New Mexico Quarterly Volume 25 | Issue 1 Article 1 1955 Full Issue University of New Mexico Press Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nmq Recommended Citation University of New Mexico Press. "Full Issue." New Mexico Quarterly 25, 1 (1955). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nmq/vol25/iss1/ 1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the University of New Mexico Press at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico Quarterly by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. : Full Issue Seami Sotoba Komachi'(No Play) Ernst Krenek The Three Overcoats of Anton K. (story) Paul V~liry Colloquy Within a Being ! Page Smith Russell Kirk and the l New Conservatism ART FEATURE: FAYGA OSTROWER 75 cents SPRING 1955 } 53 a year Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1955 fY" 1 New Mexico Quarterly, Vol. 25 [1955], Iss. 1, Art. 1 New Mexico Quarterly Volume xxv, Spring, 1955, Number I PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF. NEW MEXICO ISSUED quarterly in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, and printed at the University of New Mexico Printing EDITOR Plant. Entered as second·class matter KENNEm LASH February 6, 1931, at the post office at Albuquerque, New, Mexico, under the • • act of March 3, 1879. POETR v EDITOR Subscriptions are $3.00 a year; $5.50 for two years; $7'50 for three years; single JOliN DILLON HUSBAND copies 75 cents. Back issues, S1.00 each. Foreign' subscriptions for one year: • • $3.00, postp<tid. ASSISTANT EDITOR Editorial and business address: New ROBERT WARREN DASH Mexico Quarterly, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. M. • • U. S. distributor: Selected Outlets, P. O. Box 761, Hoboken, N. J. ADVISORY COMMITTEE GEORGE ARMS Manuscripts not accompanied by self­ LEZ HAAS address-cd and stamped envelope cannot UNCOLN LAPAZ ~e returned. A report on manuscri}ftl; WILUAM J; PARISH will usually be made within thirty days PAUL WALTER, JIt. after receipt. Payment on publication. DUDLEY WYNN Opinions expressed or implied by con- . • • tributors do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or of tile University TYPOGRAPHY of New Mexico. HELEN GENTRY Copyright, 1955, by The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. M. https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nmq/vol25/iss1/1 2 : Full Issue GROVE PRESS announces an important new series of paperbound editions ver reen 0 S Printed directly from the plates of the expensive hardbound editions $ and' up Here are the first 10 titlos: EARTH. The r,reat. zupprc~scd navel br. THE r.1ARQUIS DE SADE. By SI~!O,m De EMILE 1,oLA. 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SrlLECTED WRlnNGS OF THE INGEN­ "Oy far the best work in EnGlish on Flau· IOUS MRS. APHRA ISEItN. Ba\~-dy. clCli-er bert's life:' - N. Y. Times. (Hardbound, short IllWe!9 by Ihe famed Restoratlon 53.75) EH:rGrecn EdWoll, SU5 outhor. (Hardbound, $3011) . EV"CIGrccn Edilion. S1.50 THE CONFIDENCE.MAN. A no,d bv Hfn· IIM,J fl.kI.VIUlZ...It IS a p!c;}']ure to h;'l\c THE VER!iE IN ENGLISH OF RICHARD thi3 rcmarl'ab!c hoo!, hack in pnnt in on CRASHAW. 1itlHcntuJY \loems eJlpret'Jing Amcnro" edition:' ~ Lionel TrillmG. (Hard· a profuund re!rglllus faIth. (Hardhmmd, huund, $2.2S I ElierGrccn Edition, $ 1.25 $2.75) EverGreen Edition, SUS' At all "ookstorol, EVERGREEN BOOKS A divi.lon of GROVE PRESS, 795 Broadway, Now York 3 Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1955 3 1 New Mexico Quarterly, Vol. 25 [1955], Iss. 1, Art. 1 C01ztents STORIES The T!uee Overcoats of Amon K. 9 Ernst Krenek 'nle 1\1 usicians 88 Robert Creeley DRAMA Sotoba Komachi 5i Seami ~DIALOGUE Colloquy \\Tithin a Being 66 Paul Valery ARTICLES The Floral Pattern in SOplS and Lovers 44 Mark Spilka , \ Names and Objens in Rilke's Poetry 73 Andrew O. Jaslj GU EST ART 1ST, XXI 11 72 Fayga Ostrower 1 POETRY SELE)CTIONS i "Do You Love Me?" 82 Winter Sticks Rg Edwin Honig On Acquiring a Sense of Style 81 Norman Friedman Rainy Day 85 A Gret'n Astronomy 85 Bert MC)ers Sinistre 86 Paul VaU'ry F \ UOOKS AND COMMENT Russell Kirk and The. New C-on~ervatism 9:; Page Smith Urief Reviews 106 Karl Geiringer's The Bach Family 108 Ronald Firbank's Santa/ ! J 10 John Gassner'~ Till' Theatrl' t11 (Jur Time~ Comment J J;) Research for Meaning The Editor's Comer 5 https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nmq/vol25/iss1/1 4 : Full Issue BOLLINGEH SERIES I: 1955 XXX PAPERS FRO~I TilE ERANOS YEARBOOKS Vol. 2: TilE MYSTERIES Translated by Ralph Manheim and R. F. C. Hull. Thirteen di8tin. guished eebolars discuss variOU8 religious manifC9tutions'that may be characterized as "mysteries." 6" It 9", 600 pages. $5.00 XXXIX TIlE ART OF INDIAN ASIA: hs l\lythology and Transformations By IIcinrich Zimmer. Completed and edited by Jogeph Campbell. A comprehen9ive study of Indian arland its source3. With 66~ pho. tographs by Eliot Eligofon and others. (y' x l~', 450 pages of text. Two volumes, boxed. 119.50 XL EGYPTIAN RELIGIOUS TEXTS AND REPRESENTATIONS Vol. 2: TilE SHRINES OF TUT·ANKII·MION Translated with introductions by Alexandre Piankoff. Edited by N. Ramhova. The firsl translation of the texts inscribed on the four gold. encrusted shrines that enclose the sarcophagus of Tut.Ankh·A,mon. 9%" x 12", 160 pa~e9. 62 plates, 3 color plates. 8]7.50 \ XLI CHAPMAN'S IIOMER Edited with intrO'ductions by Allardyce Nicoll. Two·volume edition of the George Chapman translations. Vol. 1: The lliod. Vol. 2: The Odyssey and the Lesser Homerica. 6%" x 9%", 1600 pag€3, 2 vols., boxed. 110.00 / XLVII TilE GREAT l\IOTlIER By Erieh Neumann. Translated by Ralph Manheim. An analysis of a primordial image which finds expre::sion in early man's myth. ritual, and art. and in modern man'8 dreams, fantosies, and creatht' work. 3" x 10", 400 pages, 246 plates. l7.so D1STRlBl!TED Bf PA,'VTIIEO:V BOOKS,Il't'C., 333 SIXTII APE.. N. f.14 For detailed eatalo,ue serite to Bolllngan Serie_, 140 E. 62 S,., N. Y. 2J Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1955 5 New Mexico Quarterly, Vol. 25 [1955], Iss. 1, Art. 1 ,I you think we are bound to vote THE for you because we like Cokes and EDITOR'S CORNER Cadillacs? R:No. nt~ SA: Then what do }'Ou mean with Franco? \\llat do you mean with that Chiang Kai.shek, who has SAT ItM CON V E R ION S 'tunk of rotten fish for fifteen OVE~HEARDINSOUTH years? What do you mean by al­ A l\f"E R'I CA: ways being on the wrong side these ~ days? . I R: Not always. Just mostly. Anybody South. American: ;Hombrc! What who shows he's against commu­ did you mean by that trumped-up nism g~ts admitted first·class to the business in Guatemala? Friends of America Abroad. It's a Repl,: I don't know. Was it as sim· poor standard of membership, but pIe at that? maybe no worse than. is usual in SA: It cost you more friends than it military alliances? was worth. Maybe more than you SA: But but and but, this is not a can a.fIord, How many can you , "usual" situation, eh? The whole alford? world looking on? Keeping score R: I don't know. How Many Friends by newspapers, radios, televisions, Does a Rich Man Need? movies, magazines, books? Every. SA: You are right. It is that way thing counted, and right now! Not everywhere. But when there are like it used to be, where the ends t\Vo rich men in the same province" blotted up the means, eh? This is both running for governor? what "Cold \V;m' really is, that R: If they're both good liars, then the act stands alone to be judged? maybe the one with the prettiest Even before it happcos? Yet in tbis wife wins. Is that why you keep Cold War you make everybody printing Dulles' picture in your nervous by using those tactics of papeI1l? the hot one...' , SA: ;Caramba! The target's eye. IL R: Wait a minute... costs you 10,000 friends every time SA: Excuse me-the morals of the hot his picture appears. But listen. Do one. you think we admire Cadillac.s that R: No, not yet. Just look at the Rus­ much? sian ... R:Ycs. 'It SA: jClaTO, hombre! But we do you SA: You are right.
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