I Thurs. Apr. 5,1984II VoLV. No. 22@ Universityl........i.....i.ii........... Community's................. Weekly ii..................................... Paper* .... ...... -..-.-....................................................................... .............. Electioneering Begins Presidential Hopefuls Begin Campaigns by Joe Caponi going for the top spot. Two candidates accessible to people, it's much too cen- The 1984 Polity election campaign have already begun campaigning in tralized up there in the Union Office. has begun with a burst of activity earnest. We have to bring in some new perspec- .. unheard of in recent years as a number Polity Secretary Belina Anderson tive." About her own experience in of candidates prepare to fight for the says that she plans to stress two major Polity, Anderson said, "Having seen .. Presidency. themes in her campaign for the Presi- just how Polity has failed in the past, The election is scheduled for dency. "The Polity structure needs a you can see much more clearly how to Thursday, April 26, and petitioning major overhaul. The Senate and Judi- make it better." opens today for all available seats. ciary have to function the way that they Saying "Polity has become in- SCandidates will have a week to corn- were designed to and that depends alot creasingly less effective in being re- plete their petitions to be placed on the on the P resident and the Council giving sponsive to student needs and I think ballot. them and the other people in Polity a that it's time to change that," junior What will make this campaign dif- clear idea of what their functions are Danny Wexler explained his entry into ferent from previous ones is in the and how they can accomplish them. the race. Already the most visible of the number of candidates committed to Secondly, Polity has to become more candidates,(Continued with hundreds on page of3) "Wexler" Anderson. :·:·:·' r I · ~ICBIBIC 'C "~··s"lsDb-slsss*r*_·C~11~5~L~_~~ I :·:· Ellison and I-CON page 5 page 3...... Records page 12 .'......... .................... ........... .................................................!p.... ................... ... The Fourth Estate: Editorial Self-Study and Student Life 7' The main flaw in the University's voluminous Self RA/MA selection process to insure that students will that they would recieve no compensation for. study report is in the way that it sees the relationship More have as little to do with picking their RA's as possible broadly, the report says, "although the between students and administration and in partic- Senates and - Bauman, who called on RA's and MA's to police many university Committees call for student ular the relationship between students and Residence mem- their halls and turn in to Public Safety any underage bership, undergraduate student participation is Life. While it claims corrctly that the doctrine of in residents caught drinking beer - this is the man to weak." If Residence Life were more genuinely inter- loco parentis has faded away from years ago, it still whom the responsibility to turn us into independent, ested in promoting student assumes that students want and need a paternalistic leadership, they would mature adults able to make our own decisions has seek out ways to make things a little Residence Life department to care for them in the easier for those been given? students who want to get involved. manner that Residence Life sees as best. The main difficulty facing student leadership is the The report also In the section on campus environment, restates such tired Res. Life cliches the report obstacles put into its way by administration. states: Stu- as: dents wishing to run programs in their "Regarding campus activities, stu- buildings are "Potential extracurricular intellectual faced with obtaining a 'Limited Events dents tend to characterize each other Clearance activity and leisure time may be inter- Form' deliberately designed to hinder such as 'apathetic.' Students usually ex- events. fered with by the many hours students Students wanting to get involved with student press unhappiness with the apathy, a gov- now spend in the buying and prepara- ernment, activities, clubs, or media hopeful sign that the condition is cap- are faced with the tion of food. Students who cook for problem that the University able of remedy. However, solutions refuses to recogonize themselves tend to eat with the same their efforts in the form of academic depend on leadership. Such leadership credit and gives few students, and thereby lose much of them the choice of doing well their must eventually involve students extra-curricular the benefit for association that residen- activities or doing well in their grades. themselves, but we believe the first tial life should make possible." initiative needs to come from Student Students are capable of providing their own lead- Why can't Administration stop trying to do what it ership Affairs professionals. One of the cor- and being responsible for their own activities. thinks is best for students and let students decide for They nerstones of a reinvigorated student do not need a Big Brother Bauman to tell them themselves what they want? Students are perfectly where life is the residence hall director (RHD) and what to eat, how to live, what to drink, what aware of the amount of time and hassle that Dorm activities and the student residential assistant to go to, and what role models they should Cooking represents and have made a conscious look up (RA). The RHD and the RA can make to. decision about the way that they choose to spend or break the intellectual and social The Self Study members themselves misunder- their time. They don't need Residence Life to say, quality of residential life." stand the nature of student life and activities. Con- "No, I'm afraid we know what's best for you." sider the underhanded stab the report The report Given the actions that Residence Life has under- makes at continues: Polity: "RA's taken in the last few years, that paragraph is one of the can be powerful influences in "It is indicitative of Polity's lack of finest examples of doublethink produced in this guiding students into activities that are participation in University governance appropriately Orwellian year. To say that Residence intellectually stimulating and socially that, of all groups on campus, Polity rewarding Life can develop student leadership and initiative is instead of excessive "party- was the only one not participating mind-boggling. The brain cringes at the concept. on ing" and noisy behavior." the Self-Study Steering committee in This is just silly. More about the study next Dallas Bauman, the director of Residence Life - the spite of persistent and diligent efforts week. man who called for four residence halls to go off the to have Polity's representative attend dorm cooking program in September and a total of Front Page Photo Credits: the Committee's meetings." Wexler by 80% to be off in four years when Marburger himself Albert Fraser, What the Committee fails to realize is that Aylward and only called for 50% of students to be on the meal plan Polity Ellison by Scott Richter officials would have been the only people on the and Vice President Preston said that at the most two Committee not being paid by the university to be quads worth of buildings will have toto be affected - here, and that such participation is a long term Bauman, the man who masterminded the 'quad-wide' com- mittment away from studies and their other activities f The - Press Pix - II I I Stony Brook Press Executive Editor .............. Joseph Caponi Managing Director ............. Damiel Hank Senior Photo Editor....... .John Tytnczvs/vn Photo Editor................... Scott Richter Arts Editor ................... Kathv Esseks Business Manager ............ Pamela Scheer News and Feature: Belina Anderson, Al Bosco, Brian Cameroni, Eric Corley, Brian Ehrlich, Ben Euster, Lorna Francis, Dave Goodman, Patrice Jacol)son, Brian Kohn, Ken Kruger, Ron Oster- tag. Arts: Michael Barren, Sarah Battaglia, Greg D'Auria, Philip Garfield, Hulbert Moore,Jean Marie Pugni, Paul Yeats, D.J. Zauner. Photo: Albert Frascr, Mike Krasowitz, Dave Mor- rison, Mike Shavel, Haluk Soykan. Graphics: R. GamIx>, Charles Lane. Production: Egan Gerrity. - Office Manager: John Tom. Mhe Stony Brroo Press is published every Thursday during the academicyear by The Stony Brook Press, Inc., a student run and student funded not-for-profit corporation. IAdvertiing policy does not necessarily reflect editorial /he opinions expressed in letters and viewpoints do not necessarily reflect those of our staff Phone: 246-6832 Office: Suite 020 Old Biology S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook S Stony Brook, New York 11794 J qq Ston Brok N Yor 11794 F I opl I ~-~e-2 The St B J1J~I k Press~~~1 roo ony pag Registering At Home Voting Rights Suit Sought by Ron Ostertag Stony Brook students are being recruited to register to vote using their Stony Brook addresses in order to gain student voting rights here. SASU, with the help of Stony Brook students and Polity, is driving to gain the right for students at Stony Brook to vote in their college community, a right recently gained at two other SUNY schools and being fought for also in a statewide lawsuit. New York, being one of the only states in which students still do not have the right to vote in their college community, is currently being sued for that right in a statewide lawsuit by SASU, NYPIRG, and the Albany State Student Association. In a community by community fight for voting rights, SUNY Oneonta students last January gained the right to vote in their own Otsego county, students at 0 Purchase Q0- won the right last fall, and now students .. at Stony Brook will begin the fight. In order to bring a class action lawsuit against Suffolk County and NY cc00.
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