DOCUMENT RESUME ED 096 192 SO 007 711 TITLF Studio in Art: A Comprehensive FoundationCourse. INSTITUTTON New York State Education Dept., Albany.Bureau of Secondary Curriculum Development. P118 DATr 74 NOTr 145p. TN'S PRICE MF-$0.75 HC-$6.60 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *Activity Learning; *Aesthetic Education;Art Activities; *Art Education; *Art Expression;Course rescriptions; Curriculum Guides; *FineArts; Humanization; Secondary Grades; TeachingTechniques; Visual Literacy ABSTPACT This secondary level art curriculum guidehelps students to individualize visual and plasticarts experience. It is divided into sectionson the naturo of art, elements of art, and movements and trends in the world of art. Materialsdirect the teacher toward important events andconcepts, useful exercises, and pertinent points for student development.The material, illustrated by student art and reproductions, isnot intended as the substance of lectures but as an outline ofareas of emphasis to be used by both student and teacher in the development ofa fleLible course based on a theme or principle of their choosing. A visual diaryof information and observations to help the studentbecome visually sensitive anda portfolio of the student's workare kept as indications of student performance. The course is predicatedon the availability of a studio and on access to genuine works ofart. At the least, an atmosphere of art, within the working environment is mandatoryas is the presence of an artist as teacher, Sources of materialsfrom museums and commercial producersare listed at the end of the guide, as are litnrature references pertinentto the study of movements and trends in art. (JH) a comprehensivefoundationcourse THEJr"BUREAU 7- UNIVERSITY OF SECONDARY OF THE STATE CURRICULUM OF NEW YORKDEVELOPMENT/ THE STATE/ ALBANY, EDUCATION NEW DEPARTMENT YORK 12224 THE UNIVERSITYk.tj. o1; of Ut OFftsti THE STATE OF NEW YORK VOAtoft003t.t. 1984 Joseph W McGovern. A B., J D . 1 H.D. 11 D.. D C 1, Chancellor Nev. York 1975198719781985 EverettEdwardCarlAlexander H. J Porzheimer.M. Penny, JM.Allan, Warburg. B C.S JrJr.,. B.S.,A.BLLDD.0 S.. L.H M.B.A., Litt.D. Vice D. Chancellor D.C.S., H.H.D. NewPurchaseTroyWhite York Plains 197619741977 Mrs.Joseph Helen C.T. King,Indelicato B. Power. LL.8. M.D. A.B., Litt.D.. L.H.D., LL.D. RochesterBrooklynOueens 19861979 FrancisKenneth W. B. McGinley. Clark, A.B.. B.S., M.S J.D.,. Ph.D., LL.D. LLD., L.H.D.. D.Sc. HastingsGlens Falk 198819811983 WillardTheodoreHarold E.A. Newcomb,Genrich.M. Black. LLB.. A.B.,B.A. L.H.D. Litt.D. BuffaloSandsOwegoon Hudson Point President1982 Emlyn of theI. Griffith,University A.B., and J.D. Commissioner. of Education Rome DeputyExecutive Commissioner Deputy Commissioner for Elementary, of Education Secondary, and Continuing Education AssociatecsistantE. CommissionerCommissioner - I': forfor InstructionalInstructional Services (General Education) Chief,Director, Bureau EDivision of Secondary of School Supervision Curriculum Development Chief,Director, Bureau Division of Art of Educationthe Humanities and the Arts I J z /1 FOREWORD to STUDIOa comprehensive IN ART study is a curriculum of the visual guide arts. pies of relevance. student involvement and / .1:1, 14,1 t:'t'tlIke%lit, iittPt( experiencesingIt is aintended highly individualizedthat to assist will meet the teacher theprogram needs in ofdevelop- of studio inter- directionvisionparticipation.STUDIO and of expression. IN Vincent ARTand respectwas J. Popolizio.preparedfor individualunder Chief the of (h.,drbi/1.it. Ile",WO,,'tit. 111tittI'lable.Iiflu/ s" the"!fIthe tit thiNV:1,"rAtile'NNteleNteli signededucation.estedEnrich students to: theSuch students' at a all program levels lives: ofshould secondary be de- key.mauscriptinthe tentative Bureauchairman wasof form Art written ofEducation. inthe1966. by Minerva andThe published original Mar- VIa'hiaP!, se,tbatthe:Wit thlagrIl%,P1 creativeStimulate growth: and encourage the students' School,atNiagara-Wheatfielz: andErnest Andrew JuniorSenio-art Mills.department Highthen :4'111eitrtrrlllrlileadaptedPrincetontor"1(riNt. from sociologist a aleispeech ill/ a% byiPatart andHelpraryofIncrease the livingcomethe importance students theand to students'value in ourto of enjoy.works culturalart Jriderstanding in appreck.i.e.contempo-of heritage: art: asenchairmanbyin ailBrita education.Central ofWalker, the School artThe associate department first and draft now professor was atassociate Mohon- edited of Melvin Tumin arevisualtechniques,DevelopIdentify essentiai arts; andin and theencourage for studentsunderstandings quality students thosework inwhichskills. withthe sorsociatePopolizioNewart education ofYork artin andartat at Albany. education HaroldatMillersville the andStateL. Laynor,and revisPd State University now thenCollege. profes-by Mr_ as-of aspectsandinterestProvidepar cular in guidanceof aptitudesthe the vocational visual for for studentsarts. the or avocationalvisual with arts: an schoolSator,theinsistanceMillersville. secondarymanuscript systemsassociate of RichardPennsylvania. curriculum. throughout was in secondary G. rewritten Decker, NewAfterwith curriculum.byYork associate Ritathetrial State. A_as-in ofexperienceaning individualAccordingly. opportunitypages suggests the creative excitement theto grasp materialthat' expression students the and on feel satisfaction theand be of follow- to givenartto ap- cationZatlukal,tionmanand Mr_andof for Mahopac Mills.nowformerly the directorSyracuse Anthony Highassociate ofSchool, Haruch, Citysecondary in School artJames art educa- chair- edu-Dis- supposesmediawithpreciatement the :.ifof the variousthethe the vision, visual artistthroughavailability forms, the and skill, plastic dimensions,of and adirect studio: arts.the achieve-contact Itready pre-and publication'seducation.terial.arttrict andeducation.Robert James reviewed A. providedV. Reals, Gilliland, the manuscript. associateadditional associate in Thema-art in toand/orwhereveraccessleries, its learning artists-in-residence.tomuseums, possible,genuine procedures workscontactand of institutes: with artare Fundarnentaithrough localthe princi- artists and.gal- are the work oflayout Mr. SchoolGordonGilliland.Director,and Supervisionvisual E.Division Vandesign Hooltiiiof CONTENTS Omit-i!rtIs zieirlelthe eie- :chit teireee h Petah ot hie .califs mem eertg. erethe- theit?la r. 'etIt ItiqPuV%Is theJohntile' ?rid?drlief a eshbleraGalsworthy eni Hier. en tbetween aridHf human retiezeat.te,7 tat ?ii'Andlite: STUDENTCanastotaAlbany ARTHigh High WORK School. School. CONTRIBUTED Albany Canastota BY HighHempsteadDeerCase SchoolParkJunior High HighHigh of MusicSchool. School. School. and Deer Hempstead Watertown Art. park New York S.0NorthportMacArthurRye Mepham High School.High High High School. School. Rye School. Northport Lev Bellmore town PHOTOSWORKS FOR REPRODUCTIONS OF ART SUPPLIED OF BY FAMOUS ivMuseumSandak. of IncModern.and Art in N, in 1". C\J CO d" LO W An exploratory course intended to meet theExploring THEgeneral VISUAL the Visual ARTS Arts them to experiment with theCOMPREHENSIVE various forms and media FOUNDATIONart requirementofthe visual COURSES forarts students in the ..z..ntemporary in grades 7 and world 8 enabling Croat vs Crafts Studio in Art ArtHistory Machariald Onomog and theA year fulclamentals lonj introduction of 3. to theA year;ong nature, function, introduction and to=11 visualmar.'sA yearlongend artscreative throughoutAppreciatiost introduction use of the to aA univertyear longOw*. graphicintroduction tatsjobase to variousthechmensional creation. materials designof crafts through in theartstechniques past in the ()resentof the visual and in hrzIoig.implicationsreference with to constantthefor thepresent future and exactnesscreativity.expressthrough 111CAtheir clarity. ideas students and wittlxUM Studio in Ceramics Studio in Drawing and Studio in StageADVANCED Design ELECTIV: Ancient :;OURSES Art Architecture ThroughI esAdvanced Mechanical Studio in Sculpture Painting sio the Ages 11. Drawing and Dts.96 Studio in Jewelry Studio in Graphics ISti:dtoStudio in in Sculpture interior Design rmisNon-EuropeanEuropean Art Art ... :rEstheticsc,t,c,..., and Art andArch-tectuital Design Drawing Advanced Creative Crafts DesignStudio in Advertising Studio in Ceramics 3Modern Art a fr..Independent Study 114 Imilustrial Design independent Study IClustratronr align andit Costume rashion :Photography 3At of the Americas NOa UrbanCommunsly Design Planning and 1 Studio in Jewelry t.IndependentCinematography Study O. asIndependent Study Titles enclosed in dotted lines areStudio suggestions in Product for Design locallydevelopedS advanced elective courses. vi I INTRODUCTION /1Sr 111. InOH WI, bill111 find rT ,lt a . !..Lit'e,',`.. _ ' K._.:. -- th, bli,calI I1,1r (WIC%/11% I fI UlfNut/ 1. a1111 4.1- 40:1!*..tri011 lb,'(1,1,1 id!.Johannes1t1(11,. Men Olen iC A..--:V''''O ,- ,. , ,-, STUDIO IN ART is one of a series of p44I willschoolscurriculum"becomeindividualizedenable in all Newguides eachhe educational isYork capableintendedand State every programsof create tobeing,"studenthelp highly that theto PR4°fa. ill ofwillTheditionsthe random developdesire chief of purposelifefocusto in live inhim and whichto ofboththe to this improvehefullest the publicationfinds means in the himself.a world con-andis thetherefore Tostudent see,feel,think, to assist the teacher in helping (ro 111 throughTo evaluateexpressmake a wide choices, his variety thoughts and of studio and feelings, exper- . hasiencesThe beenA Naturebriefmaterialin
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