PHYSICAL REVIEW D 96, 105004 (2017) Quantum estimation of parameters of classical spacetimes T. G. Downes,1,* J. R. van Meter,2,3 E. Knill,3 G. J. Milburn,1 and C. M. Caves1,4 1Centre for Engineered Quantum Systems, School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia 2Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA 3National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado 80305, USA 4Center for Quantum Information and Control, University of New Mexico, MSC07–4220, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-0001, USA (Received 17 November 2016; published 6 November 2017) We describe a quantum limit to the measurement of classical spacetimes. Specifically, we formulate a quantum Cram´er-Rao lower bound for estimating the single parameter in any one-parameter family of spacetime metrics. We employ the locally covariant formulation of quantum field theory in curved spacetime, which allows for a manifestly background-independent derivation. The result is an uncertainty relation that applies to all globally hyperbolic spacetimes. Among other examples, we apply our method to the detection of gravitational waves with the electromagnetic field as a probe, as in laser-interferometric gravitational-wave detectors. Other applications are discussed, from terrestrial gravimetry to cosmology. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.96.105004 I. INTRODUCTION connection between local changes in the metric and relative changes in the states of quantum fields that live on the The geometry of spacetime can be inferred from physical spacetime. These changes, used to sense the spacetime measurements made with clocks and rulers or, more gen- parameters, can be characterized in terms of an evolution of erally, with quantum fields, sources, and detectors. We the state driven by a stress-energy integral with respect to assume that the ultimate precision achievable is determined ˆ by quantum mechanics. In this paper we obtain parameter- the change in the metric, which gives the operator P. based quantum uncertainty relations that bound the preci- For the universal connection between changes in states sion with which we can determine properties of spacetime in of quantum fields and the stress-energy integrals, we rely terms of stress-energy variances. Such uncertainty relations on the locally covariant formalism for quantum fields on might become increasingly relevant to empirical observation curved spacetime backgrounds [5]. For this purpose, we treat gravity classically as in general relativity, determined as, for example, laser-interferometric gravitational-wave − detectors are expected to approach quantum-limited sensi- by a metric with signature ð ; þ; þ; þÞ on a spacetime manifold. This is treated as a fixed background on which tivity across a wide bandwidth in the near future. — An informative, high-level way to quantify the precision the quantum fields used for measurements we call these “ ”— of a parameter measurement is by the inverse variance probe fields propagate. In particular, we do not con- sider back action from the quantum fields on the metric. In hðδθ~Þ2i of an estimator θ~. The best precision with which we any case, we expect that such back action would transfer can measure a parameter is determined by the quantum uncertainty in the quantum field being measured to the Fisher information [1,2]. For pure states, the Fisher infor- metric and reduce the achievable precision, for otherwise, mation reduces to a multiple of the variance hðΔPˆÞ2i of an ˆ by an argument given in Refs. [6,7], the uncertainty evolution operator P that describes how the quantum state principle for matter would be violated (see also Ref. [8] changes with changes in the parameter. This determines a for a study of the problem of back action when measuring parameter-based uncertainty relation [3,4], the structure of spacetime). We allow for the presence of classical fields that can ℏ2 hðδθ~Þ2ihðΔPˆÞ2i ≥ ; ð1:1Þ propagate on the spacetime background. We only consider 4 those fields that play a direct role as sources for the quantum fields used for measurement. These sources are whose form is reminiscent of the Heisenberg uncertainty determined by classical devices needed to implement the relations. measurement. For the types of measurement considered Such parameter-based uncertainty relations can be here, the parametrized changes of the metric are indepen- applied to parameters associated with local changes of dent of these equipment-related classical fields. In particu- the spacetime metric. They are derived from a universal lar, these classical fields contain no information about the parameter of interest, and for this reason we do not model *[email protected] them explicitly. 2470-0010=2017=96(10)=105004(23) 105004-1 © 2017 American Physical Society DOWNES, VAN METER, KNILL, MILBURN, and CAVES PHYSICAL REVIEW D 96, 105004 (2017) Our work in this paper relies on the parameter-based This approach was used by Braunstein, Caves, and uncertainty relation (1.1). To put such uncertainty relations Milburn [4] to develop optimal quantum estimation for in context, we consider now how the familiar Heisenberg spacetime displacements in flat Minkowski spacetime. In uncertainty relations generalize to parameter-based uncer- spacetime, not only can one move a fixed proper distance or tainty relations. The Heisenberg uncertainty relation for time, one can also boost and rotate. Quantum parameter position and momentum states that the product of the estimation was thus also developed for the parameters uncertainties in position and momentum, for any quantum corresponding to these actions [4]. The results were state, must be greater than a constant. In terms of the developed with the quantized electromagnetic field as variances of position and momentum, the Heisenberg the probe. These results show that estimates of a spacetime uncertainty relation is written as translation can be made increasingly accurate as the uncertainty in the operator that generates the translation, ℏ2 boost, or rotation is made very large. Δ ˆ 2 Δ ˆ 2 ≥ hð xÞ ihð pÞ i 4 ; ð1:2Þ In this paper we are interested in limits on the precision of estimates of parameters of the classical gravitational field. In general relativity the gravitational field is a where ℏ is the reduced Planck’s constant. The Heisenberg manifestation of the geometry of spacetime, which is uncertainty relation is derived in standard quantum described by a metric. The metric determines the length mechanics, where position and momentum are both rep- of the invariant (proper) interval between two spacetime resented as Hermitian operators. events according to [9] A similar relation, albeit with a different interpretation, exists between time and energy: 2 μ ν ds ¼ gμνðxÞdx dx ; ð1:4Þ ℏ2 δ 2 Δ ˆ 2 ≥ μ ν 0 hð tÞ ihð HÞ i 4 : ð1:3Þ where gμνðxÞ is the metric tensor, with indices , ¼ ,1, 2, 3 for time and the three spatial coordinates. The dxμ are Unlike position, time in standard quantum mechanics is a infinitesimal coordinate differences. We assume the classical parameter. The time-energy uncertainty relation is Einstein summation convention, where repeated upper an example of a quantum limit on parameter estimation. and lower indices are summed over. One tries to estimate a classical parameter, in this case time, Before we describe the relevant quantum parameter by making measurements on a quantum system, a “clock,” estimation, we ask the following: can any insight be found whose evolution depends on time. In the time-energy by applying the Heisenberg uncertainty relation, in its 2 parameter-based form, directly to a proper distance? It was uncertainty relation (1.3), hðδtÞ i is the classical variance along these lines that Unruh [10] derived an uncertainty of the estimate of t; this classical variance arises ultimately relation for a component of the metric tensor. Once from quantum uncertainties in clock variables conjugate to coordinates are chosen, there should only be quantum the Hamiltonian H. uncertainty in the proper time and the proper distance. As The most common way to make quantum mechanics these are in turn related to the metric via Eq. (1.4), any compatible with classical relativity is to demote position to uncertainty in the proper distance is equivalent to uncer- a parameter, just like time in the previous example. Physical tainty in the metric. By applying the Heisenberg uncer- systems can then be thought of as living on, and intera- tainty relation to a proper distance, Unruh found a simple, cting with, the classical spacetime manifold. In this yet insightful uncertainty relation for a single component of relativistic context, the position-momentum uncertainty the metric. The Unruh uncertainty relation for the g11 relation naturally becomes a quantum limit on parameter component of the metric (assuming particular Cartesian- estimation [3]. like coordinates), in terms of variances, is This parameter-based approach is the natural, opera- tional way to think of uncertainty relations. Nothing in the ℏ2 traditional Heisenberg uncertainty relation (1.2) refers 2 ˆ 11 2 hðδg11Þ ihðΔT Þ i ≥ ; ð1:5Þ directly to a measurement of position or momentum. In V2 the parameter-based approach, one considers measure- ments of any sort whose results are used to estimate where here, and henceforth, we use units such that changes in a parameter; quantum mechanics then says, G ¼ c ¼ 1. The conjugate variable to g11 is the corre- via the quantum Fisher information, that the uncertainty of sponding component of the quantized stress-energy tensor, 11 the estimate is limited by the uncertainty in the operator that in this case the pressure Tˆ in the x1 direction. The key generates changes in the parameter, in a way that looks like feature of this uncertainty relation is the inverse propor- (but by being operational is more powerful than) a tradi- tionality to V2, the square of the four-volume of the tional Heisenberg uncertainty relation.
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