PA RISHFD LII)ElP; B ABINGER PF/AB/:l TIts Mo11e at Ab i nger". (Gaun t r•y Li-+ e 1951) , ROAa.n Vi 1 1a ^• o^; c:inn—rji an—j:D77 4o Lord Abinqer, death O'S-, 1861 (press cuttir.q) /4 Account o-f John Hool e, "European l>lagaz :i. rve" March 1792 /5 Abinger GhurcEi from east- eahly 20th„ cent- photograph» /6 Abinger Church from south- early 20th, cent, photograph. /7 "Abinger's story.,,,," by E,H.Rideout,"The Advertiser" 1974,2 copies,7/1 and 7/2. /a Abinger Ha mmer Village Sc In oo I Tr u s t a p p e a 1 198 2 /9 Crossways Farm, ArcEi, Fiistory notes. / /f- ,4 fJCvU TW ^<v.Vw<s VWa/uvvvaHv IZowajxa. /" i(jij L>AVNe. i: See a 1so 1652 Deed , "^PF / RE I/ 2.51 /(^ ADDINI3TDN P/F/ADD/1 Ad d i n g t o n Park," "i h s S a t u r d a; / -ila g a z .in e " 2 3 J111 y 1842 /2 Addington Palace,press cutting at date of e,..-:) | e 1928 Add i ngton Pal ace"Ti mes" c u 11 i n g <3. t t. i me o f 1928 h P A R J.S H F L.) I... r>£ R S ALBURY PF/ALB/l (Altau.ry Estate sale, Transferred to Ml 4/ALEt''9) /2 "A visit to Albu.ry Cathedral via St,. Martha'-s" (Catholic and Apostolic Church), incomplete press cutting undated,c.1855 /3 "The Parish, the Church and its Minister"by "The Clerical RoverA1bury section (see also PF/GFD/300) 1878? /4 Consecration o-f Parish Church with new chancel, press cuttinq ,undated, (19tl-K centurv ?) /5 William Oughtred, press cutting,undated, /6 Death ot Henry Drummond, preess cutting 1860 /7 Henry Drummond, obituary,"The Star" 1860 /8 Henry Drummond, Tuneral,press cutting 3n3„1860 /9 ditto di tto another pres;;s ci..i.11 i 11a1B60 /lO Henry Drummond,death "West Surrey Times"25.2,1860 /11 Albury Cliurch, incomplete 19th, century press c y 11i n g , u.n d a t e d, /12 S E? r Vi c e a t A1 fc) u r y C; I-ua r c I•) w i. 't h B i si 1c:)fj , i i»i.:; oi], i.t e press cutting,undated„(c oi isf 'crat :i. on ?) /13 " Di r e c.t o r i urn An g 1 i c <a n u m" , Ma r-1 in T p per- 1867 ( anti-Jesu,it poem) /14 Martin Tupper, biography by John B1ackman ,uru:.lated cutti ng, /15 Unedited An c i e n t Briti s It Coins , Mar t i n T' u p p e r , 1848 •from Numismatic Chronic 1 e. /16 "Tangley Pond", poem by Martin Tupper 1853 /17 a-c 3 photographs,fireplace at Ford Farm,1953 /18 a-c stone erected at site of Romano-Cel tic temple Farley Heath,1952,a) negative, b) small print c) larger print, /19/1 Albury, seat of Thomas Howard,short note from ancient book, undated, /19/2 2nd, copy of above. /20 Handwritten extracts from 14th„ century regist;er referring to Albury, /21 Letter on Reform Bill from Henry Drummond to Freeholder^(handbill), undated, /22 a) Letter from Canon Cooksey FE?b,1944 referring to re-use of Farley Heath Roman Tt?mple stone in A1 b ur"y o 1 d chur ch, b) watercolour mounted on card of Albufy old church, c) drawing of St. CliristophE-ir painting in Albui- v church by Canon Cooksey,1898 Agricultural Association Certificate of Merit awarded to Abraham Thornton on October 2'2nd 1847 for 15 years service at Eversheds Farm, Albu.ry. /24 Farley Heath Temple,press cutting 1954,inc1uding nates on Brook Lodge; and phtotograph of E4arn church, Farley Breen. ALBURY PF/ALB/25 (a) Parish Magazine for Albury & St Martha March 1898, with historical notes on houses by Newdigate Burne (b) Photo reproductions of drawing of Albury Rectory 1843 and painting of Albury Park c. 1838, accompanying (a) above /26 Press cutting, find of R. chisel on Farley Heath, 1936 (R. Goodchild) /27 Press cutting, find of skeleton at Ford Farm, 1953 /28 Press cutting, Farley Heath Temple 1939 excavat i ons /29 Lord Warkworth's coming of age 1892 press cutting /30 "Country Life" extract - reproductions of Shere Lane, 1851 and "the Mill Stream" 1827 /31 Albury Old Church. Appeal 1928, with photographs /32 "The Seeing Eye" - Cooks Place, Albury Park 1973 (2 copies) /33 "The Seeing Eye" - Heath Lodge, Albury Heath 1973 (2 copies) /34 "Country Life" reproduction - The Mill Pond Albury, 1857 /35 "The Seeing Eye" - Old Parish Church, Albury, 1972 /36 "The Seeing Eye" - cottages at Albury, 1971 /37 Old Parish Church, press photograph 1929, (2 copies) one mounted on card, numbered {1) and (2) /38 Albury Park historical summary - press cutting, EH Rideout {a) text (b) plan at heading of article, 1976? 1974? /39 Guide to Old Parish Church, Albury, undated /40 Albury Heath and Little London, EH Rideout press cutting 1975 ALBURY PF/ALB/41 View from Newlands Corner, press article 1970 ill. ALFOLD PF/ALF/1 (a) Handwritten list. Patrons of Alfold 1304 to 1839 and 1839 successor (b) same hand, rectors of Alfold, 1304 - 1839 /2 Plan of Alfold House, undated /3 Sale of Freehold Sporting Estates in Alfold, Cranleigh and Wisborough Green 1883, including Rephurst brick and tile works and Tichborne Arms, Alfold /4 "The Seeing Eye" - The Old Manor House, Sidney Farm, Alfold ARTINGTON PF/ART/1 Losely Park - article "Country Life", 1935 /2 Losely Park Library - "Library Association Record" 1954, p 198 /3 Extracts from Private Account Book of Sir Wm Moore, from Archaeologia 1856 /4 Sale of Braboeuf Manor, press cutting 1947 /5 Losely Park - articles "Country Life", 1969 /6 "Old Friars", Artington - press photo in colour 1966 n "The Seeing Eye" - Old Friars, Portsmouth Road, Guildford 1974 (2 copies) /8 (a) Letters re. "Langton Priory" (b) formerly Weycliffe, 1950 /!) ASH PF/ASH/1 Harts Horn Inn, photo detail of structure {ref. SAC Vol 37 p 61 pp 75 et seq) ASHTEAD continued PF/AST/7 Ashtead Glass fromHerkenrode - letterreferring to offprint from Archaeologia 108, 1986. [Journal in library] /8 Photocopy ofarticles from Geographical Journal LXXXII, no. 6, December 1933. 'Changes to land utilization inthe SWLondon Basin 1840-1932', by E.G. Williatts. Concerns Ashtead and Headley areas. Donated by A.J. Gillies. 19 St Giles- the next hundred years. Special supplement to The News March 1993. Donated by A.J. Gillies /lO Conveyance offreehold hereditaments in the parishes ofAshtead & Walton on the Hill between Mrs Pantia Ralli and Major M. Chance QBE. /11 Typed copis of two letters dated 1924. a)From Albany F. Major toMrLowther re. an unknown item sent to Surrey Archaeological Society. b)Fragment of letter from MrLowther senior to Mr A.R. Cotton requesting permission that his son Anthony could investigate Roman site on Ashtead Common. [Originals held by Leatherhead and DistrictL.H.S.] /12-14 3 items on Whittaker's cottages 715 A lookback over sixty years of Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. 1984 ll\ tW ivu^edfttA 5-TowdwsMd '4We As.W4?.u4 '202. SZtJDS". -=^1^ xt fil ^ (p /SvW BAGSHOT PF/BAG/1 a) - c)Royal Albert Orphan Asylum, Bagshot. Press cutting 1864(?) /2 [Penny Hill Park Estate, Sale 1879. Trans to M14/BAG/1] /3 Hotels and taverns, by G.C.B. Poulter. Press cutting 1976 /4 A & B Wallpaintings from 44 High Street, Bagshot. Drawnby D. Williams \jajX 1S*" ASH PF/ASH/2 {transferred to Map Box - Ash manor house) /3 Westwood, Normandy, press cutting on sale, 1961 /4 (pen and wash drawings, church details) (transferred to PD Box) /5 Hartshorn cottage, press cutting about DBRG survey, 1973 /6 Plan of Normandy Farm by Wm Cobbett (photocopy undated) /7 Glaziers, Glaziers Lane, Normandy, "The Seeing Eye" cutting 1970 /8 Westwood Place, Normandy, "The Seeing Eye" cutting 1970 £3"^ 1ho ^ ^ /«J77 ASHTEAD PF/AST/1 (Sale of Estate, Ashtead Park, transferred to Map Box 6) /2 Roman Villa, press cuttings /2A Recent excavations 1929 /2B Battersea Field Club visit 1926 /2C Exhibition of finds, 1926, at Ashtead /2D Exhibition of finds at Epsom, 1927 /2E Exhibition of finds at Ashley House, Epsom, 1927 /2F Notes by AWG Lowther on finds and buildings, 1927 (SAS Visit) /2G Roman Baths and Buildings, some puzzles, 1927 /3 "Country Life" article on Ashtead Park Farmhouse, 1953 /4 List "Ashtead Ecclesiastical Parish Records of items deposited in Muniment Room, July 1965, October 1965, and 1984 Lowther Card Index and list of maps and plans as checked by Alan Gillies, August 1990 see also Lowther Material in Research Collection no. 322 Further list of source material prepared by Alan Gillies on AWG Lowther material annexes A-E of PF/AST/5 / BANSTEAD PF/BAN/1 Romano-British Cattle Ranch, Banstead Heath, Press cutting 1928 /2 Bears Den Hall - Note on print c. 1840. by C.C. Lambert in "Notes and Queries" 1923 /3 Banstead Down sheep, letter from Capt. Rankin, 1960 /4 Vicars ofBanstead, and recovery ofmissing 16C paten. Notes by A.C M. Lambert, undated, post 1913 /5 [Well Farm, Banstead.Trans. to P.M. Johnson Collection 8/8/16-21] /6 a) - h) Garretts Hall. 7 photos offirebacks, chests & tapestry. Also letter from E.M. Dance to A.W.G. Lowther, 1952 /7 Lambert Muniment Chests, Garretts Hall. Cat. ofcontents, 1919 /8 Lambert ofSurrey - genealogical tree.
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