CWDS Library Reading Lists Series; 25 Fiction and Short Stories September 2009 Centre for Women’s Development Studies 25 Bhai Vir Singh Marg (Gole Market) New Delhi – 110 001. India. Phones: 91-11-23345530; 23365541; 23366931 - Fax: 91-11-23346044 Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] Website: www.cwds.ac.in/Library/library.html 1 Fiction 2 001 Aidoo, Ama Ata Changes: a love story.- New York: Feminist,1993. 196p. 823 AID.C 6203 002 Ambai: two novellas and a story.- New Delhi: Katha,2003. 102p. 823 AMB 10931 003 Ansal, Kusum The widow of Vrindavan.- New Delhi: HarperCollins,2004. 260p. 823 ANS.W 10961 004 Bailey, Hilary Hannie Richards: or the intrepid adventures of a restless wife.- London: Virago,1985. 265p.-(Virago Modern Classics) 823 BAI.H 3576 005 Balse, Mayah Indiscreet.- New Delhi: Orient,1977. 181p. 823 BAL.I 7272 006 Bama Sangati events.- New Delhi: Oxford University Press,2005. vii, 126p. Translated from Tamil by Lakshmi Holmstrom 823 BAM.S 11324 007 Bliss, Eliot Luminous isle.- London: Virago,1984. (Virago Modern Classics) 823 BLI.L 3583 008 The bondwoman's narratives: Hannah Crafts/ed. by Henry Louis Gates.- London: Virago,2002. lxxiv, 338p. 823 BON 10473 3 009 Broughton, Rhoda Belinda.- London: Virago,1984. xv, 478p.-(Virago Modern Classics) 823 BRO.B 3587 010 Chandumenon, O Indulekha.- New Delhi: Oxford University Press,2005. xviii, 287p. 823 CHA.I 11182 011 Chughtai, Ismat The heart breaks free the wild one.- New Delhi: Kali for women,1993. 156p. 823 CHU.H 5433 012 Coleman, Emily Holmes The shutter of snow.- London: Virago,1981. 271p.-(Virago Modern Classics) 823 COL.S 3588 013 Desai, Kiran The inheritance of loss.- New Delhi: Penguin,2006. 324p. 823 DES.I 11856 014 Deshpande, Shashi The binding Vine.- New Delhi: Penguin,1993. 207p. 823 DES.B 5657 015 Deshpande, Shashi The dark holds no terrors.- New Delhi: Penguin,1990. 222p. 823 DES.D 8949 016 Deshpande, Shashi A matter of time.- New Delhi: Penguin,1996. 246p. 823 DES.M 8963 4 017 Deshpande, Shashi Small remedies.- New Delhi: Viking,2000. 324p. 823 DES.S 9131 018 Deshpande, Shashi That long silence.- New Delhi: Penguin,1988. 196p. 823 DES.T 8964 019 Dev Sen, Nabaneeta Five novellas by women writers/by Nabaneeta Dev Sen...et.al.- New Delhi: Oxford University Press,2008. xxii, 312p. 823 DEV.F 12406 020 Duggal, K S Folk romances of Punjab.- New Delhi: Marwah,1979. 129p. 891.423058 DUG.F 434 021 Duncan, Sara Jeannette The simple adventures of a memsahib/ed. by Thomas E.Tauskey.- Ottawa: Tecumseh,1986. 311p. 823 DUN.S 5120 022 Egerton, George Keynotes and discards.- London: Virago,1983. xix, 250.-(Virago Modern Classics) 823 EGE.K 3584 023 El Saadawi, Nawal The circling song.- London: Zed Books,1989. 88p. Translated from the Arabic 823 ELS.C 6873 024 El Saadawi, Nawal God dies by the Nile.- London: Zed Books,1995. vi, 138p. 823 ELS.G 6876 5 025 Elert, Kerstiu Portraits of women in selected novels/by Virginia Woolf and E.M.Forster.- : Umea,1974. (ACTA Universities Umensis Umea Studies in the Humanities) 823 ELE.P 2129 026 Emecheta, Buchi Destination Biafra.- Glasgow: Fontana,1982. ix, 259p. 823 EME.D 7317 027 Emecheta, Buchi Double yoke.- Glasgow: Fontana Books,1982. 159p. 823 EME.D 7273 028 Facing the mirror: lesbian writing from India/ed. by Ashwini Sukthankar.- New Delhi: Penguin,1999. xli, 409p. 823 FAC 8942 029 From my guy to SCI-Fi: gender and women’s writing in the postmodern world/ed. by Helen Carr.- London: Pandora,1989. viii, 224p. 823 FRO 3957 030 Geetanjali Shree Mai: a novel.- New Delhi: Kali for Women,2000. 208p. Translated from the original Hindi by Nita Kumar 823 GEE.M 9874 031 Gillman, Charlotte Perkins The yellow wallpaper.- New York: Feminist,1973. 63p. 823 GIL.Y 6197 032 Hariharan, Githa The thousand faces of night.- New Delhi: Penguin,1992. 139p. 823 HAR.T 8954 6 033 Hyder, Qurratulain My temples, too: a novel.- New Delhi: Women Unlimited,2004. 182p. Translated by the author from the original Urdu, Mere bhi Sanamkhane 823 HYD.M 11735 034 Hyder, Qurratulain River of fire.- New Delhi: Kali for Women,1998. 428p. 823 HYD.R 8205 035 Inner Spaces/ed. by K.M.George...et.al..- New Delhi: Kali for women,1993. xvii, 125p. 823(5483)INN 5392 036 Iralu, Easterine A terrible matriarchy: a novel.- New Delhi: Zubaan,2007. 314p. 823(54165)IRA.T 12192 037 James. P D The children of men.- London: Faber and Faber,1992. 278p. 823 JAM.C 10145 038 Kapur, Manju Difficult daughters.- New Delhi: Penguin,1998. 262p. 823 KAP.D 8977 039 Kapur, Manju Home.- New Delhi: Random House,2006. 339p. 823 KAP.H 11790 040 Kapur, Manju A married woman.- New Delhi: IndiaInk,2002. 310p. 823 KAP.A 10526 7 041 Katha The heart has its reasons/by Krishna Sobti; /translated by Reema Anand and Meenakshi Swami.- New Delhi: Katha,2006. 220p. 823 KAT.S 11941 042 Katha: best of the nineties - KPS 11/ed. by Geeta Dharamarjan.- New Delhi: Katha,2002. 297p. The best short fiction published in fifteen Indian languages in ten volumes of KPS, chosen by Adoor Gopalkrishnan, Govind Nihalani, Gulzar, Rituparno Ghosh and Sharmila Tagore 823 KAT 10929 043 Kaye-Smith, Sheila The history of Susan Spray: the female preacher.- London: Virago,1983. xiii, 374p.-(Virago Modern Classics) 823 KAY.H 3580 044 Kaye-Smith, Sheila Joanna Godden.- London: Virago,1983. xviii, 316p.-(Virago Modern Classics) 823 KAY.J 3572 045 Kersley, Gillian Darling Madame: Sarah Grand and devoted friend.- London: Virago,1983. xx, 364p.-(Virago Modern Classics) 823 KER.D 3581 046 Lokuge, Chandani If the moon smiled.- New Delhi: Penguin,2000. 224p. 823 LOK.I 9668 047 Lu Xun Masterpieces of modern Chinese fiction 1919-1949.- Beijing: Foreign Languages,1983. 563p. 895.13 LUX.M 1782 048 Macwan, Joseph The stepchild: angaliyat.- New Delhi: Oxford University Press,2004. xxxi, 240p. 823 MAC.S 10899 8 049 Mahasweta Devi Bashai tudu/Tr. by Samik Bandopadhyay and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.- Calcutta: Thema,1990. 162p. 823 MAH.B 4623 050 Marshall, Paule Brown girl, brownstones.- New York: Feminist,1981. 324p. 823 MAR.B 6199 051 Masroor, Mehr Nigar Shadows of time/ed. by Lola Chatterji and Ranjanha Ash.- Lahore: A.S.R,1995. 283p. 823 MAS.S 6781 052 Mehta, Rama Inside the haveli.- New Delhi: Arnold-Heinemann,1977. 208p. 823 MEH.I 435 053 Misra, Jaishree Ancient promises.- New Delhi: Penguine,2000. 309p. 823 MIS.A 9427 054 Mohanty, Binapani Kunti, Kuntala, Shakuntala/by Binapani Mohanty and A.K. Mohanty.- Delhi: Kalpaz,2005. 310p. 823 MOH.K 11890 055 Munro, Alice Friend of my youth.- Ontario: Penguin,1991. 274p. 823 MUN.F 5153 056 Nambisan, Kavery Mango-coloured fish.- New Delhi: Penguin,1998. 241p. 823 NAM.M 8952 057 Nasreen, Taslima Lajja (Eng., Hindi).- New Delhi: Vani,1994. 9 180p. 823 NAS.L 6242; 6187 058 Nilekani, Rohini Still born: a medical thriller.- New Delhi: Penguin,1998. viii, 268p. 823 NIL.S 9159 059 The Oxford India: Premchand.- New Delhi: Oxford University Press,2004. xxvi, 309p. 891.433 OXF 10963 060 Pande, Mrinal Daughter's daughter.- New Delhi: Penguin,1993. 115p. 823 PAN.D 5701 061 Podder, Tanushree Nur Jahan's daughter.- New Delhi: Rupa,2005. xiv, 362p. 823 POD.N 11868 062 Prichard, Katharine Susannah Winged seeds.- London: Virago,1984. xvi, 388p.-(Virago Modern Classics) 823 PRI.W 3565 063 Ramakrishnan, Malayatoor Five cents of land.- New Delhi: Penguin,1998. 154p. Translated from the Malayalam by R. Vishwanathan 823 RAM.F 7835 064 Ramamirthammal, Muvalur Web of deceit: devadasi reform in colonial India/tr. by Kalpana Kannabiran and Vasanth Kannabiran.- New Delhi: Kali for Womnen,2003. x, 217p. 823 RAM.W 10766 065 Robins, Elizabeth The convert.- London: The Women's Place,1980. 304p. 823 ROB.C 2050 10 066 Roy, Sabitri Harvest song: a novel on the Tebhaga movement/translated by Chandrima Bhattacharya and Adrita Mukherjee.- Kolkata: Stree,2005. xi, 373p. 823 ROY.H 11800 067 Rusva, Mirza Muhammad Hadi Ummrao Jan ada.- New Delhi: Rupa,1996. xviii, 207p. Translated by David Matthews 823 RUS.U 7108 068 Saikaku, Ihara Five women who loved love.- Tokyo: Rutland Vermont,1963. 264p. First published in 1936 823 SAI.F 7341 069 Sanyal, Sulekha Nabankur: the seedling's tale.- Calcutta: Stree,2001. xxiv,245p.-(Gender, Culture, Politics/ed by Susie Tharu) 823 SAN.N 10045 070 Sathianadhan, Krupabai Saguna: the first autobiographical novel in English by an Indian women.- Delhi: Oxford University Press,1998. 182p. 823 SAT.S 8120 071 Sharma, Bulbul Banana -flower dreams.- New Delhi: Viking,1999. 297p. 823 SHA.B 8955 072 Shirurkar, Vibhavari Kharemaster.- Calcutta: Stree,1998. xi, 134p. 823 SHI.K 7964 11 073 Sidhwa, Bapsi Ice-candy man.- New Delhi: Penguin,1988. 276p. 823 SID.I 8956 074 Sinclair, Mary The three sisters.- London: Virago,1982. x, 388p.-(Virago Modern Classics) 823 SIN.T 3575 075 Singh, Mina A partial woman.- New Delhi: Kali for Women,1997. 249p. 823 SIN.P 7968 076 Smedley, Agnes Daughter of earth.- New York: Feminist,1973. 430p. 823 SME.D 438 077 Sorabji, Cornelia Love and life behind the purdah/by Cornelia Sorabji; /ed. by Chandani Lokuge.- New Delhi: Oxford University Press,2003. xlii, 142p. 823 SOR.L 10524 078 Swarnakumari Debi The uprooted vine (Snehalata ba Palita, 1892).- New Delhi: Oxford Unversity Press,2004. xiv, 253p. 823 SWA.U 10903 079 Vaasanthi Birth right.- New Delhi: Zubaan,2004. xi, 147p. 823 VAA.B 11152 080 Vaid, Krishna Baldev The diary of a maidservant: ek naukrani ki diary.- New Delhi: Oxford University Press,2007.
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