yy-^:. l ^ n t O FRroAT, JULY 16. 198T''( f - Mrs. yiorenca StUUvan, talaphona Deputy Judpe Thomas J. Daima' ATKKAOB DAILY CmcrLATIQN WBATBKB operator In WaUdna Eirothars, la her will preside as Judge of ths ForecMt of D. S. WerWher Bi ABOOTTOWN apendinp a few days at Rocky Neck. town court for ths first time on for Uw'month of Jane, 1M7 Monday. Judge Harold Garrlty Hartford plana to be out of town over the Loeol thundershowers this A w * wm b* w feBpertaot mMt- Bveratt Murphy of Summit street Now For A Grand Finale To Ow 40th Birthday Sale noon or early tonight, bif Center note Band to- is apendlnp two weeks at ths Salva­ week-end and is not expected to' re­ 5,913 turn to Mancheater In time to pre­ Btember of the Andit night; Sunday generally tslr «Mtrow a t t p. « . In Wa«hlii(t«a tion Army camp at Coventry Lake. cooler. Boelal chib. side' at ths session of the court to Boreon of 'otreolottoM Parents of girls who are at Camp be held Monday evening. MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE (H A R M ttr. and U n . Oaoixo C lUnaeil Sprapue, the Girl Scouts camp In DOUBLE GRE^ STAMPS GIVEN Plttabarp, are ^laiAliir part o( Portland, are asked to call .for the A special meeting of the Carnival VOL. LVI., NO. 245 MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1937 letr tferea weeke' vacation with flthi for their return,, home not committee of Campbell Council, PRICE THREE CENTS jMr.tr. - Ranaell’aR mother on Main later than S o'clock on Sunday Knights of Columbus will be held ^ a ^tlWli afternoon. at the K. of C. Home, Main street; Sunday morning at. 11 o’clock. The WITH CASH SALES ALL DAY SATURDAY ! Mra. John Kckert and daucbter, The number of Maneheiater per­ committee will discuss the new fea­ Exploding Gasoline Tanks Peril Resort Gty Laaaore, of Brookhm, N. T., retum- sona employed on WPA projects tures to be incorporated in the car­ Our Entire Stock Of ^ today after vtelUnir with Mr. was decreased by 18 this week when nival to be held on the lot north of DEMOCRATS CARRY and Mra. Charlea Wheeler of Oak­ 10 painters, one carpenter and seven the home during the week of Au­ CRACK CHINESE ARMY land atreet laborers were laid-off aa part of a gust 30 to September 6. All mem­ SILK nation wide propram to reduce the bers of the carnival committee are SPORT and DRESS ' Mn. liottie Blaneo, who haa been WPA payroll. The number dlacharp- requested to attend this special THEIR CONTEST ON viatttaijp -with Hr. and Mre. Karl ed was approximately eight percent meeting, Keller on Orova atreet, today re­ of the employees. The laborers dls- FROCKS turned to her home In Brooklyn, N. ebarped were all non-citizens. Regular $7.95. Reduced To IS REPORTED NEARING Mr. and Mra. John E. Dougan of I SUITS and COATS ;T. 18 Pearl street have returned from Rasidents of the west end of Ma­ a vacation tour of New, Hampshire^ FUNERAL JOURNEY ; The racular Friday evening claaa ple street between Cottape and points of Interest. DRASTICALLY REDUCED meeting b* omitted tonight at Main streets were awakened early ^ e Church of the Nazarene aa this momlnp by a heavy rumble. An Ideal opportimlty to purchase a coat or milt for the cool eve- $ 6 * 9 5 many of the conpregatlon will at­ A year's anniversary mass waal nlAffE In late summer at unusual savings. PEIPING WAR FRONT The noise occurred at 1 a. m., and celebrated in St. James's church this Bping Car Confabs On the tend the tent meeUnpa in Meriden. many residents arose from t^eir LOYALISTS GAIN Four of the churchea In the Con­ morning for John Mahoney of 60 Jigger, Swagger, and Fitted Models. Colors: Black. Green, Printed Chiffons and a few GIVE CP EVOLCnON necticut Valley zone are comblnlnf beds to Investlpate the cause of the Maple street, former mason eon-1 * Court and Leadership Is- disturbance, believinp It to have tractor. Tan, Royal, Thistle, Navy. Sizes: 14 to 20 only. Printed Crepes. Light and OF A STINOLEBS BEE their efforta to eatadillab a Nazarene been an explosion. No explosion I Dark Prints. AS W AR COMES Clash Of 2 Armies Would church In Meriden, and with that was reported, however, and resi­ soes Blark Trip to Little Washington, July 17—(AP)— object in view bepan on Wedneaday dents of that section are at a loss Regular $25.00 Values The first natloDSl bee breeders evening a four weeka’ campalpn. A to explain the cause of the disturb­ Manchester Reduced To ......... ......... EXTRA SPECIAL! conference adjourned today Result In War, Experts Say number from the Mancheater ance. Rock; Byrnes Ont of Race TOANNipSARY without solving that age-old ',Naaarene church and other promot- Sub-Standards of Reg. 39c problem—the sting, "'you may iag churchea will attend these meet- Date Book 22”x44” Cannon Striped be able tu take the squirt out of inpa. Miss Jean Josephine Majewsld, Regular $19.75 Values to Succeed Robinson. the grapefruit,” said J. 1. Ham- labeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coming Events, Spanish Goremmeot Army, bleton of the agriculture de­ Japanese Wants Stanley Majewski of 37 Kerry July 28.—Annual outing of Cham-1 Beach and Bath - Mra W. R. MitcheU of Beech Reduced To ................... partment, “but I don't think PICCARD WAITS street, and Walter Joseph Yucka, ber of Commerce at Saybrook Aboard Koblnson funeral train, we'U ever separate the sting Istreet and Mra. Fred Harvey of machine operator, have applied at Point. at End of Year of Struggle, from the bee.” Settled Locally; ^Cambridpe atreet, members of the the town clerk’s office for a mar­ Aug. 8—Zlpser club picnic, l i t - 1 enroute to Little Rock, Ark.. July Manchester Girl Scout Cotmdl, are Regular $16.75 Values • The breeders, convinced that CLEAR WEATHER riage license. dertafe] Grove, Glastonbusy. TOWELS . 17.—(AP) — Thirty-eight Senators Threatens to Sorroond, it would be about as bard to de­ Insists Issue Is Natiooab planninp to leave on Sunday for Aug. 30-Sept. 6.—Khlghts of | 'Pine T m camp, Plymouth, Maaa. Reduced To ................... escorting the bod> of Senator Joseph velop a stlngless-bre aa a trunk­ Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Colllnps of 315 Columbus Carnival. T. Robinson to his home state took less elephant, have been con­ Henry street are spending a week in Capture Franco Force. centrating on bee character TOTESTCRAH Suspect Japan Wants Ho­ Mrs. H. W, Hollister and daughter Boston. note today of three developments in iltine, of Woodland street, returned ADVERTISEMENT— Reular $10.98 Values I C e a . the cloee (xAitest for Senate Demo­ training. ^wme yeatarday from a vacation Mrs. John Anderson of High Reduced T o ................ ..... cratic leader; Madrid, July 17. — (AP) — The peh Province in Same at with relatives and friends In street is at Matunuck, R. I., for a Let us fill your prescriptions at I Slight misweavea which do not Scientist Poised for Trip N. T., and New Jersey, 1. President Roosevelt indicated Spanish government army, grown vacation of two weeks. groat savings. Arthur Drug Store.] impair the wearing and washing his neutrality by conferring with they were accompanied Rubinow Bldg. qualities. Two smart stripes In to full stature in S6S days of civil Status As Manduirii. Mra. llollister'a father, L. C. Senator Harrison of Misslssippt; one SAYS HE WAS KEPT *^2 or 3 Miles” Up to De­ r Miss Victoria Genoveal df 1 Pine TAILORED AND DRESSMAKER SUITS different color combinations. Buy of the candidates The other, Sen­ warfare, knifed fiercely today at the 4ehar,at and took the steamer trip street, Rockville left today for a six severM at this low price. rearguaitl of Madrid’s Insurgent be- .from5 New Tork to Boston on the S. ator Barkley of Kentucky, previous­ months’ visit in Italy. Miss Geno- Sizes 14 to 20 in navy, gray, brown, and blue. ly been a t the White House. slegers. Determined to smash the termined Whether Theory By ASSOCIATED PRESS B. Boston, thence to Mancheater by vesi, who Is a sister of Robert, and Our Entire Stock of iarfiung portions which Generalissi­ FIVE DAYS IN CAR train. $1.00 52”x52” Fast Color 3. Senator Byrnes of South Caro­ Tbe crista in North China draw Louis Genovesl of this town, will For Quality. Shoe Regular $16.75 Values lina withdrew from the race and was mo Francisco Franco’s legions have visit her birthplace, Magliano Sabina Hand Blocked Get A reported backing Harrison. held during most of the war, Gen. Is Practical; Crews Ready. today toward the climax that may ; Mrs. Martha M. McFadden of 28 and Rieti and will also take side Repair Service See Jose Miaja threw his men forward t determine whether there will ba JOooper atreet is spendlnp her vaca- Reduced To ...................... 3. Harrison and Barkley agreed trips to all of, the principal cities of Cotton Dresses Rayon and Oitton on X Democratic caucus next In the Bnmete and CHempozuelos Firemen directing their hoses, on a smoke obscured gasoline tank during the height of the fire which threat­ Fairfield County Man Tefls formally declared war betwoap 31on at Old Ordiard Beach, Maine. Italy during her stay there. sectors. SAM YULYES Wednesday, in order to Aettle the Is­ ened Atlantic City, N. J., when several huge gasoline tanka exploded. The flames razed a two-block area Rochester, Minn., July 17.—(AP) Japan and China. Drastically Reduced sue as toon as possible.
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