Issued TVesdav Thursday Thurs ner Issue Saturday he Courier-gazette Entered u Second Claas Mall Matter THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, November 25, 1937 Volume 92.................. Number 141. The Courier-Gazette HE WANTS TO KNOW TIIREE-TIMES-A-WEEK If Representative Smith of Maine A SHORTAGE OF CLAMS COUNTED THE FIRE ALARM ONE BIG HAPPY DAY Editor cannot get a satisfactory reason from WM. O. FULLER tne Social Security Board why fed­ Associate Editor eral contribution to the needy blind Com’r Feyler Says Situation Is Acute and Hints Then Charlie Taylor Went At His Subject Like a Camden Outing Club Hasn’t Overlooked a Single FRANK A WINSLOW In Maine are not being made, he will Subscriptions S3 oo per year payable ln seek a resolution of inquiry, he said, advance; single copies three cents. At Stern Measures House Afire—Crusade Nearing Its Climax Bet For Next Wednesday Advertising rates based upon circula- He has communicated this position tion and very »to the Social Secuity Board in Wash- NEWSPAPEB HISTORY ' Thc RocXland oazette was established 'r'8t°ni. D. C., saying that he has A shortage of clams available for ing a long time clam program and “Let us stop and count the num­ mean to take up the cross and fol­ Next Wednesday, Dec. are from the merchants’ new Christ- in 1346 in 1874 the Courier was estau- always been interested in old age the canning factories in Washington, that he hoped to offer some construc- 1, Camden Commandery mas stock, and each winner will re- Ilshed and consolidated with the Oazette . ... ber!" cried Charlie, as the fire alarm low Jesus? Well let us boil it right in 1882. Tiie Free Press was established ; assistance and other social contribu- Knox, and Hancock counties is creat- tive ideas in the near future, down. It means three things. First, ind entire Community ceive a worthwhile prize. Each player In 18:5 and in 1891 changed Its name to t ons that many in Maine are suf­ sounded during the opening part of tbe Tribune These papers consolidated ing a ‘'disturbing” situation in the ( Diggers say that the clams have to leave sin. That may raise another will sponsor the second will receive a numbered ticket which March IT. 1897. fering for lack of the federal con­ industry, says Rodney E. Feyler, practically disappeared from many the Spiritual Recovery Crusade serv­ question: 'What is sin?' Sin is trans­ annual Outing Club least will have a chance on the grand tributions, that the State has provid­ Commissioner of Fisheries. He stat- of the beds and complain that spe­ ice being conducted at the Commu­ gression of the law; sin is the lust of wi'h an afternoon and prize to be awarded at the close of ed the necessary state funds. ed that the law book was crammed cial town laws prevent them from nity Building. “One. two, three, four; flesh, the lust of the eye, and the evening of frolic and fun. this gala event. "If I cannot get a frank statement «• There Is not a more pleasing full of clam legislation but that his going into more productive areas. four. One, two three, four, five, six, pride of life. Knox County people will For those who wish to ‘enjoy bridge, ♦ exercise of the mind than gratl- containing reasonable reasons for the Department, as well as prominent Several cases were cited where spe- seven, eight; eight. Forty-eight!” “ft isn't always easy to explain to •neet their friends at a room has been set aside, under the ♦ tude.—Addison. delay I shall be impelled to offer an men in the industry, were not satis- cial laws prevent outside diggers from shouted Charlie. One man left the beys and girls, or to older people Camden Masonic hall, able direction of Mrs. Finlay Calder, order of investigation to ascertain fied that a practical solution to the excellent beds despite the fact that service, stating that the box was in either. A lot of people especially and are promised “more assuring each player of a pleasant why Maine ls not obtaining her share problem had been reached. | none of the townsfolks are working front of his home. He returned after young people, come to me and say, fun than a barrel of monkeys." All evening of cards. For reservations ot federal funds," Smith wrote to the Down east packers say that they I on them, the sermon had begun, but Charlie ‘Charlie, can I do this or can I do proceeds will go to the Camden for the evening call Mrs. Finlay Board. can get enough raw material for Legislators last winter passed a stopped and asked him what he had that, can I go here or can I go Outing Club. Calder—Camden 2368. It is requested only a few hours pack a week while law prohibiting the shipping of clams found. He said he had found his there?’ Why don’t you read the Bible? The "Monkeys'' will be let out of that you make your reservation orders are piling up. The price paid out of the counties of Washington, yard filled with people, but that the If you want to look up any particular the barrel Wednesday afternoon at early. FOR A PERFECT THANKSGIVING to diggers this fall is well above the Hancock, Waldo, Knox and Lin­ alarm was a false one. sins, read your Bible. Separate sins 2 o'clock, and fun and frolic will For pool addicts and card players, average but still production figures coln during the summer months. It This was the "Favorite Hymn” are listed there. reign supreme at Camden Masonic the fine facilities of the Camden Ma- service, a number of old and new ::: DINNER::: have reached an all time low. Work­ was contended that this would serve “I never enumerate sins. I claim Hall for the next 11 hours, with sonic Club will be at your disposal at hymns being called for, such as something doing every minute. | a nominal fee, under the supervision ers in the factories are complaining as a conservation measure. Commis- that any person who knows right and Choice of "Blessed Assurance,” “Let the Lower of the lack of work and many of the (sioner Feyler stated that this law wrong knows what sin is. When my A bridge party, with 25 tables, of Clayton R. McCobb and Zelma Soup, Fruit Cup or Lights Be Burning,” "An Evening .•ommunities dependent upon clam had not been in effect long enough little girl gets to be seventeeen or will comprise the afternoon's enter- M. Dwinal. Tomato Juice Cocktail Prayer,” “Our Christian Song," and plants are suffering from the small to give it a fair test. eighteen, lf she has to have a dis­ tainment. Those wishing tables If you like guessing games, Percy Roast Turkey or Roast Chicken "The Old Rugged Cross." payrolls. | One thing he is certain of is that sertation on the subject of what sin should get in touch with Mrs. Alton Keller has it. You will have six Dressing Giblet Gravy Rev. Charles Marstaller offered Fiench—phone Camdtn 8364. Re- chances to win a live pig two chick- Commissioner Feyler says that he the ‘'clam situation is a difficult is, something ls wrong. IT you want Cranberry Sauce prayer. is receiving many reports on the sit- problem and must be met with stern some good old sins that haven't serve your table early and don't miss . ens, some rabbits, a cage of white Laurie played Percy Grainger's Celery Onions uation with suggested cures. He said measures if necessary to preserve the been preached on for some time, look any of the fun and frolic. Tickets j mice, puppies, a duck, or some other "Country Garden," “Moment Musi- Mashed Potato Sweet Potato that his Department had been study- J industry."—From Dick Reed. in the book of Proverbs, and you will 25 cents a person. of our farmyard friends. This fine cale." “March Militalre" and Kar- Turnip Squash find some. Here are some things God The "Big Feast" at which general display of live stock, under Town gonoff's "Fairy Tales." Jellied Salad a faithful map of the locality was hates: Proverbs 6:17, 18. 'A proud Chairman H. S. Corthell, is planning Manager Keller's direction, is sure Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie Took A Header impressed upon his features, so that You Must Fight or Run look, a lying tongue, and hands that to feed 650 persons from Knox Coun- to give plenty of laughter and assure Plum Pudding ~ he presented a positively startling Dr. Taylor's subject Monday night shed innocent blood. An heart that ty towns will start promptly at 5.30 the lucky ticket holders of an inter- Nuts Roger Morang S Bicycle Ride picture when State Patrolman Ray to the young people was. "Fight or deviseth wicked imaginations, feet with plenty of food, and a feast fit j esting prize. for a King. The menu will consist of J The dance in the ballroom, featur- Tea or Coffee Is Now the Epic of Star- appeared upon the soene. brist- Run." He said in part: that be swift in running to mischief *1.25 • »*’ M'll Iling with Interrogation marks, In days of old, when knights I a false witness that speaketh lies, delicious roast beef with brown ing that new "Big Apple" dance, with were bold,” a challenge to mortal | and he that soweth discord among j Bravy.
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