CATEGORY AUTHOR (Editors) KEY TITLE Biographies & Memoirs Davis, Allen F ADDams American Heroine: The Life and Legend of Jane Addams Biographies & Memoirs Albright, Madeleine ALB Madam Secretary: A Memoir Biographies & Memoirs Allende, Isabel ALLende My Inventive Country Biographies & Memoirs Alpert, Richard ALP Remember Biographies & Memoirs Angelou, Maya ANG Even the Stars Look Lonesome Biographies & Memoirs Angelou, Maya ANG Heart of a Woman, The Biographies & Memoirs Angelou, Maya ANG I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Biographies & Memoirs Meiser, Stanley ANNan Kofi Annan: A Man of Peace in a World of War Biographies & Memoirs Bendix, Paul BENdix Dance Without Steps Biographies & Memoirs Eliot Marc BRO Take It from Me:Life 's a Struggle But You Can Win Biographies & Memoirs Conn, Peter BUCK Pearl S. Buck, A Cultural Biography Biographies & Memoirs Cadet, Jean-Robert CAD Restavec: From Haitian Slave Child to Middle-Class American Biographies & Memoirs Parker, T H L CALvin John Calvin Biographies & Memoirs Carter, Jimmie CARTER An Hour Before Daylight Biographies & Memoirs Cheever, Susan CHE American Bloomsbury Biographies & Memoirs Christian, Jan CHRIS Leave No Brother Behind, A Sister's War Memoir Biographies & Memoirs Christian, Jan CHRis Leave No Brother Behind: A Sister's War Memoir Biographies & Memoirs Clarke, Bunny CLARke Mamma and Me Biographies & Memoirs Clarke, Bob CLARke Seven Decades of Bob, The Biographies & Memoirs Goldstein, Warren COFfin William Sloane Coffin Jr. A Holy Impatience Biographies & Memoirs Quammen, David DARwin Reluctant Mr. Darwin, The Biographies & Memoirs Burch, Joanne J EDElman Marian Wright Edelman: Children’s Champion Biographies & Memoirs Feyerabend, Paul FEY Killing Time Biographies & Memoirs Issaacson, Walter FRAN Benjamin Franklin, An American Life Biographies & Memoirs Sobel, Dava GAL Galileo's Daughter: Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love Biographies & Memoirs Gandhi, Mohandas GANDhi Gandhi An Autobiography:Experiments With Truth Biographies & Memoirs Gates, Robert M. GATES Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War Biographies & Memoirs Giuliano, Neil GIULiano Campaign Within, The Biographies & Memoirs Gohlke, Mary with Jennings, Max GOHlke I'll Take Tomorrow - First Successful Heart Lung Transplant Biographies & Memoirs Goodall, Jane GOODall Reason for Hope, A Spiritual Journey Biographies & Memoirs Gunther, John GUN Death Be Not Proud Biographies & Memoirs Payne, Robert HITler Life and Death of Adolph Hitler Biographies & Memoirs Hockenberry, John HOC Moving Violations June 2017 1 CATEGORY AUTHOR (Editors) KEY TITLE Biographies & Memoirs Hughes, Robert HUG Things I Didn’t Know Biographies & Memoirs Wojnarowski, Adrian Hurley Miracle of St. Anthony: A Season with Coach Bob Hurley Biographies & Memoirs Ilibagiza, Inmaculee ILI Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust Biographies & Memoirs Meachan, Jon JACKson American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House Biographies & Memoirs Staloff, Daren JEFfer Thomas Jefferson: American Visionary (audio book) Biographies & Memoirs Meachan, Jon JEFfer Thomas Jefferson; The Art of Power Biographies & Memoirs Karr, Mary KARR Liars' Club Biographies & Memoirs Kingsolver, Barbara KING High Tide in Tucson Biographies & Memoirs Krakauer, John KRA Into the Wild Biographies & Memoirs Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth KUB Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying Biographies & Memoirs Karodja, Kyra KYR Kyra’s Story Biographies & Memoirs Lindbergh, Anne Morrow LIN Gift From the Sea: An Answer to the Conflicts In Our Lives Biographies & Memoirs Lopex, Arcadia H LOP Barrio Teacher Biographies & Memoirs Maclean, Norman MacL River Runs Through It, A: and Other Stories Biographies & Memoirs MacNeil, Robert MacN Looking for My Country, Finding Myself in America Biographies & Memoirs McCourt, Frank McCourt Teacher Man Biographies & Memoirs McKinley, Catherine McK Book of Sarahs, The Biographies & Memoirs King, Ross MICH Michealangelo and the Pope's Ceiling Biographies & Memoirs Minuskin, Harold MINU My Children, My Heroes - Memoirs of a Holocaust Mother Biographies & Memoirs Moaveni, Azadeh MOA Lipstick Jihad Biographies & Memoires MORa, Pat MOR House of Houses Biographies & Memoirs Moss, Barbara Robinette MOSS Change Me Into Zeus's Daughter Biographies & Memoirs Kolodiejchuk, Brian Fr Ed MOT T Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light Biographies & Memoirs Muir, John MUIr Story of My Boyhood and Youth, The Biographies & Memoirs Mumford, Lewis MUM Sketches From Life Biographies & Memoirs Nafisi, Azar NAFisi Reading Lolita in Tehran Biographies & Memoirs Obama, Barack OBA Dreams From My Father Biographies & Memoirs Mansfield, Stephen OBAma Faith of Barack Obama, The Biographies & Memoirs Nelson, Craig PAINE Thomas Paine Biographies & Memoirs Valler-Radot, R PASteur Life of Pasteur, The Biographies & Memoirs Marshall, Megan PEAbod Peabody Sisters, The Biographies & Memoirs Stein, Gertrude PICasso Picasso, The Complete Writings Biographies & Memoirs Various PIL Peace Pilgrim:Her Life and Works in Her Own Words Biographies & Memoirs Poitier, Sidney POI Sidney Poitier: The Measure of a Man (audio book) June 2017 2 CATEGORY AUTHOR (Editors) KEY TITLE Biographies & Memoirs Rak, Mary Kidder Rak Cowman's Wife, A Biographies & Memoirs Tigunait, Pandit Rajmani, Phd RAM At the Eleventh Hour: Biography of Swami Rams Biographies & Memoirs Rehm, Diane & Rehm, John B REHm Toward Commitment: A Dialogue About Marriage Biographies & Memoirs Brinkley, Douglas ROOS Wilderness Warrior, Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America Biographies & Memoirs Thomesma, Kenneth SAC Truth About Sacajawea Biographies & Memoires Schneider, Anne Larason SCH Living With Uncertainty: A Son's Traumatice Brain Injury Biographies & Memoirs Seierstad, Asne SEI Booksellers of Kabul, The Biographies & Memoirs Goldstone, Lawrence and Nancy SER Out of the Flames (Michael Servetus) Biographies & Memoirs Greenblatt, Stephen SHAK Will of the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare Biographies & Memoirs Simon, Rachel SIM Riding the Bus With My Sister Biographies & Memoirs Tan, Amy TAN Opposite of Fate, The Biographies & Memoirs Sugden, John TECUM Tecumseh's A Life Biographies & Memoirs Smith, Harmon THOreau My Friend, My Friend: The Story of Thoreau’s Relationship With Emerson Biographies & Memoirs Miller, Merle TRUman Plain Speaking, An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman Biographies & Memoirs Bailey, Anthony VER Vermeer, A View of Delft Biographies & Memoirs Wakefield, Dan WAK Returning: A Spiritual Journey Biographies & Memoirs Church, Peggy Pond WAR House at Otowi Bridge, The Story of Edith Warner and Los Alamos Biographies & Memoirs Chernow, Ron WASH Washington, A Life Biographies & Memoirs White, E. B. WHIte Letters of E. B. White Biographies & Memoirs Jardine, Lisa WREN On a Grander Scale: Outstanding Life of Sir Christopher Wren Biographies & Memoirs Yourcenar, Marguerite YOU With Open Eyes Biographies & Memoirs Zenimura, Kenichi ZEN Kenichi Zenimura: Japanese American Baseball Pioneer Child Welfare Barclift, Steve T Beginning With God Child Welfare Blume, Judy Letters to Judy: What Your Kids Wish They Could Tell You Child Welfare Canada, Geoffrey Fist Stick Knife Gun Child Welfare Cappello, Dominic, and Becher, Xenia G Ten Talks Parents Must Have With Their Children About Drugs and Choices Child Welfare Carroll, Lee, and Tober, Jan Indigo Children, The Child Welfare Clinton, Hillary Rodham It Takes a Village Child Welfare Coles, Robert Moral Intelligence of Children: How to Raise a Moral Child, The Child Welfare Cutietto, Robert A Raising Musical Kids June 2017 3 CATEGORY AUTHOR (Editors) KEY TITLE Child Welfare Gardner, Howard To Open Minds: Chinese Clues to the Dilemma of Contemporary Education Child Welfare Gurian, Michael, and Stevers, Kathy Minds of Boys, The Child Welfare Harris, Robbie H. It's Perfectly Normal:Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex and Sexual Health Child Welfare Kvals, Kathryn Parenting Guidelines (CD) Child Welfare Mather, Anne D, and Wldon, Louise B Character Building Day By Day Child Welfare Miller, Alice Drama of the Gifted Child, The Child Welfare Miller, Alice For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelity in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence Child Welfare Moore, Mary Ann Hide-and-Seek With God Child Welfare Neuman, M Gary Helping Your Kids Cope With Divorce Child Welfare Nieuwejaa, Jeanne Gift of Faith, The: Tending the Spiritual Lives of Children Child Welfare Severe, Sal, PhD How To Behave So Your Preschooler Will Too Child Welfare Silin, Jonathan Sex, Death, and the Education of Children - Aids Child Welfare Silver, Larry R, MD Misunderstood Child: A Guide For Parents of Learning Disabled Children, The Child Welfare Sleeter, Christine E, and McLaren, Peter L, Multicultural Education, Critical Pedagogy and the Politics of Difference eds Child Welfare Wender, Paul H., MD Hyperactive Child, Adolescent and Adult, The Child Welfare Wong, Harry K, and Rosemary Tripi Wong First Days of School: How to Be An Effective Teacher, The Children’s American Girl Library Care and Keeping of Friends, The Children’s Anonymous Noah’s Ark: A Touch and Feel Book Children’s Beckwith, Kathy Playing War Children’s Doughty, Rebecca You Are To Me Children’s Rogers, Fred Let’s Talk About It: Adoption Children’s Sasso, Sandy Eisenberg Butterflies Under Our Hats Children’s Whitney, Brooks Oh, Brother … Oh, Sister! A Sister’s Guide to Getting Along (American Girl Library) Children's Katz, Karen No Hitting! Death and Dying Anonymous Visiting a Dying Friend June 2017 4 CATEGORY AUTHOR (Editors) KEY
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