158 u UILDEN MORDEN. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. .. · [KELLY'S GUILDEN MORDEN is a parish and village on the of Edward II. there were two principal manors in this river Rhea, near the borders of Bedfordshire and Hert­ parish, then belonging to the families of Kyriell and fordshire, 4 miles north from Ash-well sta.tion on the .Avenell; one of these was given to the Priory of Barn­ Hitchin, Royston and Cambridge branch of the Great well, but after the Reformation it was consolidated with Northern railway, 6 north-west from Royston and about the manors of Boondesbury, Bancis, Foxley and Pychards• rs south-west from Cambridge, in the Western division as a single manor, and known as the manor of Guilden of the county, hundred of .Armingford, petty sessional Morden. There is a recreation ground. Morden Hall, division of Arrington and Melbourn, union and county an ancient mansion containing an oratory or chapel and court district of Royston, rural deanery of Shingay and surrounded by a large moat, was formerly the seat of archdeaconry and diocese of Ely. The church of St. Thomas-de-Hayguilden, and in 1375 a licence was Mary is an embattled building of flint and stone in the granted by Bishop Arundell for the celebrating of divine Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave -with offices in the chapel of the mansion; it is now the clerestory, aisles, south porch and an embattled western re!'idence of F. B. Montague esq. The manor was tower with four crocketed pinnacles and spire, contain­ pmchased in 18o6 by Philip, 3·rd Earl of Hardwicke. ing a clock and 6 bells: in I8S6 the interior was The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, the Cambridgeshire thoroughly repaired : in the church . are memorials to County Council, John Sale esq. and James Hugh William Hay, 1620; Thomas Storey, 1670; l''rances Smythe esq. aTe the principal landowners. The soil is Storey, x675; and to Gertrude Storey, 1723: the church various; subsoil, clay and chalk. The crops are chiefly affords 420 sittings. The register dates from the year wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is 2,S99 1653. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £290, acres; assessable value, £3,796; the population in 19II including 138 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift was 682. of Jesus College, Oambridge, and held since 1895 by Post, M. 0. & T. Oftice.-Miss Sarah Jarman, sub-post­ the Rev. ATtbur Lukyn Williams D.D. of that college, mistress. Letters through Royston (Herts) arrive at hon. canon of Ely and rural dean of Shingay. The 7.25 a.m. & I p.m.; box closes at 9·S5 a. m. & 6.20 Congregational chapel, built in 1841, has soo sittings. p.m.; no mail on sundays The churchyard is now closed to interments, but an acre of ground was bought in 1897, at a cost of about ODSE,Y is a hamlet, about 4 miles ~outh from the £21-8, for the purpose of a cemetery, under the control village, near to Ashwell station. of the Parish Council. A charity consisting of the Church Clerk, Alfred Leonard. rent of 55 acres of land, bequeathed half for the use of the poor and half to-wards the expenses of the Wall Letter Box, Odsey, cleared at 5 (mondays only) & church, produces about £so yearly, which is dis­ 8.30 a.m. & 3.15 & 11.10 p.m tributed by the churchwardens and trustees under a Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1847, for scheme of the Charity Commissioners. In the reign 131 children; Robert Vickery Alien, master (Marked thus * receive their letters through Bonfield Frank, beer retailer *Kingsley John, farm bailiff to Sir Ashwell, Baldock, Herts.] Brockett Wilfrid, butcher & farmer H. G. Fordham D.L., J.P PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clark Martha (Mrs.), beer retailer Murfitt .Agnes .Annie (Miss), shopkpr Olarke Elizabeth (Mi!ls),private school Murfitt Charles, farmer, assistant Orawford Bobert, Avenels Clarke Frank, higgler overseer, rate collector & clerk to *Fordham Sir Herbert George D.L., Olarke William James, beer retailer the Parish Council J.P. Odsey Cooper Gordon, frmr.Colharbour frm Parrish Charles, cattle dealer *Fordham ErnestOswald J.P.Odseyho Dellar Benjamin, beer retailer . Parrish John, castrator & farmer H'lrris Rev. Wm. (Cong.), The Mans·e Guilden Morden Burial .Ground Reavell George, shoe maker Masters Mrs. Willowdale (Charles Murfitt, clerk to the Rule Frank, baker Montag'Ue F. B. Morden hall Burial Autb.ority) Rule George, farmer Sandeman Waiter Albert, Morden ho Harper Henry, baker Sale John, farmer •Spencer Mrs. Odsey grange Hunt Fdk. Jas. farmer, Rectory farm Saunderson Arthur, miller (water) Williams R-ev. Canon Arthur Lukyn Izzard George, beer retailer Tat ham George, Six Bells P. H D. D. (vicar & rural dean), Vicarage Jarman Sarah (Miss), grocer & draper, W estrope Her bert, farmer COMMERCIAL. Post office W[nders J ames, farmer Baker Albt. Wm. saddler & harness ma Kay Albert, blacksmith Worboys Frederick, Three Tuns P.H GUYHIRN with RINGSEND.-These places Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the chief landowners. were formed into an ecclesiastical parish March 28, At Thorney Toll is a school church and a Catholic x871, from the civil parishes of Wisbech St. Peter and· chapel. The soil is clay and silt; subsoil, silt. The Wisbech St. Mary, including the hamlet of Thorney chief crops are potatoes, wheat and oats, and an industry Toll, which is 3! miles -west, and a portion of Wisbech has recently sprung up in the cultivation of fruit and. St. Mary, with nearly the -whole of Wisbech Fen. :flo-wers. The population in 19II was 1, 100. ' GUYHIRN is on the new Nene navigable river, here Sexton, Abraham Etherington Tegerdine. ~rossed by an iron girder bridge belonging to the Great Post, M. 0. & T. Oftice.-William .Alfred Gilby~ sub­ Easte:vn and Great Northern joint railway, which has a postmaster. Letters arrive at· 7.15 & 10.20 a.m. &. station here; it is 4 miles north-west from Ma.rch are dispatched at Io.2S a.m. & 6.40 p.m. through Junction station on the same line and 6 south-west Wisbech, week days only from Wisbech, and is in the Northern division of the Letter Boxes.-Ringsend, cleared Io a.m. & 6.20 p.m. ; county, Wisbech hundred, petty sessional division, union Thorney Toll,. cleared S-30 p.m.; Toll House, Guyhirn and county court district, rural deanery and arch­ Field, cleared ro.3o a.m. & 6.4s p.m.; Wheat Sheaf deaconry of Wisbech and diocese of Ely. The church inn, cleared Io.IS a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; Halls farm, Wis­ of St. Mary Magdalene, erected at a cost of £3,700 and bech Fen, cleared 7·45 a.m. & 5·45 p.m:; The Broad, consecrated in 1878, is built upon the site of an earlier cleared 10.40 a.m. & 6.ss p.m. week days only church of the same· name which existed here in the xsth century: the present edifice, designed by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. consists of chancel, nav.e, PLTBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. transepts, south porch and a western turret containing Guyhirn (mixed), erected, with teacher's house, in I87S• . 3. bells : the eagle lectern was carved by the Hon. Mrs. at a cost of about £Boo, for 120 children; .Reginald Montgomery, of Edinburgh, who also gave an oak .Arthur Bennett, master communion table: the stone pulpit and font were given Ringsend (mixed), erected in 186o & enlarged in 1894, by friends from Devonshire and the parishioners : there for 65 children; Mrs. Dann, mistress are memorial windows to William Herbert Carpenter, Thorney Toll (mixed), erected in 1872, for 70 children; d·. 1878, and others to the Marriott family: the church Frank Blanchard, ma,ster affords 3SO sittings. The register dates from the year I87I. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £300, Sunday School; endowed with £300, left in the year including ss acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift 1g27 by Dr. Jobson, a former vicar of Wisbech, & of the Bishop of Ely, and held since 1902 by the Rev. invested in· £2! per Cent. Consols. The Marriott William Robinson, of St. .Aidan's. '!'he old_ chaJ?el_ of . charity is invested in the same way ease, now used as ~ mortuary chapel, 1s a plam bulldiag . Railway Station (Great Northern & Great Eastern Joint. of stone, erected m t66o, and has a bell dated 1637· Railway) Charles Baker station mster There is a Primitive Methodist chapel and a W esleyan ' ' chapel at Ringsend. The Marriott charity of [250, the interest of which is to be distributed annually by the CARRIERS. vicar and churchwardens to the aged poor of Guyhirn, Catling, to Wisbech, sat was given by the late Samuel Marriott' esq. The Wes-toni to Wisbech, wed. & sat .
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