WIND SYSTEMS MAGAZINE GIVING WIND DIRECTION CONSTRUCTION Construction Electrical Acceptance Testing for Wind Energy Sites • Interior issues transmission right-of-way to Deepwater Wind • BASF receives type certification for offshore grout » Ford brings clean energy to dealers through pilot program page 32 » Wetzel blade concept wins DECEMBER 2014DECEMBER Outstanding Venture Award page 36 DECEMBER 2014 Imperial Crane has become Our years of unprecedented safety nationally recognized performance have made Imperial the preferred crane source for companies as the safest crane that put Safety as their number one priority. Our commitment to safety and company in the service has been the key to Imperial’s success. On behalf of Imperial Crane crane rental and the Bohne family, we would like to thank the industry for 45 years of industry. loyal support. Imperial Crane and our team of dedicated employees look forward to providing many more years of Safety Success. 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DIGITAL TORQUE CONTROL THAT WORX FOR YOUR MAINTENANCES The leading electronic torque control system in ERAD electronic torque control sys- All RAD torque guns are designed to the Wind Industry assembled for your WTG. tems are engineered and manufac- deliver the highest power-to-weight tured for maximum durability and per- ratio of any torque tool on the market formance. The world’s most advanced today, saving time and money in main- ONSITE BOLTING SERVICES electronic pistol grip stall type torque tenance and production costs. The Expertly trained controlled bolting technicians tool ever produced. Designed to pro- extremely high torque and constant vide continued accuracy and repeat- rotation make the RAD model ideal for available for all you r maintenance needs. ability using the RAD legendary gear virtually any bolting. 100% power in box design and the precision of elec- both forward and reverse allows more tronic motor. Capable of collecting diversity for tough maintenance jobs. WTG SPECIFIC TOOLING PACKAGES torque data, measuring torque / angle Our experience with all the major WTG OEM’s in a single consistent cycle and accu- Contact TORKWORX today for a com- rate to +/- 3%. plete detailed WTG specific bolting delivers cost effective & efficient bolting systems. package for your maintenances. Using advanced technology only avail- able from the RAD torque system Extreme Bolting Working Solutions CALIBRATION AND REPAIR SERVICES insures maintenances are done accu- can be found at torkworx.com or at rately and efficiently in the most cost 888-502-WORX. Complete in-house facilities t o handle all your effective method. Includes a touch tooling repair services no matter the make or screen interface for simplified usability model and calibration services to NIST stan- along with preset torque and angle dards. capability. 1014_WindSystems.indb 4 9/19/14 3:10 PM SECTIONS Volume 06 Issue 12 08 DIRECTION Policy • Advocacy • Business • Finance • Legal • Environment • International SunEdison and 10 Iberdrola opens its first offshore wind farm TerraForm to buy First Wind for 11 Department of Energy launches interactive $2.4 billion Wind Career Map DISTRIBUTED WIND INNOVATION 30 Clean energy at work in 36 Wetzel blade concept wins Outstanding St. George, Alaska Venture Award 32 Ford brings clean energy to select dealers 38 Suzlon unveils through pilot program world’s tallest 36 Endurance Wind Power hybrid turbine unveils an advanced in India new design MAINTENANCE MANUFACTURING 40 A short course in wind turbine blade terminology 44 MHI Vestas Offshore Wind to serial produce blades in the UK 42 Moventas completed first- CROSSWINDS ever Clipper up-tower service 48 Siemens goes on tour with Linkin Park to raise sustainable energy supply awareness Wind Systems (ISSN 2327-2422) is published monthly by Media Solutions, Inc., 266D Yeager Parkway Pelham, AL 35124. Phone (205) 380-1573 Fax (205) 380-1580 International subscription rates: $72.00 per year. Periodicals Postage Paid at Pelham AL and at additional mailing offices. Printed in the USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Wind Systems magazine, P.O. Box 1210 Pelham AL 35124. Publications mail agreement No. 41395015 return undeliverable Canadian addresses to P.O. Box 503 RPO West Beaver Creek Richmond Hill, ON L4B4R6. Copyright 2006 by Media Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 DECEMBER | 2014 editor’s desk December 2014 The holiday season seems to sneak up on me earlier and earlier with each passing year. Frankly, I don’t know how that’s about the changes we were mak- possible, considering retailers roll ing to the magazine — or about out the holiday merchandise up- our motivations for making those wards of two months in advance. changes. Combine that with the constant That was intentional. Christmas music that flood the FM We wanted to give readers our airwaves immediately after Hallow- absolute best effort, and then een, and I should have had all the quietly observe their response advance notice I needed. in order to get an honest assess- This year was different, though. ment of how well we were serving It’s been a busy — albeit produc- them. This issue marks a full year tive — year… especially here at of Wind Systems operating un- to use the word “changes” when Wind Systems. I’ll try and give you der its new vision, structure, and speaking about Wind Systems’ new the short version. design. I’m thrilled to tell you that vision and structure. This time last year, we were the response to this point has been Marketing strategists would tell putting the finishing touches on overwhelmingly positive. you that was a mistake. Instead, our plan to overhaul Wind Systems’ Thank you. But we want to know they’d say, I should’ve used the editorial content, structure, and more. word “improvements,” because it design. Our goal was to serve our If we only sought a general con- serves to plant a positive image in readers the best we possibly could. sensus, we’d have the best excuse the mind of the reader. We spared no effort in doing just in the world to sit back and say to But we’re not going to play that that. After countless hours spent ourselves: “That’s good enough.” game. We’re not interested in shap- planning, brainstorming, arguing, We’re simply not satisfied with ing your response. We’re interest- and compromising, we devised our that. ed in your response shaping us. plan. In the upcoming months, you Besides, we don’t get to decide if There were plenty of growing may receive an email invitation our changes are actually improve- pains along the way, some of which from Wind Systems to participate ments. At least, not until we hear threatened to evolve into chronic in a brief reader survey. When you from you. injuries, but all of that was to be get that email, I urge you to follow expected. the link and invest a few minutes Thanks for reading, Eventually, a plan was finalized. to tell us what you like, don’t like, We knew what we had in mind. We or would like to see more of in our knew what we wanted to accom- magazine. Help us perform a true, plish. We knew how we were going transparent assessment of how well to implement it. What we didn’t Wind Systems is serving its audi- know was how it was going to be ence. received by our readers. Much like in the political arena, Stephen Sisk, editor We unveiled our new vision with every vote does count, and every Wind Systems magazine the January 2014 issue, without voice will be heard. Up until this [email protected] much fanfare. We didn’t say much point, I’ve specifically chosen (800) 366-2185 ext. 209 6 DECEMBER | 2014 Contributors WWW.HYDRATECH-INDUSTRIES.COM Carl Levesque is a clean energy com- munications consultant for AWEA and principal of Channel Wind Communi- cations. He worked in AWEA’s Public Affairs Department for six years, most recently as the association’s editor and publications manager. In his role at AWEA, and as editor of AWEA’s Wind Energy Weekly industry newsletter, he writes about and performed communications work on a range of topics af- fecting the industry, which he continues to do today. Jack Wallace started in the wind industry as a wind turbine technician in 1985. Since then he has trained hundreds of technicians in electri- cal troubleshooting, mechanical systems, com- posites, and wind energy related safety. He has deep understanding and experience of what it takes to run a wind farm and is always ready to help others in wind to successfully run their wind power plants. Jack is listed as an inventor on multiple patents related to wind energy improvements. He Dedicated has been working with the same wind group for 20 years, cur- rently Frontier Pro Services. Paul Idziak is General Manager of Sherm- to Wind Power co Industries’ Machine Services Division, which maintains, repairs, and remanufac- Service & Repair Facility tures rotating electrical machines and oth- er devices.
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