This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com .. ANTONJO V~CIA~A-·BLANC~ ; f .. !-. ( i 201-312966 DELETIONS: ., l .... " /... • 1 -~ .... FBI: 8/24/77 NC 22315 ( 8/24/77 NC 22222 7/13/77 NC 83138 F Foreign Liason Report c/ 3/14/74 RE: Reptd financial atL.c:rrl~ to saootage Cuban embassies 2/28/74 Narcotics enforcements action recently arrested and con­ victed in Nev1 York city on charge close friend of l·1a.x Lesnick 1/ 16/7/f Orlando Bosch financed DR op 1·1hich resulted in explosion at Hotel 0dsis, Avrainville, Fran 1 12/31/73 Cuban exile, one of Alpha 66 founders, arrested 7/24/73 by DEA ib charges relating to cocaine possession. 9/27/73 Alleged financed terrorist op to be acrried out in Paris, France, which resulted in 8/2/73 eiplosion in Avrainville, - 2/14/73 Antonio Veciana Blanch 2/18/69 II " II 9/27/65 SNFF-Alpha 66- Centrat tntetitgence Agency has no Objection to Release _9ate:" If s S /J N Ill Z- t:_1::; 201 FJLE: ~c>3 /13 0~!.1219 lW(Jll,: 10/ W/ ?!-3, Cuba E;np l. 57 -G l in !!a v,lJlci 2 s (il(\ :-: incp·- o: U,;nco Finaciel~o. me11iiWl- of l'cople's 1\evolutionlll~Y f·~O\?:m,nl GO 61, onr~ of fOi_'ridcr·~~ of f\l:)ll,l GG, ilnt·i-C:astr·o Cuh;:r: cc:-:il(~ cw:;c:r1iUtion. \·!ent in~r: voluntay CO>:ilc Dec()! ,JlT ;:t \~csl vi,; Sl"cJl! l::)dL ft·n:n Cc:llcl. Con~~Cictcr.i Cl/\ 011 lill~ce uccasiorl'; fo1~ i•ssi~t;;ncc i:l ploh iHjiii::sL !~ic';< Ca'.tl'O (/Jc:c. (JO ,JtJIV (i(, !:::· 6G). ()fflccr•; 1;<CIIcci to Vc·.::j,;:n,:, r•xpn·s·;crl 110. Jnic'n'•;l., offcT;;cl no i'llCoura :1t, .cnci ::e•fiT rcco:ltacL:': lili'l nn i:h:s lli<JLLc:r· Tilcl-l' ius !wen no i!C!U:C:j r-,.:,•l:ic;!bi:ip 1:il!: \feCI:•,. /\ , ~Jr-ont(~CI ·j ;1 ,_);jn ()>!) c>:~~i r'L~cl !\~ov ()~., dr:rl 1:J::s !Ji-·\'t:l~ u~:;c\.1 OjH.:t~zlL·i c~·~, 1>'/ /Hf\CTI Vcci~J:!;I 1-;il.i1 /. l !J. in ia f'a:: ;·ic:•: .:';' (vcciillli! 1 \.'i.l' \'(':Ji',LCl'CCI ill !';)( hy ti::; us clni'Y !II i:cw (_,·~ ,' i:' ''" LtTiili11.:lLCC \:i::;u~Jt jJ:·cjiJrliu· in clt1: Gil. Vr:ciar1c.: l·t.::'' i:t:~,_,·.: .. 111 i·ii,lll:i 7/?·1(7? i·n~- COI1(_,pr~idc:y L(J ~~:~nJ(_l~J-IC (·~:_: ...~ .. :inc inLr; tl1~~ !!' .. :!:-:i ;- /\:!tJr_::~~.(1(1 Cf;-~~J;;:fl'1 ill/.; ~;;ll!C~-~l::r--_ '.':· 1 ;-~.·l;:' ::: ; : '' ; ·.':;::) /0{45 -j 0 33 r ; . '·-·. Doc X-tract 7/27/77 075-0080019 Letter from Orlando Bosch dated May 1977 instructs coordinated revolutionary Organization (CORU) to initiatP larae-scale terrorist action in Venezuela. Plans call for assassination of Orlando Garcia (2f1l-OOfi78fin) and Ricardo Morales. Veciana to be i~vblved in this action. Responsible for 100 lbs explosives to be used by CORU. Involved in international terrorist activities against Cuban-Venezuelan targets in VEnezuela 4/30/77 316/01466~77 Response to FBI & ~tatements made by Felix Zabala Mas in FB)•s interview of Mas, Veciana never contractual employee; agency officer in contact \..rith Veci ana never used a 1 i as of ~1orris Bishop, Blair, or Kail. 1/21/77 LA/COG/021-77 RE: Jack Anderson column -- Agency identifies Mr. X as Veciana. Indicates V eciana was first contacterl b a enc ersonnel in Dec 1960 when he asked COS in Havana, , to hel~ in the assassination plot against Castro. not encourage him/ 11/23/61 the Miami Herald published ccount of the unsuccessful attempt by Veci ana, Hho repor·tredly arranged to assassinate Castro and Cuban Pres. Dorticos on 10/5/61 in Havana, but the bazooka he was using failed to fire. POA granted Jan 62; expired Nov 62, for use in para-milita1·y af.fairs. 7/23/62 Veciana intervie1..red by Harry Real in Ne\..r York DCD office. Asked Real to arrange meeting with senior CIA officer to discuss plan to assassinate Castro and to request CIA assistance. NO indication this request was ever acted upon by CIA. Registered in ISR in Nov 62 and terminated without prejudice in July 1966. April 1966, using alias John Livingston, met Veciana in ng arranged by retired naval officer clames Cogswell, ivho had informed chief/ ~!H divi that he had information of value concerning Cuba. After introduct~on to Vecian~. V riana launched into discussion of assassination cif Castro. said he \vas in no position to encourage Veciana. Veciana then mentioned his roommate in PR, Felix Zabala, l·iho had excellent contacts in Using this onfo to get agency support; requested $50,000. aid he would look into Zabala matter, and arrange to have a contacted in PR. 1/20/77 Anderson columns re Ml~. X VEC.lANA, · P~g~ ~ 6/7/74 560902 101450Z Employed with A.I.D., La Paz, Bolivia, ca. 4/68 to 6/30/72. POA 62-for use with MRP. 1/4/74 OGC 74-0019 RE: US V. Antonio Veciana and Ariel Pomeres. CIA had no prior knowledge or acquiescence in unlawful importing of cocaine or other narcotics. 7/26/73 437091 261940Z CPA repsently working for Distribuidora Pacifico, S.A .• CAracas, "Venezuela (2/73} 4/6/72 IN 579398 Indicates Veciana's job at AID was bank credit officer to Central Bank Of Bolivia. Inolved in reorganization of bank. Considered expert on local banking. 4/5/72 IN 578428 Indicates In t~arch 72 Veciana staying in Caracas raising money for assassinatin plot against Castro. 9/18/68 Memo Indicates Veciana employed as Director of Puerto Rico Promotions and Entertainment, Inc. PR. 9/23/68 IN 97745 Ind1cates Veciana told story re Ruiz to Henry Taylor:in t·1iami (no date given) and in Madrid in 1968. 9/13/68 Qo958 · 201-834598 Indicates Cogswell invol~ed in fund-raising plot for the Prince­ Pelaez Castro assass. plot. 8/2/68 IN 63507 r~adri d Indicates Veciana told Cuban affairs office/8/1/68 that Orestes Guillermo RUIZ Perez who is married to Veciana's ccustn, is dis- .. satisfied 11ith Castro regime and could be susceptible'~no(:;_c' " V. Leaving US 8/3/68 for Bolivia to serve with AID. To~d to give details to Emb La Paz. Gave essentially same info 1964. ~·Jhen follov1ed up by repOl-t V. father and wife, Veciana complained. At this time it was ascertained that none of the Veciana family were in touch with Ruiz wife. Also Vecina aware Ruiz stationed Madrid but appan~ntly unaware Ruiz position as t"anking diplom21t: there. .. ~· · VECIAN!~, page 4.. INS 4/12/67 Bio info Alien reg #A 12 490 987 ss #261-74-9877 Wife: Muino Rodriguez Sira DPOB: 10/4/35, Havana DOM: 5/15/53, Havana Father: Veciana Antonio POB: Spain; resides Miami Mother: Blanch Ana II II Address; 62-64 2902 NW 11 St, Miami. 9/27/66 LX-03195 201-802841 Cited in interview with F~lix Zabala Mas 8/29/66 UFG-08514 100-009-014 Member of Cuban Center for Political Studies in PR 5/31/66 LX-3102 Cogswell accompanied by Veciana, an acquaintance of Cogswell for last several years. Veciana launched into discussion of Castro assass. plot. id not encourage him, but asked forinfo to convey to govt. Veciana replied \'lith inof re Feliz Zabala, who had vsited Cuba in 1965 in connections with Camarioca refugee departures. Has an identical twin brother residing in Cuba and a sister married to CP pfficial Luis ~las t-lartin. She is employed as secretary by Ramiro Valdez, Cuban minister of Interiour. Zabala rcvd 3-day pass in havana thru contacts of sister and brother-in-law. • ,....,..""'-L~.i.......iattempting to use story for agency help in m·m plans. old Veciana he would look into Zabala matter; told ~=-=-=-=-r-r-1 he ~rwul d meet him the next day. 4/20/66 met with Cogswell at hi~ hotel room. Discussed ' . Cuban refugees with whom Cogs· r main in contact; dis- cussions with Frank O'Brien. ad spoken to O'Brien earlier that day - 4/20). Noted Cogswell's willingness to drink in the morning, described him as amiable, \vell-educated man from Kittery Po:n::, f~aine, mer~1bel' of -illustrious Naval family. Served as Naval officer in WWII on destroyer named after his uncle and grandfather. His contacts not assessed as not much assist to agency. · · FB l 11;1 d r:d r·t'Cl dy i :1 Ll' n i C\·ied la lJ 01 a prior· to Co ~'s \·iC : '..__ ___, ... meeting. /\~JC:lc~; pcrscn 1:ill also debrief l;i,;1 ~~~ nc'.'r ~- • .\ . -~. •. J • UFG~7683 10/28/65 Source: M1RAZZ-l thru A~1BLINK-1 , 10/19/65 Executive meeting of SFNE-MRP-Alpha· 66 held 10/13165, attended by Veciana. Purpose to try to persuade Veciana to join the alliance again.
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