contest winner WE WILL BE CLOSED LABOR DAY! facebook contest ECRWSS August 23 - 29 PRSRT STD Early US Postage FREE Coupon to 56 Main Deadline Fill in the Blank to our PAID Street Restaruant goes to Post. You could win a Permit #90 Aug. 31 FREE Coupon to White River Jct., VT Mona Frye! The Fullerton Inn! POSTAL CUSTOMER FREE AUGUST 23, 2017 | WWW.VERMONTJOURNAL.COM VOLUME 17, ISSUE 34 Steampunk odyssey blends The annual Reinbow Riding absinthe, art, and the charm Center Summer Palooza of Vermont embarks for a great cause BY KIRBY DONOHUE BY KAREN ENGDAHL him with the Steam- The Vermont Journal The Vermont Journal punk movement. Absinthe, the se- BELMONT, Vt. - On Saturday, CHESTER, Vt. - When New ductive green po- Aug. 19, the cardboard regatta York City-based designer, guitar tion distilled from kicked off the Summer Palooza. maker, and absinthe expert Scott wormwood and other The family fun unfolded on Star MacDonald arrived in Springfield herbs, has long been Lake. Children sailed the creative for the first Steampunk Festival associated with the boats they crafted from cardboard in 2015, he had no plans to up- Belle Epoque era in and duct tap. root his family and his business to France - a time period Connor and Caleb Reynolds move to an isolated Vermont farm. roughly correlating to won 1st place, for their boat Now, with the third annual Steam- the Gilded Age in the named the Shark. Tug-of-war ral- punk Festival on the horizon, he U.S. (1870s-1914, the lied after the regatta. prepares for his popular absinthe- start of WWI), which The event commenced with a tasting workshop from his new is the setting for much dunk tank, games, floating para- headquarters, a 10-acre spread on of the Steampunk aes- chute for the kids, music pro- a wooded dirt road in Chester. thetic. vided by DJ Brett Myhre, prizes, “I came to the first Steampunk “Steampunk is whoopie pies, a BBQ, and a silent Festival to promote my book, ‘Ab- many things to many auction. Connor and Caleb Reynolds take 1st place with their boat, the Shark. sinthe Antiquities: A Collection people,” MacDon- The BBQ sponsors included PHOTO BY JOE HAMMOND from La Belle Epoque,’ and really ald explained. “Some MacCarley Food Service, Caravan fell in love with the area,” Mac- are interested in the Greens of Cuttingsville, Evening Donald said. “But I had a success- scientific angle - the Song Gardens of Shrewsbury, place in 2008,” said director Mary of therapeutic goals. ful guitar making business in New contraptions they can Black River Produce, the Hatchery Jane Osbourne. Bill Tabor, 89, transported the York and had lived there for 26 imagine from that in Ludlow, Glorias in Cuttings- Each year the proceeds from the horses for the Reinbow Riding Cen- years. I couldn’t imagine leaving.” place where steam ville, Big Eyes Bakery in Ludlow, event go to the Reinbow Riding Cen- ter mentioned that the location has Then, he said, the coincidences power meets the and Coca Cola of Rutland, Vt. ter. The center uses equine assisted moved and is now located at Beaver started happening. MacDonald and his Steampunk robot parrot, Squaka- computer. Some are “The Summer Palooza first took therapy to help people with a variety Meadow Farm in Shrewsbury, Vt. mow. “It was amazing. Almost every PHOTO PROVIDED interested in fashion, day, for several years, something some in the aesthetic would come up to nudge us to- in general. But Steam- ward Vermont. People would stop MacDonald, who grew up on a punk is more than just ‘dressing Chester Planning Commission into the shop wearing Vermont T- Michigan apple orchard, said he’s up’ - it’s a culture of technology shirts. I started seeing customers’ happy to return to a rural lifestyle. that attracts smart, fun, creative guitar cases with Vermont stickers; “It’s the kind of environment we p e op l e .” a total stranger told me I looked like want for our 9-year-old daughter,” MacDonald’s Steampunk Fes- mulls townwide survey somebody from Chester, Vermont. he said. “I think people can be more tival Absinthe Tasting Workshop My wife saw Vermont license plates creative and self-sufficient here.” will be held on Saturday, Sept. 23 BY JULIA PURDY website. nonprofits, the business commu- everywhere she drove.” MacDonald’s creative energy is ex- from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Har- The Vermont Journal Johnson then led a review of a 2008 nity, the historical society, the school “We decided to follow the signs - pressed in a wide range of endeavors: ness House, the Festival’s main survey conducted in Chester. She board, and department heads. John- then we found our farm and studio he’s an elite custom guitar designer, venue. For more information CHESTER, Vt. – The Chester noted that the survey needs reorga- son offered to send invitational let- through a series of amazing twists of an award-winning filmmaker, and a about the workshop and the Fes- Planning Commission met Mon- nization but includes key topics that ters to these constituencies. fate,” he laughed. “So we packed up world-class absinthe expert, amongst tival in general, visit the Festival’s day, Aug. 21, 2017. Commission- should be addressed such as hous- There was discussion on how to and moved to Vermont three months many other things. His absinthe ex- webpage springfieldvtsteampunk- ers Naomi Johnson, Barre Pinske, ing, land use, agricultural resources, reach out to the low- and moderate- a g o.” pertise is one thing that connects fest.com. and Tim Roper were present. tourism, and economic development. income population, and also towns- Zoning Administrator Michael Normyle later explained that new people who might be reluctant to Normyle also attended. No mem- topics mandated by the state must be speak up. Pinske suggested various bers of the public were present. included this year, such as flood re- proactive approaches, including es- Seven Vermont counties now eligible The major topic of the evening siliency plans, renewable energy and tablishing an email account to re- was brainstorming approaches to river corridor protection. These ele- ceive public comment, and press a proposed opinion survey solicit- ments are important for the town to releases. for federal aid ing public input to help shape the receive “substantial deference” from Johnson said she will work on revised town plan. Chair Naomi the Public Service Board under the developing the survey. Tim Roper REGION – Governor Phil Scott ing FEMA and the White House bridges and culverts in vulner- Johnson mentioned two models state-mandated energy plan, he said. agreed to help draft the press release. announced the major disaster dec- staff for their responsiveness.” able locations. she had found from Glover and Several ideas were floated for out- Both drafts will be presented at the laration he requested for Addison, A Preliminary Damage Assess- For town leaders seeking more Royalton and noted that Spring- reach to the townspeople for their next meeting. Bennington, Caledonia, Orange, ment by FEMA, which started on information on the process, field’s town plan has recently been comments. Focus groups could be The next Planning Commission Rutland, Washington, and Wind- July 12, identified $4.7 million in please visit vem.vermont.gov/ adopted following hearings and formed from various constituencies meeting is set for after Labor Day on sor Counties has been signed by public infrastructure damage, far funding/pa. can be read on the Springfield including organizations, churches, Thursday, Sept. 7. the President. These seven coun- exceeding the $1 million minimum ties suffered substantial damage by Vermont must show to be con- flooding between June 29 and July sidered for a disaster declaration. 1, 2017. Addison, Bennington, Caledonia, The Federal Emergency Manage- Orange, Rutland, Washington, and Cavendish Town Garage ment Agency’s Public Assistance Windsor Counties each exceed- disaster declaration allows com- ed the $3.61 per capita threshold munities and public utilities in needed to qualify cities and towns those counties to receive 75 percent in those counties for assistance. The federal reimbursement for storm damages identified in the PDA are response and recovery, including only a partial accounting of the to- costs for debris removal and repairs tal damages suffered from the storm to public roads, bridges, and other and the final tally will likely be high- infrastructure with damage result- er. ing from the storm. The declaration also includes “This declaration will provide funds from the Hazard Mitigation much-needed financial relief for the Grant Program for towns, state communities that that were affected agencies, and approved nonprofit and continue to have significant organizations statewide. This pro- cleanup and repairs to complete after gram provides funding for a variety this storm,” said Scott. “I commend of mitigation activities, including Demolition of the Town Garage took place on Crews tore down the town garage after the electri- The Cavendish Town Garage has been completely the local and state officials and work home buyouts, structural eleva- Tuesday, Aug. 15. cal fire back in February. demolished! The rubble has since been removed. crews for their recovery efforts, and tions, flood proofing and public in- PHOTO PROVIDED BY PHOTO BY VINCENT WEST PHOTO BY SHAWNTAE STILLWELL thank our federal partners, includ- frastructure upgrades for roads, CAVENDISH VERMONT FACEBOOK PAGE INDEX CONTACT US WEBSITE ADVERTISEMENTS CALENDAR NEWS Editorial ...................................... 6A Obituaries .................................... 7A OFFICE ADDRESS: www.VermontJournal.com Please have your box / display Please have your Calendar Please send your press releases, ads and Classifieds sent in by Events sent as text by articles, and images by Sports News ................................. 1B 8HighStreet•Ludlow,VT05149 Arts & Entertainment .............
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