E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2015 No. 158 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was portunity to review it. I hope they will coal families in States such as Ken- called to order by the President pro take that opportunity. I will certainly tucky to put food on the table. In other tempore (Mr. HATCH). have more to say on the matter later. words, it is facts-optional extremism f But for now, I encourage all our col- wrapped in callous indifference. Sen- leagues to examine the agreement. ators from both parties are saying: PRAYER On the legislation before the Senate Enough is enough. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- today, the challenges posed by cyber We filed bipartisan measures that fered the following prayer: attacks are real and they are growing. would allow Congress to overturn these Let us pray. They don’t just threaten governments two-pronged regressive regulations. I Sovereign Lord, we have heard of and businesses; they threaten individ- joined Senator HEITKAMP and Senator Your greatness from generation to gen- uals as well. Everyone understands CAPITO on a measure that would ad- eration. You sit enthroned in majesty, that a cyber attack can be a deeply dress the prong that pertains to the ex- for Your glory covers all the Earth. invasive attack on personal privacy. isting energy sources. Senator Today, bless and sustain our law- Everyone understands that a cyber at- MANCHIN joined me as I introduced a makers and their staffs. May their tack can be financially crippling. That measure that would address the prong words and deeds honor You. Lord, guide is why everyone should want to see the that pertains to new energy sources. them in righteous paths that will keep bipartisan cyber security bill before us Together these measures represent a America strong. Equip them to conduct pass today. comprehensive solution. Colleagues the work of freedom with justice and Its voluntary information sharing will join me to speak about these reso- humility. Give them contentment that provisions are key to defeating cyber lutions later today. I am sure they will comes from knowing and serving You. attacks and protecting the personal in- say more about the measures we filed Guide America, making it a light- formation of the people we represent. and the process associated with them. house for a dark and turbulent world. We also know the bill contains meas- But what everyone should know is Lord, thank You for being our strength ures to protect civil liberties and indi- this: The publication of these regula- and shield. vidual privacy. tions does not represent an end but a We pray in Your great Name. Amen. It is no wonder the Senate voted to beginning. It is the beginning of a new f advance it by a large bipartisan vote of front to defend hard-working middle- 83 to 14 last week. I want to thank class Americans from massive, massive PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman BURR and Vice Chairman regulations that target them. That The President pro tempore led the FEINSTEIN of the Intelligence Com- front is opening here in Congress, and Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: mittee for their continued hard work it is opening across the country as I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the on this legislation. We will consider a States file lawsuits and Governors United States of America, and to the Repub- number of amendments from both sides stand up for their own middle-class lic for which it stands, one nation under God, of the aisle today. Then we will proceed constituents. The battle may not be indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. to a final vote on the underlying bill. I short, and the battle may not be easy, f urge every colleague to join me in vot- but Kentuckians and hard-working ing to protect the personal data, pri- Americans should know that I am RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY vacy, and property of the American going to keep standing up for them LEADER people. throughout this effort. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- f f TON). The majority leader is recog- nized. ENERGY REGULATIONS RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER f Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on one final matter, the Obama adminis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The FISCAL AGREEMENT AND CYBER- tration recently published massive en- Democratic leader is recognized. SECURITY INFORMATION SHAR- ergy regulations that will not do a f ING BILL thing to meaningfully affect global Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, as carbon levels. It will not make a no- BUDGET AGREEMENT colleagues have no doubt already ticeable difference to the global envi- Mr. REID. Mr. President, Democrats noted, a fiscal agreement has been filed ronment. But it will ship more middle- have long called for bipartisan action that addresses a number of important class jobs overseas. It will punish the to stop these devastating sequester issues. Members currently have the op- poor. It will make it even harder for cuts because they hurt our middle class ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7497 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Oct 28, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27OC6.000 S27OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S7498 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 27, 2015 and our military. With this agreement frightening then, and it is even more Department of Homeland Security commu- the Republican leader just mentioned, frightening now. But as Mr. Fugate in- nication between a private entity and the we have done just that. Democrats and dicated, that is the scale of threat the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the United States Secret Service regarding cy- Republicans have come to a responsible United States faces with cyber ter- bersecurity threats. agreement that puts the needs of our rorism. Feinstein (for Coons) modified amendment Nation above the Republicans’ partisan We as a country must do more to pro- No. 2552 (to amendment No. 2716), to modify agenda. While this agreement is not tect ourselves against this cyber ter- section 5 to require DHS to review all cyber perfect, it does address both invest- rorism. It can be done if Republicans threat indicators and countermeasures in ment in domestic priorities that ben- will work with us. Democrats tried to order to remove certain personal informa- tion. efit the middle class and defense spend- pass comprehensive cyber security leg- Burr (for Flake/Franken) amendment No. ing. It helps us avoid a major threat to islation years ago. What happened? It 2582 (to amendment No. 2716), to terminate jobs and the general economy. The was filibustered by the Republicans. the provisions of the Act after ten years. time to do away with the devastating They wouldn’t even let us on this legis- Feinstein (for Franken) further modified sequester cuts that are harming our lation. They wouldn’t even allow us to amendment No. 2612 (to amendment No. middle class and military is not in the debate the bill. Whatever their rea- 2716), to improve the definitions of cyberse- curity threat and cyber threat indicator. future. It is right now. Democrats hope soning, I am glad the Republicans have Burr (for Heller) modified amendment No. to end sequestration for the good of our finally changed course in this decision 2548 (to amendment No. 2716), to protect in- great country. and allowed this simple bill to move formation that is reasonably believed to be Our work is not done. I hope that we forward. We support this legislative ef- personal information or information that can continue to work together—Demo- fort, but we recognize that it is far, far identifies a specific person. Feinstein (for Leahy) modified amendment crats and Republicans—to pass this too weak. No. 2587 (to amendment No. 2716), to strike legislation and place the priorities of Cyber terrorism and cyber attacks the FOIA exemption. the American people ahead of partisan are part of today’s world. But Repub- Feinstein (for Mikulski/Cardin) amend- politics. licans are denying the seriousness of ment No. 2557 (to amendment No. 2716), to provide amounts necessary for accelerated f this, as they are denying something clear to everyone in the world except cybersecurity in response to data breaches. CYBER SECURITY LEGISLATION Feinstein (for Whitehouse/Graham) modi- my Republican Senate and House Mem- AND CLIMATE CHANGE fied amendment No. 2626 (to amendment No. bers. We have climate change taking 2716), to amend title 18, United States Code, Mr. REID. Mr. President, it was 3 place that is really hurting everybody, to protect Americans from cybercrime. years ago this month that then-Sec- with rare, rare exception. Cyber ter- Feinstein (for Wyden) modified amendment retary of Defense Leon Panetta warned rorism and cyber attacks are part of No. 2621 (to amendment No. 2716), to improve the United States of a potential ‘‘cyber today’s world, just like climate change. the requirements relating to removal of per- Pearl Harbor.’’ A cyber Pearl Harbor sonal information from cyber threat indica- To not move forward with more com- tors before sharing. would be crippling, and it would be a prehensive cyber security legislation The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under cyber attack on our Nation’s banks, and to ignore what is happening in our power grid, government, and commu- the previous order, the time until 11 world dealing with climate change will a.m.
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