WORLD NEUROLOGY The Newsletter of the World Federation of Neurology VOLUME 19, NUMBER 4, DECEMBER 2004 WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROLOGY ELECTIONS NOMINATING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS The Nominating Committee of the World Federation of Neurology, having invited nominations for three Officer posts and one Trustee to be elected at the Council of Delegates Annual General Meeting (AGM) in November 2005 during the World Congress of Neurology, recom- mends to the membership those listed below as candidates in accordance with the Federation's Memorandum and Articles of Association. Recommended candidates: ! President (to take up office w.e.f. 1st January, 2006): Johan Aarli—Norway Destination Australia—XVIIIth World Congress of Neurology, Sydney, 2005 (Photograph of Jagjit Chopra—India Parliament at Canberra) Roger Rosenberg—USA ! First Vice President (to take up Candidates for President and First Vice At the time of writing, two candi- office w.e.f. 1st January, 2006): President will be required to formulate a dates—Prof. Leontino Battistin Vladimir Hachinski—Canada statement of their goals and objectives (Italy) and Prof. Julien Bogous- Theodore Munsat—USA for the organization, which will be pub- slavsky (Switzerland)—have been ! Secretary-Treasurer General lished. proposed under this regulation for (to take up office w.e.f. 1st January, the post of Secretary-Treasurer 2007): It is open to anyone to make additional General. Richard Kay—Hong Kong, SAR nominations by: China ! Securing the supporting signatures of Ra'ad Shakir—UK five or more authorized delegates ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: ! One Elected Trustee (to take up ! Submitting the name(s) of the individ- ! Editorial office w.e.f. 7th November, 2005): ual(s) in question to the Secretary- ! President’s Column Marianne De Visser—Netherlands Treasurer General, c/o the London ! Atlas of Country Resources (Current post-holder standing for re- Secretariat office, at least thirty days prior election) to the AGM (the date of which is 6 ! WFN Book Sharing Michael Donaghy—UK November 2005). Programme Werner Hacke—Germany ! CME Programmes in Russia PRESIDENT’S COLUMN ! WFN Regional News As reported briefly in the last President's WFN Trustee, the agenda included the ! Book Reviews & Calendar Column, the annual general meeting proposal to place the day-to-day running ! International Stroke (AGM) took place in conjunction with the of the WFN in the hands of an association Society—A Report European Federation of Neurological management company, and presenta- Societies (EFNS) held on September 5-8 tions from all of the countries bidding to ! WCN 2009 Bid for Madrid in Paris. In addition to the election of a Contd. on page 4 Visit the WFN website at http://www.wfneurology.org 2 World Neurology EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dr. Jagjit S. Chopra, # 532 Sector 33-B, WORLD Chandigarh-160 047, India. Fax: +91-172- 2665532. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD NEUROLOGY Dr. Richard Godwin-Austen, World Federation The Newsletter of the World Federation of Neurology of Neurology, 12 Chandos Street, London VOLUME 19, NUMBER 3, SEPTEMBER 2004 W1G 9DR, UK Dr. François Boller, INSERM U 324, 75014 Paris, France Dr. Jun Kimura, 1203 PCU, 169 Ujimyoraku, CONTENTS UjiShi, Kyoto 611-0021, Japan Dr. Theodore Munsat, Department of Neurology, New England Medical Center, Box 314, 750 Washington Street, Boston, MA World Federation of Neurology Elections . 1 02111, USA Dr. Johan Aarli, Department of Neurology, President’s Column . 1 University of Bergen, Haukeland Hospital, N- 5021 Bergen, Norway Editorial . 3 Dr. Julien Bogousslavsky, Service de Neurologie, Centre Hosp. Univ. Vaudois Atlas of Country Resources for Neurological Disorders . 6 (CHUV), CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland Dr. William M Carroll, c/o AAN Secretariat, 145 WFN Book Sharing Programme: Annual Report Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, 2004 from Lithuania . 6 Australia Dr. Marianne de Visser, Academic Medical CME Programmes in Russia . 7 Centre, University of Amsterdam, Dept. of Neurology, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Report of the Danube Clinical Neurology Training Course . 8 Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dr. Daniel Truong, The Parkinson’s & Movement Disorders Institute, 9940 Talbert Avenue, Suite WFN Regional News . 8 204, Fountain Valley, CA 92708, USA WFN Junior Travelling Fellowship, 2004 . .10 REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENTS Dr. S.M. Al Deeb (Pan-Arab), Saudi Arabia Book Reviews . .12 Prof. Dr. Leontino Battistin (Pan-European), Italy Dr. Pedro Chana (Pan-American), Chile Prof. Najoua Miladi (Pan-African), Tunisia Calendar . .12 Dr. Jin-Soo Kim (Asian-Oceanian), South Korea International Stroke Society . .13 ASSISTANT EDITOR Elsevier Science . 14-15 Dr. I.M.S. Sawhney, Department of Neurology, Morriston Hospital, Swansea SA6 6NL, UK; Madrid Bid for WCN 2009 . .16 e-mail: [email protected] WFN ADMINISTRATOR Keith Newton, World Federation of Neurology, COPYRIGHT © 2002 World Federation of Neurology. All rights reserved. 12 Chandos Street, London W1G 9DR, UK Published by Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam, the Netherland PUBLISHING STAFF Manuscripts accepted for publication become the copyright of the World Publisher: Federation of Neurology (WFN). Before publication a copyright form will be Peter F. Bakker ([email protected]) supplied by the Publisher, which must be completed by all authors. Marketing: Ingrid van Lier Design and Layout: white paper using double spacing with mar- World Neurology, ISSN 0899-9465, is pub- Desh Deepak Khanna gins of at least 3 cm. Authors should submit lished by Elsevier Science BV, Molenwerf 1, Operational Support: material on computer disk (Microsoft® Word® 1014 AG Amsterdam, the Netherlands; phone: Annemieke van Es or plain ASCII format) whenever possible. +31 (20) 485 3358, fax: +31 (20) 485 3237; ADVERTISING Tables and figures should be separated from e-mail: [email protected] Please send inquiries about advertising in the text and should clearly indicate the REPRINTS World Neurology to the Advertising author’s name. Colour photographs and illus- Reprint requests and all correspondence Department, Elsevier Science Ltd., The trations are encouraged. regarding the journal should be addressed to Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford EDITORIAL STATEMENT the Editor. However, back issues of World OX5 1GB, UK. Phone: +44-1865-843 258; Although great care is taken to ensure accura- Neurology can be obtained from the publisher. Fax: +44-1865-843 976; email: [email protected] cy, the WFN and Elsevier Science BV cannot CHANGE OF ADDRESS be held liable for any errors or inaccuracies in Notice of change of address should be sent to: PUBLISHING INFORMATION this publication. Opinions expressed are those World Neurology, Editorial Secretariat, 12 Chandos of the authors. Elsevier Science BV, the Editor, Street, London W1G 9DR, UK. Fax: +44 20 7323 MANUSCRIPTS the WFN or the Grantor cannot be held 4012; e-mail:[email protected] The Editor is happy to receive unsolicited responsible for the validity of clinical treat- Printed by Kay Dee Associates at manuscripts or photographs for considera- ments, dosage regimens or other medical Chandika Press (P) Ltd., 126 Industrial Area-1, tion, but cannot accept responsibility for any statements made. Any dosage referred to Chandigarh—160002, India. Fax: +91-172- loss or damage to such material. Manuscripts should be checked against the relevant data 2657783. e-mail: [email protected] should be submitted in English, typed on sheet for the product. WORLD NEUROLOGY, VOLUME 19, NUMBER 4, DECEMBER 2004 Visit the WFN website at http://www.wfneurology.org EDITORIAL 3 CME and Training Courses from the vaccine one to 3 years before the first EDITORIAL Danube group of countries are also symptom of MS as compared to 2.4 per- With the exception of the three Elected reported in this issue. The all-round suc- cent among the controls. They conclud- Trustees, one of whom changes each cess of the CME Programme is a great ed that vaccination increased the odds of year, the elections for the Officers— step forward in the learning process of developing MS by a factor of 3.1. They President, First Vice President and neurology, the ultimate beneficiary of also found that the risk of developing MS Secretary-Treasurer General—are held which is ailing humanity suffering from was greater three years after vaccination every four years in accordance with the neurological disorders. than the year following vaccination. The Federation's Memorandum and Articles risk increased with increasing time since of Association. 2005 is election year for Thanks are due to the Netherlands vaccination. There was no risk after flu or the WFN and once again the responsibil- Society of Neurology for its generous tetanus vaccinations. It is important to ity for choosing leaders to run the affairs grant to support the WFN Neurological keep in mind the manifold benefits of of the organization for the next four years Training Programme in Honduras. A first hepatitis B vaccination as a protection will fall on the shoulders of the National installment of 10,000 euros was present- against the devastating consequences of Delegates at their meeting in Sydney in ed in Paris in September and two more this infection in terms of mortality and November. payments will follow, a great contribution morbidity and not to jump to conclusions to the WFN's education fund for a very about this study as did the French In September this year, the Council of good cause. It is hoped that the Dutch Government following the report of the Delegates met in Paris where several having set the trend, many more coun- first study in 1996 when it banned hepa- important decisions were taken. Through tries will follow their fine example. A glar- titis B vaccination for two years. One the efforts of the Membership ing instance of need for help is indicated may conclude from the present study Committee, three more countries have in the report in this issue about neurology that whenever a new case of MS is diag- been successfully enrolled in the fold of in Kazakhstan.
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