Drive Cal'(,(I1I1~ THE NE DOII' I L C' I An Accillt'1I1 K POST Spoil Yo u r H olillllY The Newar k Post, Newar k, Delawar e, T h ursday, December 3 1, 1 9 !j ;~ lor's New Year Message Paving .To Link PRJ 'E FIVE CENT' Thanks Faith Hone BrooksIde Areas Campaign LaggiJl (r Gi I't Baskets Brigl t S --- -' -___ , r Near Completion In $15,000 ])rive . IJ I • I en eason Boggs Offe rc T hanks For Korean A rmis tice, V ~te ra n s' For Ae tna Fit·eJH CU For 244 Needy ul Newark A rea Sacrifircc; I ~ x pl'es~e Satisf~ ct ion With Improv eme n t M a rro w s ~S ur faci n g In Health, EducatIOn ; PredIc t s Progressi v e N ew Yea r To J o in Sections C, I{, Retu rns S h o rt $5,000 Cent ral Welfare - CO~tn\ it t ee-Di~ ributes 67 h r is tmas T o Save Three-M ile T r ip O f Necessary B udget ~a ' k~t s \ \ Il t h i.n 5-Mi le Hacliu Of Newark; City Truck. In n Nell' Y ear 's mes s age issu ed Mond ay to t h e people For A nnua l O p eration I rovlcl ed 1' 01' Y ule Gift Deliverie On Chri tma ' Eve . become onc ~ th e tate of j)e la ware, Gov. J . ' a leb Boggs voiced h is B roo k ~ ide w~n commu11lty Instead of two sections Some 2.300 havc re' I' hl'istm 8s, 1£)53, for 24 ·1 pel'son within a 5- ll1ile radiUR Iimi III for Ih in j5H t o com e in 1954, and expressed h is satis­ ~ual s f:~~~a~~~ri~~. a muddy "no-man's sponded to the annual Aetna lI ose 01 N w a rk was made h appier throug h the kindn e ss ' d ff .t :tiOJl wi t h Lhe pr og res s made during the past year. S f h Hook and Laddcr Company's fund of m o r e f t t 'd clll e 0 1 oar, t e only practical way u1'1 ve wIth a total of $10.04 2. J ohn . o r ulla e r e s t nt of the ar a, who, undel' the di- Th e GOI'ern or g a ve t hanks fOl' the cessation of Korean to drIve from Section C to Section C. Cunn111gham,' campaign dlrcctol' l'ectlOn of the Newark e ntral W lfal'e o mml' t t " K has been a thl'ee-mile trIp and N k F Ch f - e e p I o v\(le d tosliIi ti : and tl.IC .. a ~ e r et~rn o~ men in t h e a rmed for c es, through Newark's business distrIct war Ire I nnn" unccd 67 holiday b'ls kets f ' d ' t 'b t' ' UJd eXJlressed h lH >atlsfactJOll wIth the stability of employ­ or an. even longer j aunt on thc ye~t:I~~~ ~r for an additional $.; .000 hl'is tmas E:e. 01 IS 1'1 U Ion to n eedy fam ili , o n ~t nl in Ihe slnlc. a I "lc of popula­ Chnstlana and Chestnut Hill Roads w hich is necdpd to finance the an- The h . b k don expansion lIwl leads thc na­ 400 R - by way of Ogletown. n~~1 budgct fOI lhc comIn g yea!'. eapll1g a s e t contain d all SOl'tS of cannc d goods, tion. and with llnpl'O \'cd hea lth a nd ental Unit th~~~c~?~~ st~~g~~~~~~s are brillging The fund dl'lve ~01l1~n1tt ec IS ex- "u.gar. cundy. flour, coffee and frull rducallona1 laclltll es Ma1'l'Ows Road, which IS due to ood all , pcetlng a h avy Icllun nfler the High S h I U wllh ham or clllckell toys for tI . A partment House be the "Mam St reet.. of Brookside To olle t wishes Ilrst o( the. ):~ ar when h ou~e h o !d- C 00 Satre famlli 5 with Chri s t ll1 as - hun g l~e In pari the Govrrllor slatcd : . S e s s '1'he year 1953 has bccn espectal­ :-vhen the sh opping center is built. ollr be io f~~~s ~~ I~I~~ e~~ ~: .1 t ~~dh~;\~~~lt;:~~~n .~ 'Of St I· S b youngsters, and clothing. y PI anne{I For City IS bemg paved as a direct lmk be- for hOP~heo\lh said Chic f Cunn111gham . a( IUITI oug It Mrs J . H ar vey Dickey has b cn I), significa nl lor many of us Whilc I l l\~ee n C and K. And the IIrst fam - . lid goa The 1l1mlmllm annlla'l opcratmg FOI. Honl '" F t] II W a ! rr~a n of this annual Coml11 unity it was ma rked wIth lhc usual ~'0 - $ --- lit es have moved into S ection M ~n 1954. budgcl is $15.000, 111cluding provi- e 0 0 l<l e . al c pI'oJect for thc past 25 menls 01 anX!ely and frustratIon. ,1, 250 , 000 C ons truction ;~ ~~C\ e t~~~~I~ a;<;["kerly vacant sions for replacement of old equIp, ___ r~I~ :. s 'nan d ~r~ DIckey reports that Jel it has been a good Y ar In ma ny Project To Occupy 2 1 Acre The families of Emil OIeszewskl :rr.~n~n:::~. ~~ b~r;;:r.i~:I?;~ ~ ~r~~~: Committee To Neg otiate lhis ; . e~~.e lh~sn e!~ ~~~~sl%s~~,i b~~~t Tract A lo n g E lkto n Road at. 44 Montrose Drive and Paul r uary or March at a cost of $21.500. With U n iversi ty For U e All the tamiltes wcre carefully ' :'~e are Ihankful !n these closing Briggs at 116 Brookside BOUlevard IS now on order . This new pIece of Of St d ' F scrccned by the Central WeI- bours that the al l11l stlC C 111 K OI'ea A $1.250.000 garden apartment ~ hal' e d honors as the IIrst to move equipment WI ll leplace the 29 ycar a IUm 01' Econ omy fnrc Commlttce. who sought to became lact. and Ihal many of our project of 400 rental units- to be mto SectIOn M, on Dec. 12. and the old Scagl'Oves pumper reach dCse rv111g famili es tha t might son~ aller suflenng pl'lVa ll Oi ls and known as the Elkhart Apartments- developers expect 30 to 40 will have Thc Ladl es AUX Iliary gave the The Newark Hi gh School butld- be ovcrlooked by otl1er gl'OUpS. Iven caplure. arc agaIn able to be IS planned on Elkton Road in New- moved m by the IIrst of the year. / Aetna FIre Company a check for Ing Commltlee has apPolntcd fiv c Boy and Sea Scouts canvass d home. For lhose who di d not return ark by Druck er. Fuller and Druck - Full occupation of this 4oo-home $1.200 at the annual dinner held I'e,?resentativcs In High School the city fUI' canned goods t~ sup ~ we can only say Ihat they gave er of Lawrence. N.Y .. bUilders. section IS set for A pi'll I. bl'lnging recently. but thIS goes into thc ~1'1nclpal FrederIck B. Kutz; Mar- the baskets. and the samc g r o ~ ~ thm lives lor n prinCIple that each Newark authorlltes have Issued a the populatIOn of Brookside to 900 genel'al mamtenance fund and 16 not tm Gauger, secretary of the loc al of boys. PIloted by SaUl Savtlch p f ot us Is bound to defend. Theil' bUilding permit for lOS UlutS 111 the families. counted t owa.r~ the campaign goal Board of Education; Ray Clcsinskl, It hc . OptImIst Club. collcctcd t~~s I3crlfices should ma ke us more IIrst section. loca ted on a seven- Th e developers have don ated $500 The women I nt sed the money WI th hI gh school athlcltc dlrcctol': Char- f I' I ccondltlontng at the New Castle Iware than ever of lhal sacred ob- acre tract within the city limits and to the CI VIC association. WlllCh is bazaars. ca rd parltes. a nd other ac- les Maddock of the Newark PTA' County W.orkhouse. Ugation the entIre development will com- mcorporated under the name of tivlties. and Paul Hodgson, of the Unlversit); Thc Newark GIrl Scouts collected ·For D"ln w a r~ and its clltzens pllse 21 acres Brookside P ark Maintenance Cor- - I - Cunnmgham. added. "We must ap- of D elaware tl? .negotlate WIlh l Ull- dolls to brlghtcn the hohday senson lhishas been a prodllc!tve year. We The apartments wil be bUIlt un- poration. Final R e ading Of Zonhll" IQ' I W p ~~ l ~o a ll reSIdents of Ncwark and vel sity authontles for thc pOSSible for .many httlc gu·ls. und r thc sup- 10 note the stablltty of del' Federal Housing Administra- ~ uarter yater VIC11lltV fOI' finanCia l support to use of Delaware StadIUm tor New- crVI slon of Mrs. Henry WOlfe Ih e Incrcase of our !ton mortgage guaranUes a nd New U.S. Refuge Open Ame ndment S e t , Jan. 5 M meet our budget of $15.00010 order ark HIgh School's homc foot ball Clothing tor the Chtistlnas ' bas- and lhc internal , York area bank IInancmg.
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