REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES SUPREME COURT MANILA EN BANC BAYAN MUNA PARTY-LIST REPRESENTATIVES CARLOS ISAGANI T. ZARATE, et al, Petitioners, GR NO. 252585 Consolidated with: 252578, 252579, 252580, 252613, 252623, 252624, and 252646 - versus - PRESIDENT RODRIGO DUTERTE, et al, Respondents. x---------------------------------------------------------------x MANIFESTATION Petitioners in GR No. 252585, by undersigned, to this Honorable Court, most respectfully aver: 1. On July 17, 2020 Petitioners in GR No. 252585 (Zarate Petition) received through electronic mail the Consolidated Comment filed by the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG). 2. In par. 176 of the Consolidated Comment, the OSG averred that the Zarate Petition has no attached Verification and Certification Against Forum Shopping. 3. Petitioner checked the copy they have filed with the Supreme Court on July 6, 2020, at 12:13PM, and the same definitely contains the Verification and Certification Against Forum Shopping of all the petitioners in the Zarate Petition. Attached herein is a copy of said receiving copy of the Petition with the Verification and Certification (sans annexes) for easy reference. A perusal of the Verification and Certification would show that the date of notarization is the same as the date of the filing of the Petition, or July 6, 2020. 4. If the furnished copy to the Respondents, including the OSG, is without any Verification and Certification Against Forum Shopping attached to the Petition, then such instance is due only to inadvertence, and not in any way intentionally done to violate the rules of procedure. 5. The Zarate Petition definitely complied with the Rules of Court pertaining to the submission of verification and certification against forum shopping, under Rule 7 Sections 4 and 5 of the Rules. Indeed, the Zarate Petition is both verified, in accordance with Rule 7 Section 4, as well as certified, in accordance with Rule 7 Section 5. The verification and certification were simultaneously filed with the Petition, on July 6, 2020 at 12:13PM, as required under the aforesaid rules. RELIEF WHEREFORE, premises considered, Petitioners respectfully pray that the Honorable Court NOTE the foregoing MANIFESTATION. Respectfully submitted. Quezon City for the City of Manila, July 22, 2020. By the Counsel for the Petitioners c/o MAKABAYAN National Headquarters Block 31 Lot 13 A. Bonifacio St., New Capitol Estates I, Batasan Hills, 1126 Quezon City Telephone: (02) 77550890 Email: [email protected] MANEEKA ASISTOL SARZA IBP Lifetime Member No. 011274 PTR No. 0113629D - 7/14/2020/Quezon City Roll of Attorneys No. 57897 MCLE Compliance VI (University of the Philippines College of Law. Certificate in process; Units completed on 4/11/2019) MARIA CRISTINA P. YAMBOT IBP Lifetime Member No. 019407 - 5/15/2018 - Rizal PTR No. 2977952 - 1/17/2020 - Mandaluyong City Roll of Attorneys No. 59700 MCLE Compliance No. VI - 0020743; 3/25/2019 IBP No.: 109625, issued at Pasay City on Jan. 15, 2020 PTR No.: 3333493, issued at Tarlac on Jan. 14, 2020 Roll of Attorneys No. 72857 On MCLE compliance: newly admitted to the bar 2 COPY FURNISHED: OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL Counsel for all Respondents OSG Anti Terrorism Act Team <[email protected]> ATTY. LEONARD PEEJAY V. JURADO LAW OFFICE [email protected] ATENEO HUMAN RIGHTS CENTER [email protected] CALLEJA LAW OFFICE [email protected] DEAN JV BAUTISTA [email protected] MELENCIO STA. MARIA [email protected] PRO-LABOR LEGAL ASSISTANCE CENTER [email protected] REP. EDCEL LAGMAN [email protected] [email protected] EXPLANATION The foregoing MANIFESTATION will be electronically filed and served to this Honorable Court and to the parties due to personnel constraints. MARIA CRISTINA YAMBOT 3 REP UBLIC OF THE PHILIPPI NES QUEZON CIT\' AfFIOAVIT Of S[RVIC' F: I. MARJA CRI.STINA YAMHOT, of b ,al llllc Fi1,·, · ,> w'th n· dd . o c, • 1, 111 • 1 o 1cc a re s,;; at MAKA BA YA N Na11onal I k.id411nr1rrs. Bloc ~ 1 I Loi 13 A B ·1 · •• S N , · . n<,nn H,·11 ,. Q ... on r·, I fl I . Olll ac10 . I. cw ( ap1 10 I h tulc~ I Bat= • "· Uc/ t ) • fl er 1avmn hccn dtily , 1 · · sa~·: 0 sworn o 111 uccordnncc wllh law. depose and . On Jul) 22. 2020 I served copies of the MANIFESTATION d ■ ted .July 22, 2020. in ZARA TE ' s. Dll rERTE (G R No.2525 85) and consolidated with OR Nos 252~7H 252579 2"2~0 252613 2~2623 . ' . ' : · ' · · · , 252624, and 252646. pursuunl 10 Ruic 13 of the Rules of Court . a.-, follo ws: B~-eltttronic mail: OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL Email: [email protected]. ph REP. EDCEL C. LAGMAN Email: edcel.lagman @).,house.gov. ph karina _ [email protected] MELENCIO S. ST A. MARIA Emai l: [email protected] CALLEJA LAW OFFICE Email: [email protected] PRO-LABOR LEGAL ASSISTANCE CENTER Email: [email protected] AITY. LEONARD PEEJAY V. JURADO LAW OFFICE Email: [email protected] ATENEO HUMAN RIGHTS CENTER Email: [email protected] DEAN J.V. BAUTISTA Email: [email protected] By simultaneously sending an e-mail to the parties or to their counsel, copy furnishing them in the email filing the pleading, on July 22, 2020 using the email address [email protected] as evidenced by a screenshot of the Sent email. \ Quezon City, JULY 22, 2020. \ ~ \ ( ( '11 ~ "I~ (' , , ''Sl~CRQJED AND SWORN to before me this J\tl!)' ~ , 2020 at Q ,{ affiant exhi bi~ to me the following competent proof o'f identification:w ' , h ' ',1 AJ . · - ARY PlJB'LIC J ~ .. ,.,. ,~. DocNo 2'/J PT, r Pagt No n, BookNo tf At\ Series of 2020 T Md No. , ..,0 1110II Makabayan National <maknatlonal@ gma 11 .com> Zarate Manifestation in Zarate vs Duterte (GR No. 252585) Consolidated with· 252578,252579,252580,252613,252623,252624,and252646) · 1 rnoosogo M11kabayan National <[email protected]> Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 10:35 AM To "korina [email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <n ,[email protected]>. ·[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]· <colle)[email protected]>. "[email protected]" <[email protected]> . "[email protected]· <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]· <[email protected]>, [email protected], OSG Anti Terrorism Act foom <[email protected]> Bee- Neri Colmenares <[email protected]>, carlos lsagani Zarate <[email protected]> , [email protected]. Crts Yambot <[email protected]>, yvonne villa - luna <[email protected]> , MHEL GUISINGA <[email protected]>, Antonio Tinio <[email protected]> Gentlemen: E-serving and ptease find attached (i) Manifestation dated July 22, 2020, and (ii) Zarate Petition with Vefificatioo 0nd Certification. Please acknowledge receipt of this email. Thank you. Respectfully. Counsel tor the Zarate Petition (GR No. 252585) By· Atty. Maria Cristina Yambot MAKABAYAN National Headquarters . c ·ty Block 31 Lot 13 A. Bonifacio St., New Capitol Estates I, Batasan Hills, 1126 Quezon 1 Telephone: (02) 77550890 Email: [email protected] 2 attachments Manifestation.pdf 184K Zarate Petition with Verification and Certlflcatlon.pdf 20345K REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPIN ES) S S QUEZON CITY . VERI FIED DEC LARATION OF ELECT RON! ( FIi .iN C. I. M ARI A CRI STINA y AMROT · .. MA KA BA y · . · o f lega l age. hl1pin o. wi th orficc addrc-,.., at AN Natio na l I lcadquartcrs. Block J I Lot 11 /\ B · 1: · St N · c ·1 I Estates I Batasan Hills Q ,. oni ac,_o .. cw .ap1_ o · · ue7 on ( ll y. ,Iller havmg hccn d ul y sworn to m accordance w ith la\\ . depose and say : . I caused the e lectronic filing of the MANIFESTATION dated .July 22, 2020, 111 Z A R A T E vs. DUTERTE (GR N o .252585) and consolidated w ith G R Nos. 252578, 252579, 252580, 252613, 252623, 252624, and 252646, with Annex A, by sending it through electronic mail at L'liiL' 1, <&!.1s U1!.dici,1..LYJ,illv.Jili using the email account maknational@&JUail com on July 22, 2020. The document was submitted electron­ ically in accordance with the Efficient use of Paper Rule and are complete an\i true copies of the document and annexes filed with the Supreme Court r 0 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me on this July 22, 2020 affiant exhib- # iting her competent evidence of identity, to wit: ~ ~> l D No . 33 - ~1 2~ ~gS--3 Doc. N0. t 'rl ATTY . ". c:-:.~EOLOGO Page No. ~ . ~\· :~•._ . .le; .. :·•-. ·,.~ •""l:.~J-:--,...1~1) Book No. l)O Adm !iz-., PTR N . 92'( ~:):):' " . '- :, L) ~ ~ ,_ • _. 7 Series of 2020 ivi C r: Comri1~~~ . .," ~-) · -~- '.' ~2 I , IBP Lifeti,1~~ :,l(,. L.-.~1 :,_r:- -2.C Attorney R •. il : :o. ,.. ·2 TIN No. 1, ·, -'.37 TCl 3 ~d: No. 31 Common~•;·,alll, A v i> 0 ' • .
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