HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 2-18-71 2-18-71 3.9 at 0924 2.0 at 0218 2.9 at 2130 t-tOURGlJ.\SS 2.6 at 1630 KWAJALEIN, MARSFALL ISLANDS Wednesday, February 17, 1971 Calle, Admits M, Lai Partidpation FT. BENNING, GA (UPI)--Defense attorneys admitted for the first time today that Lt W~lliam L Calley participated in a slaughter at My Lal, but said he didn't feel he was "killing humans." , "Lt. ('alley will testIfy that he belleved he was following orders to kill every I1vlng thing in the village," RIchard Kay, one of the defense attorneys, said. The adm1ssion coincIded with disclosure of a statement which the defense had pre­ pared for two psychiatrists who appeared In Calley's behalf. Purpose of the statement, later read into the court record, was to acquaint the Eban .ejects UN doctors with Calley's personal background and legal case so they could answer hypo­ Withdrawal Proposal thetical questions concerning the 27-year- (UPI)--Israell Forelgn Mlnister Abba old officer Eban rejected today a reported proposal Defense attorneys succeeded in winning by U N. Mldeast envoy Gunnar V. Jarring clearance for the psychiatrists, Dr. Da­ that Israel withdraw all its forces from,vid G. Crane, Indianapolis, Ind' J and the Slnai Penlnsula. He also r1dlculed Wilbur A. Hamman, Arlington, Va., to an Egyptian suggestlOn that Israel limit testify in open court. Military Judge immlgration of Jews. Col. Reid W. Kennedy first heard what the "We hear of limiting immigration," meta) experts had to say with the six- Eban told Parh.ament. "But we wlll not officer jury panel out of the room. ask Egypt to limlt its blrth rate" The Jury finally was recalled at mid- Eban was referring to an offer put for-afternoon, the first time it had been in ward by Egypt's U.N. ambassador, Moham- court since the trial resumed yesterday med el Zayyat, to recognize Israel as a after a month long recess. During the sovereLgn state on conditlon that Isra- recess Calley underwent a mental examina­ elis restrlct the admission of Jewish 'tion by the Army at Walter Reed Hospital ~w4)1j*~~~':'/~"':;' / imm1grants in Washington and was found sane in every -.J _ .... _~# Parliament also heard Defense Minister respect. n JUNGLE AIO-LC'd by three ammo-toting US ",oldlels, Moshe Dayan report that 30 residents of Crane testified that as a result of ,1 US Almy tclnk plows down a nOlrow dut load the occupled Gaza Strlp were 1njured by "stress reaction" to the combat zone Cal­ lhlOUgh ,I fo!(~~t In South VIetnam neal L<lotlUn bOld(,l "unwarranted and unauthorized violence" ley had limited mental capacity and could at the hands of Israeli troops sent ln not "appreciate the complexity of any or­ to curb a rash of Arab guerrilla attacks der" he received at My Lai. Damage .esponsibility Enters last month The young officer is charged with the As a result, he said, one Israeli of- murder of 102 South Vletnamese civilians Alaska Pipeline Discussions ficer and a number of soldiers would be on March 16, 1968, the day his infantry brought before a disc1plinary court, platoon carried out a search and destroy WASHINGTON (UPI)--Sen Mlke Gravel, D­ three officers have recleved adm1nistra- mission in the village. Alaska. urged constructl0n of a controver­ t1 ve reprimands and three soldl_era sen- His defense has been that he was. merely s~al trans-Alaska all plpellne today but tenced to 35 days in jail for stealing following the orders of his commanding sald its bU11ders and operators should fr~m Arab residents of the Gaza Strip. officer. Capt. Ernest L. Medina, but the have "total and absolute" responslbllity prosecution has taken the stand that if for any damage to the environment Medina issued an order to kll1 civilians, Gravel urged federal approval for the Nixon Wants Emergency Calley should have recognized such an proposed $1 bi1l10n project at the second 111egal order. day of Interl0r Department hearIngs on the Powers to Ha't 'ai' Strile "Lt. Calley states that he did not feel pIpellne which would carry all from Alas­ WASHINGTON (UPI)--Presldent Nixon as If he was killing humans, but rather ka's rich North Slope to south of Valdez urged Congress today to grant hlm emer­ they were the enemy with whom one could for shipment by tanker to the U S. West gency powers to head off a threatened not speak or reason," the defense told Coast nat10nWlde rail strike March I, either the court. More hear1ngs are scheduled Feb 24-25 bv Imposing a contract settlement or by In Anchorage They were called largely at allowing only a lim1ted strike or lock Border Patrol Assistance the urglng of conservatl0n groups WhlCh out. clalm the BOO-mile plpeline mlght rUln one Leglslatl0n enacted by Congress last of Amerlca's last wilderness areas, des­ Dec 10 bars a strike until March 1. Asled in fugiti" Hunt troy wl1dllfe and deprlve Eskimos, Indlans Since the leglslatl0n was passed, three DALLAS (UPI)--Lawmen, hoping a fugitive and Aletus of their 11vellhood. of the four unions that has threatened ~anted for the murder of three deputy Gravel J01ned Alaska Gov W1l11am Egan to strike have reached agreement wlth sherlt:f's would try to run "because a and Sen. Ted Stevens, a Republican, 1n management But the United Transporta­ running rabbit is eaS1er to catch," called urg~ng the federal government to approve tion Union, representing 90,000 brake­ on border officials today to make sure the plpellne constructlon permit bySept 1. 'men, firemen and other workers, still their wanted man did not escape into " .•. Wlthout North Slope 011, the U S has not slgned. Mexico. percentage of lmported petroleum ln 1985 In a report to Congress, Nlxon said he "We have particularly alerted the border wll1 grow to 55 per cent Shall we rely was submittlng leglslatl0n that would stations," said Dallas County Sheriff on the pOll tical perturbations of the Mid- allow hlm to choose between two alterna­ Clarence Jones. dIe East to determine the warmth of each tive methods of preventing a nationwide The object of the search was Rene Adol­ Amerlcan household? It, Gravel asked. walkout. fo Guzman, 33, one of two brothers. charged But he coupled his plea for construction rhe first alternative, he said, would with murdering three deputy sheriff's Mon­ w1th demands that the builder and operator allow him to impose recommendations made day night aiong a levee of the Trinity of the pipellne be held strlctly liable last November by a presidential emer, River near downtown Dallas. for any damage to the environment. gency board, calling for wage increases A fourth deputy was wounded and a fifth totaling 37 per cent over the next two escaped by rolling down a ledge toward WATER CONDITION YELLOW years and modification of 80mp uork the river. In Storage.. 7,392,000 Gallons rules. The five officers were surpy1sed by two Used Yesterday ...... 486,000 Gallons The second alternative wculd allow a men when they went to a We~t Dallas home I1mlted strike or lockout after March 1. to arrest them on burglary warrants. .. ------------------,. Page 2 HOURGLASS Wednesday, February 17, 1971 Paren'-Teaelter Co.ference Parents of the George Seitz Ele­ mentary School students will be in­ vited to attend parent-teacher con­ ferences during the week of Feb. 22 -26. KMR Hospital Procedures Conferences will be held from Physicans are in attendance at the Outpatient 2:30 to 4 30 pm, Feb 22-25. On Uepartment of KMR Hospital during the following Friday, Feb. 26, the students will hours: be dlsmissed from classes so that MOnday through Saturday--7:30 am to 11:00 am teachers may meet w1th parents the 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm entire day, Parents unable to at­ Physicians begin to see patients at ahout 8:15 tend at the scheduled time may ar­ am. When a patient wishes to see a certain physi­ range a conference at a more con­ cian, it is adv1sable to make appointments ahead venlent time wl.th their chl1d's of t1me whenever possible. Patients are strongly teacher. advised to arr1ve at the clinic 10 minutes before In conjunction WIth the progress their scheduled appointment time. Furthermore, report of each student, teachers all patients should try to arrive at the clinic 3C will offer assistance 1n registra­ minutes before closing t1me so that laboratory tion for the summer "short Block" tests and x-rays can be done 1f indicated. Evening -z..n M1.,.crones-z..a", programs. Each day one phys1cian 1s ass1gned to emergency ~fe Alice who a~ts as narrator. duty. The duty physician remains in the clinic for 30 minutes beyond the closing times Jndicated An Evening in Micronesia COMMANDER'S HOUR above Patl.ents arriving at the clinic just be- "An Evening in Micronesia" which 2105 TONIGHT fore or after c1osl.ng tl.me are assigned to the du- is to be staged at the Rl.chardson ty physician for treatment. Theater this Saturday evening, Feb. Rev and Mrs. Buck On Saturday afternoons the duty physl.cian also 20, at 6 pm, is being produced and discuss with Host ~aj holds clinl.c between 1 pm and 4:30 pm. Patients directed by Rev Elden Buck and Smith "An .l!.venl.ng in are seen on a "fl.rst come" or urgency basis. To sponsored by the Special Services Micronesia,lI which will take place avol.d waitl.ng wl.th minor al.Iments, l.t is strongly division of Global Associates.
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