e*eeKr*-wewi*mwie*"'ieweeief«F*aK--r-~tewaee3* Services on TV | Th* Solemn Midnight Men in the Cathedral on : Chriitm ai will bo toleyited by KOA.TV, Channel 4. The R ot. Owen McHugh of the j j Cathedral ataff will be the j narrator. There will be no ' radio broadcast of tbe cere* j moniea, which had been car- ! ried annually by KOA for about 20 yean. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Archbishop^s Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., I960—Permission to Reproduce, Except on ArUcles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Christmas DBtVEROJHOUC Message At this holy season, I proy you a very blessed and happy Christmas filled with REGISTER the consolations of the Infant Savior, VOL. LII. No. 19. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1956 DENVER, COLORADO The anniversary of His coming into the world brings a heavenly consolation to earth. It raises us above the sordid things 11 of life to contemplate the majesty and love 1,380 Youths Enrolled of on Infinite God to sanctify this world of ours and moke it godly. Divinity becomes a helpless little Babe to draw us to our Maker. Scout Activities In gratitude for God's fovors to us and in appreciation of the great gift of faith in Him, I trust each Catholic will receive Holy Communion on Christmas Day. I will offer my Holy Mass at midnight for your inten­ tions that the good God bless you spiritually Develop in Area ond moteriolly ond fill your lives with many consolations. ' steady f^rowtli in tlie Catholic Scouting In many lands and for many God-loving program of the Denver area is shown in the an­ people under Communistic domination, nual report presented this week to Archbishop Archbishop Christmas this year will be another night­ mare of persecution and privation. Proy for Urban J. Vchr. As of December, committee, and Father Barry poor, oppressed Hungary and oil nations 1956, there are in Metropolitan Wogan, archdiocesan Catholic under the iron heel of o godless tyranny. Denver 43 scouting units under Officiating scout chaplain. Catholic auspices, with 1,J80 Scout units under Catholic boys registered. auspices in other parts of the Included are 17 Cub Scout In. Services Archdiocese of Denver are not packs with 840 boys, 22 Boy included in this report, which Scout troops with 501 members, Archbishop Urban J . ' covers only the Denver Area and four Explorer posts with 39 Vehr will^be celebrant of Council of the Boy Scouts of enrolled. the Solemn Midnight Mass Archbishop of Denver America. By comparison, the report of in the Denver Cathedral on October, 1955, showed 42 scout­ Demonstration Christmas for the 25th time since his becoming Ordinary of ing units under Catholic au­ Is Planned Denver in 1931. He will pre­ spices, with 1,308 boys regis­ Plans were also presented to side and preach at the Cathe­ Death in Tragic Accident tered. One new Boy Scout troop Archbishop Vehr for the annual dral’s othor Solemn Christmas Mass, scheduled for 10 a.m. was gained, and there was an Catholic scouting demonstra­ increase of 16 cubs, 53 Boy The ceremonies will be tele­ Pastor at Steamboat tion which will be held at the vised by KOA-TV, Channel 4. Scouts, and three explorers. Denver Cathedral. The date for The Very Rev. Monsignor The annual report of the Den­ the program has not yet been Walter J. Canavan, pastor of ver Catholic Scouting Commit­ determined, but it is usually the Cathedral, will preach at Beloved by Community tee was presented this week to held late in January or early in the Midnight Mass. He will also be the assistant priest at A faithful missionary, a gentlemanly and kindly Archbishop Vehr by hiQ.Ksae- February. At this ceremony the the Mass. priest—these were the titles of honor given by Arch­ mer, 1530 Monroe Street, chair­ Archbishop will award the Par- Other officers will be the bishop Urban J. Vehr to Father Edward C. f*rinster, man of the archdiocesan lay vuli Dei medal to Catholic Cub Rev. Emmanuel Gable, deacon, pastor of Holy Name Parish, Steamboat Springs, who Scouts who have fulfilled the and the Rev. Joseph Montoya, Mass and Music subdeacon. Both are theology died in a tragic accident Dec. 12, The Archbishop spoke necessary requirements and the students at St. Thomas’ Semi­ following the Solemn Pontifical Schedules coroner that the priest had Confe**ion and M ail Ad Altare Dei medal to the nary, Denver. Mass of Requiem he offered for Catholic Boy Scouts who have Deacons of honor will be the the jjriest in the Immaculate fallen from the roof of the ichedule*, a* well a* C hriit­ porch the evening-before when mai music programs, v.rill be merited it during the past year. Rev, John B. Ebel and the Conception Cathedral, Denver, Rev. George Kearney. The Monday morning, Dec. 17, at 1,0 clearing it of .snow. His skull found in this isiue of the The board of review for all “Denrer Catholic Register” Very Rev. Monsignor David M. o’clock. Seventy-five priests was fractured in the fall to the boys who wish to receive the Maloney, Chancellor, will be sidewalk. 0-1 Page 20 of Section 2, the were present. Ad Altare Dei medal will be the master of ceremonies. The funeral focused attention Assisting Archbishop Vehr In back page of the paper. the Cathedral ceremony were -------1-------------- held in St. Paul's Chapel in the The Rev. Richard Hiester on the good that can be ac­ will conduct the Cathedral complished by a friendly and co­ the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gregory basement of the Denver Cathe­ Male Vested Choir in the music operative priest in a largely Smith, a.s.sistant priest; Mon­ dral at E. Colfax Avenue and of the Mass. In addition to non-Catholic community. A signors Achille Sommaruga and Refugee Family Logan Street, Sunday, Jan. 13, organ accompaniment by Allen previous Solemn Requiem Mass, Bernard Cullen, deacons of Hobbs, there will be stringed honor; Father William Mona­ at 3 p.m. The entrance to the and brass instruments. The han, deacon; and Father Robert chapel is on the Logan Street choir will also present carols Syrianey, the deceased priest’s Is Invited for side of the Cathedral. Each boy for a half-hour before Mass. neighbor at Craig, subdeacon. must present at this board of The Cathedral will be closed In the Steamboat Springs Funeral Mass, assisting the Vi­ review all the material he has from 10 to 11 p.m. on Christ­ Irish Christmas mas Eve. .No seats will be re­ car General were Fathers Ed­ prepared for the award and he served for the Midnight Mass. ward Fraczkow.ski of Rifle, dea­ The first Christmas in the con, and Robert Syrianey, sub­ United States for the Hungar­ should be ready to answer any A Mass for the overflow of the questions in the Ad A1 crowd will he offered at 12:15 deacon. ian Josef Holubecz family will Monsignor David Maloney, be a “good Irish Christmas,” tare Dei booklet. The cost of a.m. in the St. Paul Chapel of the Cafhedral by the Rev. Neil Chancellor, was master of cere­ supplisd by T. Sgt. Edward the medal is $1.50, which should monies for both Ma.sses. (Red) Duggan. The Holubeczs Callahan, O.F.M.Conv. be paid at the time of the board Music for the Solemn Mass f'ather Prinster was buried will spend the day with the ser- - in the priests’ plot of Mount geant’s family, attending Mass> ' at 10 a.m. will be the same as that for the Midnight Mass. Olivet Cemetery, Denver. Sur­ in the morning, having a tra- Cub^ Scouts who are to re­ vivors are three brothers, Leo, ditional turkey dinner, a n d The celebrant will be the ceive the Parvuli Dei award Rev. Owen McHugh; assistant Frank, and Clarence Prinster, spending an afternoon around should have their booklets and a sister, Mrs. Mary Blevins, the Christmas tree. priest, Monsignor Canavan; turned in to their pack chaplain ■deacon, the Rev. Joseph Lie- all of Grand Junction. His Sergeant Duggan led a move­ mother died in 1939, and his no later than Jan. 13. Tlie cost vens; and subdeacon, the Rev. ment among the noncommis­ John Slattery. Both the deacon father, several years previously. sioned officers at the .Air Force of this medal is 50 cents and the and subdeacon are theology stu­ Come to Parish Record Center to sponsor Den­ money should be given to the dents at St. Thomas’ Seminary. In April of 1939 ver’s first Hungarian refugee chaplain when the booklet is re­ Deacons of honor will be Fa­ Father Prinster assumed family. ceived. Chaplains should send ther Kearney and the Rev. charge of the Steamboat The three Duggan child en, in the names of all boys who Othmar Ruegg, S.M.B. Springs parish in April, 1939. —Michael Patrick, 16, James Low Masses on Christmas at Rev. Edward C. Priniter A zealous missionary in North­ W.. 8; and Teresa, 3—will are to merit the medal this year the Cathedral will be at 6, 7, western Colorado, he had the make the day pleasant f o r to Father Charles T. Jones, as­ 8, 9, and 11:30 a.m. and 12:15 offered Saturday morning, spiritual care al.so of small Josef, Jr., and Erika Holubecz. sistant archdiocesan Catholic p.m. There will be no evening Dec. 15, in Father Prinster’s Catholic communities at Oak Mass.
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