AP US History Period 2 (1607-1754) Study online at quizlet.com/_3d2r8f 1. Acts of Three acts that regulated colonial trade: 1st act: 9. Fundamental It has the features of a written constitution, Trade and closed the colonies to all trade except that from Orders of and is considered by some as the first written Navigation English ships, and required the colonists to Connecticut Constitution. The Fundamental Orders of export certain goods, such as tobacco, to only Connecticut is a short document, but contains English territories, 2nd act: (1663) demanded that some principles that were later applied in everything being shipped from Europe to the creating the United States government. colonies had to pass through England so they 10. George English preacher who led the Great Awakening could tax the goods. 3rd act: 1673, was a Whitfield by traveling through the colonies reaction to the general disregard of the first two laws; it forced duties on the coastal trade among 11. Great (1730s and 1740s) Religious movement the colonies and supplied customs officials to Awakening characterized by emotional preaching enforce the Navigation Acts. (Jonathan Edwards & George Whitefield). It established American religious precedents 2. African Slave communities were rich with music, dance, such as camp meetings, revivals, and a "born American basket-weaving, and pottery-making. Enslaved again" philosophy. The first cultural movement Culture Africans brought them the arts and crafts skills of to unite the thirteen colonies. It was their various tribes. associated with the democratization of 3. Albany Plan proposed by Benjamin Franklin that sought religion, and a challenge to existing authorities Plan of to unite the 13 colonies for trade, military, and and was an influence leading to the American Union, other purposes; the plan was turned down by the Revolution. 1754 colonies & the Crown. 12. Great 1630s- 70,000 refugees left England for New 4. Anne One of the dissenters in Puritan Massachusetts Migration of World increasing population of New England. Hutcheson held bible studies at her house and believed in a Puritans personal relationship with god. 13. Headright Headrights were parcels of land consisting of 5. Bacon's 1676 - Nathaniel Bacon and other western system about 50 acres which were given to colonists Rebellion Virginia settlers were angry at Virginia Governor who brought indentured servants into Berkley for trying to appease the Doeg Indians America. They were used by the Virginia after the Doegs attacked the western settlements. Company to attract more colonists. The frontiersmen formed an army, with Bacon as 14. House of 1619 - The Virginia House of Burgesses its leader, which defeated the Indians and then Burgesses formed, the first legislative body in colonial marched on Jamestown and burned the city. America. It was made up of two 6. Ben A colonial businessman and scientist who was an representatives from teach town voted on by Franklin example of American social mobility and men who owned property. individualism. He was a delegate from 15. Indentured Colonists who received free passage to North Pennsylvania in colonial meetings, and proposed servants America in exchange for working without pay the "Albany Plan of the Union" as a way to for a certain number of years strengthen the colonies in the French and Indian War. He was a leading figure in the movement 16. Intolerant Not willing to accept ways of thinking toward revolution, and as a diplomat to France different from one's own. The expansion of to get help during the American Revolution colonies in New England was a direct result of Puritan intolerance as dissenters were exiled 7. Dominion 1686 - The British government combined the and created new settlements. of New colonies of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New England Hampshire, and Connecticut into a single 17. James Founded colony of Georgia as a chance for province headed by a royal governor (Edmund Oglethorpe poor immigrants who were in debt to have a Andros). The Dominion ended in 1692, when the second chance at a comfortable life colonists revolted and drove out Governor 18. Jamestown 1st permanent English settlement in North Andros. America in 1607. 8. French & 1754 - 1763; conflict between France and Great 19. John Rolfe He was one of the English settlers at Indian War Britain over land in North America in the Ohio Jamestown (and he married Pocahontas). He River Valley. discovered how to successfully grow tobacco in Virginia 20. John Smith A captain famous for world travel. As a 31. New A settlement established by the Dutch near the young man, he took control in Jamestown. Amsterdam mouth of Hudson River and the southern end of He organized the colony and saved many Manhattan Island as a trade port for the Dutch people from death trade empire. 21. John As governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, 32. Ohio River Controversial land that led to the French and Winthrop Winthrop (1588-1649) was instrumental in Valley Indian War; British win war and claim this land; forming the colony's government and region where British fur traders went; rich soil shaping its legislative policy. He envisioned for farming. the colony, centered in present-day Boston, 33. Pilgrims English Puritans who founded Plymouth colony as a "city upon a hill" from which Puritans in 1620 would spread religious righteousness throughout the world. 34. proprietary English colony in which the king gave land to colony proprietors in exchange for a yearly payment 22. Join or Die Famous cartoon drawn by Ben Franklin which encouraged the colonies to join in 35. Puritans A religious group who wanted to purify the fighting the British during the French and Church of England. They came to America for Indian War religious freedom and settled Massachusetts Bay. 23. Jonathan A leading minister during the Great Edwards Awakening, he delivered the famous sermon 36. Roger A dissenter who clashed with the "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Williams Massachusetts Puritans over separation of promising that evildoers would pay a price church and state and was banished in 1636, on judgement day. after which he founded the colony of Rhode Island to the south. 24. King Phillip's Under the leadership of Metacom, or King War Phillip, the Wampanoag destroyed colonial 37. royal A colony ruled by governors appointed by a towns, the colonists destroyed native farms, colony king leading to the most deadly of Indian Wars. 38. Sir William The royal governor of Virginia. Adopted The war was disastrous for the natives Berkeley policies that favored large planters and leading to few surviving the war, and those neglected the needs of recent settlers in the that did left New England. "backcountry." One reason was that he had fur 25. Lord 1694- He was the founder of Maryland, a trade deals with the natives in the region. His Baltimore colony which offered religious freedom, and shortcomings led to Bacon's Rebellion a refuge for the persecuted Roman 39. Social Movement of individuals or groups from one Catholics. mobility position in a society's stratification system to 26. Loss of Revoking of Mass. Charter by King George another Massachusetts II due to the colonists refusal to obey by the 40. Thomas A Puritan minister who led about 100 settlers Charter Navigation Acts leading to anti-British Hooker out of Massachusetts Bay to Connecticut feeling in the New England region. because he believed that the governor and 27. Massachusetts Allowed Puritans to take a charter with them other officials had too much power. He wanted Charter and establish their own government in the to set up a colony in Connecticut with strict New World. limits on government. He wrote the first written constitution "The Fundamental Orders of 28. Mayflower 1620 - The first agreement for self- Connecticut". Compact government in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a 41. town A purely democratic form of government government for the Plymouth colony meetings common in the colonies, and the most prevalent form of local government in New 29. Mercantilism An economic policy under which nations England. sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and 42. Triangular A practice, primarily during the eighteenth silver and by selling more goods than they Slave Trade century, in which European ships transported bought. slaves from Africa to Caribbean islands, molasses from the Caribbean to Europe, and 30. Middle A voyage that brought enslaved Africans trade goods from Europe to Africa. Passage across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies. 43. William Established the colony of Pennsylvania as a "holy experiment". Freemen had the right to vote, provided leadership for self- Penn government based on personal virtues and Quaker religious beliefs. His colony was religiously tolerant leading to diversity in the region..
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