1927 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 11777 CONNECTICUT authorizing the sale of land at margin of the Rock Creek William G. 1\1ock, New Milford. and Potomac Parkway for c;onstruction of a church and pro­ W. Gardiner :pavis, Pomfret Center. vision for proper ingress and egress to said church building, in which the concurrence of the House is requested. JDAllO The message also announced that the Senate had agreed to George F. Gleed, Bonners Ferry. the amendment of the House of Repres·entatives to the bill Hazel M. Vickrey, Firth. ( S. 3804) granting the consent of· Congress to W. D. Com·er Samuel P. Oldham, Rexburg. and Wesley Vandercook to construct, maintain, and operate a Myron A. Corner, Wallace. bridge across the Columbia RivE>r between Longview, Wash., MAINE and Rainier, Oreg. Jesse B. Crosby, Dennysville. ENROLLED BILL SIGNED Cecil E. Sadler, Limerick. 1\Ir. CAMPBELL, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, Michael J. Kennedy, 'Voodland. reported that that committee had examined and found truly NEBRASKA enrolled Senate bill of the following title, when the Speaker Sturley T. Stevens, Comstock. signed the same : Elmer E. Gockley, Edison. S. 3804. An act granting the consent of Congress to W. D. Ross L. Douglas, Litchfield. Comer and Wesley Vandercook to construct, maintain, and Herbert C. Wilkinson, Weeping Water. operate a bridge across the Columbia River between Longview, Otto Dau, Yutan. Wash., and Rainier, Oreg. NEW HAliPSHIRE T.HE NAME OF THE DEI'l'Y IN THE CONSTITUTION Josie L. Pascoe, Chocorua. Harlie A. Cole, Groveton. The SPEAKER. Under the order of the House the gentle­ James R. Kill Kelley, Wilton. man from Michigan [Mr. HuDsoN] is recognized. NORTH DAKOTA 1\lr. HUDSON. !.h. Speaker and gentlemen of the House, I have asked permission to address the House this morning in Odin Stompro, Columbus. order that I may place in the RECORD a petition, together with Charles E. Watkins, Dunseith. a letter accompanying it, which is so unusual in its form and Gus. W. Hokanson, Fort Yates. matt-er that I think it ought to go into the RECORD rather than _George :aummel, Gackle. merely dropped into the basket. Constantly from the be.ginning Helen J. Beaty, Manning. has this Nation shown it dependence on God, recogmzed by Marion C. Houser, Napoleon. the founders and forefathers of this Nation, and by the men Martin H. Weber, New Leipzig, succeeding them, who have upheld and have had to do with Flora Bangasser, Norma. the Constitution of this Nation. We have recognized that we Hazel Marking, Scranton. are a Christian Nation, and while the name of the Deity does Fred E. Ackermann, ·wishek. not appear in the Constitution, nor the name of the Son, our OHIO Lord Jesus Christ, yet we are known in the world as a John W. McCoy, Barberton. Chri~tian Nation and we are a Christian Nation. We believe Mary E. Ross, Lebanon. that the Divine Architect has been the architect of this great William H. Hunt, Mechanicsburg. Nation in its founding and in its success. I a,m not sure that Allen E. Young, Medina. I am in harmony altogether with the purpose of the petition, William H. Harsha, Portsmouth. but I do believe it is of enough significance to make this ref­ Walter W. Wiant, St. Paris. erence to it this morning. The petition is signed by J. Clifford SOUTH OAROLIN A Mathews and 31 others, and with the letter accompanying it, reads as follows : Mortimer R. Sams, Jonesville. To the Senate and House of Representatives of. the United States in TEXAS Oongress assembled: John A. 'Veyand, Carmine. This petition respectfully sheweth- Stanley F. Labus, Falls City. 1. That in the otherwise excellent and admirable Constitution or Adah L. Ridenhower, Rico. our country we find no acknnwledgment of the God of Nations, or of Rufus H. Windham, Kirbyville. Jackson E. Brannen, Littlefield. the moral laws of His government. Nathaniel B. Spearman, Mount Pleasant. 2. That in this respect tbe Constitution is inconsistent with the many Edward N. Mulkey, Sherman. practical Christian features of our Government and with the best Albert E. Newman, Texas City. traditions of our past history. 3. That this defect encourages and teaches the false view that the WEST VIRGINIA authority of government is derived solely and ultimately from the will E. Chase Bare, Alderson. of the people and not from the will of God, contrary to. the express Claude W. Harris, Kimball. declaration of Holy Scripture : " There is no power but of God." Thomas C. Scott, Philippi. 4. That it encourages the false doctrine that civil government has Nell Bennett, Pickens. no moral or religious duties to perform, and that irreligious and even Curtis K. Stem, Weirton. immoral men may be properly and safely entrusted with its adminis­ tration. 5. That this defect ll:'aves the National Government and the govern­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ments of the several States free to enact laws or adopt a course of MoNDAY, Janua'l"!J 17, 1927 administration conh·ary to the express laws of the Christian religion as applicable in civil affairs. Witness the divorce laws of many The House met at 12 o'clock noon. States, and the frequent or habitual violation of the Sabbath in various ·The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered departments of the Government. Our National Constitution is, there­ the following prayer : fore, a virtual compact or agreement to administer our Government without reference to the moral laws o.f the Christian religion. 0 Thou whose name is above every other name and blessed 6. That the eternal Father has put the government of the world for ever more, hear the unuttered voices of our breasts and into the hands of the I.t<>rd Jesus Christ; that He is upressly de­ bless us with the peace that follows divine forgiveness. Bear clared to be •• King of kings and Lord of lords," and that the rl:'fusal with our infirmities and fortify us against error. Grant us of this Nation to acknowledge His authority and accept His iaw strength to dismiss the anxiety of to-morrow and make us exposes us to the chastising and destroying judgments of God. strong, urgent men of to-day. Give us the courage that con­ 7. That those who present this petition are unable, for these reasons, quers disappointment and the faith that draws the future near to accept this Constitution as a right fundamental law for the Nation, and claims it as its own. Throughout our land prosper the and are therefore debarrl:'d on conscientious grounds from participation good and defeat the wrong. Through Christ. Amen. in the government. We can nl:'ither take office under it ourselves nor The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday, January 15, by voting for others lay this Constitution upon them as the rule of 1927, wus read and approved. their official conduct. We pray you, therefore, to propose such an amendment to the MESSAGE FROM THE SEN ATE National Constitution as shall suitably ackno.wlt>dge Almighty God as A message from the Senate, by Mr. · Craven, its principal the source of all authority and power in civil government, the Lord cierk, announced that the Senate had passed the bill (S: 5231). J~sus Christ as the ruler of nations, and His revealed wili as of 1778 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE ~ANUARY 17 supreme authority in national affairs, and so place all Cbrlstian laws, at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republlc, to Christopher Columbus, and institutions, and usages in our Government on an undeniable legal that the several States participating in that conference be notified ll asis in the fundamental law of the land. through the usual <liplomatic channels of the desire of the people of SOUTHFIELD REFORMED Pll.lilSBYTERIAN CHURCH, the United States to participate in this movement to honor the memory B~rmmgham, Mich., January tS, 191!'1. of the great navigator and discoverer. Hon. GRANT 1\I. HUDSON, The concurrent resolution was agreed to. House Office Building, Washington, D. a. FEES FOR CLERKS IN UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS SIR ; I am inclosing herewith in your care a petition to the Congress The next business on the Consent Calendar was the bill (S. of the United States, signed by members of the Southfield Reformed 3444) to amend the act of February 11, 1925, entitled "An act Presbyterian (Covenanter) Church, Southfield Township, Oakland to provide fees to be charged by clerks of the district courts County, Mich., for an acknowledgment of the authority of Christ and of the United States." of the law of God in the Constitution of the United States. The Clerk read the title of the bill. We urge this petition because it is the duty of nations to acknowledge The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present consider­ the authority of God and the sovereignty of Christ. The Holy Scrip­ ation of the bilL tures plainly teach thls obligation and history demonstrates the fact Mr. LAGUARDIA. 1\fr. Speaker, reserving the right to ob­ that the nations which forget God perish. Furthermore, such action ject, the chairman of the committee is not here. I suggest that would incorporate the Christian faith of the founders and buil<lers of the bill be passed without prejudice. our great Republic, as well as of our present citizenship, into perma­ The SPEAKER. The ·gentleman from New York asks unani­ nent and legal form. Ours is a Christian nation in tradition and mous consent that the bill be passed over without prejudice. should be in reality. Is there objection? This would not be a union of church and state.
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