THE STELLAR POPULATIONS OF GALAXIES INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION UNION ASTRONOMIQUE INTERNATIONALE THESTELLAR POPULATIONS OF GALAXIES PROCEEDINGS OF THE 149TH SYMPOSIUM OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION, HELD IN ANGRA DOS REIS, BRAZIL, AUGUST 5-9, 1991 EDITEDBY B.BARBUY lnstituto Astronomico e Geoffsico, Universidade de Săo Pau/o, Brazii and A. RENZINI Department of Astronomy, University of B%gna, lta/y SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data International Astronomical Unlon . SYl'llpOSiuli <149t!1 1991 Angra dos Rels. Brazi 1) The stellar populatlons of galaxles proCeedlngs of the 149th SymposlulII of the International AstronOlilcal Unicr:. held In Angra dos Rels. BraziI, August 5-9.1991 I edlted by Beatrlz Ba:"'buy and Alvl0 Renz In 1. p. CIII. Includes blbllographical references and Indexes. ISBN 978-0-7923-1699-21 hb ac 1d-free paper) 1. MII k.,. ~"':ay-- Cor.aresses. 2. Ca lax 1es--Congresses . 3. Stars- -Populations--Congresses. I. Sarbuy. Bec!llrlz. 1950- Il. RenZ1r.l. AlvlO. III. Title. Oe857. 7 . IS8 1991 523. l' 12--dc20 92-2211 ISBN 978-0-7923-1699-2 ISBN 978-94-011-2434-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-2434-8 Printed on acid-free paper AII Rights Reserved © 1992 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1992 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE xv THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEES XVII CONFERENCE PHOTOGRAPH XVlll LIST OF PARTICIPANTS XIX I. THE STELLAR POPULATIONS IN THE MILKY WAY J.E. Hesser The Halo Populations B.W. Carney The Ages of Globular Clusters 15 N.B. Suntzeff Population II in the Milky Way Galaxy and The LMC 23 R.M. Rich The Stellar Population of the Galactic Bulge 29 E.M. Sadler Metal-rich Stars in the Galactic Bulge and their Implications for Elliptical Galaxies 41 S. Ortolani Globular Clusters of the Inner Galactic Bulge 47 T. de Zeeuw Dynamics of the Galactic Spheroid 51 S.R. Majewski Structure and Kinematics at the North Galactic Pole 61 K.C. Freeman The Disk of the Galaxy 65 B. Gustafsson, B. Edvardsson, P. Nissen, D.L. Lambert, J. Tomkin, & J. Andersen The Chemical and Dynamical Evolution of the Galactic Disk 75 M.W. Feast, P.A. Whitelock, & R. Sharples The Galactic Bulge and the Thick Disc 77 R. Wielen, C. Dettbarn, B. Fuchs, H. Jahreiss, & G. Radons Dynamics of Stellar Populations in Galactic Disks 81 P.S. Conti The Stellar Content of Spiral Arms 93 J.M. Nemec & A.F. Linnell Nemec Mixture Models for Studying Stellar Populations: Bivariate Relationships and Posterior Mixing Proportions Applicable to the Thick-Disk Problem 103 A. Maeder Stellar Evolution and Stellar Populations in Galaxies 109 G. Hensler, A. Burkert, J.W. Truran, H. Diinhuber, & C. Theis The Formation of Disks in Galaxies 119 M. Spite Trends of Element Abundances in the Stars of Our Galaxy 123 B.E.J. Pagel Chemical Evolution of Stellar Populations 133 B. Barbuy The [a/Fe] Ratio in Halo, Disk and Bulge Stars 143 vi II. THE STELLAR POPULATIONS OF NEARBY RESOLVED GALAXIES M. Mateo The Stellar Populations of the Magellanic Clouds 147 D. Hatzidirnitriou & L.T. Gardiner Survey of Stellar Populations in the SMC 157 S. van den Bergh & C.J. Pritchet Stellar Populations in M31 and M33 161 W.L. Freedman The Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies of the Local Group & the Stellar Populations and Age of M32 169 J.R. Mould Intermediate Age Populations 181 G.S. Da Costa Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies 191 M. Azzopardi & J. Lequeux Surveying Carbon Stars in the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies 201 M. Tosi, L. Greggio, P. Focardi, & G. Marconi Stellar Populations in Dwarf Irregular Galaxies of the Local Group 207 N. Bergvall & J. Ronnback Blue Low Surface-Brightness Galaxies 211 E. Bica Star and Star Cluster Spectral Libraries 215 R.L. Kurucz Model Atmospheres for Population Synthesis 225 III. THE STELLAR POPULATIONS OF NON-RESOLVED GALAXIES R.W. O'Connell Ultraviolet Observations of Stellar Populations in Globular Clusters and Galaxies 233 J .A. Frogel The Stellar Content of the Bulges of Spiral Galaxies: What do We Know and How Do We Know It? 245 S.M. Faber, G. Worthey, & J.J. Gonzales Absorption-Line Spectra of Elliptical Galaxies and their Relation to Elliptical Formation 255 R. Bender l. Evidence for Merger Signatures in the Line-Strength Gradients of Elliptical Galaxies. 2. A Universal relation Between Metallicity and Potential Depth for All Hot Stellar Systems? 267 R. Terlevich Young Massive Elliptical Galaxies: Where are They? 271 M.G. Edmunds Metallicity of Unresolved Stellar Populations 277 M.D. Gregg Stellar Populations and Peculiar Velocities of Elliptical Galaxies 281 I. Pronik, N. Merkulova, 1. Metik, & V. Pronik The f3tellar Population in Galaxies Observed on the Astrophysical Station "ASTRON" 287 H.C. Ferguson, A.F. Davidsen, & G.A. Kriss The Hot Stellar Component in Elliptical Galaxies and Spiral Bulges 291 vii R.S. Ellis Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts 297 G. Bruzual A. Evolutionary Population Synthesis 311 C. Chiosi, G. Bertelli, & A. Bressan Models of Population Synthesis 321 A. Renzini The Age Ladder from Low- to High-Redshift Populations 325 S. Djorgovski & D.J. Thompson Searches for Primeval Galaxies 337 P. Traat Some Insights into the Photometric Evolution of Galaxies 349 A. Buzzoni, G. Chincarini, & E. Molinari Testing the World Model Through High Redshift Galaxies in Clusters 353 B. Rocca-Volmerange UV to IR Models of Galaxy Evolution and Cosmology 357 J. Silk Dark Populations 367 G.S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan The Neutron Star Population in the Galaxy 379 POSTER PAPERS A. Acker, J. Koppen, B. Stenholm & G. Jasniewicz Chemical abundances of galactic planetary nebulae 383 M. Albrow & P.L. Cottrell Line asymmetry and projection factors in Cepheid variables 384 C. Allen, W.J. Schuster & A. Poveda Orbital characteristics of high-velocity stars in two galactic mass distributions 385 E.J. Alfaro, J. Cabrera-Cano & A.J. Delgado Three-dimensional picture of the galactic disk as defined by the young stellar component 386 L. 1. Arany-Prado & R. de la Reza Astration and production in chemical evolution 387 J .C.N. de Araujo & R. Opher Can the first stars formed be pre-galactic? 388 B.P. Artamanov & P. Traat How many bursts of star formation in M82? 389 C.C. Batalha Pre main sequence chromospheric activity 390 M.A. Bershady Morphology and colors of distant galaxies 391 E. Bica, J.J. Claria, H. Dottori, J.F.C. Santos Jr. & A. Piatti Integrated UBV photometry of 624 LMC clusters 392 D.J. Bomans, A. Vallenari, W. Seggewiss, T. Richtler, E.K. Grebel & K.S. de Boer Photometric results for stellar fields inside supergiant shell LMC4 393 viii A.C. Borges & J .A. de Freitas Pacheco Synthetic M/LB ratios for E and S galaxies 394 A. Bressan, G. Bertelli, C. Chiosi, F. Fagotto & E. Nasi New theoretical isochrones 395 A. Bressan, G. Bertelli & C. Chiosi The HR diagram of LMC supergiant stars 396 A. Buzzoni, G. Gariboldi & 1. Mantegazza Metallicity distribution of elliptical galaxies through a quantitative calibration of the Magnesium Mg2 index 397 L. Carigi & J. Franco The evolution of the galaxy: the 160 gradient and the surface gas density 398 B.W. Carney & P. Seitzer The outer disk of the Galaxy 399 R.R. de Carvalho & S. Djorgovski Systematic differences between the field and cluster ellipticals 400 S. Castro, B. Barbuy, S. Ortolani & E. Bica Metallicity of the star III-17 in NGC 6553 401 M. Catelan & M.L. Quarta Synthetic horizontal branches for galactic globular clusters 402 M. Catelan A possible reconcilliation among different RR Lyrae absolute magnitude calibrations and implications for the age-metallicity relation 403 S.A. Cellone, J .C. Forte & D. Geisler Structure and colors of dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Fornax cluster 404 A. Chokshi Galaxy formation study using QSO absorbers 405 R. Cid Fernandes, H.A. Dottori, R.B. Gruenwald & S.M. Viegas Warmers: source of ionization and N enrichment in AGN 406 G. Clementini, C. Cacciari & J.A. Fernley The Mv(RR)-[Fe/H] relation from the Baade-Wesselink method applied for RR Lyrae stars 407 J. Colin, B. Dauphole-Fouillet & C. Ducourant Separation of halo and thick disc stars in two catalogs 408 C.J. Corbally & R.F. Garrison Spectral characteristics of early G-dwarf stars towards the galactic poles 409 M. Creze, B. Chen, A.C. Robin & O. Bienayme Searching significant signatures of stellar population characteristics in multivariate star count samples 410 A. Danks, M. Perez & B. Altner Ultraviolet studies of the face-on galaxy NGC 2217 411 M. Della Valle Nova LMC 1991: a super-bright nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 412 S. Djorgovski & G. Piotto Stellar population changes in post-core-collapse globular clusters 413 N. Epchtein, F. Guglielmo & W.B. Burton A deep near infrared southern sky survey: A new probe for hidden stellar populations in our galaxy 414 ix M. Erdelyi-Mendes, B. Barbuy & A. Milone Synthetic Mg1 , Mg 2 and Mgb indices 415 D.A. Forbes Infrared detection of supernova remnants in the nucleus of NGC 253? 416 P. Fran<;ois Relative abundances of Thorium and Europium in halo stars 417 J.A. de Freitas Pacheco, R.D.D. Costa He abundance in red giants 418 J.A. de Freitas Pacheco & R.D.D. Costa Mass loss from central stars of planetary nebulae with WC spectrum 419 A.C.S. Fria<;a Models of emission line regions around central cluster galaxies 420 U.
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