CONGRATULATIONS, "WHITE CHRISTMAS" PRESIDENT MILLER! /HE BREEZE DANCE TOMORROW -MADISON COLLEGE- Vol. XXVI Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, December 9, 1949 No. 11 NEWTON INSTALLS MILLER TOMORROW; FLORIDA PRESIDENT TO DELIVER ADDRESS Staniord Governor Tuck Scores Tariff Opens Program Red Tape *? With Salutation Chairman of the State Board of Ed- News editor and Washington cor- ucation Blake T. Newton will induct respondent of The Christian, Science George Tyler Miller as President of Monitor, Neal Stanford, has described Madison College in inaugural exercises for Madison students and teachers the to be held in Wilson Hall auditorium effort the Treasury Department is tomorrow, Saturday, December 10, be- making to cut the red tape which is ginning at 10:00 a.m. snarling imports into the United States. t Speaking before the regular Wednes- Mr. Miller will be the third presi- . day Assembly on Breeze Day, the well dent installed at this state college for -known correspondent suggested that women, which was established at Har- whatever the origin of the many cus- risonburg in 1908 by the Legislature toms regulations, they have constitut- of Virginia. Immediately prior to his ed an "invisible" tariff barrier on top appointment as the chief executive at of whatever tariff wall existed. And, Madison, Mr. Miller served as State Superintendent of Public Instruction, in th.e speaker's opinion, "they have with offices in Richmond, with a back- played a greater part than generaHy ground of rich administrative experi- realized in keeping European produc- ence in the educational field in Vir- ers out of the American market." The Monitor newsman elicited a ginia. great deal of laughter from his list- Senator Button Presides ener when he said: "Should the im- In addition to Mr. Newton's role in Photo by Wells Pebworth porter want to bring in gloves trim- the ceremonies, Governor William M. med with bird feathers, to meet a sud- Tuck will deliver the salutation; Dr. den American feminine fancy, he has The New Chief Executive M'Ledge Moffett, dean of women at ftJ prove that the birds from which the Radford College, will present an ap- feathers came were tame, not wild." preciation of Dr. Samuel Page Duke, •. Another interesting story told by president emeritus; and Dr. J. Hillis Townspeople Meet Miller, president of the University of Mr. Stanford to point out the snarled The Inaugural Exercises condition of the American tariff regu- The Millers Tonight Florida, will deliver the address. Rob- lations was this: "There are other re- 11:00 A. M., DECEMBER 10, 1949 ert Button, a member of the State lated rules and refinements that do Townspeople of Harrisonburg have WILSON AUDITORIUM . Board of Education and of the General their bit to block the entrance into been invited by the faculty of Madi- Presiding Assembly of Virginia, will preside. America of many European" times. For son College to meet President and Mr. Robert Button Others taking part in the exercises example, there is a rule, stemming Mrs. G. Tyler Miller and members of Member of the State Board of Education will be the Right Rev. Frederick Good- and of the General Assembly of Virginia win, bishop of the Protestant Episco- from pure food and drug laws, that the State Board of Education at an requires that imported cans of mush- Organ Prelude— • pal Church for the Diocese of Virginia, informal reception this evening (Fri- Mr. George R. Hicks, Associate Professor of Music at Madison College rooms must contain 16 ounces of mush- who will deliver the invocation; the rooms. That particular rule is not re- day) at Senior. Hall, between the hours Processional— Rev. Conrad Blackwell, pastor of the lated to the question of their edibili- of 8:00 and 11:00. Madison College Orchestra Methodist Church of Harrisonburg, Invocation—The Right Reverend Frederick Goodwin, Bishop of the Protes- ty or sanitary condition. But it makes Invitations have been extended to a) who will deliver the benediction. tant Episcopal Church for the Diocese of Virginia it impossible to import mushrooms in members of Rotary, Kiwanis, Ex- George R. Hicks, associate profes- anything but 16-ounce cans. Selection— ■ sor of music at Madison College, will change, Women's Club, Business and Madison College Glee Club > "The French mushroom canning play an organ prelude. The Madison Professional Women's Club, Quota Address—"An Appreciation of Samuel Page Duke, President Emeritus"— business is set up to operate on a 15- College Glee Club, under the direction Club, and to the officers of all other Dr. M'Ledge Moffett, Dean of Women, Radford College . ounce-can basis. And these cans bear of Miss Edna Shaeffer, and the orches- civic and fraternal organizations in the Salutation—His Excellency William M.-Tuck, Governor The Commonwealth tra, with Clifford Marshall conducting, *> labels clearly stating that they contain of Virginia only 15 ounces of mushrooms. But City of Harrisonburg, including the }-will present selections. Address—Dr. J. Hillis Miller, President, The University of Florida •' under present rulps they cannot come local Parent-Teacher's Association and Reception and Luncheon' Selection— -» into the United States. They are not Following the inauguration ex- the ministers and governing boards of Madison College Glee Club .....barred because the mushrooms are bad the churches with whom Madison stu- recises in Wilson Hall, the participants Induction of Mr. G. Tyler Miller— — .-»_•' _ ^J$£*md- or the cans inadequately marked, but and other guests will proceed to the dents and teachers are affiliated. Mr. Blake T. Newton, Chairman because someone in the distant past— reception in Harrison Hall lobby. Plans for the_receptiqn have been State Board of Education . — either intentionally or accidentally— Members of the receiving line wjll be: completed by the faculty committees, Inaugural Address—Mr. G. Tyler Miller, President, Madison College rules them out by ruling that only 16- Governor Tuck, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ty- ounce cans can come in." of which Alfred. K. Eagle is chairman, Benediction—The Reverend H. Conrad Blackwell, Pastor ler Miller, Dr. aria Mrs. Hillis Mil- The Methodist Church, Harrisonburg Continuing, the able economist-re- and Miss Hope Vandever, Mrs. Doro- ler, Dr. M'Ledge Moffett, Mr. and Recessional— porter remarked: "It is things of this thy Garber, Mrs. Bernice Varner, and Mrs. Blake T. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Madison College Orchestra J. Lewis Skoggs, Dr. Edgar Gammon, type in America's customs and import Miss Mable Gladin are members. 1:15 P. M. RECEPTION AND LUNCHEON regulations that exasperate, frustrate, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Button, Dr. and and block many a European exporter. Mrs. F. D. Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. These are, the types of things that the December 10, 1949 Dowell J. Howard, and Mr. and Mrs. treasury is working hard to revise and Leonard Muse. simplify, so that imports from Europe by Mary Virginia Warren will be encouraged instead of dis- Hors-d'oeuvre will be served in Jun- couraged.* Mr. Miller, we send ior dining hall, after which the guests, A pledge to you; as well as members of the college Guidance Director Our love, our faith, staff and faculty, will proceed to Blue- Our efforts, too. stone dining hall for luncheon. A Visits Schools string ensemble will furnish back- . A.' K. Eagle, director of guidance We give it to you ground music during the luncheon, and and student personnel, during the past With the hope sincere, a quartet will sing. week visited high schools in Bristol That you find it's useful •_ * and Radford as well as those in the \ In the coming year. NOTICE counties of Scott, Lee, Wise, Dicken- I If any organization or club on cam- son, Buchanan, and Russell for the For in every heart . purpose of furnishing juniors and sen- pus wishes to publish any announce- And in every way, iors with information regarding the ments before January 13, 1950, the curricula and extra-curricular activi- Is a feeling of pride next week's issue of The Breeze will DR. J. HILLIS MILLER ties at Madison College. v Gov. William M. Tuck on this—Your day. be the last until that date. ■■) THE BITEEZE All The Best! ACROSS THE From the bottoms of our hearts, George Tyler Miller, the students EDITOR'S DESK of Madison College wish you all the happiness and success in the world by E. J. * as our new President! To "reward long and faithful legis- We are extremely grateful for the capable way you have taken hold lative service with appropriate bene- of things administrative, and for the inspiration you have given us to fits of security" Congress once approv- ed pensions for its own members. So, make this, your inauguration year, the best session that Madison College Andrew J. May will get about $280 all has ever had. the time he's in prison and for the res' Cordially we welcome to our campus the honored guests, educators of his life when he gets out! What a and friends who have come to express their good wishes to President laugh . "faithful . service . ."! Miller and his First Lady. Speaking of May reminds one of J. Parnall Thomas . think of all the fun he'll miss with the newest Hop- "Come What Come May" kins-Wallace turmoil in Washington! And, poor thing, he's got to wait eight Yes, "Life gets tedious" these days; we'll all have to agree—what has years before he starts drawing about happened to those-Jong past weeks in which we were going to write our $290 a month in his government pen- term papers, or make up that extra assignment? "There just isn't enough sion! He's too young! time in existence to do all I've got to do," cries one forlorn little fresh- The NEA says the United -States man.
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