20 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Sulurdiiy. Mny 12. I9H4 NOUSIWASHING GENERAL OIL High PreMure Power Waehing \ AARON COOK Of Vinyl, Aluminum And Wood MANCHESTER Sided Hornet. American couple free, The 1984 Legislature: Pitkin house has HEATING OIL MAK Pointing A43-2659 unharmed In Sri Lanka what It did, didn’t do owners occupied QUALITY SERVICE ‘.'I we AVCIPT (v;; 'A< PI54 ... page 4 ... page 7 ... page 16 CALL 5 6 8 - 3 5 0 0 HAS ITI c n u m MITO BODY OPTICAL NOUTE «3 TALCOTTVILLE, CT. FEATURING THIS WEEK ... 24 HR.TOWING Showers tonight Manchester, Conn. 763 and 191 M ain SI , M ancheilet Same Tuesday Monday, May 14, 1984 643-0016 Phone 6A3-1I91 or 643-1900 •COMPLCTt COLLIIION REPAIR Single copy: 25<i: • Eoilbrooh Mall. Manifiold — See page 2 •POREION AND AMERICAN CARS ABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT Phono; 456-1 141 Since 1947 lAinKN CONmCTKVrt Art Cunliffe, Prop. UAOiNO puu sm w er o e n a A N ti .■s. 4- RAZOR’S % ^ Able EDGE R o f F i m - Mudslides Home Improvement & CO. “Your Complete Remodeling Service” 968 Main St. TH E cur Room Ad'dillont - Porch Encloturet - Roofing - Downtown YO U KEEP threatening Decks - Siding - Solar Greenhouses - Kitchens - Call 647-1167 Insulated Replacement Doors A Windows. Ren Codett, 531 Porker Street for your appointment O w ner __________643 -9 966 lU Utah towns OVER 45 MANCNESTER SALT LAKECITY (UPI) — Meltingsnow sent more YEARS mudslides tumbling down Utah mountainsides today, ;«rj; MEMORIAL CO. EXPERIENCE t damaging several homes in the northern part of the 4 stale, and rising temperatures and the possibility of Opp. East Cemetery For All Your Needs CALL 649-5807 rain threatened to create more problems. Several cities kept sandbags along creeks to TRAVEL«INSURANCE QUALITY HARRISON ST. prevent flooding that threatened homes and MANCHESTER highways. 391 Breed St., Menchester MEMORIALS A massive mudslide hit homes in northern Utah and 646-7096 residents of another town to the east monitored an earlier slide that killed an elderly man who tried to outrun it. J. B. ELECTRONICS **Svrving Manchester For Oi’^r 50 Years” Another slide narrowly missed the home of a Utah Supreme Court justice in Spanish Fork Canyon near STEREO • MUSIC AMPS • TV l.'H where a mudslide wiped out the town of Thistle last SALES AMD SERVICE f 1^’ Pentland The Florist year. 1 /' Stale meteorologist Bill Alder said record warm 24 BIRCH ST. Ti temperatures could further threaten communities TEL. 643-6247 throughout the state later today. He said the highs Able Home Improvement owned by Ron Cadett is your com­ 643-4444 could get into the 90s today, quickening the mountain F.T.D. snowmelt and Hooding the streams. MASTER CHARGE "There is still 25 to 30 inches (of water equivalent) plete Remodeling Service and is Able to handle all your Re­ AMERICAN EXPRESS WORLD WIDE SERVICE up there (in the mountains). " Alder said. "We only JACK BERTRAND 643-1262 modeling needs. Call us for design and construction of Room lost lour to eight during the recent warm spell." Additions, House Renovations, Sun Rooms, Screened Adler said expected rain showers tonight could M aggravate the situation. SPECIALIZING IN Porches, Decks, Kitchens, Roofing, Siding. Each job is WE SERVICE AND INSTALL INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL "The low temperature only got to 66 last night. " he SUPERIOR MUFFLERS AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION said. "That's a record minimum for this dale. " personally handled by Ron and customer satisfaction comes HEATING and SHEET METAL Road crews spent the night monitoring a mudslide DON WILLIS GARAGE, INC. above the tiny coal mining town of Clear Creek, about specialists * first. WHEEL a l ig n m e n t - BRAKE SERVICE WRECk EP SLU. (.( 90 miles southeast of Salt Lake City. GENERAL REPAIRING New England Mechanical Services, Inc. The slide Sunday afternoon killed Iver Coski, 71, Propane Cylinders Filled who had a summer home in the town Witnesses said Air Conditioning Service ABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT Coski tried to run from the debris crushing down the TELEPHONE ^ ig MAIN, STRfcf T 168 TUNNEL RD. canyon, but was mired in the mud and buried. MANCHESTER CONN 06040 531 Parker St. VERNON, CT. 06066 Another man caught in the slide suffered chest and 871-1111 back injuries. Richard Sutton, 53, was taken to Salt Lake City for treatment but he was not seriously hurt. Manchester, Conn. Herald photo by Tarquinio NO IP OPEN SUNDAYS 9-1 Residents said the slide shoved Sutton's home ECONOMY LAWN MOWER SERVICE 6 4 3 -9 9 6 6 SUPPORT Your Neighborhood Pharmacy across a road and slammed it into a nearby structure. 647-3660 Senior Citizen Discounts They’re umbrella pals "It took that house and shoved it right inside the Lowest Prices in Area other building." said Jack Otani. Clear Creek. A The latest slide hit the community of East Layton Expert Lawn Mower Repair CROWN PHARMACY Amanda Weatherford and Dana Jenkins take shelter under an of Senior Troop 2, organized the day to help complete her gold about 7; 30 a.m. today. Officials were deciding PfIBSCRIPTlON CENTER whether to evacuate nearby homes in the town, about Free Pickup and Dallvery umbrella Saturday during Brownie Day at Camp Merrie-Wood award, Girl Scouting’s highest skills award. The rain didn’t stop 25 miles north of Salt Lake City. 10% Senior Citizens Discount AHMAD K. ALTAF 208 W s t C 9 n fr S tfe t \ on Gardner Street. About 85 Brownies, their friends and adult the Brownies, who took part in first aid lectures, arts and crafts, Another slide in the Spanish Fork Canyon CUSTOM KITCHEN CENTER Rsgislered Phsrmsdst Manch99t9f, Cr. 06040 leaders attended the daylong outdoor event arrangedby Senior fire safety demonstratios, singing and square dancing. More community of Covered Bridge late Sunday destroyed FREE ESTIMATES (203) 649^312 T4 MILE Sqout Valerie Colvin of 134 N. School St. Valerie, 15, a member pictures on page 3. one home and narrowly missed several others, Cell enytlmc between 8 em, end 10 pm., 7 days e week PROMPT. PERSONAL FROK including one owned by Utah Supreme Court Justice COURTEOVS SERVICE MCDONALD’S Dullin Oaks. Utah County Emergency Services Director Gary Y EVERYTHING IN GLASS 25 (Ncott St., Manchester Call 649-7544 Clayton said a 20-to 30-foot high wall of mud. rocks and WE CAN'T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT debris crashed toward the three dozen homes Sunday Analysts unsure of Olympic boycott’s cost evening, destroying one and littering the yards of J.A. WHITE GLASS CO. Keep Your Eyes several others. m LOS ANGELES (UPI) - The Soviet- Olympics boosters all predict more deadline for nations to officially fcay costs and $45 million for Clayton said after the slide buried one home, it hit a led boycott of the Olympic Games will than 600,000 people will come to Los whether they will compete. communications. gully that diverted most of the mud. But rocks and • 4 9 - 7 3 1 2 On This Space result in a loss of tourist dollars, but Angeles and generate through a Irv Brodsky, an ABC spokesman in Corporate sponsors who will foot other debris were spit onto Oaks' yard. analysts are unsure if the economic “ripple" effect up to $4 billion for thj , New York, .would not discuss what nearly Ihe entire bill have said their Clayton said the raging Spanish Fork River was r n t H 3 0 I T IK S h \ l‘hHlh \l t impact will be modest or profound. region's economy. money the network owes the LAOOC support will continue despite the Soviet threatening the bridge connecting the community 31 BISSELL 8T. MANCHESTER David A. Wilcox, vice president of The cost of the Games is currently but said ABC "has,protection" under withdrawal. road to the main canyon highway. eMIRRORS eSHOWER DOORS eSTORE FRONTS Next Week... Economics Research Associates, said pegged by the LAOOC at $498 million. the contract plus separate insurasee Just four miles south of Spanish Fork Canyon, 3 feet eSAFETY GLASS eBATHTUB ENCLOSURES eETC the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing The privately funded LAOOC has coverage for a pared down or canceled The Soviets themselves made an of water covered Interstate 15 near Payson today and Committee could be hit the hardest. estimated it would make a $15 million Olympics. estimated $3 million in non-refundable the Highway Patrol clo.scd the freeway to large “But school is still out on what profit and use that to fund amateur U .S. Financing of the first privately payments to the LAOOC for tickets and trucks. C u rtis impact this boycott will have," said athletic programs. But the committee lunded Games in modern history will to ABC-TV and other broadcast com­ ^•1- Wilcox, whose firm is a consultant to could lose up to $90 million from mainly come from the estimated $300 panies. Officials had used the Soviet Ziebart the LAOOC. “If there is a shrinkage of contracts containing “downward arbi­ million in worldwide television rights, investment as evidence they would Utilities consider IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMathes Rustproofing Company out-of-region visitorship, it would mean tration" clauses in a boycott. $116 million in commercial agreements compete. HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER V- in reality more potential tickets for Perhaps the most important adjust­ and $90 million in ticket sales. A Rand Corp. specialist on Soviet Video e Television • Stereo Vernon Industrial Place local people. ment will involve ABC-TV, which-four Major expenditures include $98 mil­ economics, Abraham Becker, called Z-GLAZE Clark Road MUD “I’m not sure the overall impact is years ago bought broadcast rights tor lion for administration, $95 million for the $3 million expenditure "peanuts." ‘N e w b r o o k ’ p l a n H T ia iO R Vernon, CT FLAPS going to be large in terms of the number $225 million.
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