October 17, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1299 PERSONAL EXPLANATION resources for individuals with physical and/or RECOGNITION OF WOOD COUNTY, visual impairments. From children’s story time OHIO’S 200TH ANNIVERSARY HON. CLAY HIGGINS to genealogical research tools, the library of- OF LOUISIANA fers a wide range of programming and learn- HON. ROBERT E. LATTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing opportunities. OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 17, 2019 I ask my colleagues of the 116th Congress to join me in celebrating the 90th Anniversary Thursday, October 17, 2019 Mr. HIGGINS of Louisiana. Madam Speak- of the Queens Public Library, Ridgewood Mr. LATTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to er, I missed votes on October 16 due to ill- Branch by recognizing its crucial contributions celebrate the Bicentennial of Wood County, ness. Had I been present, I would have voted to the Queens community. ‘‘yea’’ on Roll Call No. 556, and ‘‘yea’’ on Roll Ohio. This Crossroad of America was estab- lished by the Ohio State Legislature on Feb- Call No. 557. f f ruary 12, 1820. Wood County has historical CALLING ATTENTION TO AN IM- ties to the earliest days of Ohio history, gain- HONORING THE 64TH ANNIVER- PRESSIVE PROGRAM THAT ing its name from Colonel Eleazer D. Wood, SARY OF THE CLARKSVILLE ORIGINATED IN POCATELLO, the planning engineer of Fort Meigs in 1813. NAACP IDAHO Wood County was once home to the Great Black Swamp. This made settlement of the HON. MARK E. GREEN area extremely difficult, but the pioneering spirit of early residents produced an extensive OF TENNESSEE HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES system of ditches which drained the swamp OF IDAHO and revealed the rich farmland beneath. There Thursday, October 17, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are still more than 3,000 miles of drainage Mr. GREEN of Tennessee. Madam Speak- ditches keeping the county dry to this day. er, I rise today to recognize the 64th Anniver- Thursday, October 17, 2019 The oil and natural gas industries were the sary of the Clarksville, Tennessee chapter of first to enter Wood County in the late 1800s. Mr. SIMPSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today the NAACP. This caused a large spike in population as to recognize the 2019 Idaho Career & Tech- This local chapter was chartered 64 years people migrated to the county in hopes of ob- nical Education (ICTE) Special Program ago in 1955, just as the Civil Rights Movement taining riches. Wood County currently covers Award recipient, the Construction Combine. was starting to gain momentum throughout the nearly 620 square miles of land and water nation, culminating in 1963 with the March on At the Construction Combine, program par- which provides evidence of the rural traditions Washington and Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ‘‘I ticipants learn to demonstrate their construc- and history of the area, while fostering agricul- Have A Dream’’ speech. The leadership of Dr. tion skills to builders who are potential em- tural ingenuity, manufacturing developments, King and the NAACP challenged the nation to ployers. The program recruits local contractors and educational success. live up to its own founding ideals of liberty and to teach construction skills to interested high The celebration of the 200th Anniversary of justice for all. school students and others, and construction Wood County is a meaningful reminder of the The Clarksville NAACP has continued to materials suppliers such as Home Depot gen- hard work, grit, and pioneering attitude upon serve the community since its founding, par- erously provide the necessary supplies and which Wood County, Ohio and the United ticularly in its engagement with the young peo- tools to facilitate building sheds for this two- States of America were founded. Congratula- ple of Clarksville and its support for education. day event. The completed sheds are donated tions to Wood County in celebration of its Bi- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the to deserving veterans at no cost. centennial Year. United States House of Representatives to The Construction Combine is the brain-child f join me in congratulating the Clarksville branch of Mr. Scott Stevens. As a staff member in 300TH ANNIVERSARY OF of the NAACP for its service to the community Idaho State University’s (ISU) Continuing Edu- GARRETSON FORGE AND FARM over the past 64 years. cation and Workforce Training Program f (CEWT), Mr. Stevens recognized the need to attract more skilled workers to the construction HON. JOSH GOTTHEIMER RECOGNIZING THE 90TH ANNIVER- industry and to increase the housing stock in OF NEW JERSEY SARY OF QUEENS PUBLIC LI- order to promote economic growth. He teamed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BRARY, RIDGEWOOD BRANCH up with Brad Landon, the Pocatello/Chubbuck Thursday, October 17, 2019 ´ Home Depot Store manager, to execute his vi- Mr. GOTTHEIMER. Madam Speaker, I rise HON. NYDIA M. VELAZQUEZ sion—one that helps home builders, veterans today to recognize Garretson Forge and Farm, OF NEW YORK and students. There was extensive additional a national historical landmark in Fair Lawn, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES support from the surrounding high schools; New Jersey. This year marks the 300th anni- Thursday, October 17, 2019 local contractors; Gary Salazar, the Director of versary of the settlement of Garretson in 1719. ´ ISU’s CEWT; and others in ISU’s CEWT Pro- Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of the vol- Ms. VELAZQUEZ. Madam Speaker, I rise gram. today to recognize the 90th Anniversary of unteers of Garretson Forge and Farm Res- Queens Public Library, Ridgewood Branch. I The first Construction Combine event took toration, Inc., this special property has been also rise to thank Friends of the Ridgewood place at the Pocatello/Chubbuck Home Depot preserved and kept open to the community. In Library and Principal Librarian Thomas in the Spring of 2018 with 54 participants, pro- recognition of Garretson’s anniversary, I would Maxheimer for their contributions to this cele- ducing eight sheds. The following year, in like to include in the RECORD the poem ‘A Her- brated anniversary. 2019, the Construction Combine hosted six itage to Keep,’ by William F. Haywood which Queens Public Library, Ridgewood Branch events in Idaho and Oregon with 228 partici- captures the long history of Garretson Forge opened on October 15, 1929. Not only was pants, producing 41 sheds. I am eager to see and Farm, a Bergen County treasure: Queens Public Library, Ridgewood Branch the the continued growth of this program in years The traffic moves in swifter pace first library to open in Queens, but also the to come. Around the bend that holds this place In gentle curves where time has flown first library to be publicly-funded by the City of Madam Speaker, I would like to join the And countless passers it has known. New York. ICTE Awards Selection Committee in recog- The silent step of moccasin, Over the last 90 years, Queens Public Li- nizing the Construction Combine as an inno- The echoing of forge’s din; brary, Ridgewood Branch has served as a cor- vative solution to the construction and low A gangling pine saw all of these, nerstone of the Queens community. In one of housing stock issues associated with Idaho’s New homes replacing other trees. the most diverse counties in New York State, very low unemployment rate and our booming The continental soldier came, the Library continues to invite individuals of all economy. I would like to recognize ISU’s Lone hunter seeking wary game, ages and ethnicities to learn, research and CEWT, the Home Depot, and the local con- A farmer tilling fertile soil discover. In addition, Queens Public Library, tractors for their efforts to make the Construc- Where the river turns its coil. Ridgewood Branch serves the community tion Combine a success and to give back to So generations came and went through unparalleled accessibility, providing their communities. Congratulations. Through seasons ill and fairly spent. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Oct 18, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17OC8.009 E17OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS.
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