* LOCAL MENTION. HIS CHECKERED CAREER. MILITARY TACTICS. From Rorkrlllr. CITY ITEMS. AMUSEMENTS. EDUCATIONAL. The The Much-Married Prisoner Practical Infractions for the COCKT MATTEBR.A T0V\0 MAX DBOWNKD.A Weather. Newman, Officers of PROMINENT RESIDENT Golden-Hatr NATIONAL THEATER .u. 11 n t k< i BKi.wnmc*A»*Ai»i i> Por the District of Colombia. Marvland. snd alius De Hughes. tbe National Guard. HTRICKKN WITH PARAX" Waak, guaranteed to bleach: MeUaal«. VS18.POLITICAL CELEBRATIONS. in any quantity to rait. Kolb* Pharmhot. JEW KiM>khM»J. *». Lmrlaud wy Wku Virginia, rain Thursday; fair Fridav- slightly 7th and E «to. TO XTC.HT AND BATVRDAT M VT1NEES M tta «»*., 1187 1 :uh at *.«. 1i» I; colder; wind* shifting to RRAJCEKAK. LAWTER ASD PREACHER.PART OF is Time or peace prhpare roa war.how to CoiTMivuOeiK-e of The Evrxrto Star. 16,17* Hoyt'« Very Funny Hun Comedy, ilrniiB. Dra«in* atad OnHaUwglra IWtMntti J^ar westerly. A Him IMIUNk and N«»CRR. Prlu.-(»*i«- Xomaal HIS EXPERIENCES AS PKEACHER AND MARRY- A BIOT.DEFENSE Or PCBLIO Rocktiluc, Mb., Not. 14, 1888. The Great Atlantic iH j-trtim iit for I cK hm. ttH-lm* Drop ix QUELL AND PRI¬ _ Pmcm Drum Goou«. -Woodward In the circuit court now in session H H OO L *KCMS * Lothrop wUl offer to-morrow 50 of 50 150 *0-THE 8TORT TOLD Bt AX EX-PHILA- VATE FBOPEBTT IX CASK OF AS ATTACK BT A here since And M H O O L t «> V i-m i.rs:*<N os niso lessons at and .>2-inch pieces DELPHIAN. Monday morning no business of any Pacific Tea M H H O O L F.E a**)\> »r L< >ium I'uutiuir ami iWiiuf I* all-wool English suitings. in checks, XOB. special Compact. O O L K »i * :itfc !na:ruiti«>n thonvirh Addr**a A .tripe* and plaid*, redoced from *1.25 and #1.50 importance has been transacted. A number of U OO LUX tBFMB r. i n* ai4-iw SeTerai of Importer* and Retailer*, BH y».-> _ to *1 per yard. The greatest bargain in fine ths women who answered the At tbe National Guard headquarters last witnesses have been summoned before the 603 7th itreet, I* THE A LAbv ITtS 5kv Lit ALYE kRS BXKftlWB .wide dress goods yet offered. "personal" advertisement of Marion D. New¬ a number of the officers met to hear read grand a And C.CG KRR OO U V NN * PDP AI»l UlUvl* bM SIM<1I|MU h. UMIli night jury, largo proportion of whom will O G I R Q 0 U USKXD D will tak. | u|>il» .( the rata- of M P" term. tt» **['<* Feud Frank. man. who is now in jail on a charge of false the letters which had been sent in by some of give evidence in cases of violation of the local 1630 14th street n.w. c RRR 0 or I's if s n n r»tt I >r l*nf1riD«r* uJ kiiiktiI i-uftla A<Mr»a« I*- ' 3104 M street. o go 0 * n star * HUM .'* 1G06 14th street pretenses, hare requested the return of their them fh answer to tho submitted to law. those in attendance at Georgetown, r r or r n n d _ STRI'MENtaL. ..(A. n.w., option ... problems Among will continue daring the week to gire a hand- COG R R OO U0 * NX DOD Al t cLl R, XuW FORMING AT .V» "1* 33"! Pcnii. avo. s.e.. letters, an ] they will be accommo¬ them some time since Gen. court is Edward WV.tkins. who shot and killed New Music! Fresh run! of Finished .t. pL - AO'CHuy u r 4^ probably by Ordway regard¬ some card entitled "The Favor¬ -- \fol «-. K -.a, -,M Tb.«. 1. Hl-tnc U) Join uiar _ _>ur r Edward Trail panel People'* Artists Belter ever and besttofl"of all. dated. One of them has been that the of riots last on bis father's farm, ite." sue than call ar.y day Uu« tn-l fnau 4 I ,» ii i ui CHil.1V notified she ing suppression and defense of the near spring 11x17, handsomely mounted on heavy can have Middlebrook. lie is looking well and ap¬ .... _ CHASE HOYS. her letters by calling at police head¬ Treasury Department and of the of card-board. Nsrt Week. ^ n!3-.»t* hMfomir of Volatuk and otlarr M&rwf**. v.,.. WMOV property to be in _ pears good spirits in regard to the Thi* handsome is a JAMIS O'NEILL in "MONTE CR1STW Indies'Sewed Hook Bals. at $1.23. quarters* for them. She is thirty-fire tbe Baltimore and Potomac in case matter. No indictment has been found panel such beautiful sub¬ 'n' bv a l.kl"\ PI 1'll.S 1* UHMJML Tipped past railroad, yet in that it has to be seen to Seat* ocm on Hair. nl5 W>n»» or Sen'sMen^s Silk Embroidered at 49 cU. years old. The number of an attack a this case the ject only be admired. l*tin mathemtK-, <>r would aa*t a* ¦e.-rrtarj. <# Slippers large of such letters by mob. by grand jury, and Watkins is still It is the finest specimen of work LBACGHS GRAND OPERA HOCSE. .maiiu.-n»;« A A EACHF.R.Star ottce kMMR* have been assorted, and none There was a under *1.500 bail, his father his lithographic Fob Bale..A fine collection of minerals in of them will be diagram of the B. and P. depot beiug surety. ever produced, executed in 18 oil color*. It is coNsfRVATORY ' >F MI'SIC, Clinton Thomas. & man from Loudoun ¦\\~AshinoTon*» l lou.l case. 1C19 K street northwest. made public except those Pent by the and its surroundings sketched the black young the acme of and is of a EVERT EVENING. RuiMinar'.nli and F *ta TvMittrUi y»*r. glass prisoner upon county. Va.. wasdrownedin the Potomac lithography, worthy An Elaborate Pr\*laction of Jefferson and TsyioCs P»au.\ Oivaa. \ <*.<., Violiu, Flab', Cornet. A' Vrw to Mrs. Kate Smith, the victim who made board Gen. who to it river, place in the parlor of any household in the advantage Q. B Douglass Emulsion is purer, more palatable only by Ordway, referred by opposite Seneca stone quarries, a few days ago. Great Ai)UaUc Spectacle, KVLLABD. Director »>1m' complaint against him. way of the of the He and his father were at the country. AKT-STrM\rs and cheaper than nine-tenths of the Emulsion explanation during reading employed quar¬ These panel* are to be givan to all A DARK Ijfc. i faoi i clauses I* a toe letter*. ries, and in to cross the river in a away pur¬ THK Portrait. stU-ljfe. \»«U r C< l .rm »ud Mitigu*. .old; price 75c. for large bottle. For sale li¬ prisoner's wivls. chasers of 60 cents' worth of SECRET. A O K . small itattemptingaud the man waft Teas, Coffees, or ".T.« l!«um. *««rr.I« W Aaill. W H. nearly all druggists and by the manufacturer, This morning the detectives received a letter SK1XAL COUPS SCOOESTIOS9. boat, sank, young Baking Powders during the week. With the ¦MTViiw t hi. liiNtrurtora All I) Art- Edw. P. Mertz. 1014 F street. from the drowned. The father's life was saved by Mr. Fine Coffees at 30. 22.36 and Original Out, Scenery and RealNtic Effect*. St.Htei»t . iMfw. Sou buiMnitr u* lVt* . m Philadelphia authorities giving the The flr«t paper read was that of the signal Michael who 38c. Oar Teas Wallace, went to his assistft&ce. and Coffees are and we THE NEW HENLEY REOATTA SCENE. 8U.I <T SCHOOL A PRIMARY, BIO DBITE IS UPHoL'CTEKIXO GOOHS. information that the De It did not relate to of the Thu has always fresh, guarantee termediate. ui s. prisoner's wife.Mary corps. any problems body since been recovered. to give satisfaction or Real Boats-Hai ink* flu 11a. Steasi launches.oa IfRlkXDK Hurti hool for 1» Ui «.*.* money refunded. _1*11 I U 148 pairs portieres, *2; former price *2.50. Hughes.is now in Anberry Place. She submitted, but contained of how Mr. Nathan Cooke Dickcr*on, an old and We A RIVER UF REAL WATER. auJJMtan It. *. I 18 54.25; former *5. was married to theliving suggestions receive fresh-roasted Coffee every two THOS. w si l>W |.U. Pnn< t|«l pairs portieres. price prisoner in 1968. This the communications could be established between prominent citizen of the county, was yesterday therefore we OEOIIGK HOSMEU. 22 former *f>.!V). officers think is wife No. 1. A woman in stricken with days; have fresh goods on hand the in the Urrit Boat ICaoa, N normal TKAIMVl CL\*A pairs portieres. *5.50; price Nash¬ different sections of the in case evening paralysis at the railroad at all times. All we ask is on* Popular OarMuau, N ANr s, W all-over effects, S*j.50; former ville think is wife No. 2. Rud the telegraph city station here while for the train. He trial, and we Capt. Wii A. Andrew* in hi* Little Dory, KlNliUWAHT),Lil l".ui,n pkimarv Hool pairs price they Indianap¬ of the of and wires waiting know our i . l'la»f, «uuth »»1 1' iLx.jit cm i* olis woman telegraph telephone was goods will speak for themselves. they think is his latestwedded wife. a mob.cuttingThe to a on the cars uud taken to the borne "PARK SECRET." »«** loiTsa Mann 1 roni by paper proposed establish placed Consumers can save from 20 to 30 per cent 7 pairs portieres.
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