requli:em>nts^and the meals served were both wholesome and ranger0 and implement the policies on civilian we have dedicated ourselves to Allegheny, Amherst, end climax the Crusade for Freedom, his millions of listeners to join in Crosa organization and program aerved were both wholesome and 'anger,ter, anfla„d George B. Thom, w m w m ey ttK .Mttl. ’ Bernard M. Shanley, state Crusade a prayer for world freedom and lannink, international Activities, delicious. Living conditions were Lafayette. excellent since the college permit-.. the A d v a n c e s 'll burn Township Committee on Cl- "We. ----------must support- the United A total of ^83 members of the chai riftArt, Xlttd today. world peace through the UN. service projects, area and nation- the foliowimr- M vIHan Defense and all Instructions Nations because it has proved it- claaJ of .50 went 3 four year col- —New -------Jersey communities— are be- Community,—......— --------------- chairmen throughout - =,al —COUncils,----------- the -------Safety Services,---------- ted- us. .the . use . of Tower... Court;. r’ R. V t0 thc ‘acuity as a result of the self the only meeting place in „ - th clasg of 'i9 g3 ing asked to participate actively the state are making arrangements horae.nursing, disaster, and the one of the best dormitorles on th® StArk, Th» To.™ u 8. 8., work of the school council will be which great and small countries . “ ’th , of -4g. n from the i« the event by ringing bells m for local bells to bo tolled, Mr. blood prograim. In addition, elect- campu®' Advance Gifts nivfslnw !>!• raade by tbe administrative offic- can still freely voice the espira- . f i<7. 55 fr0m’ the class of churches, schools, factories, fire Shanley said. He urged all organ- courses jn newspaper work, The 8goal that I have set for 'b’n L D u d T y M™ RobertH *rs of the Sch00,S- /H ons, of their peopie.
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